
Fateful Encounter: I encountered my fate on a starry night

Daniella Slayer is a 16-year-old teenager who attends Princeton Day School. She never got luck on guys, always falling on the bad ones. One day along with her best friend Suzanne, she discovered her boyfriend Jonas at a park embracing another girl right before her eyes. Heartbroken, she decided to end with everything by committing suicide. As she was about to hit the ground, she’s caught by an angel in the nick of time. What will become of those two? Will love blossom? You have to read it to find out. PS: The cover page doesn't belong to me but to its respective artists.

Dominique1412 · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs

Chapter 5: The New Transfer Student at Princeton Day School!!!

" I'm sorry Shin! I'm very sorry! I didn't understand this whole time! Please, forgive me!" I apologized to him as I held him in my arms.

" What are you saying? I don't understand!"

I released him and noticed by his expression that he was very confused which was extremely comprehensible.

" This whole time I didn't understand what you were going through and for that, I'm sorry. I'm very sorry!"

Shin asked me inquisitively:" Slayer San, what's wrong? Did something happen at school that upsets you?"

I responded:" I should be the one asking you that. You're right for one thing though. I'm very upset at you".

" Upset at me? What did I do to Slayer-San that could have upset you?"

" You always keep everything to yourself and for that, we're alike. Sometimes, it's important to tell what you feel about things instead of keeping it all to yourself. Tell me what you want, Shin! What are your feelings? Tell me or I won't be able to understand!"

Shin sighed. He must have done his utmost to not worry me unnecessarily but, that was all in vain in the end. Having relaxed and feeling comfortable, he was ready to confide in me.

" I'm sorry, Slayer San! You came all this way back from school because you were worried about me. I'm not used to all this kindness. No one ever worried about me before. I was always alone in the darkness. It's when I came here to your world that I didn't feel that solitude. I felt warm for the first time in my life thanks to you Slayer San. I was very happy when I was with you. I was happy when you bought me these new clothes, but when you said you were going to school today, I felt lonely. I'm sorry! I'm sorry, Slayer San to have troubled you!"

" I can understand, Shin! You're used to being with me every day. I got you used to my presence. It's only natural for you to feel lonely when I'm not around. To be honest, I'm happy to have such an impact on your life. Tell me, Shin, what I can do for you! What do you want from the bottom of your heart?" I asked him inquisitively.

Reluctantly, he said:" Promise me you won't laugh!"

" I promise not to laugh!"

He stared at me, saying quite seriously:" I want to go to school with you, Slayer San! I want to get involved in something. That's my dearest wish".

( He wants to go to school with me? Such a simple wish isn't difficult to grant. Why didn't he say so sooner?)

" For an angel, you're not very confident, are you? Why didn't you say so earlier? If you had told me, I would have done something about it. If what you want is to go to school and get involved, I can help you with that. Tomorrow, you're coming to school with me. We'll get you registered". I said to him, smiling.

" Thank you very much, Slayer San!" His eyes twinkled with joy.

I said additionally:" Next time if you have something bothering you, tell me about it! Don't hide it from me!"

My phone started to ring just at that moment and I missed Shin's answer. It was Suzanne calling me.

" Hello, Suzanne! How are things going at school?"

" Everything's fine! Don't worry about it! How's Shin doing?"

" He's doing fine for the moment. He was pretty depressed earlier. Tomorrow, I'll be coming to school with him. He'll be attending our school starting tomorrow".

" I see! That's good news! See you tomorrow at school!"

" Take care! I might need your help with the registration tomorrow. See you tomorrow!"

My call with Suzanne came to an abrupt end. After the call, I went to my room to change my school uniform while Shin went to the kitchen. I laid on my bed thinking of everything, good and unpleasant that took place in the previous forty-eight hours. I thought about Shin in particular and what he might have gone through, although I didn't know what it was.

" Dinner's ready!" I heard Shin calling for me and headed straight to the dining room.

" Thanks for the food!" I finished my food in a jiffy and brought my plate to the lavabo.

" Good night Slayer San!" Shin wished me a good night's sleep as he always does every day.

" Same to you!"

The following morning, while having breakfast with Shin, my mind was elsewhere.

( What am I going to do? How am I going to register him as a student with all the legal information?)

" Slayer San! Slayer San! Hurry up or we're going to be late!"

Due to excitement, Shin was the first one among the two of us to finish having his breakfast which never happened before. This showed how much he was enthusiastic about all of this and I was glad to see him that way. For once, he wasn't all sad and depressed.

" You're pretty excited, Shin! Let's go! In any case, we weren't going to be late today, because we're early".

" Sorry I panicked!"

" It's nothing! Now, let's go!"

We left the house and reached Princeton Day School in no time. We headed to the cafeteria where Suzanne was already waiting for us.

" Hi, Daniella! Hi Shin- Kun!" She waved at us joyfully.

" Good morning Suzanne!" I returned the gesture to my best friend.

" Good morning Suzanne- Chan!"

" Daniella! Shin Kun! Come with me! To do the registration, we'll need your parent's information".

When Suzanne brought up the subject of Shin's parents, his expression swiftly turned sour.

" My parents are dead! I don't have any other relatives".

" Shin!"

" Don't worry about me, Slayer San! I'm okay!" He tried to reassure me by putting on a smile.

" What are we going to do now?" Suzanne wondered.

" We have no other choice! We'll say he's a distant relative of mine. My cousin! I'll pay for everything he'll need. I'll explain everything to my parents. I'm sure they'll understand".

" Okay! We'll start with the classes!" Suzanne said.

" Let's register him with the same classes we're taking!"

" Are you sure?"

" Yes! I know he'll be able to handle it".

" Okay! We'll do as you say!"

We went to our counselor as Suzanne and I had the same. After the counselor had successfully helped us register Shin, I went to the registrar to pay up his school fees.

" Time to go to class!"

Together, we headed towards our first period. Upon reaching the class, Suzanne and I entered the classroom, while Shin waited outside to be announced by the teacher.

" Today, we welcome a new student into our classroom. Come on in and introduce yourself!" Josephine Banner, our homeroom professor signaled Shin to enter the classroom which he gladly did.

" Hello! I'm Shin Valentine! It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance!" He introduced himself to the classroom.

" Find somewhere to sit!"

" Here! There's an open seat over here!" A male classmate signaled Shin for an open seat beside him.

" Hi!" Shin greeted his new classmate and deskmate.

" Hi! I'm Augustin Kay, but you can call me Augustin. May I call you Shin?" He asked.

" Go ahead!" Shin permitted him to refer to him by his given name.

At P.E., as the students were working out due to the professor's instructions, Daniella and Suzanne decided to walk.

" Suzanne, I need to talk to you about something".

" I'm listening!"

Daniella sighed and said:" First of all, thank you for helping me with the registration form".

" It was nothing! After all, that's what friends do for each other".

" About that, I'm confused and I need your help". I harbored a serious tone.

" What is it? What are you confused about?"

I sighed once more and said to my best friend," Up until now, my life has been completely normal. The day I was going to commit suicide, I saw an angel as I was about to land off the ground. That day I met the angel, Shin Valentine. I could see him clearly. After that, when I asked him about it, he denied it and for a second, I felt strange. I told him I was going to make his wings appear. I don't understand, Suzanne! I'm human! How was I able to see him in his angel form? It's confusing!"

After telling Suzanne everything to Suzanne, she said:" You're not a human!"


" What are you saying?" I was shocked by what Suzanne had just said.

She rectified her statement and said:" What I mean is, you're not an ordinary human being".

" Stop kidding!" I couldn't believe her words. What Suzanne was telling me was simply unbelievable for me.

" I'm not kidding! I think it's about time you learn the truth".


The next chapter will be very rich in emotions. A glimpse of Daniella's story will finally be revealed.

Question: What have you thought of the first three chapters?

See you soon!

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