
Fated to be Mates

It's said that you can't escape destiny, but that's exactly what Alester wanted to do. "I need you to stop touching me," Alester commanded. "But I'm your mate. I'm supposed to touch you." "I don't want you as a mate. In fact..." Alester opened his mouth. NO!!!!! his wolf roared in his head. Alester growled, stumbling backward. His wolf wasn't going to let him reject her. Alester's 18th birthday had come and with it, certain responsibilities were expected of him as the son of an Alpha. He was to find his mate and intern under his father, inheriting the pack earlier rather than later. But Alester had a different plan for how he wanted his life to go. He was going to get his wolf, move off to college, and when he knew he could face the cut-throat business world, he would come back. Unfortunately, it looked like Alester's parents might get their wish when he shifted in the middle of his party and instantly found his mate. Phiona, his childhood stalker. He can't accept her, but he also can't reject her, and to make matters worse, a rouge she-wolf crashed his party with the most delicious scent he has ever smelt and stirred up feelings of protection he didn't know he had.

AuroraCross · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
45 Chs

Ch.12 Bring me clothes


She mindlessly ate the food off her plate. She couldn't focus on it anymore. Instead, she rehearsed the day before in her mind. She wondered what had gone so wrong when Phiona sashayed back into the room, catching Samantha's attention. She fidgeted in her seat, getting ready for Phiona to sit back down.

Instead, Phiona continued over to Alester. She wrapped her arms around him and nuzzled her nose into his neck as he stood. Samantha felt her heart shatter. When had she become such a foolish girl?

Tears prick at her eyes and her face got hot. She stared down into her almost empty plate. Samantha wanted to run out of there. If she stayed any longer, she might shift. Her thoughts had turned entirely bitter.

'Perfect blonde.' 'perfect body.' 'Sorry, not sorry. I'm fat.' 'Of course, he wants miss perfect.'

Samantha was no stranger to intrusive thoughts, but taking calming breaths wasn't working. She was so upset that she didn't even notice Alester had left. Her teeth and nails elongated into fangs and claws. Breathing wouldn't be enough. She needed a saying. 'Woman power.' Nope. not it. 'I am strong.' 'I am strong.' 'I don't need a man.' 'Men are scum.' 'I am strong.'

Her claws and fangs sunk back into teeth and nails. Her breathing was steadier, and she could think more clearly.

'Men are not scum. I am perfect as I am. Phiona is a nice person, probably, and she is Alester's mate.'

'He's my mate too.'

Her own thoughts shocked her. She thought he might be. But He can't have two. There is no such thing. She had learned that the day before.

Still, the words rang true. Alester was her mate. Despite that. He had found a different mate first. And Phiona seemed like a great person.... Samantha needed to step back.

"Sorry about the wait. My dad asked me to grab his watch. He forgot it on the bathroom sink." Phiona smiled at Samantha, sitting down across from her. She didn't wait for her to speak.

"Ok, so training. They are going to get you a private tutor. They will make a list of books for you to read. You will also have a private trainer. Wolves need to train a lot harder than most humans. Mostly because we are much stronger and we are show-offs." Phiona winked, reminding her again of Rachel.

"For today, I'll help you. The trainer and tutor will be ready by tomorrow."

"Wait, they are hiring me my own tutor and trainer? They don't need to do that. I am just fine with the list. And some papers showing me how to do the moves."

"They don't need to. But they will. They are the best of the best. Alester's father is one of the kindest men I know. He will stop at nothing to make sure his guests are accommodated in all their needs. So you will take the tutor and the trainer out of sheer gratitude. Even if you don't need them. It's polite"

Phiona's speech was too forceful for a recommendation but too kind for a command. Samantha nodded, unsure how to disagree with it.

"Let's see if we can find something that fits. I don't think you'll want to sweat in your only pair of clothes."

She grabbed Samantha by the arm and trudged her along to her room.

"What size are you?"

Phiona hummed as she rummaged through the drawers of the guest bedroom.

"You don't have to give me your workout clothes." Samantha tried to protest at least the one thing. Wouldn't Phiona need her workout clothes?

"Don't worry about it. I have several pairs here. I brought enough clothes to last me probably more than a year. Plus, my dad is friends with Alester's dad. So this is kinda my home away from home, and I always have spare clothes stashed here."

A pang rang through Samantha's heart. The story of Phiona and Alester was bigger than Samantha thought. They grew up together? Does Alester really dislike her? Why? Did they have a small fight, and he's just being petty? Will he want her? Does he want her?

Too many questions filled Samantha's head, so she said the easiest thing she could.

"I'm size xl. A 14 in most things."

Phiona stopped what she was doing and looked her over.

"Huh. You look more like an 8. I'm not sure If I have something that will fit perfectly, but my clothes are superb quality so I'm sure at least one of these will fit adequately."

She took a pile of clothes and walked Samantha down to the changing rooms.


A hot pink combo was the closest she could find to fitting her. A sports bra tank and a pair of yoga pants that did not do her any favors. They were supposed to be high-waisted, yet they barely fit below her belly button. Both items cut into her flesh uncomfortably. But it would have to do. Phiona was right. She didn't have any other clothes.

'I need some clothes. The address is on the slip of paper next to my bed. Also send workout gear.'

Samantha texted Rachel. She hadn't thought about it earlier.

'K' was all she got back. But she knew Rachel would follow-through, or she hoped she would.

Phiona went off to change, and Samantha went to familiarize herself with the workout room.

The room was larger and filled with more people than she had imagined, more wolves than she had imagined. Samantha had heard their howls fill the air while she was in the dressing room. But it was more intimidating than she was expecting. She held one arm with the other, rubbing small circles.

Samantha wasn't usually nervous in spaces full of people. But this was all new to her, and she had no idea what would happen next. Unlike the clubs that Rachel took her to, where everything was dark and she could be as wild as she wanted, with no one paying attention. She had a feeling that if she acted as wild as she wanted to be, everyone's attention would be on her, especially out in full daylight.

It was only a few steps into the gym when she smelled Alester from across the room. He was lifting hand weights but had stopped and was staring at her. It was only a few seconds, but she could see it. The look of want in his eyes, but also hurt. He nodded politely at her and turned back to his weights.

She couldn't make heads or tails of what she was feeling. She could only watch as his jaw clenched to lift the enormous weight in his hand. But she wanted to talk to him. To say anything to him, just hear his voice. She took a step forward, ready to run to him, but she faltered when she saw his body tense. In that split second, an arm grabbed hold of her arm and spun her around.