

What if twins were born in the present, one the embodiment of a strong cultivator from the past and the other resurrected after living 100 years into the future? This is the story of younger brother York McLean, the freedom seeker, who was resurrected back into his original body after living 100 years of humiliation and slavery, and the story of older brother Ares McLean, who seeks revenge after being betrayed and killed in the past. Amid the chaos of the past, present, and future, both brothers make their way in pursuit of their own goals in a private world where humans are one of several dominant races.

KAITO_RB · Kỳ huyễn
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19 Chs

Auction 1

" The method is simple, all you have to do is pay 100 magic stones and get a card with your name inscription on it, then you have to put that card in this box, and at the end of the day, one of these cards will be withdrawn, and the name mentioned in it will be the one who gets all the property of the McLean family. "

" Of course, the more cards with your name, the higher your chances of winning," Ares said as he explained the way the auction would go.

At present, Ares was standing in the middle of the vast square in the center of the city of the sun, and next to him, there was a huge box of square shape at a height of one meter decorated with a collection of intricate inscriptions.

On the other side of the box, a person stood.

That person was wearing a set of regular loose-fitting clothing along with a red headband with a sun inscription and the number 1 next to it.

Having noticed the public's view of Aris, he spoke: " This auction is a guarantee from the Lord of the city himself, as I will be the one watching this event to make sure there are no breaches."

" This box will be left here all day, and whoever wants to participate in this auction has to follow the rules mentioned earlier."

" However, the money you bet on cannot be returned as a loss. Who knows, a single name card could make someone become one of the city's rich, while betting a large number of cards could cause some to go bankrupt."

The audience was surprised by this innovative way of doing the auction, and the discussions and whispers that were talking about it went up all over the city.

" I thought it was just a normal auction limited to a certain group of rich people, who were expecting such a huge event."

" If I put my name card in that box, it will be rich by this evening."

" Don't even think about it. Do you think a single name card can make you win the auction? Tsk, tsk..."

" Yeah, just look at the group of young masters competing for who puts up more name cards than their peers."

"Just, what Aris McLean was thinking about selling his family property this way."

" It doesn't matter, it depends on luck anyway, the Lord of the City himself guarantees the credibility of this auction and with the first elder watching, I don't think there's any reason to worry."

" Who knows, the killers of the third elder were not revealed even after all this time."

With that, the discussion turned into a rant, causing Sun City which had been suffering from Depression for the past few days to become more lively as time passed.


at the same time.

York ignored all the hustle and bustle about his brother's auction because he knew the result already, and was now finishing off today's training session.

Katherine could be seen sitting down wearing an overcoat over her worn-out clothes as she gazed at York as he trained, unsure of what she was feeling in her heart. It always happened when York smiled at her or when she watched him train.

Mark glanced at York's training and then at Katherine before giving a knowing smirk and started to leave. By the time Katherine realized, he was already gone, a faint glimmer of worry passed through her eyes but then her attention was immediately gathered by York.

At first, both Mark and Katherine were surprised at his training, wondering for what reason he was doing it. York was caught off-guard when they asked him as he never did prepare a response, so he just gave a childish and cliché reply of him feeling useless and wanting to help them.

York noticed Katherine's subtle glances at him but chose to ignore it. At least, for now.

Yes, Katherine would give herself to York. He would make sure of that.

He won't exploit her gratitude. Instead, he will make sure she gets stronger and lives a happy life. But life by his side, nevertheless.

He wanted to secure the loyalty of the only future inscription painter who would reach peak class in drawing techniques in the three worlds. An inscription painter who he knew would die for him and adore him if he cared for her. If he showed her she was important. If he made her feel appreciated.

As he finished his training he went into the hut, where a warm towel was prepared, to wash off his sweat. Looking at his body, faint signs of muscle started to show on his body, although not much but compared to his previous scrawny body it was a good change.


There will be two chapters tomorrow.

Thank you

Thank you to everyone who has read this novel up to this point. Due to exams, the release of chapters was a bit fluctuating. So I apologize and I can say that the number of weekly chapters of this novel will gradually increase.

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