

as emilys room fades back into view she gets up and heads out. emily lives in a "treatment facility" also known as where the people who cant be dealt with go...kinda like quarantine, since they don't know if some of them are contagious no one is allowed to leave or enter unless its "authorized"...

"em your gonna be late"!

emily looks down to see sam on the 1st floor where the less serious cases go. As emily pushes into the lunch room everybody rushes past one another, they don't deliver much or the greatest meals so everybody thinks for themselves and their own. sam is my own even though we are so different sam is always smiling and saying things like "it's gonna be alright" or "its ok" while people look at me and think "distant", Sam's sick with something we call plague it spreads do different parts blackish welts since its consistent they keep her on the bottom level she doesn't spike often but when she does the welts consume her entire body... The meals here are weird you grab a tray if you need one and grab whatever you "need" not want need...the worst of us the immobile ones get the best of course most are ok with that some aren't but it doesn't really matter. I grab for me and sam and hurry back. Breakfast finishes and we flood out. Its test day the day everybody wishes they didn't get out of bed.