
Fateful World

After a colossal loss, Shironuma (Main Character) has to grow up in a tragic world with his new found companions.

Shinnosuke_Iori · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs

Chapter 2: A Leader's Resolve

(He saw three kids standing before him.)

(Kid 1) You really got the password in one go.

(Kid 2) Yeah, but I would've gotten it faster than him.

(Kid 3) Sure, keep dreaming buddy.

(Shironuma (Thinking) So are these the kids that mom and dad saved. I say kids but they might even be older than me.

(Shironuma) So you were watching me.

(Kid 3) Umm... yeah. Your dad said not to help you until an hour after you've started.

(Shironuma (Thinking) So he planned this far ahead. Even now I'm still losing.

(Shironuma) Well I'm sure you guys know who I am but who are you guys?

(Kid 2) My name's Carson, I'm kind of the leader of the team.

(Kid 3) Yeah right, you idiot. We both know Sarah's the leader of the team. Also my name is Grey.

(Sarah) I'm Sarah, and they forget to mention that they're my brothers. To be honest I didn't think you'd be as smart as you are.

(Shironuma) Well my dad picked that password for specifically for me. So I wouldn't really call me smart. Plus my parents are much smarter than me.

(Carson) So did they say anything before, you know?

(Sarah) You're so insensitive.

(Grey) Idiot.

(Carson) Yeah I'm really sorry about that.

(Shironuma) It's fine, I'm for sure getting them back. They told me how this situation occurred but that's about it. Well, they did say something about some notes.

(Grey) Wait really, so you don't know anything?

(Sarah) Your parents have a lot of trust in you.

(Carson) I mean if there's some notes, I haven't seen any.

(Grey) Of course you haven't I wouldn't let you any where near my laptop.

(Carson) What! You had something like that and didn't tell me.

(Shironuma) Anyway could you show me what they've left behind?

(Grey) Sure, follow me.

(Sarah) Wait!!!

(All of the boys) Huh?

(Sarah) Who decided that your the leader now.

(All of the boys) I am the leader.

(They all looked at each other with confusion.)

(Grey) Okay I know I said Sarah was the leader but I'm like the tech guy.

(Carson) Pfft, the tech guy. What leader do you know, that's a tech guy. It should be the one with the most charisma, and that's me.

(Sarah) I'm the one who makes sure everyone gets along and the one who fixes your mistakes. Also I'm the most physically capable.

(Carson) What are you a babysitter and you've only beaten me in arm wrestling once.

(Shironuma) I'm already the most intelligent person here. Although I have been in my house for most of my life. So not knowing what the outside world holds, means that I'm very ignorant.

How about this, we each take a role what we do but the one who has the final say in a tied vote will be me.

(Grey) A stable democracy. That not a bad plan at all.

(Carson and Sarah) Yes it is!

(Sarah) The one who has the last say, is the leader of the group.

(Carson) That's whole reason we're having this debate.

(Shironuma (Thinking) They're more smarter than I thought.

(Shironuma) Fine already, let's settle it this way. Whoever's the oldest gets to be the leader.

(Carson and Grey looks towards Sarah)

(Shironuma) There's no way.

(Sarah) See, this all could've been avoided if everyone listened to me.

(Shironuma) How old are anyway?

(Grey) Idiot.

(Carson) You've done it now.

(Sarah chose to say nothing and walked away)

(Grey) What the....?

(Carson) Is that my sister?

(Shironuma) Did I do something wrong?

(Carson) Wow you do know about the outside world. You're not supposed to ask girls their age.

(Shironuma) I actually didn't know that.

(Grey) Also she's twelve years old. The three of us are the same age.

(Shironuma) If anything I thought you were the oldest.

(Grey) Well they do rely on me a lot.

(Carson) I'm still here you know. Anyway I'm older than the both of you, now let's get going.

(Shironuma) Was that a joke?

(Grey) I wish it was.

(Shironuma (Thinking) Why mom? Why did you leave this to dad?

(They all left the entrance of the underground base and gathered up with Sarah. Grey showed shironuma the contents of the folder his Mother left him.)

(Carson) I'm gonna go play some games because this ain't it.

(Grey) Didn't you want to see this.

(Carson) Seeing all of these words makes my head. Just explain it to me later.

(Carson left the area.)

(Grey) He wandered why I never showed him.

(Here are the notes she left him stating this.)

(Past Kaede) Hey Shiro l, I guess if you read this then we're already gone by now. I'm really sorry for about everything.

I know it was selfish of me but I'm the one who chose to stay on the outskirts of town. I wanted to spend every second with you.

That is something I could never atone for but I hope you forgive me. I'm unsure even now if I tell you everything because I know how you are.

You'll go even if I tell you not to. Then again it's my fault everything ended the way it did. So just in case here is all the information I know, if anyone finds this.

(Shironuma (Thinking) I see, I always wanted to know why I was stuck in that place. I'm not sure if I even wanted to know now.

There was times I even became angry or hated them for not letting me leave. I understand why now. I wish I'd known or maybe I could've....

(Sarah hugs Shironuma as tears fell from him.)

(Sarah) Hey, you couldn't have known that. Plus you said we can get them back, so don't waste these here.

(Shironuma) Right, I'm sorry about that. Could you let me go though, it's kind of hurts.

(She lets go of him and both of them begans blushing.)

(Grey) That's my sister you know.

(As he said with piercing eyes.)

(Shironuma and Sarah) It's not like that.

(Grey) Anyway let's continue reading.

(Past Kaede) The Union's base last known residence was located somewhere near Hong Kong. Before we could get enough evidence on them, they ran to China.

We tried to tell the FBI about it but the thought of everything sounded like a joke to them. They didn't even consider it being a possibility.

Many times but maybe they were in on it too. Now the machine resets every three years. Leaving sometime before they can activate it again.

As a counter measure I've created a shutdown method. Except to activate it, you'll have to find the main computer the code was first uploaded to.

Secondly activating the shutdown program will erase the data of people who were lost. Meaning activate it would erase everyone.

If you can't do anything before, just activate the shutdown. It'll be meaningless if everyone else on Earth would be brain dead robots.

Lastly keep in mind that the world's strongest weapons are in those guys' hands. Meaning you'd be going against an army with but what you acquired after the three years.

Also the final thing is, Grey is my apprentice so he knows exactly as much as I do maybe even more by now.

(Grey) We for sure have to rescue them. I don't wanna be stuck as apprentice forever.

(Shironuma) It really sounds like she trusts you.

(Grey) Yeah, your parents were like our family too.

(Sarah) They saved us from an orphanage à they've tooken care of us ever since.

(Shironuma) So have you guys stayed here all this time?

(Sarah) Yes and no, we did leave to shop for things but that's about all.

(Grey) Most of the things we know are from your parents or videos online.

(Shironuma) Really? Isn't it hard to work with technology.

(Sarah) What do you mean?

(Shironuma) It's just very frustrating using electronics. Coding, Programs, Social Media, and dealing with ads suck.

(Grey) That's actually hilarious.

(Sarah) Stop teasing him. Look Shironuma, at this day and age even little kids know how to work the basic electronics.

(Shironuma) It's not like I haven't used them before. I was even able to use the calculator.

(Grey began intensely laughing at Shironuma. Sarah chuckled and turned away from him.)

(Shironuma (Thinking) This is embarrassing. I should of tried to listen to mom about those things. It just seemed like a waste since all I needed was my books.

(Sarah) So what do you do for fun?

(Shironuma) I read, doesn't everyone?

(Grey) Please stop, I'm going to die from laughing to much.

(Sarah) Ignore him please. If you want I can show you how to use them. I don't know all the complicated stuff that Grey knows but I'm pretty good.

(Shironuma) Sure, I guess.

(Grey) Seriously though don't try anything with my sister.

(Shironuma) Your really overprotective huh?

(Grey) Whatever, I'll leave you guys to it. If you need me I'll be in the room with Carson.

(Grey left, leaving Sarah and Shironuma alone.)

(Shironuma) So how big is this place anyway?

(Sarah) Well it was a big oil pocket at first, then with the open space your parents built this.

If I remember correctly, it's five rooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen, living room, the control center where we are now, and another room which your mom told us not to go in.

(Shironuma) Thanks that was helpful. That room must be filled with oxygen canisters, and the generators.

Later we should see how much oxygen we have left and get Grey to check the generators.

(Shironuma) Perhaps Grey has already been in this room unless they bought hundreds of generators. Otherwise they would've ran out of power by now.

(Sarah) I can't get over how smart you are. Did you get that way just from reading.

(Shironuma) Well, I do read mystery novels and I always try to put myself in the main character place. I would even spend hours trying to find the reason and how the story would play out, without flipping any pages.

So my problem solving and my memory should be somewhat high.

(Sarah) Wow, that's really cool.

(Shironuma) It is?

(Sarah) Yeah, you're very passionate about something you love. Although I don't really have anything like that.

(Shironuma) That's not true, you'll figure out what you really love to do.

(Sarah) How would I know?

(Shironuma) My dad always told me that the moment you find what you love, that'll be what changes you forever.

I don't really know since I always had my books but looking back my dad was never wrong about anything. So you should have some faith.

(Sarah) Yeah, you're right. I'll just have to try new things until I find what's right for me.

(Shironuma) Exactly.

(They talked for while and Shironuma even learned more about technology than he did before but it was only a little. Later they rejoined Carson and Grey in the living room.)

(Carson) Finally, I thought you guys died in there.

(Sarah) Well thanks for checking on us.

(Grey) So did you learn anything?

(Shironuma) I know about how to use the file explorer now.

(Carson and Grey bursted out in laughter.)

(Carson) Is he serious?!

(Grey) As a heart attack.

(They continued laughing until seeing their annoyed sister.)

(Carson) You can't expect me not to laugh. Ah I see you like him don't you. Sarah and Shironuma sitting in a.....

(Sarah jumps on Carson and puts him in a chokehold.)

(Carson) Okay, okay I give up. Uncle, uncle!!!

(Shironuma) Wait do you really like me? Dad said that kind of reaction is natural for girls who likes you.

(Grey) You really are ignorant.

(Sarah hits Shironuma in the arm and walks away without saying a word.)

(Shironuma) Did I make her mad again?

(Carson) You have a lot you need to know girls. She always beats us up for saying things like that but she didn't do it with you.

(Grey) Don't think about it too much. Just chill with us for now, she'll come back whenever she gets hungry.

(Shironuma) I see.

(They stayed and played some games, meanwhile Sarah was.....)

I'll try to upload every three days or twice a week. So I hope you enjoyed the story so far. It does start slow but everything is meaningful.

As before, if you have any criticisms or feedback then please let me know.

Shinnosuke_Ioricreators' thoughts