
101: Punishing domestic abusers, a major event on Twitter (Update 1)

Rae Bennett lay on the couch at home, staring at the ceiling with vacant eyes, mentally zoning out.

The notification sound from Whatsapp chimed in, she checked it and saw a message from Juan Morris. She had saved his contact with the nickname Doghead Juan.

Doghead Juan: "Check Twitter"

Rae sat up from the couch and opened Twitter.

Hot search number one: Hollandi

Hot search number two: One-armed journalist, Paddy

Hot search number three: Wyatt Wright

The exposure of Hollandi as a primary ingredient of some hallucinogen had come to light, and the journalist who broke the story had died. The comments were full of conspiracy theories, but there was no information online about Paddy's cause of death at all.

This must have been the result of negotiations by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, not releasing Paddy's cause of death and the exact location where he passed away.

So his name was Paddy.