

What if twins were born in the present, one the embodiment of a strong cultivator from the past and the other resurrected after living 100 years into the future? This is the story of younger brother York McLean, the freedom seeker, who was resurrected back into his original body after living 100 years of humiliation and slavery, and the story of older brother Ares McLean, who seeks revenge after being betrayed and killed in the past. Amid the chaos of the past, present, and future, both brothers make their way in pursuit of their own goals in a private world where humans are one of several dominant races.

KAITO_RB · Kỳ huyễn
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19 Chs

The Beginning

... And after the battle had passed, he retired to his room alone, rejecting anyone who wanted to talk to him.

There, a simple desk rested in the corner of the room and at first glance seemed chaotic, on top of it rested some mysterious tools, a collection of books as well as some shimmering stones. But what attracted interest was not none of the above, but a bunch of scattered leaves, on the surface of one of those leaves there was a strange inscription. each letter of the inscription resembled musical notes and occasionally shimmered with a sky-blue light as if he was composing a symphony of his own.

In front of the open window, was a wide, comfortable armchair, which he sank into with a weight of weariness on his body.

There was a strange inscription surrounding his neck. It was a frightening inscription, and it seemed as if it threatened to sever his neck at any moment.

From that open window, he saw the treetops in front of his house, swaying with the breath of the newborn spring, and the delicious smell of rain in the air. On the street below his window, a vendor was shouting for his wares, and from a distance a faint melody of a song someone was singing to his ears as flocks of birds chirped on the cornice roof of the house.

Patches of blue sky loomed here and there among the clouds that met and gathered one on top of the other to the west in front of his window.

He was looking at the scene while his head was lying back on the armrest of the chair in complete calm, disturbed only by a gasp that occasionally went up to his throat.

He was a quiet, beautiful-looking young man, whose lines of face reflected a hidden suppression, but reflected with him some strength, but now he stared away with withered eyes at one of those blue patches not in contemplation, but with a look that revealed a mind devoid of all thought.

Something was coming to him, and he was waiting for him in apprehension, what was it? He didn't know, it was invisible and hard to know, but he felt it creep out of the sky to him through the sounds, smells, and colors that filled the air.

And now his chest was rising and falling with emotion and tension, and he began to realize what that thing was, and he was trying hard to deter him of his own will, as helpless as his slender white hands were unable to respond to him.

As his breath became more intense, the inscription on the desk was sparkling faster and faster.

suddenly, the engraving stopped shining and started to disappear little by little until it disappeared completely.

When he unleashed himself, a small whispered word escaped his lips, which he repeated and repeated in a subtle voice: "I am free, free, free."


The spring rain quietly rained down on Storm Island.

It was already late in the night, a slight breeze blowing with the light rain.

Yet Storm Island was not covered in darkness; On the edge of the island, dozens of tiny lights shone like a bright band.

These lights shone from tall buildings, even though they could not be said to match up to bright lights from a big city, yet it was still a few thousand in number.

The City of the Sun is located on the edge of the island, giving the vast lonely Island a rich touch of human civilization.

In the middle of the Sun City was a magnificent pavilion. A grand Meeting was being held at this moment, and the lights were even brighter than ever.

" Tomorrow is the opening of the awakening ceremony, I wonder what new blood will show up this year ?" The head of the Sun City had a middle-aged appearance, his sideburns were graying and he was clothed in black robes. His body was straight with his hands held together, his eyes were sharp as he watched the reactions of the city's elders.

In front of him were over 10 people, They wore loose white garments and were all the city's elders, important members, and those who had much authority. Each of them wore a headband red, bearing the symbol of the sun along with numbers indicating their status in the city, ranging from 1 to 10.

" Time flies too quickly, in the blink of an eye, a year has gone by ."

" The previous ceremony feels like it just happened yesterday, I can still recall it vividly ."

"Ah, I hope that some highly talented youths will appear. The Sun City hasn't seen a genius emerge for three years now."

" Agreed. The Star City, and Dawn City these few years all had some talented geniuses appear. Especially that Alex Winters from the Star City, his natural talent is quite terrifying."

It was unclear who had brought up the name Alex Winters, but the faces of the elders started to show worry.

The boy's qualifications were splendid; in just a short period of two years' worth of training, he had already reached the level three Inscription Masters.

In the younger generation, he could be said as the most outstanding one. It was to the point that even the older generation could feel pressure from the promising youth.

In time, he would inevitably become the pillar of the Star City. At the very least he would also be an independently strong warrior. No one ever doubted this fact.

"But for this year's youths that will be participating in the ceremony, not all hope is lost."

"You're right, McLean's side has emerged genius twins. One seems exceptionally intelligent, the other particularly talented. Unfortunately, their parents died early, and they have no relatives to care for them."

"Yes, what a genius!"

The Sun City head heard the discussions that were going on in the hall among the city elders.

He knew right away that the elders were discussing the twins known as Ares and York McLean at that moment.

As the head of the city, it is natural to pay attention to the outstanding and prominent young ones. And it so happens that York and Ares MacLean were the most eye-catching ones among the juniors.

' If these two kids show the potential of the upper class, they can even compete against Alex Winters with great care. Even if they are upper-middle class, in the future they could also become the banner of the city of the sun.' With this thought, the head of the City of the Sun slowly raised his lips to a smile.

At once, with a cough, he faced the city elders and said, "Everyone, the hour is late, for tomorrow's opening ceremony you should all rest well tonight."

At his words, the elders looked startled. They looked at each other with a hint of caution in their eyes.

They should stay well rested and replenish themselves until tomorrow comes when the competition begins.

The city elders slowly dispersed with deep thoughts.

Not long after that, the pavilion became quiet. the city head lightly walked towards the window. Right away, He could see half of the entire Sun City.

Even if it was late in the night, most of the homes in the village still had lights on, which was unusual.

Tomorrow is the opening ceremony, and it affects everyone's best interests. A kind of excited yet tense atmosphere enveloped the hearts of the people of the city, and thus naturally many people could not sleep well.

" I hope there aren't any unpleasant surprises."

At the very same moment, on the second floor of one of the houses in the city, in two adjacent rooms, four eyes, two black and two red, quietly looked at the same lights sparkling in the night, full of complex feelings inside.