
Fellings of death

Emee_the_beast · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

The Grilled Fish

Chapter Six (The Grilled Fish)




Come on, you're going to be late for school

Be like your very cool cousin Martin, at least he goes to school an hour before it opens

Mark woke up and said,




Huge fish in the sky

Mother: What any fish?

Marco: A fish, a fish, a fish

Mother: Are you crazy, what's wrong with you?

Marco: Mom, I want to eat grilled fish for dinner for a week

If you agree to that, I promise I'll be just like my very cool cousin

Mother: Ah, well, I agreed. I'll make you the best grilled fish every day

and now

Go to school, you'll be late

Marco: Ok mom, bye

Marco says inside

Ah, what a strange and very wonderful dream

But at least I'll take revenge on that fish and eat it every day for the whole week hahahahahahahahahahaha.

We are moving away from the globe more and more and more

The fish appears to us in the highest universes and says:

Well enjoy Vichy Vichy Man

In the end, it wasn't a dream

Only that I revived you again and gave you additional memories and deceived you that the events that happened were a dream.

Sorry but I'm going now

I have a lot of grilled fish to eat and write some stories.

Goodbye, Vichy, Vichy Man

Back to Marco at school

A girl comes to Marco and says to him:


Marco is shocked

The girl says: Marco-kun Marco-kun

Marco gets shocked twice

Then the girl says Marco-Be a hundred times

Marco gets shocked a hundred times

The girl says again: Marco-Be a thousand times

Marco gets shocked a thousand times

Because of those words that came from the girl

Great power and knowledge came out of nowhere and went to Marco

And then Marco found out what that fish had done and it was all real

Marco goes to the very cool Martin and tries to convince him that everything was real

Martin couldn't believe anything

Marco thought for a while and went to fetch the girl who was calling him

And tell her to say...


Martin is shocked

Martin-Ken Martin-Ken

Martin gets hit twice

And then you say Martin-Be a thousand times

Martin gets shocked a thousand times

And Martin says you were right, Marco

Then Martin and Marco decided to take the girl, who later turned out to be Tina, to help them fight the fish.

The fish didn't know they existed because it was writing a story

By chance an old person comes and says,

I am looking for students to train

Marco and Martin agree and go with him

And they tell him about the fish and everything

And he says, Oh, I know, I know

You have a girl right?

Marco: Yes, we have

Coach: Good

Marco look at that red sword

Martin look at that blue sword

Marco looks at the red sword

And Martin looked at the blue sword

coach says

These two swords are legendary from millions of years ago, no one could use them, anyone weak who held them dies

Then Martin took the blue sword

And Marco the red sword

And then a legendary dragon comes to the coach's headquarters and kills him

Marco and Martin grieve and remember the moments they lived with the coach a few minutes ago, and suddenly a force comes out of nowhere, and they become Falq and Martin, the strongest and most wonderful swordsmen in the universe

The coach comes back to life and says

And your training is over

And then the teacher disappears

The sixth chapter, entitled (grilled fish) is over.