
Father-in-law,Don't Make Me Pregnant

"Four years ago, you ran away being pregnant with my child and now your'e getting married with my son!" "F..Father, you're mistaking me for someone else. I'm seeing you for the first time in my life," clutching her wedding gown tightly, Kiera sputtered to her husband's father who she had just met. "Who is your father! I'll fuck you so hard today that you'll not be able to talk nonsense with that pretty mouth of yours  anymore.I'll fill your pussy to the brim with my cum like before,knock you up and be your son's father." Andrew Bennet snarled  clamping Kiera's waist and seized her rosy lips abruptly.He savored the milky taste vigorously which he had been longing like a madman for whole four years. After her mother's death Kiera came to California with her two year long boyfriend to get married.On the day she got married, her husband's father claimed that she was his runway lover and her husband tried to give her away to his father as a price for getting acknowledgement as heir. After knowing that she was just a pawn in her husband's scheme for inheritance and becoming her father-in-law's mistress overnight who will she choose? Her treacherous husband or intimidating  father-in-law who wants to impregnate her every now and then!

Tithi123 · Thành thị
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Meeting With Her After Four Years

The groom may kiss the bride." The lavish banquet hall burst into the guest's joyful applauses all at once as Aaron leaned in and tenderly kissed his blushing bride. The bride's face was radiant, adorned with a gentle smile and her eyes sparkled with joy.

In the bustling environment, only Andrew Bennet stood still like a statue being perplexed at the opulent entrance fixing his eyes intently on the elegant bride. Although it seems like an eternity has passed, this face has been engraved in the depth of his soul, imprinted with emotions that time couldn't fade. He immediately recognized the happy bride who was none other than his lover Aurora. For four whole years he searched for her relentlessly and now she dares to reappear in front of him only to let him witness his son marrying her.

Andrew felt his blood boiling as he saw the newly married couple holding hands while laughing at each other affectionately. Perceiving that they all have been scheming against him all this time, the monstrous fury and pain that Andrew had been suppressing for all these years was unleashed and his whole body was quaking with rage. He just wanted to grab Aurora and take her away from this hideous place. He maniacally strode towards Aurora walking over the grand pathway covered with pristine white carpet.

Andrew's father Mr.Thomas Bennet suddenly stood before him rebuking him exasperatedly, "You punk, I told you to reach before the ceremony begins. The shareholder's meeting is just around the corner. What will people think if you arrive at your son's wedding after it is finished!" 

Andrew saw Aurora and Aaron walking down from the palatial stage and greeting the guests cheerfully. He looked at his father irritatedly, " I only came here to give you face but I never considered Aaron as my son and I'll never do anything against what you are saying! Can't you see all our investors are present here?" Mr Thomas told him off warily glancing sideways. Andrew ignored his father's scolding and dashed towards Aurora in a fit of rage.

 "Good evening father. This is Kiera. Kiera, he is my father, Mr. Andrew Bennet. Please give us your blessings, Father." Aaron and Kiera both bowed their heads reverently in front of Andrew seeking his blessing. "Blessings my foot. What game are you playing at?" Andrew snarled at Aaron, his words flashing with fury that could scorch the earth. Both Aaron and Kiera became startled.

"Father, I don't understand what you are saying. I..." "Don't mutter a single word anymore." Andrew spat cutting off Aaron halfway. Andrew redirected his fiery gaze towards Kiera sending chills down to her spine. Andrew clamped Kiera's wrist and marched her off the grand ballroom leaving all the VIP guests baffled. Kiera was completely petrified and her mind went blank as she was being pulled away by her father-in-law.

Andrew dragged Kiera the whole way through the hallway and pushed her inside the lift which was built only for his use. Kiera's heart raced as she desperately pulled and twisted her hand to free it from Andrew's vice-like grip. But his grasp tightened more, his deep blue eyes were burning like wildfire ready to burn her any moment. The lift reached on twentieth floor and Andrew shoved Kiera inside the presidential suite and slammed the door. Kiera recoiled to one corner of the room in horror. Andrew looked at his little kitten shrinking in the corner with a flushed face looking at him as if he were some sort of tyrant. Andrew slowly walked towards her closing the distance between them. There were so many things he wanted to ask her. He didn't know where to start.

Kiera saw Andrew gazing at her intently like a hungry beast ready to devour its prey. "Why did you run away? Did I not treat you well enough? Here you are getting all lovey-dovey with my son and all these years I have been searching everywhere hoping that you are alive. Did you have fun fooling around?" Andrew tried to keep his sanity and muttered every word softly as if not to scare the beauty who deserted him four years ago cruelly. Kiera only felt all the limbs of her body going cold listening to her father-in-law's chilling voice. She was wondering if she should make a run for the door. Aaron must be coming for her. Only if she could open the door which has enclosed her with this madman, she could run over and hug Aaron tightly.

" F..father, I have come here for the first time in my life. You are mistaking me for someone else," clutching her wedding gown tightly Kiera sputtered to her husband's father who just met. "Who is your father? You ran away while pregnant with my child and now you are getting married to my son. I will fu*k you so hard today that you'll not be able to talk nonsense with that pretty mouth of yours anymore. I'll fill your pu**y to the brim with my cum like before, knock you up and be your son's father." Andrew growled encircling Kiera's waist as he seized her rosy lips abruptly.

He savoured the milky taste vigorously which he had been longing for like a madman for whole four years. Kiera's eyes widened in shock as she desperately started struggling to get away from him. Andrew squeezed Kiera's jaw and pushed his tongue inside her flushed mouth while starting to suck every nook and cranny of the wet entrance as if he wanted to gobble her up. Kiera tried to push him away but was held more tightly in his embrace. Kiera's breasts rubbed against Andrew's muscular chest over the suit making Andrew groan in pleasure. He intensified the kiss scooping her butt cheeks in an upward motion over the organza wedding gown. The door suddenly swung open and Andrew stopped his movement furiously spinning his head around to see the intruder who dared to invade his territory at such a passionate moment.