
Feudal Trader

What if an option trader from a South America country was transmigrated to a fantastical world? And if this period was ruled not by the political and military strong, but the most magical proficients? What if gods and goddess were not only worshiped but also provided gifts and blessings to their people, as well as curses? These questions baffled the mind of Rufus, our trader daydreamer, his nerd background and vast tabletop RPG experience always induced him into thinking of new worlds and how they could develop. However, this time, the conceptual world that inhabits his thoughts is his new home. “Should I be happy? Angry? Why was I chosen to do that?” Follow our trader into his new pavement job of introducing modern concepts to a fantastical feudal country.

LazyBarbarian · Kỳ huyễn
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Olympus 3

FeTr 0005: Olympus 3

"It seems that I am going to a place alone, with a mission, without any idea about what it is"

How could a god believe that I will adhere to something so insane? Maybe he does not know that I have died a few days ago, and the afterlife is everything new. Just his proposal of good eternal life for my loved ones does not seem a good one. Actually, good eternal life is an excellent condition, I would save a lot of trouble for everyone in the future. I can't go back, but if I am able to something for them here, I would.

"Wait, do not jump to conclusions. I can't explain the reason I receive such an advantage because that will flaw all the balance process. Obviously, I will not allow nor would permit that you go to a new world without telling you anything. However, if I disclose the motivation, your new life might be a lot more troublesome."

His reasoning had some sense, although the way he spoke before gave me the impression not about a transmigration, but an exile from Olympus to a hostile new world.

I took a drip of the mate tea while looking at him and spoke: "I am not jumping the conclusion, but is it not risky for me to embark in a new world just after entering the Olympus?"

He was enjoying his mate tea, I think he likes it more than me. He seemed to be thinking of something while doing that, though. Not impatient, but like he was about to offer something better.

"Yes, I would also waive your interest tax and I will reimburse your travel fee. I can't offer you a place directly in Olympus, as it is a home for gods only, but I can give you a mansion in my dominion." He stopped, then continued.

"Naturally, also, a place for your descendants. Probably, I would make you a minor lord."

That was something that I did not though so much, if I am going to life (in the afterlife?), I would enjoy having a place to stay. And to live in a god's domain. Seemed a pretty good offer now.

"What do you mean by minor lord?"

"Something above a mortal soul and below a demigod. Of course, some responsibilities would be assigned to you sporadically, such managing your fiefdom and its inhabitants, the souls residing there."

"I apologize, all of this does not make much sense to me. I was a simple trader with a computer, some clients, and guidelines for operations. Sorry in advance, but your proposal sounds like a scam."

When I told him that it appeared that he was trying to trick me, I feared that our conversation would go in bad ways, but all of this until is too surreal.

"Moreover, I have my obols. I did not take a loan with Charon to come here."

I desperately need a camera. He shocked face was incredible, it was like I told him that he won the lottery.

"However, I was simply lucky, as my parents buried me along with my coin collection."

"Richer souls are essentially nonexistent. Everyone arrives here with unbelievable amounts of flowers."

Flowers might not have a commodity value, as everyone has bunches of them.

"I also have flowers. Does anyone use them?"

"Demeter, probably had some use. But with the amount that comes with every soul, I believe that she does not need anything for some millennia."

We started to digress, I should avoid doing that. He is a god, not my buddy.

"In that case, I pay you the two gold coins in advance. And keep the same interest rate until you come back to Olympus. Simplifying things, I will pay you two gold coins per year that you stay in this new land."

One of my questions was answered. Compound rate would turn the debt unpayable, so they were thinking in simple interest.

"I thought it would be a compound rate."

"We are gods, not shark lenders. I would warn Charon, this is not the first time that he 'forgot' to tell people this small piece of detail for newcomers."

I don't know how Hermes would 'warn' Charon, but probably some bad things are going to happen to him. Sorry, pal, but it is your mistake forgetting to tell someone that.

"Let me summarize: I am going to receive two gold coins per year, plus two in advance. My descendants, up to the third generation, would live in your domain, which is close to Olympus. And I will be the feudal lord of such a divine fiefdom?"

"Correct. Helena shall bring our contract with all details by tomorrow. One thing that is important to say. Gods cannot tell lies, but they can work around it a little bit. You might have to deal with others in the future, so it is good to know some basic rules right now."

Interesting, but the gods do not seem to be omnipotent. They can't hear my thoughts, nor force me to do anything.

"Can I reject your offer?"

"Yes, you can. Personally, if you dislike my proposal, I would rather understand your concerns and eliminate them than search for another candidate."

"So, is just by sheer luck that I am here?"

"Gods can't lie. So I swear before Rufus Costa that I do not relate in any way to your death."

A red aura appeared besides the god, a chill ran down my spine and a humanoid creature covered by a hood and cape holding a scythe walked out from that red aura.

"A God Swear. Amazing, this gentleman must be valuable to you do something like that. Or you just this to make him in awe?" Said with a smooth and delicate feminine voice, the humanoid.

"The latter."

"Fine, he swore the truth, child. But for a small donation, I can tell you what you want."

Hermes did not say anything while the humanoid made his offer.

"So was there someone behind my arrival here?"

"Five silver coins." I was worried that everything costs in gold coin here, my collection held hundreds of silver coins, as they were easier and cheaper to buy.

"Fine." I went to my new satchel, courtesy of Charon, and retrieved five small silver coins.

The humanoid was left speechless. I think they were about to make a loan offer to me, Hermes said that they were not shark lenders, but they behaved as if they were!

"Err… This was very anticlimactic. Fine, you paid. The god of war promoted directly the events that lead to your death. However, his target was someone else, Cintia and your boss were the targets."

Hermes found funny to see the humanoid scythe in disbelief after the rare rich soul paying a price. But his mood soured when he heard about the war god.

"I think I will require your information services later."

"It would be a pleasure, Hermes. However, it's time to make my leave. Thank you, Rufus and Hermes." Then they vanished in the air.

"Who were they?"

"Veritas. The goddess of truth. You may be curious why she is like the death gods in your modern mythologies. But her appearance is different for everyone, I see her as she is because I know the Truth."

"And I don't."

"Yet, maybe someday you will."

Each new encounter in the afterlife suggests that this place is deeply complex and with a very complex web of intrigues and nastiness that I might not want to get entangled.

"But, don't be worried about this. You are going to this new place, right. The Olympians's problems can be solved and discussed by themselves." I see what you tried here, but you are not going to escape.

"Are you in bad terms with the war god?"

"Yes, I do not like owing him favors at all. But if your arrival has something to do with his misconduct, I am indirectly in debt." Hermes was not trying to hide its discomfort.

"Okay, going back to our deal. What is that I have to do there? And how this world named, and everything else I need to know."

"Your goals are simple, diffuse your knowledge there, mix them with divine and arcane magic and promote an economic growth of Midgard."

"Midgard? Are they some kind of viking dimensional realm? And wait, divine and arcane magic, it is a sword and magic world, like the isekai novels?"

"No for the former, and yes for the latter. The name is simply a coincidence, but there are some overlaps with the viking mythology that you know. They believe in a great tree that contains the spirit of the world, there are giants and monsters. But not the same way."

"And, it is like your isekai thematic novels" Hermes was amused, and he was holding back some of his laughs for some time.

"Beast people?"

"Is every earthling obsessed over beast people? But yes, they exist there. Not in the best conditions, you might say."

"No, most people are not, I think. I was just trying to understand how different it would be to what I expected." I asked about beast people as a joke, I did not intend to be serious, but it appears that this a frequently asked question.

"As I have said before, I cannot give you many details regarding your new home. But please, I recommend you to have some caution about your preconception that came from fantastic literature of your home world."

"I think you should think about this with calm. I need a champion in Midgard, but I can wait for a week or two. If you don't mind, I would like to receive you as a guest in this house for now."

Well, I actually don't have any place to go. But considering my wealth and the way the afterlife is, I could get an inn or a hotel. Yet being served in a god's mansion, it is something nice.

"If it is not a problem for a god to have a mortal soul in his abode." Hermes smirked at my polite tone.

"Perfect. Helena should have delivered the terms we discussed to your room. I have some matters to address now, so I need to excuse myself. Please have a tour. Explore the Olympus or in my… abode. I shall make accompany you in the lunch tomorrow." Hermes stood up and offered his hand for a shake to me.

"Thank you. God Hermes, I appreciate your concern and your time." My business mode has kicked in, now I am unstoppable. Hermes was again looking funny to me given my sudden change, I guess. I took his hand and went to the door. Helena was already there, waiting for me.

Was she always there? Did she listen to all we discussed? I do not remember when she entered the room.

"Please, follow me once again Mr. Rufus, I will guide you to your room."

"Rufus, I would like to say I am very pleased that you accepted my invitation and listened to my proposal. I hope to hear some positive things from you tomorrow." Hermes went to the door and opened it for us to leave, I thanked him for the hospitality and left with Helena to the guest room.

"Being in another world, I do not even know the Olympus was real…" I spoke to myself while walking besides Helena.

"It is a great offer, Mr. Rufus, few people have the opportunity to transmigrate. Usually, the reincarnation with memory clean is the rule." Helena had said while looking at me.

I don't know if I take her words, she has a clear conflict of interest as his boss is Hermes, and the one that made the actual proposal.

"Tomorrow, I recommend you to explore Olympus. Talk with other people and learn more about Midgard. We do not like to rush you, make a well-informed choice. You are going to be our ally there, not a slave nor a minion."

She was pleading, something must be happening to this world to them look out for me on right after I joined the afterlife. However, I did not feel like they were trying to lie or trick me, intuition might not be the wisest thing to follow at this moment. But somehow I know that this is a once-in-a-lifetime offer.

Rufus is starting to get a feel of what meant to be in the afterlife. The next chapter we are going to follow his thoughts and his small tour in the Olympus.

Again, our hero is not going to be thrown in transmigration. Hermes is looking for a reliable ally, not a pawn!

And thank you for following Rufus until here. Creation is hard, please cheer me up! :)

LazyBarbariancreators' thoughts