
Chapter 1

In Maine, a group of kids headed to summer camp on a bus. Once they arrived, the campers saw the sign, "Welcome to Camp Lakewood." Then, all the girls went to one cabin, and all the boys went to another. Once both groups got inside their cottages, they saw it was freezing. One of the campers, Lindsay, said, "I wish these cabins were heated." Once it got dark out, everyone at the camp gathered around the campfire and started to tell ghost stories and roast marshmallows. One of the counselors, named Lina, went first. Lina said, "My story is about this camp. According to legend, this is a haunted camp." While Lina was telling the story, most campers and counselors didn't believe her. Lina said, "The camp's founder, 'Zeke Lakewood,' died here, and his ghost still haunts the place and everyone else who died here because they didn't leave in time. If you don't believe me, that's fine. But once you get haunted to death, don't come crying to me because I'm not afraid of the ghosts."

The next day, two twin campers, Sally and Susan, were laughing at Lina's ghost story. Sally said, "Can you believe that story Lina told last night?" Susan stated, "Nope. There are no such things as ghosts." Meanwhile, all the boys were still asleep, but a cool breeze woke them up. A boy camper named Duncan said, "Burr. Do you guys feel that cold air?" Then, a B was carved into their cabin's wall. Then Duncan looked at the side of the cottage and saw an E getting cut next to the B. When the writing was done, the boys screamed. Then, two girl campers, Hannah and Tina, pounded on the boys' cabin door. Hannah said, "Duncan, Harold, Cody. Open up." Then the door opened by itself, and Hannah and Tina ran in. Once they got in, they saw the entrance to the bathroom shaking and found the boys inside.

Tina said, "Are you guys scared of something in there?" Duncan pointed at the writing on the wall and stated, "No, look." Hannah and Tina looked at the side of the cabin and saw the word "Beware" on the wall. Duncan said, "Ghost writing. This place is a haunted camp." Hannah knocked on the wall the term "Beware" was on and tried to see if it was fake. Hannah said, "This seems solid, so it's not fake, but this still doesn't prove the camp is a haunted one. If we want to prove this place is haunted, we must see one of the ghosts or something scarier." Then Hannah and Tina left, and the boys got dressed. Once Hannah and Tina made it to their cabin, a cool breeze blew in, and they got cold. Hannah said, "Close the door." Tina shut the cabin door and then looked at the wall. Once she did, she saw the phrase "Get Out" on the wall. Tina said, "Get Out? But our backs got turned for only a minute." Hannah stated, "Something's happening here, and we'll find out what."

The camp's owner, Emma, spoke over the speakers and told the campers to report to the lake. Then all the campers went to the lake and saw Emma. Emma said, "Time for a canoe race. You will pair up with a partner and race across the lake to the finish line on the other side. All the campers partnered up and got into canoes, and when Emma shot off the starting pistol, the campers raced off. When they finished racing, Gwen and Heather were declared the winners. Then Gwen looked up and saw a shadow flying in the air. Gwen said, "Probably just my imagination."

After the boat race, the kids sat down to dinner in the mess hall and were served soup for dinner. A camper named Ben set his tray on a table, and before he sat down, the table collapsed, and his food spilled. Ben said, "Well, this mess hall is a wreck." After dinner, all the counselors and campers gathered around a campfire and roasted marshmallows. Lina showed up and said, "Any ghost sightings today?" Hannah stated, "Some ghost writing in ours and the boys' cabin." Gwen said, "I saw a shadow in the sky after the boat race."

Lina said, "The haunting might just be starting. Once it gets dark out, the ghosts get more restless." Tina stated, "A likely story. The ghosts weren't restless last night." Lina said, "Fine. I don't believe it. But the haunting will be worse by the day." Hannah had her suspicions and followed Lina to her cabin. Once they got there, Lina unlocked the door with her key and then locked it from the inside. Hannah tried to open the door, but it was closed, so she peered inside and saw Lina enter a door in her cabin. Hannah said, "Probably just the bathroom." Once Hannah turned around, she noticed a psycho killer with a hook for a hand wearing a hockey mask and holding a chainsaw. Then the psycho killer grabbed Hannah, and Hannah screamed once he did.

Once the girls went back to their cabin, they saw everyone was present except for Hannah, so they went out into the woods and looked for her. While they were looking for Hannah, a green tentacle appeared on Heather's shoulder. Once she saw it, Heather quickly turned around and noticed a shadow creature in the shadows. Then all the girls screamed in terror and ran back to camp screaming. The boys then heard the girls shouting, woke up, and tried to go after them, but then their cabin door slammed shut and locked by itself. Chris attempted to open the door but couldn't because it was closed. Chris said, "We're trapped." Then they looked outside their cabin's window and saw the girls running back into their cottage. Once they got inside, their cabin's door slammed and locked itself. Sally said, "We're safe for now." Susan looked out their cabin window and saw a ghost in a wedding dress roaming around their cabin. Susan whispered, "I wouldn't be so sure." Susan pointed at the spirit and whispered, "I think that ghost knows we're here." All the girls peered outside the window and saw the ghost roaming around their cabin. Gwen whispered, "Maybe not. Let's go to sleep, and maybe she'll go away." Then, all the girls went to their beds and slept, hoping the ghost outside their cabin would leave.