
Fell in Love with Her invisible savior

When an ordinary and playful girl Khushi met with a love failure. while she is distracted, her best friend Rita uses this chance to plot against her in all ways. But Khushi was saved from all the problem by a stranger, later she fell in love with him.

VasuPuga · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs

Chapter 1-Sweet Love

The clouds are still dark outside, and I was sleeping with a beautiful dream about the love of my life Lawrence


Yes, we both love each other for past 2 years for my high school. I meet him in my coaching centre, where he is working as a staff in administrative department.

He is college student, but working here for part time job. Since his family is undergoing some financial problem, he goes to the college in the morning and works in the coaching center in evening. He is really a hardworking guy, he use to advise me if I'm sad or if I made some mistake.

One day in evening when all my friends are left, I was waiting for my dad to come and pick up me.

So I standing alone in balcony, suddenly Lawrence came behind me and called out my name Khushi, I was startled but I managed to stand quick.

Yes, I like him, I like him the way he speaks to me, the way he call out my name, the way he supports me and advise me. But I had not shown my feelings to him. I was just staring at him with my own thoughts.

Again he called Khushi louder when I came back to my sense. I used to call him sir in coaching center.

And I used to call him with his name, when we are communicating through call. And he used to call me Vasi, which was nick name given by him.

So I asked back him, what can I do for you sir? He said, can you come to my cabin, since I have few words to share with you. I looked him with confusion, he continued to say don't mistake me, students will come to pay their fee where i can do my work and have words with you.

I just nodded and followed behind him to his office

He took his seat and he gestured me to sit opposite to him.

I just sat in the edge of the chair. I was too nervous, because I don't speak with boys. This is the first time I'm sitting in front of outsider. Eventhough, I like him still I have not shared my feelings to him nor I know about his feelings.

He just looked me and smiled, and said "you can sit comfortably Khushi, this chair is completely for you now"

I just stuck out my tongue in a playful manner and nodded at him. Felt little awkward.

Suddenly he told me, this is what I love in you khushi, you don't like to speak often with boys like other girls. I have not even seen you standing so close to boys nor holding their hands. I have being working here for past 2 years, but I have not seen any girls like you. Whereas, many girls as younger than you but the way they behave with boys are worst. Eventhough, you are studying in co-education you are fond of boys. You don't speak unwantedly with anyone.

I'm just staring at him blankly. What the hell he trying to say????, thought to myself

He chuckled lightly after seeing my blank expression, you know khushi I had love failure, so I decided not to fall for anyone again, said in a very serious tone. But I don't know how I fell for you. I used to work happily, but for the past few days I have been looking at the entrance until you come, then I work freely by seeing you. If you didn't come for a single day, I really feel disappointed and I can't even concentrate in my work.

Vasi, I love you. I know you are still in schools. But I .....

Before he could finish his sentence, I blurred out I too like you Sir.

He just looked at me with the smile, he felt very happy for my words. But restraining him and said again, I know you are beautiful like angel so you will have my proposals in future, so will change your mind after seeing those boys. So you can tell me your reply after schooling. I will be waiting for your reply and your +2 result.

I stared at him and asked back, is this you think about me Lawrence?

No not at all Vasi, I have opened my heart to you because I can't hold my love for you anymore but at the same time I don't want you to loose in your studies.

I just nodded at him before moving from that place. I have a lot to say to him that I can handle my studies, so you no need to worry about that. But I decided not to tell him because I want to prove my love with action.

So I was working hard in my school days to give him my best result, because I don't want to hurt him. I don't want him to blame himself.

When my result came,I informed him beforehand that I will visit him in his house with my result along with my neighbourhood friend Ambika nick name Ambi.

I said my mom that I'm going to visit Lawrence.

My mom said to be careful while riding bicycle and come soon before it is dark.

I said okay mom don't worry, I'm going with Ambi. I will be back soon and I left to pick up Ambi.

I rang the bell and was waiting for her to open the door. Soon the door was opened by Payal twin sister of Ambi. She welcomed me with the smiling face, and then I smiled back at her.

She started teasing me by mentioning Lawrence name. I know that Ambi would have told her that we are going to meet him. As soon as I hear his name, my mind was filled with his handsome face. Right way Ambi came out from her room.

I just said bye to Payal and came out from the home. , while she is still shouting at us that I'm rushing to see my love.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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