
Fatima The Slave Princess

Fatima is a mysterious slave who was bought at an auction house in the empire of Alkaraz by Duke Kartier. Though her origins, family background, and history are all unknown to most, her eccentric personality often produces an abiding impact on any who beholds her. As such, she became the dastard duchess’ personal punching pillow. However, just when she thought her life couldn’t get any worse, the heir to the Kartier duchy and the irascible crown prince seem to have taken a peculiar shine to her. Will she succeed in concealing her identity until she is able to reclaim her rightful place, or will she fail and die in a foreign land? What is the Emperor of Alkaraz hiding from the crown prince?

Gilibeth · Kỳ huyễn
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57 Chs

Chapter 5

'I should stay as far away from him as possible' is what I said yesterday, however today Sir Nate was appointed as our escort on a trip to the central city for the very first time. Our mode of transportation is an old and drab wagon that seems to be on its last leg. According to Sir Nate, the city is only a few miles away from the estate. I foolishly suggested we walk until I remembered that this outing was just an errand.

"I will be tagging along as well." Announced the young master.

Trailing behind him were his three little brothers and their maids.

"I wish to accompany you too, brother." exclaimed young master Octave as he clung to his brother's arm.

"Me too! Don't leave me behind, big brother." pouted young master Waynon.

"The answer is no. Escort my brothers back to the estate at once." He sternly commanded the maids.

After a brief bout of tearful whining, we finally departed for the market. Along the way were naught but trees and clean air. We passed by many colorful houses, big and small, and over a tall bridge with a large spring flowing underneath. The air felt humid because of the elevated temperature, but we were too excited to complain and before we knew it, we were already at the entrance of the city.

Young master Dimitriu helped us off the wagon and the coachman proceeded to station it in the designated area. We were amazed at how grand the place was. If this is the territory of a duke, just how big is the capital city?

"I advise that you three stay together throughout our little venture. Our duchy is mostly safe, however that doesn't mean there aren't any hooligans running amok. So, stay close to us at all times, understood?" 

That's why there's only one knight escorting us.

"Yes, young master!" we cheered excitedly.

The boisterous and lively atmosphere mesmerized me. I was told that this was called 'Merchant Street'. As the name suggests, there were all kinds of street vendors aligned on both sides of the main road. There was a long line of cars honking at the pedestrians who were carelessly strolling across. Among those were also children running around playfully while their parents angrily yelled at them. Further ahead of that were restaurant buildings, banks, clothing and jewelry shops, and bookstores. Farther to the west of the madness was a very tall building with a giant bell hanging at its summit. We were told that it was a temple, and there was one in every territory of the empire. We saw and gawked at many things which rendered us tired and famished rather quickly.

"Slow down Clover, you're going to choke if you keep eating so fast." Chided Ivy.

During our tour, I've noticed people approach the young master more easily than his knight. Which is completely understandable since he's the eldest son of their liege, and their future leader. However, when they accidentally caught Sir Nate's gaze, they greeted him with reverence and quickly scampered away in panic. Then again, who can blame them. He's not exactly the most approachable knight in this region.

"You eat like an animal." He commented out of the blue.

What's worse is that his remark was directed towards me. When I realized that, I subconsciously squashed the delicious fritter I was munching on.

"Your hi-ahem! Nate, you mustn't speak that way to a young maiden." the young master chimed in nervously.

My anger quickly dissipated thanks to young master Dimitriu's kind words. Could he be any more cool and handsome?

"She is no maiden; she's just a scraggly child with the attitude of a grizzly bear. Wild, stubborn, short-tempered, and overall unappealing."

His insults prickled my pride, and I could feel my anger rising in my throat. Everything that comes out of his mouth is infuriatingly rude. How can someone with such a nice façade be so callous?

"Calm down Fati, don't be angry." whispered Clover anxiously.

I was shaking while fuming in anger as I glared at him. It was wrong of me to assume we had somehow bonded yesterday after we introduced ourselves to one another. I see that I was a fool to even think of becoming acquainted with the likes of him.

"What about you, huh?! You think you're something special because you're a knight and I'm a slave?!" I blurted loudly.

A crowd had begun to gather around us as I continued to yell while pointing my finger at him. The young master was restraining me by my armpits as I angrily kicked my feet towards his knight. Everyone was bewildered at the sight of a tiny girl fighting with a man twice her size. However, I couldn't care less what anyone thinks right now. 

"You may be tall and handsome, but if your personality is this grotesque, then you too are hideously ugly. Inside and out!" I bellowed for all to hear.

There! I finally said it!

Lord Dimitriu was laughing hysterically while Ivy and Clover were shivering and hiding their faces. The crowd rose into a clamor of cheers and laughter as they applauded my foolish bravery. As for my opponent, well…his sword was unsheathed and pointed at my neck, to which everyone gasped in panic as they all retreated fearfully.

"Are you quite through spouting your nonsense?" he roared menacingly.


"Where is Dimitriu?"

"His lordship had accompanied the slaves on an errand in town, your grace. They should return before sundown." 

Why in the world would he willingly expose himself to these vile beings? Who knows what sort of horrible contagious diseases they could be carrying?

"And the crowned prince?"

"His imperial highness also accompanied them, your grace."


What in the world is the prince thinking?

"Apologies for the interruption, your grace. Your guest has arrived." announced another maid.

"Escort the new slave to the annex upon their return."

"As you wish, your grace."

I should domesticate her before it's too late


"I can't believe she called you hideous." Chortled Dimitriu

"Cease your ridiculous laughter at once!"

I lost my temper and ended up pointing my sword at her. She was audacious enough to insult a prince yet fainted at the mere sight of a weapon. She was practically terrified. I never expected her to kneel and start begging for her life so desperately with tears in her eyes. Just retracing the memory stings my conscience. I should find a way to apologize to her later.

"They fell asleep as soon as they got into the wagon. All that walking and sightseeing must've tired them out."

"Did we buy everything on the list?" I asked, while biting on an apple I bought from a fruit merchant.

"It will be fine either way, since it was just an excuse to take them out. We can just say that we forgot." he shrugged nonchalantly.

"The sun is setting faster than usual. We should hurry before it gets dark, your highness."


"Right! Ahem! Sir Nate…"


When we arrived at the manor, it was dark, since the sun had already set while we were asleep. There was a maid standing near the stables, she was restlessly glancing around suspiciously until she noticed us. She scurried over and instructed that the madam had summoned me in the annex. Ivy and Clover were fretting so much that they were willing to come with me, but the maid strongly declined.

"Pull up your dress little girl." She commanded coldly.

In her hands was a whip generally used to train horses. She was straightening it out with the most disturbing frown on her face. A few of the maids were snickering in the background, while the others were as terrified as I was.

"With all due respect, mistress, I would like to know the reason for my punishment. If one is oblivious to their mistakes, then one will never learn what to correct. That being said, I would…"

She interrupted my speech with a strike on my back, which throbbed painfully. As a result, I let out a loud shriek, but she did not stop there. She threw me across the floor, and started stomping on me with her sharp heel, which ended up piercing through my skin. She had long since instructed the maids to gag me with a piece of cloth so that no one could hear me scream for help while she continued to whip me until she was satisfied. Then she ordered some of her maids to throw me outside.

"That ought to teach her to keep her smart mouth shut from now on." giggled one maid mockingly.

"With all due respect, mistress…" mimicked another maid while the others laughed along with her.

"Honestly, who does she think she is?"

"Don't you think the madam might have gone overboard?"

"Shut your mouth, girl! Lest you want to take her place next time."

My entire body was throbbing, and the grass was stinging my wounds. I couldn't move an inch, nor was I in a condition to heal myself, since my mind was in complete disarray. At that moment, all I could do was sob quietly.


My bath took longer than usual tonight. I wonder why everyone looked especially nervous while they were tending to me. I missed my chance to apologize to that girl when we arrived. Now it will become even more difficult to do so. No matter how angry I was, I should not have drawn my sword. Perhaps I could go see her right now. I'm not picking up her voice anywhere. Could she have fallen asleep already? Oh well, perhaps it would be better to wait until tomorrow-

"It hurts, it hurts. It hurst so much!"


I heedlessly rushed outside with a lamp I grabbed on my way and began to search frantically. I was certain it was her voice I heard, but there was no sign of her anywhere near the stables. Did I perhaps mishear?

"Please help me. Someone, anyone, please... please…I beg of you."

It's her! This is definitely her voice, I'm sure of it now.

"Edith? What is she doing at the annex this late at night?"

It's usually the butler's duty to ensure that all the doors are locked before heading to bed. So why is she here? My curiosity got the best of me, hence I waited until she had left to approach the annex. As I began to circle around the building peeking in through the windows, there was a trail of indented grass that caught my attention.

"Fatima?" I called.

My body moved on its own, and next thing I knew, she was in my arms. Her dress was torn, and she was wounded from her upper back down to her legs. There were countless bruises on her face as well as what looked like holes in her arms with blood trickling out of them. Since we were near the stables, I hauled her over my shoulder and quickly ran to fetch a horse.

"Hey, hey wake up. You can't fall asleep yet! Stay with me!"

She's already unresponsive.

"Please forgive me, the ride will be gruesome but hang in there a bit longer."

Warning: This chapter contains scenes that depict violence and physical abuse. Reader's discretion is advised.

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