
Fateful Encounter: I encountered my fate on a starry night

Daniella Slayer is a 16-year-old teenager who attends Princeton Day School. She never got luck on guys, always falling on the bad ones. One day along with her best friend Suzanne, she discovered her boyfriend Jonas at a park embracing another girl right before her eyes. Heartbroken, she decided to end with everything by committing suicide. As she was about to hit the ground, she’s caught by an angel in the nick of time. What will become of those two? Will love blossom? You have to read it to find out. PS: The cover page doesn't belong to me but to its respective artists.

Dominique1412 · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs

Chapter 6: Revelation!!!

" Go ahead and explain it all to me clearly, because I don't understand a thing of what you're saying". I was literally confused.

" It all happened 10 years ago. 10 years ago, I was about to be kidnapped when you came around. I remember it like it was yesterday". They went down memory lane.

10 years ago:

A six-year-old Suzanne was looking around disoriented as she was lost and couldn't find her way back.

" Where am I? I think I got lost. How am I going to get home? I'll ask someone my way. Someone might be able to help me". She muttered.

Three bizarre individuals passed by and saw the little girl in a distressed state. For some reason, the little girl got scared of the two bizarre people.

Unknown man 1: " Hey girly, what are you doing here all by yourself?"

Unknown man 2: " Are you lost?"

" No! I was on my way. I'm going now". The little girl tried passing by but was stopped by the blockbusters.

Unknown man 3: " Where are you going? Stay with us for a bit! I know a place you'll like very much. You'll love it!"

" That's very nice of you, but I have to get home as soon as possible. Maybe some other time". She tried acting naturally around them, so they wouldn't see she was scared through her wits.

Unknown man 1:" No, you won't go anywhere! You're very pretty, you know that? Let's have some fun!" He grabbed her hand tightly.

" No, I don't want to. Let go of me! Someone help! Help!" She screamed for help.

Unknown man 2: " Shut up! No one is gonna hear even if you scream".

" No! Let me go!" Her scream got louder and louder by the minute.

A six-year-old Daniella heard someone screaming as she was heading home and stopped.

( Someone's screaming? No, it might be my imagination).

She kept walking but she heard the screaming once more. She stopped again and realized that the scream she heard earlier was in no way the fruit of her imagination.

" Help! Someone help!"

( Someone is truly screaming. Someone is desperately calling for help. Concentrate! I need to concentrate on the sound of that person. Where's that sound coming from? I need to be one with the nature around me).

The girl got into a concentration state to spot where the sound was coming from. She closed her eyes in that attempt and fusioned with the nature around her.

" Help! Help!"

( Almost there!)

" Help!"

( The sound is coming from this direction).

Having finally spotted the screaming sound at last, she opened her eyes and ran towards the direction of the sound.

Unknown man 3: " Come with us! It'll be a lot of fun". The man pressured her hand with his strength.

" Please, let me go!"

Unknown people 2:" No! You'll stay with us. We'll take good care of you". He said with a conniving smile.

The little girl started to lose hope when suddenly—--

" Let her go!" Daniella appeared at last.

Unknown people 1:" Another girl? How lucky? Did you get lost too? Come here!" He came forward to her and tried to touch her, but—------

" Don't touch me, you scumbag!" She slapped his filthy hands away in disgust.

Unknown people 3: " What did you just call us?"

" Didn't you hear me? Are you deaf as well as you're stupid? Let go of her or you're gonna be sorry". She uttered nonchalantly.

( What is she doing? She's going to make them angry!)

Unknown people 1:" Oh yeah! Get her!" They started approaching her furtively together.

" Run away! Thanks for coming to my rescue, but you have to run away. I don't want you to be hurt because of me". The little girl expressed her worriedness towards her savior.

" Are you the one who was calling for help?" She asked the little girl inquisitively.

" Yes, it was me!" She answered.

" Give me a minute!" She gave her a slight grin before turning her attention to the scums before her.

Unknown People 2: " A minute! Do you think you stand a chance against the three of us?" The man uttered angrily.

" Shut up, you scum! How could you take this girl hostage? Unforgivable! You're gonna pay for that! You don't stand a chance against me. You're way too weak!"

Unknown people 3:" What? Don't give yourself too much credit!"

" It's time to say goodbye, boys. Come to me, wind! Hear my command and send those scums away from here. Power of wind!"

She chanted an incantation that sent the three men flying in the sky and disappearing without a trace.

" Are you alright?"

The little girl was dumbfounded because of the spectacle she just witnessed. She was in a daze as she tried comprehending everything that just happened a few minutes ago.

" Yeah! Thanks for saving me!" She showed a weak smile to her savior as thanks for saving her life.

" You're welcome! Are you truly alright?" She asked out of concern for the little girl as she was still trembling due to fear.

" Yeah, I'm fine!" She reassured her with another smile.

" What were you doing here all by yourself?"

" I got lost!" She answered.

" In that case, I'll accompany you home". She proposed to drop her safely at her house.

" Thank you!"

The two girls left the unsafe place. They walked and walked and several minutes later, they reached their final destination.

" We've arrived! Be careful next time when you go out! See you!" She turned to leave but got interpellated by the little girl.

" Wait! I never got the chance to ask you. What's your name?" She asked.

" Daniella Slayer!"

" I'm Suzanne Woe! Nice to meet you!"

" Nice to meet you too!" She turned to leave but was stopped once more.

" Wait! May we meet again sometime?" She asked hopefully.

" Of course! It will be my pleasure!" She grinned and left the little girl's house.

The following day, the two girls' paths crossed once more. It was what you would call a predestined encounter.

" Daniella! Do you remember me?" She asked her savior.

She answered and said:" Of course, I remember you! How could I forget? We met yesterday didn't we, Suzanne?"

" You remembered! I'm so happy!" She beamed with joy.

" Of course, I remember! How could I forget a friend?" Suzanne got startled by the word " friend".

" A friend? You view me as your friend!"

" We became friends when you asked for my name. There's an old saying that says that people become friends without realizing it themselves. The moment we started talking, we were already friends". She uttered to her with a slight grin.

" May I ask you a question?" Suzannne got all serious all of a sudden.

" Go ahead!"

" The incantation you chant the other day. I was wondering, are you a magician?" She asked assertively.

" Yeah, I'm a world Class Magician. The incantation I used was to call the wind. I can control all the elements. That's my power!" Daniella answered her honestly.

" I understand!"

Slightly back to the present

" Everything was going smoothly until we met her. Our lives as we knew it was going to take a drastic turn. Nothing was going to be the same as before. There was a promise you made and you're still keeping it even now".

" A promise? Which promise?" I asked confusingly.

Hello, everyone! How do you do?

A new arc has started. I hope you enjoy it just as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Happy reading and see you next time!!!

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