

She was there, lying on the ground and crying. Her name is Nadia, my mother, this story is mine but let's start from the beginning...

Nadia, my mother, was a very intelligent woman, in her environment or even in her school she shone and was popular with her friends.

She was until she fell in love with a man, quite different from the others, he was much older than her. At the end of the classes she saw Franck her crush in front of the school gate. She passed by to be able to attract the attention of Franck who was also there for her. When she arrived at the gate, she was challenged by Franck.

- Hi Nadia, said Franck.

- Oh... uh... Hello, said Nadia.

- How are you? he asked.

- Great thank you.

- How would you like it if I invite you tonight?.

- Uh... actually I don't know if my parents will accept but maybe...

- You can always go out without them knowing, quickly replied Franck, stopping Nadia by the hand.

She ends up promising Franck that she will come. He smiled and whispered in Nadia's ear: "Nobody has to know, it has to stay between you and me... There will be a very special surprise just for you".

On the way home, she was thinking about how she was going to tell her parents that she wants to go out. All the options came to her mind, she was ready for anything to be able to finally be alone with the person who took her heart.

She arrived home and saw her father who was sitting there on the sofa and listening to his radio, a bottle of wine in front of him, his feet on the table.

- Hi dad, I'm back.

-Why did you take so long to get home today?, asked Thomas, her father.

- Oh, I was with friends, which is why I lasted a bit.

- Be careful to come back sooner now.

- OK...

She went straight to her room and thought about how she was going to go about asking her father for permission, already that he started asking questions as soon as he got back from school...

In the evening, she went to see her mother and said to her:

- Mom, please, can I go out tonight? I have a rehearsal class with friends

-You know it well my dear, said Jeanne to Nadia, if it only depended on me, you would be free, but the problem is your father.

Nadia rolled her eyes and said "It's always the same, I can't be free because of a father who doesn't even care about me"

- Don't say that if he didn't care about you, he would have already given you free will.

- I want this free will, replied Nadia.

She turned and went to her room. She therefore decided not to ask for anything more... At 7 o'clock in the evening, she left without any authorization and went to her appointment, at Franck's home. She rang the doorbell; but no answer. She called Franck several times, but no answer. When she decided to leave, she saw Franck who was also coming back.

- Franck, why did you make me wait?

- Sorry, I went to get us something to drink.

- Us?, asked Nadia I did not come to drink Franck, nor to last and my parents do not know that I went out.

- Nadia, don't worry, everything will be fine. I'll walk you home, but first come with me and have a drink or two, it won't hurt you.

- I really don't want to delay, please Franck.

- Don't you want to know the surprise i kept for you?

- You're tiring me, said Nadia laughing, and went to Franck's house.