

After being subjected to secret experiments, a man finds himself transformed into a vampire, thrust into the hidden and complex society of his new kind. Struggling with clouded memories of his past life, he must navigate the treacherous waters of vampire politics, alliances, and betrayals. As he tries to find his place within this unfamiliar world, he grapples with an intense blood lust that threatens to consume him. To make matters worse, he becomes the target of vampire hunters determined to eradicate his kind. Amidst these challenges, he must uncover the truth about his transformation, confront his inner demons, and fight for survival in a world where trust is scarce and danger lurks at every turn.

Liam_Rashi · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs

Chapter Four: Venator Ventorum

Proving Grounds

General Ross sat in a dimly lit room, his eyes fixed intently on the array of CCTV screens displaying various training sessions within the Silver Edge training centre. The room was filled with the low hum of electronics and the occasional chatter of agents reporting in. Beside him stood Commander Jackson, Valery's commanding officer, a stern-looking man with a reputation for being tough but fair.

"I've been keeping a close eye on Agent Winters," General Ross began, his gaze never wavering from the screen showing Valery effortlessly taking down a target during a hand-to-hand combat exercise. She's been showing remarkable progress, not just in combat but in strategic planning and leadership skills as well."

Commander Jackson nodded, his expression thoughtful. "I've noticed it too. She's got an instinct for leadership, and her team respects her. She's been performing exceptionally well in our recent missions."

General Ross leaned back in his chair, and his fingers steepled as he considered the implications. "I think it's time we give her a squad. She's ready for the responsibility, and I believe she'll excel in leading her team."

Commander Jackson looked slightly surprised but pleased. "I agree, she's earned it. But we'll need to ensure she's given adequate support and resources. Building a squad from scratch is no small feat."

"Of course," General Ross agreed. I'll make sure she's given everything she needs to succeed and arrange a meeting with her to discuss this new assignment."

As they continued to watch Valery train, both men couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and anticipation for what she would accomplish in her new role. Unbeknownst to them, Valery's recent encounters with you had added a new layer of complexity to her loyalties and ambitions.

Commander Jackson stood at the head of a long table in a briefing room, a large screen displaying a map of an abandoned processing plant behind him. The room was filled with the low murmur of hushed conversations as the nine men and women settled into their seats, their faces a mix of anticipation and focus. Valery, now known as Venator One, sat attentively, her eyes scanning the faces of her new squad members.

"Listen up," Jackson began, his voice commanding immediate attention. "Our next mission is in an abandoned processing plant on the city's outskirts. Intel suggests a hive of feral ghouls numbering at least thirty. This strongly suggests the presence of a feral vampire, as ghouls don't typically group in numbers larger than ten without a commanding vampire or brute."

A hand went up, and Jackson's eyes narrowed as he spotted the young private, Emily, from the corner of his eye. 

"What causes vampires and ghouls to become feral?" Emily asked, her voice betraying a hint of curiosity.

Jackson's face darkened, and he cut her off sharply. "Read your fucking dossier," he snapped, his voice echoing in the tense silence. He took a deep breath, reigning in his temper before continuing. "Forceful turnings can cause vampires to lose their minds, turning them feral. All subsequent offspring of that vampire are also feral. Now, back to the briefing."

Diverting his attention back to the screen, Jackson began to break down the teams. "I'll lead Team Divine Retribution. My call sign is Divine One, and my team will consist of Divine Two through Divine Five." 

Valery felt slightly surprised as her call sign, Divine Two, was announced. Her eyes widened in shock as the rest of the team was named Divine Three through Divine Five. 

Jackson then turned to Valery, a slight smile on his face. "Agent Winters, you'll now be in charge of your unit, Venator Ventorum. You will be Venator One."

Valery felt a rush of unexpected emotion. A sense of accomplishment and pride welled up inside her, even though she couldn't understand why she felt this way. No one had explicitly asked her to be a leader, but deep down, her subconscious remembered your instructions and responded accordingly.

"Your team will consist of Venator Two through Venator Five," Jackson continued, naming the rest of Valery's squad. "Venator Two will be Rodriguez, Venator Three will be Chen, Venator Four will be Thompson and Venator Five," he paused, looking pointedly at Emily, "will be Williams."

As the briefing ended and the team began to disperse, Valery couldn't shake the feeling of confusion mixed with a newfound sense of purpose. She felt ready to lead, even though her conscious mind couldn't quite understand why.

The Battle for Fristol Meat Processing Plant

The two helicopters, one for Divine Retribution and the other for Venator Ventorum, sliced through the night air with purpose. The moonlight glinted off their sleek exteriors as they approached the abandoned processing plant, a looming shadow against the dark landscape.

Inside the first helicopter, Divine Retribution sat in tense silence. Commander Jackson's voice broke through the quiet, authoritative and clear.

"Listen up, team. We're going in hot and heavy through the front door. Our job is to be the bullseye, draw out the hive, and keep them busy. Remember, our objective is to distract. Venator Ventorum will handle the primary target."

Sitting in the second helicopter with her team, Valery felt a knot tighten in her stomach. This was their trial, their chance to prove themselves as a unit. She glanced over her team, her new responsibility as their leader weighing heavily on her shoulders. Their light tech armour starkly contrasted with the heavy, bulky gear of Divine Retribution. It was designed for agility and stealth, moulded to fit each member perfectly. The sleek helmets had built-in communication systems and advanced night vision capabilities. Their weapons were customized for silence and precision, equipped with suppressors and specialized ammunition designed to kill ghouls without alerting the entire hive.

As they neared the drop zone, Valery caught the eye of each team member, offering a nod of reassurance. There was Venator Two, a sharpshooter with a calm demeanour, her weapon of choice a high-powered crossbow modified to shoot specialized bolts designed to incapacitate their targets. Venator Three was their close-quarters combat expert, wielding a pair of retractable tonfas equipped with shockwave technology. Venator Four was their tech specialist, armed with various electronic gadgets designed to disrupt and disable enemy systems and other valuable tech for vampire murder. As he would say, one of his favourites disorientated vampires and ghouls through their senses. Finally, there was Venator Five; despite her initial misstep, she was eager to prove herself, her eyes filled with determination.

Meanwhile, Jackson's Divine Retribution team was a picture of focused intensity. Their heavy tech armour was a fortress on legs, designed for maximum protection and firepower. The helmets were equipped with advanced targeting systems, and the armour was reinforced with thick, durable plating. Their weapons were a collection of heavy artillery, from grenade launchers and heavy machine guns to high-powered lasers, all designed to cause maximum damage.

Venator Five's voice crackled over the comms as they approached the drop zone, breaking the tension. "What about the public? Won't they investigate if they hear explosions?"

A collective sigh of exasperation echoed through the comms from both teams. Jackson's voice came through, sharp and irritated. "The nearest civilian building is 300 miles away, Private. You should know this. If you were on my squad, I'd write you up for this."

The first helicopter touched down near the processing plant, its engines roaring through the night. As the Divine retribution disembarked, Jackson over comms to Valery;

"Agent Winters, you and your team will be taking the roof. Your objective is to locate and eliminate the feral vampire; failure is not an option.

As Divine Retribution approached the front entrance of the processing plant, the weight of their heavy tech armour pressed against their bodies, providing a sense of invulnerability. The moonlight gleamed off their polished armour, and the hum of their advanced weaponry filled the air with ominous anticipation.

Commander Jackson signalled for them to halt a few meters from the entrance. He took a moment to address his team, his voice echoing through their helmet comms.

"Remember, our job is to create chaos, to be the loud, irresistible target that draws out the hive. We'll use a combination of explosives and heavy firepower to make our presence known. We want to keep them focused on us, to buy Venator Ventorum the time they need to locate and eliminate the feral vampire. Understood?"

A chorus of affirmations came through the comms as the team prepared their weapons. Grenade launchers were loaded, heavy machine guns were primed, and the lasers were set to disorient and confuse.

Meanwhile, Venator Ventorum had reached the roof, their light tech armor allowing for swift and silent movement. The specialized material of their armor seemed to absorb the moonlight, making them almost invisible in the darkness. Their weapons were a blend of silent killers: high-powered crossbows, retractable tonfas, and an assortment of electronic disruptors.

Valery signaled for her team to gather around. She glanced at each member, seeing the determination in their eyes.

"We have the advantage of surprise and stealth," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "Our mission is to locate and neutralize the feral vampire. Stay close, communicate, and remember, our objective is precision and speed."

With a nod of understanding, Venator Ventorum moved into position above the hive. Valery took a moment to focus, her senses heightened, her awareness expanding as she tapped into her training and experience.

Back at the front entrance, Jackson gave the signal.

"Let's move," Jackson ordered, and the team advanced, their hearts pounding in their chests.

The processing plant loomed before them, an imposing steel and concrete structure. The air grew cold as they entered, and their footsteps echoed ominously through the empty corridors.

Suddenly, a low growl echoed through the darkness, followed by the shuffling of feet. The ghouls were near.

"Contact front!" shouted Divine Two, his voice tinged with fear as he unleashed a barrage of gunfire.

The horde of ghouls emerged from the shadows, their grotesque forms moving erratically, their eyes glowing with feral hunger. They came in waves, a relentless tide of snarling, snapping creatures.

Divine Three let out a curse as he fired a grenade into the advancing horde. "We've got more than thirty! There's gotta be over a hundred!"

The team held their ground, their advanced targeting systems locking onto their targets. They fired in controlled bursts, taking down the ghouls with ruthless efficiency. The lasers proved remarkably effective, disorienting the creatures and making them easy targets.

But the horde was relentless. Wave after wave of ghouls poured into the processing plant, their numbers seemingly endless. The air was thick with the stench of decay and the sound of snarling and growling.

Divine Four let out a scream as a ghoul lunged at him, its teeth sinking into his arm. He fought back, smashing the creature's skull with the butt of his rifle, but more ghouls were closing in.

"Keep firing! Hold the line!" Jackson roared, his heavy machine gun spitting out a hail of bullets.

Divine Five, the young private who had recently joined through a recruitment drive by the Silver Edge agency in all the military branches, a young lady who was always intrigued by the shadows that the government withheld from the public the mission briefing, was visibly shaken by the monstrosity she was seeing. Her hands trembled as she struggled to reload her weapon. "I didn't sign up for this!" she cried.

"Focus, Private! We need you!" Jackson yelled, his voice filled with desperation.

The battle raged on, the team fighting with everything they had. Grenades exploded, gunfire echoed, and the ground shook from the force of the explosives. The air was thick with smoke and dust, and the screams of the dying filled the night.

Despite the overwhelming odds, Divine Retribution held their ground. Their advanced armour and heavy weaponry proved too much for the ghouls to handle. Slowly but surely, the tide of the battle turned in their favour.

But the cost was high. Divine Two lay motionless on the ground, his body torn apart by the ghouls. Divine Three and Four were wounded, their armour dented and bloodied, but they continued to fight, their determination unwavering.

As the last ghouls fell, Jackson signalled for his team to regroup. "Fall back! Fortify in that room! We're not done yet!"

Divine Retribution retreated to a nearby room, their heavy tech armour feeling like a second skin as they barricaded the entrance and fortified their position. The battle was far from over, but they had survived a victory.

Two floors above them.

The dimly lit corridors of the processing plant echoed with the sounds of chaos. Explosions reverberated through the walls, causing dust and debris to rain down from the ceiling. The ground shook under the weight of the ongoing battle, and the muffled cries of Divine Retribution could be faintly heard in the distance.

Inside a shadowy room, members of Venator Ventorum gathered around their leader, Valery. The atmosphere was tense, and each member was keenly aware of the danger their comrades in Divine Retribution faced. The team's specialized equipment, designed for stealth and precision, contrasted sharply with Divine Retribution's heavy tech armor.

Venator Five, Emily, couldn't suppress her concern. "Divine One, how are they holding up out there?"

Jackson's voice crackled over the comm, dripping with annoyance. "Venator Five, focus on the mission at hand! Divine Retribution knew the risks when they signed up." His stern reprimand silenced the group, leaving Emily visibly shaken.

Valery shot Emily a stern look, her voice cold and commanding. "Emily, our primary objective is the feral vampire. We must remain focused if we're to succeed."

Emily swallowed hard, nodding in acknowledgement. "Yes, Venator One. I understand."

Gathering their composure, Venator Ventorum moved forward, their footsteps silent and synchronized. The only sounds were the soft hum of their equipment and the distant, unsettling noises of the ongoing battle. With each step, the tension grew, the weight of the mission pressing down on them.

The labyrinthine layout of the processing plant proved challenging, filled with twists, turns, and hidden chambers. As they navigated through the maze-like structure, Venator Ventorum encountered groups of ghouls. The grotesque and twisted creatures lunged at the team with ferocious intensity.

Venator Two, Rodriguez, was the first to engage, his weapon unleashing a barrage of specialized rounds designed to incapacitate the ghouls without alerting others. Venator Three, Chen, provided cover, her tech-enhanced crossbow launching silent projectiles that found their mark with deadly accuracy.

Despite their skill and training, the sheer number of ghouls was overwhelming. The creatures seemed to pour from every shadowy corner, their relentless onslaught pushing Venator Ventorum to its limits.

Venator Four, Thomas, activated his scanning tech, desperately trying to locate the source of their primary objective after the battle settled down. "There's a large chamber up ahead," he reported, his voice filled with urgency. The readings suggest it's where the feral vampire is located." It seems the battle downstairs has settled down, said Venator 5. Valery simply nodded. Then it's our turn. Let's do this.

As they approached the chamber, a chilling sensation washed over them. The air grew colder, and a sense of dread filled the room. Drawing closer, the grotesque form of the feral vampire came into view. It was a horrifying sight, its pale skin stretched taut over elongated limbs, its face a nightmarish blend of human and bat-like features. The stench of death and decay permeated the air, causing several members of Venator Ventorum to recoil in disgust.

Valery`s blood sensed it before seeing it; she could feel its power. Valery quickly relayed their discovery to Divine One. "We've located the feral," she reported, her voice steady despite the horror. "Preparing to engage."

Inside the chamber, the feral vampire seemed to sense their presence—instead, it sensed the presence of a ghoul not of its own making. It let out a guttural growl, its eyes glowing a malevolent red. The tension was palpable, and each member of Venator Ventorum gripped their weapons tightly, ready to confront the creature.

Valery, Venator One, took a deep, steadying breath, her grip tightening on her weapon. "Remember," Valery whispered, her voice firm, "stay together, watch each other's backs, and trust in your training. We can do this."The feral vampire hissed, its lips pulling back to reveal rows of razor-sharp teeth. Without warning, it lunged forward, its movements a blur of speed and ferocity.

Thomas reacted instantly, activating his tech-enhanced disorientation device. A blinding flash of light filled the chamber, accompanied by a piercing sound that echoed painfully in their ears. The feral vampire roared in anger and confusion, momentarily thrown off course.

Seizing the opportunity, Valery and Emily opened fire. Their weapons unleashed a barrage of specialized rounds, each designed to incapacitate the creature. The feral vampire shrieked as the rounds struck home, its pale skin sizzling upon contact.

But the creature was resilient. With a mighty swipe of its elongated arm, it knocked Emily aside, sending her crashing into the chamber wall. She cried out in pain, her weapon clattering to the ground.

"Emily!" Valery shouted, rushing to her side. She quickly pulled her to her feet, narrowly dodging another feral vampire's lunges.

With a deafening roar, Venator Two leapt from seemingly nowhere, his weapon blazing as he unleashed a hail of bullets at the feral vampire. The creature, caught off guard by the sudden attack, let out a startled cry as the rounds struck home, tearing through its flesh and sending plumes of dark blood spraying across the chamber.

But the victory was short-lived. Enraged and wounded, the feral vampire turned its wrath upon Venator Two. It lunged at him with lightning speed, its elongated claws slashing through the air. Venator Two screamed in terror as the creature's talons tore into him, ripping through armour and flesh.

Venator Three, witnessing the horrifying scene, opened fire once more, desperately trying to distract the creature and save his teammate. But his efforts were in vain. The feral vampire, its hunger for blood unsated, continued its onslaught, its savage fury leaving Venator Two mortally wounded and gasping for breath.

As Venator Two's lifeless body crumpled to the ground, Venator Three's horror turned to rage. With tears streaming down his face, he unleashed a barrage of bullets at the feral vampire, his screams of anguish echoing through the chamber.

The feral vampire, focused solely on Venator Three, charged at him with terrifying speed. Venator Three continued to fire, his weapon's muzzle flashing in the dim light, but the creature's relentless advance proved unstoppable.

With a final, gut-wrenching scream, Venator Three was silenced, his life extinguished by the savage fury of the feral vampire. His body joined that of Venator Two's on the cold chamber floor, their sacrifices a grim testament to the brutal and unforgiving nature of their mission.

The deaths of Venator Two and Venator Three weighed heavily on Valery, Emily, and Thomas as they continued to battle the feral vampire. Their sacrifices served as a haunting reminder of the dangers they faced, their lives taken in a desperate attempt to save their team and eliminate the monstrous threat that had hunted them.

Suddenly, a hail of gunfire erupted from below. Jackson and the remaining members of Divine Retribution had re-engaged the ghoul's swarm, drawing the beast's attention away from Venator Ventorum. 

With a brief pause in combat, Venator Four scanned the area, his eyes narrowing as they settled on a section of the floor that looked unusually weak.

"Everyone, fall back to my position. I've got an idea," Venator Four's voice crackled over the comms, his tone determined but tinged with urgency.

Valery and Emily quickly regrouped around Venator Four, their eyes filled with anticipation and dread. Trusting Venator Four's instincts, they positioned themselves strategically, their weapons trained on the vulnerable section of the floor.

The chamber echoed with distant gunfire and the feral vampire's enraged roars, creating a disorienting cacophony that heightened the team's anxiety. The weight of their fallen teammates, Venator Two and Venator Three hung heavily on their minds, and their sacrifices were a grim reminder of the relentless danger they faced.

Venator Four activated his gear with a deep breath, sending a powerful pulse through the weakened floor. The ground beneath them trembled, and a loud cracking filled the air as the floor section gave way beneath the feral vampire.

The creature uttered a startled cry as it plummeted through the gaping hole. Its fall was abruptly halted by the chamber below, where Divine Retribution was engaged in a fierce battle with the feral ghouls. Caught off guard by the sudden intrusion, the vampire was trapped and vulnerable, surrounded by Divine Retribution's overwhelming firepower.

Jackson's voice crackled over the comms, confusion evident in his tone. "What the hell just happened? Did that thing fall through the floor?"

But the confusion was short-lived. Recognizing the opportunity before them, Valery quickly relayed the situation to Jackson, her voice steady despite the adrenaline coursing through her veins.

"Jackson, the feral vampire, has fallen through to your position. We're going to open fire from above to pin it down," Valery announced, her eyes fixed on the creature below.

Without waiting for a response, Valery and her team unleashed a torrent of gunfire through the gaping hole, their bullets finding their mark and tearing into the feral vampire. The chamber echoed with the deafening roar of gunfire, the air thick with the smell of gunpowder and the metallic tang of blood.

Below, Divine Retribution joined in the assault, their heavy weaponry unleashing a devastating barrage of firepower that further weakened the creature and prevented it from advancing or retreating. The chamber reverberated with the continuous onslaught, the ground shaking beneath the ferocity of the attack.

Despite the relentless barrage, the feral vampire refused to go down without a fight. Its roars of pain and fury echoed through the chamber, its powerful limbs thrashing wildly as it tried to escape its predicament.

But Valery and her team remained steadfast, their determination unwavering as they continued to rain bullets upon the trapped creature. The intensity of the battle reached a fever pitch, the chamber filled with the chaotic symphony of gunfire, roars, and the desperate cries of the feral vampire.

As the battle raged on, Valery spotted Venator Four preparing a rocket launcher, its sleek design gleaming ominously in the dim light. Locking onto the feral vampire's head, Venator Four took a deep breath and pulled the trigger.

The rocket rained down from above to the chamber below, its trajectory true as it found its mark and struck the feral vampire's head with devastating force. The chamber was engulfed in a blinding explosion, the force of the blast shaking the ground and sending shockwaves rippling through the air.

As the smoke cleared, the chamber fell eerily silent. The once ferocious feral vampire lay motionless amidst the smoldering debris. Valery and her team exchanged weary but triumphant glances, their bodies trembling with exhaustion and relief.

Jackson's voice broke the silence, his tone filled with disbelief and admiration. "Well, that's one way to take care of it. Nice work, Venator Ventorum."

The team of Venator Ventorum members, their bodies battered and their spirits shaken but unbroken, made their way down to the chamber below to regroup with Divine Retribution. The fallen feral vampire served as a grim testament to the intensity and brutality of their mission, its lifeless form a stark reminder of the sacrifices they had made in the name of victory.

As Valery looked upon the lifeless creature, her thoughts turned to Venator Two and Venator Three, whose sacrifices were not in vain. Their courage and determination paved the way for their team's success, and their memories were forever etched in the hearts of their teammates.

The chamber echoed with the solemn silence of their victory, a haunting reminder of the relentless dangers they faced and the unwavering resolve required to overcome them.

With the feral vampire defeated and the chamber now eerily silent, the remaining feral ghouls scattered in panic, their once ferocious demeanour replaced by fear and confusion. Their retreating footsteps echoed faintly through the vast chamber, a stark contrast to the intense battle that had just unfolded.

Still catching her breath, Valery turned to Venator Four with a puzzled expression, her eyes narrowing in curiosity. "Where did you get that rocket launcher, and when did you have time to set up those devices to blow up the floor?"

Venator Four chuckled, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he shrugged nonchalantly. "Ah, Valery, that's a secret. Let's say I came prepared for any eventuality."

Before Valery could press further, Commander Jackson's voice crackled over the comms, his tone stern and commanding. "Report, now. I need a casualty report."

Valery glanced around at her team, her eyes meeting those of Emily and Venator Four. The weight of the mission and the loss of their fallen teammates, Venator Two and Venator Three hung heavily in the air as they prepared to relay their report to Commander Jackson.

"Commander Jackson," Valery began, her voice steady despite the lingering sorrow in her eyes. "We have two casualties. Venator Two and Venator Three were lost during the initial engagement with the feral vampire. The rest of the team is accounted for and uninjured."

There was a brief pause, the silence punctuated by the soft crackling of the comms. The gravity of their losses weighed heavily on each Venator Ventorum and Divine Retribution member, a sombre reminder of the dangers they faced and the sacrifices required in their line of work.

Commander Jackson's voice, when it came, was solemn and respectful, his tone reflecting the seriousness of the situation. "Acknowledged. Ensure their sacrifices are honoured. Well done, both teams. You've accomplished your mission."

As the Venator Ventorum and Divine Retribution team members regrouped after the intense battle, the chamber echoed with the solemn silence of their victory and the heavy weight of their losses. The fallen feral vampire lay lifeless amidst the smouldering debris, a testament to their courage and determination in the face of overwhelming odds.

Though the mission had succeeded, the memories of their fallen comrades, Divine Two, Venator Two and Venator Three, would forever remain etched in their hearts. Their sacrifices served as a poignant reminder of the relentless dangers they faced and the unwavering resolve required to overcome them.

As they made their way out of the chamber, Valery and her team paused to pay their respects to the fallen, their memories honoured with silence amidst the remnants of the fierce battle they had fought together.

The Debrief and Grim Reality

The helicopter's rotors roared overhead as it landed at the extraction point, dust and debris swirling in its wake. The remaining members of Venator Ventorum and Divine Retribution, along with the bodies of their fallen comrades and the lifeless form of the feral vampire, were quickly ushered aboard. Valery couldn't help but let out a weary chuckle as the helicopter ascended into the night sky.

"Well, looks like our go-to solution for feral vampires is a rocket to the face," she remarked, her voice tinged with dark humour that barely masked the underlying exhaustion and sorrow.

The rest of the team joined in her laughter, momentarily lifting the mission's tension with the shared joke. But as they looked at the wrapped bodies of Divine Two, Venator Two, and Venator Three, the laughter faded, replaced by a sombre silence that spoke volumes of the sacrifices and challenges ahead.

Upon their return to the base, they were swiftly treated for their injuries, and the medics worked diligently to ensure their swift recovery. Two days later, those who were not seriously harmed made their way to a large conference room, joining other newly formed units that had been deployed on missions across different locations on the same fateful day.

The atmosphere in the conference room was palpable, a mixture of anticipation, anxiety, and camaraderie as the members of various teams exchanged stories of their harrowing experiences. The room fell silent as General Ross, a formidable figure whose reputation preceded him, walked in. His presence commanded respect, and the room stood in silent attention, awaiting his words.

"Congratulations to all of you on successfully completing your first mission," General Ross began, his authoritative voice tinged with warmth. "However, it's clear that the information you were provided with was incomplete, and the weapons you were equipped with did not function as expected. This was by design."

A murmur of disbelief and outrage rippled through the audience, the room erupting into an uproar as the new recruits felt betrayed and led to their deaths. But for Valery and the other team captains, this was a familiar ritual, a harsh introduction to the reality of their new lives.

General Ross raised his hand for silence, his gaze piercing through the room, silencing the dissenting voices. "Listen to me," he continued, his voice intensifying with each word. "What you faced today were mere beasts—feral vampires and ghouls. They can't think; they act on instinct. Yet, look at the difficulty you faced in killing them. In vampire society, if you can call it that, ferals are mere children. Only those who had lived for thousands of years were considered a real threat to non-feral vampire-kind; the ones you faced were only 3-5 years old. Now, imagine facing a 1000-year-old feral vampire. However, the real threat is the vampires that parade around as if they are still human; they can talk and think they can blend well with society. Now consider fighting them, a creature 10x faster than what you fought, smarter and capable of supernatural feats.

The large screen behind him flickered to life as he spoke, displaying videos showcasing human vampires engaged in fierce battles with hunters. The footage was horrifying, capturing the raw brutality and supernatural abilities of the vampires as they unleashed shadows, telekinesis, transformation, super speed, and psychological torment to overpower and paralyze the hunters. Video after video showed hunters being slaughtered, their desperate struggles and cries for help echoing hauntingly through the conference room.

The audience members watched in stunned silence, the reality of their new existence sinking in as they realized the formidable adversaries they would be facing. The horror of their new reality was laid bare before them, a chilling reminder of the dangers and challenges that awaited them in the darkness.

General Ross's voice softened in his final words, his tone filled with solemnity and gravitas. "Adaptation is the key to survival," he said, his gaze sweeping across the room. "You must learn to think on your feet, improvise, and overcome. Welcome to Silver Edge, humanity's shield in the darkness."

The room fell silent, the weight of General Ross's words hanging heavily in the air as the new recruits grappled with the harsh realities of their new lives. The path ahead was fraught with danger and uncertainty, but as they looked around at their fellow teammates, a newfound determination and resolve began to take root.

They were Silver Edge, humanity's shield against the darkness, and they would stand united, facing the challenges ahead with courage, strength, and unwavering determination.

As the intense atmosphere of the conference room began to dissipate, replaced by a shared sense of relief and camaraderie, Emily Williams, also known as Venator 5, approached Valery and Thomas with a bright smile.

"Hey, how about we all grab dinner tonight? We could use some time to unwind and celebrate surviving our first mission," Emily suggested, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

Valery grinned, her exhaustion momentarily forgotten. "That sounds like a great idea. Count me in."

Thomas nodded in agreement, his face breaking into a relieved smile. "I could definitely use a good meal and some relaxation."

As the meeting concluded and the teams began to disperse, the trio made plans for their dinner outing, eager to take advantage of their upcoming two weeks' leave. The prospect of enjoying some downtime and reconnecting with loved ones was a welcome reprieve from the harrowing experiences they had endured.

Later that evening, the three of them found themselves seated at a cosy restaurant, the warm glow of the chandeliers casting a soft light over their table. The ambiance was relaxed and cheerful, and the gentle hum of conversation and laughter created a comforting backdrop for their meal.

As they enjoyed their dinner and shared stories from their training and first mission, the weight of their responsibilities momentarily lifted, replaced by the simple joy of each other's company. The restaurant was filled with laughter and camaraderie, the atmosphere light and carefree as they revelled in their new lives' shared triumphs and challenges as hunters.

However, unbeknownst to Valery, a shadowy figure lurked in her mind, a silent observer watching the events unfold with keen interest. As she laughed and chatted with her friends, unaware of the presence in the shadows, a cold shiver ran down her spine, a fleeting sensation of unease that she couldn't quite shake off.

Adam or Experiment T16, Her master, her creator, the enigmatic entity who had turned Valery into a ghoul, had been quietly observing the hunters' tactics and learning new fighting methods from the feral vampire they had encountered. His curiosity had been piqued, and he watched with a growing sense of intrigue and anticipation as Valery and her team celebrated their victory.

As Valery's laughter echoed in the confines of her mind, a dark, malevolent presence began to stir, the air growing thick with tension as Adam's influence seeped into her thoughts. The joyful atmosphere of the restaurant faded into the background, replaced by an oppressive silence that hung heavily over Valery's mind.

A sense of dread washed over her, the happy memories of the evening fading away as a chilling realization dawned upon her. The peace and happiness she had felt were fleeting illusions, overshadowed by the looming threat of Adam's return.

The air grew colder, the familiar sensation of Adam's presence sending a shiver down Valery's spine. Her laughter died in her throat, replaced by a sense of foreboding and unease that gnawed at her insides. As she looked into the eyes of her friends, she saw her own fear reflected back at her, a silent reminder of the dangers that lurked in the shadows.

Despite the warmth and comfort of her surroundings, Valery couldn't shake the impending doom that gripped her, the realization sinking in that Adam was once again watching and waiting, biding his time until he could make his presence known.

As the evening drew to a close and Valery said her goodbyes to Emily and Thomas, the weight of Adam's watchful gaze lingered in her thoughts, a haunting reminder of the darkness that awaited her.

As she made her way home, the streets bathed in the soft glow of the streetlights, Valery couldn't shake the feeling that she was being followed, a sense of unease that intensified with each step she took. The shadows seemed to stretch and twist, the darkness closing in around her as Adam's malevolent presence loomed ever closer.

Despite her fear, Valery forced herself to continue walking, her footsteps echoing loudly in the empty streets as she tried to outrun the dread that pursued her. Her heart pounded in her chest, and her breath came in short, ragged gasps as she felt Adam's cold, piercing gaze upon her.

Finally reaching her apartment, Valery quickly locked the door behind her. The reassuring click of the lock offered little comfort as she knew that Adam's presence was not so easily kept at bay. She sank to the floor, her body trembling with fear and exhaustion as she realized that she could never truly escape him.

As Valery curled up on her couch, the darkness of her apartment offering little solace from the horrors that awaited her, she knew that her life had irrevocably changed. The peace and joy she had once known were replaced by a constant sense of fear and uncertainty, a grim reminder of the darkness in the shadows.

As she drifted off to sleep, the haunting image of Adam's malevolent gaze lingered in her thoughts, a chilling reminder of the horrors that awaited her in the darkness.

English is not my first language, so Grammarly helped correct a few mistakes, so if things don't make sense, that's why.

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Liam_Rashicreators' thoughts