
Chapter. 25 The last Summoned Servant


The interior of the city shook. The shaking of the surrounding blocks vibrated through her shoes even before the shock wave could reach her ear. Windows thundered and finally cracked as citizens cowered in the street, trembling.

"Meow! What in the spirit's name was that? Such a demonic scream in this city?"

"Mhh, it sounded more like an explosion than the roar of an abomination. We should still see if we can help injured people."

Among the crowds of people covering their ears in shock and pain stood a girl in a sky-blue dress that reached to her knees. A blue flower was stuck in her white hair, which fluttered under the blast. She was about 150 cm tall, and a small white cat with a top hat sat on her shoulder.

A wind was blowing through the streets a few seconds after the blast was over. The young woman had to cover her eyes as dust was carried through the surrounding area. Screams were drowned out by debris hitting the streets and burying cars as more and more fragments broke off the facade. The skyscraper deformed, and it was only a matter of time before it crumbled entirely.

"Alright, Chief, be careful. Something that does so much damage can only come from a horrendous being. But don't be afraid if push comes to shove; I'll protect you."

"Sure, I'm counting on you, Sith. Be sure to keep your eyes open.

People flooded the streets. Their eyes were transfixed with shock at the rubble. Screams could be heard, and anxious conversations were carried on telephones. Cars stopped and blocked traffic. Sirens could be heard in the distance, slowly approaching.

Every person the girl saw on the road had a pale skin color. She could hardly imagine the emotions felt by families whose loved ones were buried. Never before had Mira heard cries that awakened her grief. Cries that seemed to come from the depths of one's soul. She had to pull herself together so as not to get wet eyes, even if it felt partly impossible.

Although at first, she could only see the outline of the skyscraper far away, she reached the scene of the accident before the police. Debris covered the streets, and a dust cloud had formed around the accident site. The surrounding buildings were cracked but still standing. Suddenly, Mira felt a soft touch on her skin. It was Sith that nudged her cheek. "Faint traces of Mana flicker in the air, Mira."

"It actually was a magic attack?"

"Meow, At least I don't see or sense monsters. A dragon-like beast should have been visible from a distance."

"Nothing?" Mira asked in surprise. Since Mana was involved, she ruled out a bombing. Worry spread through her as even Sith's unique instincts found nothing. 'That should be an impossibility... Even player skills can't hide you completely. Unless it's unique spirit magic.'

"A monster attack looks different," Mira continued. "The destruction radius around the building is too small. But it didn't feel like a bomb either. At least, there shouldn't be any Mana flowing through the air then."

"Bomb? Is that a magic ability?" the cat asked, tilting his head. "But, except for people running out of houses, I haven't seen anything."

In the distance, among more rubble, she spied a woman. It would have been impossible for a human eye. A cloud of dust covered everything. The sweat on the pain-distorted face had completely absorbed dust and ash. With her arms, the woman tried in vain to escape from the danger zone. But her endurance probed not enough to overcome the large debris.

Without anyone noticing the commotion, Mira jumped into the dust cloud and reached the injured person with two leaps.

"Don't worry; I'll get you out of here."

The woman just groaned. Her thoughts were too clouded to perceive what was happening.

Only now has Mira gotten a closer look. The woman's left leg was completely shattered. It had to be a fragment that was thrown out in the explosion. The trail of blood was hard to see. Without hesitation, Mira gently placed her hands on the open leg. A grunt sounded before her hands began to glow. The light seeped into the open wound. It set the bone and healed most of the flesh.

After about 10 seconds, she took her hands off the leg. She would continue, but her feelings told her not to expose magic any longer. 'At least no permanent damage will remain...'

Mira turned to the woman again.

"Take it easy; I'll get you to safety."

This time, the woman nodded dazedly at the comforting voice, which had to sound no different than an angelic voice. Even though Mira was a Servant and her body would be superior to a human's, she grabbed the woman under her arms and gently pulled her out of the dust and ash cloud. Once outside, she leaned the woman against an object before jumping into the cloud again.

After the rescue workers arrived, she retreated to a bench. With Sith's help, she had been able to locate five more people. Her right hand, which moments before had been radiating a healing golden light, now played with the white strands that still shone since her arrival. Even if she wanted to help more, she couldn't. She had already gathered some information. It was easy to see that there was no magic in this world. At least, that's what Mira thought at first.

The suspicion that mages secretly lived in this world always remained in the back of her mind. And it wasn't until Sith spotted Mana oozing out from between the rubble that she became sure of it.

'I've been summoned here, and hidden magic has attacked a house. We must have missed something. I should keep quiet for now and continue to monitor the situation.'

Mira was a stranger here. Carelessly showing magic could be fatal. If there were a Secret Magic Society, goofing around would attract enemies like light attracts mosquitoes, a thought she did not like. In the end, unfortunately, hardly any people could be saved. To escape a collapsing skyscraper, which collapsed in less than a minute, was, unfortunately, an impossibility for most humans.

"There, look!" Shouted Sith excitedly. The little claw pointed into the crowds of people. "That little woman with blonde hair and a dark blue gown. She radiates Mana just like us."

Immediately Mira squinted her eyes. "Do you think she is a magical creature like us?"

The cat didn't respond. Mira jumped on both legs and knocked the dust out of her dress. With a quick step, she walked through the masses.

Saber, who didn't see the small Mira because of her height, crossed her eyes in frustration. She had come to make an offer to Kayneth and Lancer, but someone had appeared before her. Even though she stretched her senses in all directions, she could not locate Lancer.

'What kind of vile monster would do something so deviant?'

After a lingering moment to commiserate with the dead, Saber shook her head. She had fought a long battle with Lancer. The power of his spear alone made the bones tremble. It would not be that easy to eliminate the warrior. However, she had no idea where to begin her search for him.

The smell of sweat hit Mira's nose as she pushed through the masses. Again and again, she lost sight of Saber as more jostled her. But without hesitation, she shoved people aside. She was no longer far away. The hair, foreign in this land, she could see protruding again and again between the many heads.

But then Saber was suddenly gone. Mira could only stare at the spot she stood seconds ago.

"Wow, that's what I call an exit chief."

"Is she still around?"

"No, she has dropped off the face of the earth," her companion replied. "Her Mana flow just suddenly stopped. Maybe some kind of teleportation?"

The girl nodded in understanding. But her thoughts still circled around Saber, who had sadly stared at the ruins. Saber's dazed sight could not be described in words and would have been best immortalized in a painting. The blue dress shimmered between the dark clothes and brought shame even to the sky blue.

'Was she also summoned? If only someone could tell me what's actually going on here!'

She sighed. All this was getting to be too much. Why did she have to get into such a tricky situation? In an unknown country with different rules.

"We'd better go now," Mira said. Her guilty conscience had been warning for some time that she shouldn't stay in one place too long. "We know too little, and I would hate to be chased by someone who brings down entire skyscrapers for no reason. Our abilities are extremely limited, and for now, I don't want to waste precious Mana, even with my high regeneration."

"Don't worry, chief!" Exclaimed Sith. "No one will get close to us unseen."

"Then I will rely on you," Mira replied, petting her companion. "Besides, we need shelter. I doubt we have the money to rent a room, though..."

The wind shifted direction and blew into the girl's face. For a moment, Sith caught sight of the Celestial smile as her hair followed the wind before being picked up by both hands and sitting on her right shoulder.

"Mhh, maybe we can exchange our gold coins somewhere here. I have enough of that."

It proved not to be difficult for Mira to navigate the streets. Even in her old world, primarily dominated by magic, people created cities most efficiently. Whereby people was not the right term. It was more like the players that recreated the layouts from modern civilization.

Mira was no exception; after all, she too was a gamer who had been transported to a fantasy world, so modern cities were nothing unfamiliar. But how could she have expected to be transported to another world once more?

The sunlight reflected from the large windows of the houses built like mirrors inside the city glimmered in the midday light. However, even this spectacle did not manage to attract her attention.

But even though Mira did not pay attention to her surroundings, she noticed uncomfortably the countless glances on her. The white hair and the masterfully crafted dress of a royal family were destined to magically attract glances. However, no one could see the cat sitting on her shoulder. Embarrassed, Mira sped up the walk to escape the curious people.

"Is something wrong?"

"I feel like a celebrity," Mira whispered. "I don't want to stand out."

They continued to follow the streets, but news of the collapse must have reached every corner of the city by now. The panic spread like an epidemic. Streets quickly became free, almost as if swept empty. Whether the people were afraid and sought protection from further attacks, Mira could not say.

In the distance, there was a quiet clicking. As soon as the wind picked up, she slowly turned around and looked at the roofs, dark windows, and empty streets. Was someone watching her?

"Did you hear that too? It just sounded like footsteps landing after a fall."

Thanks to all who took the time to stop by. If you have any ideas, suggestions, or tips for writing, feel free to leave a comment.

If there is anything you would like to see in the story, feel free to let me know that as well.

Neropolcreators' thoughts