
Fated To The Alpha King

He Hates Love She Hates He Is The Alpha King She Is A Slave What happens when this two are tied together by fate? ------------------ Logan Raw, The Alpha King of the four region. He hates all about love and the mating bond. His father found his mate after getting married to his mother. His childhood was ruined because of this, Hence he vowed never to find his mate or fall in love. Snow, Lost her parents to her uncle, Felix's schemes. She became a slave to the entire Musher Pack and was made to serve all of Felix's male guests until she was made to serve Logan, The Alpha King without a heart. What happens when Logan eventually falls in love? That too, to a slave? What happens when that slave also turns out to be his mate? Will he accept this? Will the pack accept a slave as their Luna? There's only one way to find out?

Scarlett01 · Kỳ huyễn
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12 Chs

Full Package

Logan arrived at the moonlight pack a little late and that was exactly how he wanted it because it spares him all of those unnecessary introductions.

He was attended to by the Pack's Alpha and Luna themselves and after dinner, he decided to take a stroll around.

He waited long until it was almost past midnight because he didn't want to come across anyone while he strolled.

He wanted to enjoy his privacy as much as he could because he knew that this was a luxury he couldn't afford anymore. Especially, now that he was about to be crowned.

He knew that his life will soon be put on display for anyone to see and learn from and as much as he hated all of that, he knew that he had to do it as the newly crowned king.

He walked down the garden behind Alpha Felix's house to enjoy the view and the silence of the night.

There was peace and tranquility around there with no one to disrupt his privacy. He was enjoying the perfect and beautiful scenery as well as the blessing of mother nature on the pack.

The place was extremely beautiful and he couldn't help but admire it.

"It's no wonder everyone wanted to be the Alpha of the pack" He mumbled to himself.

Logan stood underneath a tree and he enjoyed the cool night breeze. Suddenly he heard a rustling sound and he looked at the other side of the tree.

Surprisingly, he found a girl climbing the tree. She climbed it expertly that he couldn't help but marvel at the sight.

She was an eyeful.

He couldn't blink. He stared at her as if his life depended on it.

Girls of today would rather paint their nails and worry about fashion, makeup, styles, and trends but none of them would do something like climbing a tree.

Hence, this one got his attention.

Logan stood with his hands behind his back as he watched her climb the tree with expertise. He was about to applaud her for being so good but she suddenly slipped and fell.

However, he couldn't stand by and watch her fall. For some reason, he felt the need to save her.

He rushed forward and opened his arms and she fell right into his opened arms.

She had her eyes closed and her lips pursed. She already prepared herself for the pain to follow after the fall.

Logan found this action of hers intriguing because girls of today would already be screaming their lungs out instead of preparing for it but this one was calm and relaxed even though she was falling off such a tall tree.

Logan looked down at her and he couldn't help but marvel at her beauty.

Girls of today would wear layers of makeup just to make themselves beautiful but this one's face is bare yet she looks so beautiful and flawless.

"Who is she?" He wondered.

Snow opened her eyes to look at her savior.

Logan couldn't help but gasp as soon as he saw her eyes.

"What the heck?"

"She has amber eyes? He exclaimed involuntarily.

"Huh? Was Snow's response to his questions.

"Wow, such rare and beautiful eyes. Toppled with so much bravery? That's amazing." Logan muttered under his breath.

"Who is she?" He asked himself again.

"Thank You, Kind Sir" Snow muttered a thanks.

Her voice sounded like an angel's. Logan felt replenished by her voice. His body regained its vigor.

"Thank you so much, Sir" Snow repeated, sending him out of his trance.

Logan usually doesn't respond to irrelevant greetings but his mouth seemed to have gotten a mind of its own as it replied to her.

"You're welcome." He couldn't explain why he felt the need to reply to her greetings.

Snow was assessing the stranger. She was trying to figure out who he was and where he came from because she knew that no one in the Pack wants to come anywhere close to her so she couldn't help but wonder where the kind stranger came from.

Logan on the other hand wasn't surprised to see her check him out. He is accustomed to it. Wherever he goes. He would have girls hoarding around him.

They always looked at him like the priceless treasure they want to have by all means.

However, he found one thing about Snow to be strange. Even though she was stunned to see him at first and even though she did check him out like the other girls too the expression on her face wasn't that of adoration but appreciation.

"Strange," He mumbled.

"Uh...Thank You, Sir." Snow repeated and she wriggled out of his hold.

She couldn't stop thanking him for saving her otherwise, who knows what would have happened to her if she fell from such a tall tree?

"I'm fine now, thank you." Snow hopped down from his arms.

"She's quite skillful."

Logan couldn't help but wonder why she is doing the exact opposite of what he expected from her.

A lot of girls would kill to stay in his arms and she wriggled out of it. She wants to get off his arms so quickly. She wasn't even trying to get his attention.

"Amazing" He mumbled again.

Every minute he spent with Snow brought about strange discoveries for him and for some reason he wanted to find out if there was more.

Snow looked at the tree and went back to it. She hit it repeatedly as if trying to scold it for letting her slip.

She attempted to climb the tree again and this time she managed to climb it successfully.

She plucked a handful of fruit and she came back down.

"Have some of these, Sir." She handed him some fruits.

As much as Logan would have loved to tell her off, he couldn't. He knew he shouldn't collect food from a stranger but this one felt different.

His hands involuntarily went forward and he collected the fruits from her. He stood like he was bewitched and he watched her go back to the tree top. She sat comfortably on the tree and she ate the fruits.

"Why aren't you coming down?" Logan raised his head to look at her.

Logan was stunned to hear himself speak to a stranger. He broke his personal rules and went against his principles just for her.

He usually doesn't speak to unknown personnel and he doesn't talk when it's not necessary. His monosyllables are meant for important people.

"Fruits taste great when you have them on the tree."

Logan held his chest as his heart suddenly skipped a beat at her angelic voice.

"What the hell?"

"Such melodious voice!"

"She is a full package."

Beauty, strength, Brains, and sweet voice. She possesses it all. Logan couldn't help but admire her package.

"Would you like to try it? Snow put forth her hand for him to hold. "You'll love it."

"Wait? What? Logan looked at himself self again to be sure he was him and his soul hasn't transmigrated into someone else's body.

He couldn't believe that he was standing there listening to the strange girl.

She was even daring enough to ask him to climb a tree?

Logan was about to warn her against saying such but he was stunned when she spoke again.

"Don't be afraid just grab my hand" She put forth her hand to hold him.

Logan almost couldn't hold back his laughter. He raised his head to look at the girl daring enough to say that to him.

"You will hold me?

"Of Course, just grab my hand." She leaped and put her hand out for him to hold.

"She definitely doesn't know who I am? Logan said to himself as he looked at her outstretched hand.

"Come on, don't be afraid" She stated in encouragement.

"I'm afraid? Logan raised his head to look at his tiny little saviour.

"Trust me, I won't let you fall" She assured him and she waved her hand so he could see her outstretched hand.

Wow! such a beautiful smile!

Logan couldn't stop staring at her. Though she was on the tree and he was down, he could see her smile. Her smile was so bright that the moon must have felt inferior.

Her beauty was outstanding.

Logan was staring fixedly at her but he found his feet moving on their own as he suddenly started climbing the tree.

"See, it wasn't so hard" Snow moved aside for him to sit.

Logan didn't respond to her anymore. He was mesmerized by her astonishing beauty. He couldn't look anywhere else but her face.

He sat there and fixated his gaze only on her. The beautiful view he was searching for was finally sitting right there before him.

"The world looks so beautiful from up here, don't you think?

"Yes. Indeed. It is beautiful" Logan replied without tearing his gaze away from her.

"You are new to the pack, right?"

Snow knew that no one in the pack would want to befriend her, well except for Mira. So if this stranger was talking to her now then it's because he is new to the pack. He'll also behave like the rest of them after settling in the pack.

Snow felt melancholy sweep through her as she thought of this and this slight change in her expression didn't skip Logan's hawk eyes.

"You obviously are" Snow replied to her own question.

"Anyway, it was good while it lasted" She smiled and put forth her hand for a handshake.

"Thank you once again for saving me."

Logan sat like a statue and he watched her eat the last fruit. She wiped her mouth and slowly climbed down the tree.

"Got to go now, bye."

Logan sat there motionless and watched as she scurried into the night. He couldn't even tell the direction she went.

His eyes were fixed in the direction she went. He felt like something was missing in the beauty of that place. He didn't find it as beautiful as it was when she was there.

"I should just leave" He hissed as he climbed down the tree.

The scent of that place was as good as it was before. Everything felt different after she left.

Logan couldn't help but agree within himself that the strange girl gave life to that place.