

What if twins were born in the present, one the embodiment of a strong cultivator from the past and the other resurrected after living 100 years into the future? This is the story of younger brother York McLean, the freedom seeker, who was resurrected back into his original body after living 100 years of humiliation and slavery, and the story of older brother Ares McLean, who seeks revenge after being betrayed and killed in the past. Amid the chaos of the past, present, and future, both brothers make their way in pursuit of their own goals in a private world where humans are one of several dominant races.

KAITO_RB · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
19 Chs

Bluish-black hair

Not long after the end of Ares' meeting with the time dragon Ashcroft, York left the City Affairs Office for a hotel in the slums.

With the announcement of postponing the launch of the academy, he now had to find a place to settle in temporarily, especially after he got his share of the inheritance, leaving the house to his brother Ares.


"Innkeeper, do you have any rooms available?" York came to the only inn in the slums and asked for the price.

"Yes, yes. There is room on the second floor and third floor. Not only is it cheap, the rooms are also tidy and clean. The first floor is the cafeteria; guests of the inn can come here and eat." The innkeeper was full of hospitality while welcoming York.

This inn was the only one in the village, but the business was not very good. It was somewhat deserted.

York was a little hungry, so he passed 1 magical stone to the innkeeper. "Give me a good room for me to stay in, and prepare 2 different dishes."

"Done." The innkeeper took the magical stone and asked, "Would you like to eat in your room, or dine in the hall?"

York thought about it a little, it wasn't because he came to the slums because he lacked magic stones. The inheritance left by his parents was enough for him to settle in the finest inn in Sun City.

York chose to come to this inn for a reason.

He was looking for someone.

According to York, a murder was expected at this inn this afternoon. So he had to be prepared for any variable that could happen. Thus he replied, "I'll eat in the hall."

The inn had a dining hall; There were a couple of wooden tables that looked fairly old and had several stains that hadn't been cleaned.

In the middle of the cafeteria was a table seated with 4-5 inscription masters. They were discussing their hunting experiences in loud voices, and at their feet were a pile of different low-level monsters of mountain prey.

In another corner was a table with 2 young people, seemingly discussing in secret. Their figures were hidden in the darkness, it was hard to see them.

York chose a fairly clean table, and as soon as he sat down he began to observe his surroundings. Soon after, the dishes were served on the table.

Suddenly there was a loud noise, interrupting his thoughts. Fang Yuan looked in the direction of the sound, realizing that the 4 hunters seated around the table in the middle of the hall were heavily drunk.

One of them appeared to have put a dagger on the neck of a certain boy while the other three were arguing with the boy.

" What do you mean you haven't got the full amount yet, huh."

" Want to borrow 20 more magical stones, do we look like fools to you."

The boy was in a deplorable state and looked like he had been beaten everywhere, his clothes were shabby and torn but what caught his attention was his bluish-black hair color.

The boy's voice seemed to echo as he struggled to get a breath: " Sir, please, the start of the academy has been postponed, so I haven't received any revenue yet, and I'm supposed to pay 10 more magical stones for the Academy's uniform.

" Do you think I care? Who knows? Your admission to the Academy might be just nonsense and you're trying to evade paying debt."

"Sir, I..."

The boy didn't finish his sentence before being interrupted by someone: "Sir, why waste your time with this scum, let's get rid of him. I think his sister will make us a lot of money if we make good use of her. "

" Hmmm, I think it's a good idea."

" N. No, please..." The boy struggled but couldn't resist the hand holding him. After all, The leader of this group of hunters was a veteran second-class inscription master.

The noise was becoming louder; it was obvious that the group had drunk a lot. The waiter hurriedly went over and said, " Sir, the situation is unstable within the city at this time, if you want to do something you can go to the back alley and not involve the inn in this matter."

" Do you think I'm afraid of some of the inspectors?"

The waiter's voice got colder: "Sir!!."

" Tsk. Let's go to the back alley. "

York watched this situation with amazement, the leader of this group of hunters, who seemed like a second-class inscription master, lowered his head and did not even try to argue with the waiter.


In the back alley, before any of the fishermen could do anything that could threaten the boy's life, they heard a sound coming from behind them.