
Chapter 108 Methods


Sun Jack listened to the Priest's words, and looking at the huge Sickle Hammer Cross behind him, he felt his eyes brim with hot tears.

Perhaps as long as there were people like the Priest, this world wouldn't be completely rotten.

Seeing a hint of indignation on Neural Key's face, Sun Jack sneered, "Angry already? Where's the magnanimity of a wealthy man like you? Or is it that everything about you comes from money? Without it, you're nothing?"

Standing there, Neural Key suddenly laughed, nodding in satisfaction at the three men before him.

"Very good, very good. You don't want money, but there are plenty who do. If money can't destroy your beliefs, and beliefs need a vessel, then destroying the body is just as effective."

When the bounty for Sun Jack rose to 1000@ on the platform, everyone present went mad, raising their weapons and charging towards the trio, intent on tearing them apart.

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