
Fated Revenge : Love of possesive boyfriend.

She was reborn into the past of someone else's life....what adventure awaits before her

SilverMoon_01 · Thanh xuân
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25 Chs

Chp 3 - A new beginning.

Down in hall

Li Qiang and his friend Deming were having breakfast... Deming leaned forward and spoke.

"So basically you had a good night right brother Qiang.... but the question lies how can you do it with her.... though she has looks she doesn't even know how to....Arghh...what can I say more" he looks towards Li Qiang waiting for an reply

Li Qiangs face shows no expression...and no response.

Xiaofang comes down walking with a beautiful jumper dress and hair tied up bangs on the forehead and no makeup...

She comes and sits down beside LiQiang

The maid serves the breakfast to her..

"Thankyou" She smiles politely

"Goodmorning brother Qiang, brother ming" she greets them smiling.

Hearing this Li Qiang gets shocked but seeing her smile he smiles to her

"Goodmorning xiaofang"he replies.

God damn even his voice is intoxicating,  one more word and I might just faint by his charm. I mean look at him even though he just sitting on table having breakfast he is not looking any less than a model having photoshoot.

Deming looking at her with shocks finally decides to speak up.

"Hey xiao fang tell me something...how did a ugly , small , toad became a Cinderella overnight...huh?" He leaned closer teasing her.

UGLY? SMALL? TOAD? is he blind?

"Brother ming.. .WHO ARE YOU CALLING A TOAD HUH?.... YOU SHRIMPH. LiQiang look he is bullying me" I complained to him like a spoiled child. But who cares I know he likes it. Just see his face all bright after hearing it.

I look towards him with puppy face...blinking my wide eyes.

LiQiang stares at her and blushes

How is she looking more cute today?...

"That's your true form you Cinderella monster.... Shouting on top of your lungs and making everyone deaf and I thought you became more lady like for a second..." Deming scoffs and teases her.

"Deming don't tease her like this" LiQiang said and continued to eat.

One word from him and Deming scoffing stopped teasing me.

Qiang looks at my plate and picks out all the shrimph from the plate...I look at him confused...

"You are allergic to shrimps" He said with calm tone,he even remembers this?....Maybe he's not that bad. I thought to myself.

I stared at Deming and smiled full of evilness "yep...totally allergic to shrimph"

"You...." He gets mad after he understands her meaning.

Humph he totally deserves it. I laughed in mind after seeing his red mad face. He looked like a mad lion ready to pounce at anytime. But with Qiang beside me he won't dare.

I was nervous earlier if I will be able to adapt but it looks like I will not have that much of a problem. I just need to behave like I usually do. It seems that the previous Fenfang was a bit arrogant. But who says I'm less, I smirked.

The door opened,

The secretary Hui came inside....he was tall and handsome,wearing a perfect suit and quite young but also seemed like a man of few words, from teh expression he was wearing.

"President Li sorry to bother you early morning but we have to head to company to meet a client" He went straight to the point. See told you man of few words. I may not be talented but i did have a skill when it comes to analyzing people.

LiQiang gets up taking his coat and kisses my forehead..."I will come back in evening you get rest"

"Lets go" both LiQiang and Deming left for the company with secretary.