

In an era where wolves and vampires are being hunted,a young vae-wolf has to start life in a new pack and place. Get her mates but with lot's of rivalry.

vennehlisah100 · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
96 Chs



I watched as she grabbed a towel and wrapped it around herself, and I stood, stepping out of the shower. My face was already heating up. I started shredding my clothes, dropping them in a wet heap as Rina stuck her head out the door. Arman was yelling at me through the mind-link, shouting at the guards too, and I tried my best to ignore him.

"I will get you some spare clothes," Rina said.

"Don't bother," I told her, and she glanced at me but quickly rushed into the room. Arman was still talking through the mind-link, arguing with the guards to leave Dwight's quarters. Meanwhile, Junior kept asking neverending questions, making it hard for me to keep track of how many people's voices were suddenly flitting through my head.

I grabbed a towel and dried myself off, and Rina ran back into the room with a cami and shorts, trying to pass them to me while she started pulling on a turtleneck and long pants.

"Here," she whispered, but I shook my head.

"Ania?" she called out. I wanted to step past her, but then she stopped in front of me.

"Dwight is out there," she said, gripping my arm when he suddenly opened the door, standing completely naked. I had no idea where to look, so I stared up at the roof, and so did he. Awkward.

"Hang on, we're doing this in style," Junior said through the mind-link, and I looked at Dwight, who winked at me.

"I swear, Ania, when I get home....," Arman started.

"Well, that sounds like a challenge, my King," I told him.

"Put some clothes on, and Junior, stay away from my mate," he snapped.

"What? Nah, I am streaking with her. Got my best apron for this. And if Dwight is strutting his stuff, so am I. Sometimes you gotta air out the skin suit," Junior said.

"I said clear the halls," the King commanded.

"Everyone remains at their posts!" I commanded back, a little shocked at how easily I did.

The King growled, "Ania!"

"My King?" Zara said through the mind-link.

I could hear Rina asking what was going on, but I grabbed her hand almost blindly as everyone's faces flitted through my head along with their voices.

"I can't do this with you in my darn head," I told Arman.

"Good, because you aren't doing it," he growled.

"What is going on?" Zara asked.

"Ania is about to streak through the darn halls," Arman told her.

I focused on the mind-link, trying to get him out of my head. When I managed it, I was still standing in the bathroom, though now I could see Dwight. I made sure to keep my eyes above the waist. I did not want to see more than I needed to. However, I was shocked to find his flesh torn apart more than ours.

"Are we doing this?" he asked, looking at me.

"Doing what?" Rina squeaked, looking between us.

"Oh good, I am not late," Junior said, bursting into the bathroom with only a floral apron on.

"Oh la la, my Queen, lovely birthday suit," he said, not even being subtle as he looked me over. I swallowed under his leering gaze. Anyways, I knew at one point or another, we have seen each other's nudity as we shape-shifted.

"Eyes off my mate, Junior," the King growled as he broke through the mind-link.

"I am hitting above your belt there, my King," Junior chuckled, earning a growl through the mind-link. Arman kept forcing open. Junior reached past Dwight, grabbed my wrist, jerking me to him, and looped his arm through mine, while Rina stood stunned. She grabbed my arm as Junior tugged me toward the door.

"What are you doing?" she queried.

"We are showing you. You aren't the only one a little broken," Dwight said, offering his arm to her.

"Man, the King doesn't shut up. Bit Bossy if you ask me. How do you put up with him?" Junior asked. As Arman kept trying to order his men out, then I realized something. His commands on Junior and Dwight were not working. That realization hit me at the same time it hit Arman, that I knew something was amiss.

"Ania?" he asked.

"I love you, respect you, and honor you as my mate, first as a queen, and then as a king, but I am doing this for Rina," I told him, and he growled.

"Are the cameras off?" he called through the open mind-link.

"They're already off," I heard Desmond call back.

"Well, now this is definitely an adventure, so I guess we're off," Junior said, opening the door and bowing. Rina giggled behind me, and I glanced over my shoulder to see Dwight covering her eyes when Junior shook his ass at her. I tried not to laugh and closed my eyes, willing myself to step out the doors and not run back to the bathroom.

"You're in so much trouble when I get home," Arman snapped at me.

Fear coursed through me, and Rina gasped. I opened my eyes at the sound and gasped myself. All the guards were still stationed where they were, their clothes in a heap at their feet, their eyes straight ahead, and their hands over their privates. I looked at Rina, who was fully clothed, gripping Dwight's arm tightly, looking like she wanted to run back into the room.

"Ready, my Queen?" Junior laughed, looping his arm back through mine. I nodded, my breathing heavy, and looked straight ahead before I started walking. I headed for the King's quarters, and I could hear Rina crying behind me as she followed Dwight. Every staff member lined the halls naked, eyes straight ahead, thankfully. My chest warmed, knowing they did this for her. Arman growled angrily through the bond, and I could almost sense the angry look on his face.

As we walked the halls, I felt a strange weight lift not only from me but also from Rina, as her crying stopped. Each person we passed bowed or nodded, and she looped her arm through mine. She rested her head on my shoulder as we climbed the last set of stairs to find Zara and Desmond standing at the top, naked.

"I knew you were a fine lady, Ania, but damn, you have guts," Zara said, giving a whistle.

"Junior, you're not too big for me to spank or wash your mouth out with soap," she scolded.

"Lucky me. Which knee would you like me over?" he laughed, and she folded her arms across her chest, her eyes narrowing at the man.

"My Queen," she said and nodded. Desmond walked over and opened the door for me.

"Rina?" I whispered.

"You didn't have to do this," she told me, yet the tension in her body had left; she looked more relaxed.

"Yes, I did. You needed to see," she looked out at all the naked guards and staff.

"Did you have to make them do it too?" she asked.

"No one made them do it, Love," Dwight whispered, and everyone in the hall bowed or tipped their heads to her, and her cheeks flushed pink.

"So, can I take you somewhere now, and can I put some pants on? It is a little chilly," Dwight asked, and I gave her a nudge.

"Go, no one cares what you look like," I told her, and tears brimmed in her eyes as she hugged me.

"More than my life," she whispered.

"More than my life," I told her.

"More than my life," all the guards and staff murmured in unison, making my heart skip a beat.

I looked at Desmond, who nodded, keeping his eyes on mine. I waited for Rina to disappear around the stairs before racing to the closest for clothes. Zara stepped into the room as I pulled on some pajamas, and I let out a breath.

"You're a good friend," Zara said, wrapping a sheet around herself.

"I can't believe everyone did it for her," I chuckled. Zara chuckled.

"Yes, but also you. You are our Queen. Where you go, we follow, even if it is doing something as silly as being naked," she said. Then Arman's voice boomed through the link.

"For goodness sake, please tell me she has clothes on now," he growled.

"I have clothes on," I told him, and he growled and wanted to say something, but I cut him off.

"I will deal with you when you get home," I told him. I chuckled.

"Deal with me? I am the one going to deal with you. You better bloody run when I get home," he snarled.

"Good, I will do it naked," I told him, and he growled, but I shoved him out of my head.

"He is a little angry," I sighed.

"Don't worry, my Queen. You have an entire castle to back you," she said, and my brows furrowed, remembering how I was able to override Arman's commands.

"How?" I asked her.

"How what?" Zara asked.

"They all listened. Arman commanded them, and they listened to me instead," I queried.

"Ah, now that is something you need to ask your king about, my Queen," she chuckled before walking out. I sighed and sat on the bed. Now to deal with my king when he comes home.

The day flew by quickly, and I had a doctor visit to draw blood. I spent time working on reading with Junior and Desmond. Initially, I felt a bit embarrassed about my earlier outburst, but as I walked through the halls, it seemed like everyone had forgotten about it. Everyone was acting completely normal, despite the fact that we had all been naked earlier in the day.

After dinner, I went to bed, but I could sense Arman's intense anger dissipating. He almost appeared giddy and excited to go home, which struck me as odd. It made me wonder why his mood had suddenly changed, considering his anger had been lingering through our bond all day. While the anger was still present, it was now just a fraction of what it had been earlier.

As I crawled into my nest and rearranged the edges, trying to find comfort and searching for my mate's fading scent, my anxiety grew. My eyes opened wide when I heard the door open, and Arman walked in. I sat up, bracing myself for his wrath, as I had decided I was too tired to argue with him. I was prepared to listen to his ranting if it meant I could finally get some sleep.

Arman remained quiet as he approached me. He stopped next to the bed and casually shrugged off his jacket, tossing it onto the end of the bed. The silence was unnerving as he watched me, taking off his cufflinks and placing them on the bedside table. Slowly, he unbuttoned his shirt, filling the room with his enticing scent, causing me to involuntarily purr. He smirked at my reaction, observing me as I struggled to resist the urge to throw myself at him.

"You are in trouble," he said, and I gulped, waiting to hear it.

"But I think I can forgive you," he said.

"You think, or do you have?" I asked, forcing myself to remain where I was. I wanted to bite him, taste his skin, and inhale his scent like a damn animal. It infuriated me, yet my mouth watered all the same. Arman raised an eyebrow at me before taking his shirt off and offering it to me. I reached out for it, wondering what he was playing at. He let me take it before walking off into the bathroom. I heard the shower turn on, yet he still hadn't answered me, and his silence was almost worse than his wrath.

"Arman?" I called out.

"My Queen," he said in return, making me purse my lips at his weird behavior. When he finished showering, he came out and tugged the duvet back that I was huddled under.

"You didn't eat all your dinner," he growled, reaching for me. My skin tingled from his touch, and his warmth instantly bled into me as he laid me on top of him.

"I wasn't hungry," I told him, nipping at his chest. He let me, brushing his fingers through my hair as the longing slipped out of him.

"I thought you were angry?" I asked.

"I am," he answered, and I sat up, straddling his waist.

"You don't seem angry," I told him.

"Zara said you didn't eat your lunch either," Arman growled, his fingers tangling in my hair. He tugged me back down and pulled my head back before brushing his lips against mine gently.

"Who cares if I ate? Did you find out anything about the murdered rogues?" I inquired.

"No, nothing, and I care if you aren't eating, and so should you," he said, and I rolled my eyes, pushing off his chest, only for him to tug me back again. His lips brushed gently across mine.

"Because you're eating for two," he purred before his tongue invaded my mouth.