
Fate x Danmachi: The Sword Prince (eng)

Orario, the city of adventurers' paradise. Everyone who comes there has their own ambitions. Some want to become strong, some dream of restoring the pride of their race, and others aspire to become rich and famous. Among them are those who can be considered naive or foolish—those who wish to become Heroes. Of course, Emiya Shirou is one of the foolish ones.

Sikul_ · Tranh châm biếm
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35 Chs

Chapter 33

After several days had passed, Shirou continued to spend his time at the Hostess of Fertility, helping in the kitchen and serving customers. His presence became more familiar to the waitstaff and regular patrons. The time he spent with Syr not only helped him feel more connected to this new world, but also allowed Syr to hone her cooking skills. Now, Syr was becoming more adept at cooking without much help from Shirou, though she occasionally still asked for advice or small tips.

One afternoon, when the restaurant was quiet and only a few customers remained, Shirou noticed Syr busily tidying up the kitchen after preparing some orders. Leaning against the kitchen counter, he smiled and decided to ask something he had been curious about for a while.

"Syr," he called gently, catching her attention. She turned to him with a curious look. "I've been wondering, what is it that you like about Bell?"

The question made Syr pause for a moment, but a soft smile soon appeared on her face. She seemed to reflect for a while before answering, her eyes distant. "Bell... he's honest and sincere. Even though he's weak, he always tries hard, never giving up. His kindness makes others want to protect him. That's what I like about him."

Shirou nodded, understanding her feelings. "He does seem like a good person," he commented sincerely.

But after a brief pause, Syr added in a quieter voice, almost whispering, "But I know... Bell likes someone else." Her expression shifted slightly, a mix of awkwardness and calmness crossing her face.

Sensing the tension in the air, Shirou tried to lighten the mood with a joke. "Well, if Bell ever rejects you, you can come to me. I'll lend you my shoulder to cry on," he said with a playful smile, hoping to make Syr laugh.

Syr immediately chuckled, but there was a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Shirou, you're really a sly man. Taking advantage of a girl's vulnerability to win her heart? You think I didn't notice your intentions?" she teased, pointing at him with a playful grin.

Shirou blushed, caught off guard by Syr's words. "That... that wasn't my intention!" he stammered, his face growing redder. "I was just joking."

Syr laughed harder at Shirou's flustered reaction. "Of course you were, Shirou. But be careful, jokes like that can be dangerous," she said teasingly, still smiling with playful mischief.

Shirou could only smile awkwardly, unsure of what to say next. Despite the slightly heated atmosphere caused by the teasing, the conversation made them both feel closer to each other. Shirou realized that, although Syr had a gentle and kind-hearted side, she also had a hidden strength behind her cheerful smile. Even though he felt a bit awkward, the talk brought them closer, both as friends and colleagues at the Hostess of Fertility.

That evening, Finn arrived at the Hostess of Fertility, his face calm but carrying a sense of urgency. As he entered the restaurant, the waitstaff still on duty immediately noticed his presence. Shirou, who was in the kitchen, saw Finn and knew there must be something important to discuss.

Finn approached Shirou with steady steps and, without hesitation, spoke directly, "Shirou, get ready. You and the other male members of the Loki Familia will be heading to Melen. Loki needs our help there."

Shirou nodded seriously, understanding that this wasn't an ordinary trip. Melen, a coastal city famous for its port and trade, had an entrance to an underwater Dungeon. If the Loki Familia needed assistance there, it meant the situation was quite serious.

"I'll head back to Twilight Manor to pack right away," Shirou replied firmly, preparing to leave his duties at the Hostess of Fertility that night.

Mama Mia, who had been observing the conversation from behind the counter, wiped her hands with a cloth and walked over. With a deep but kind voice, she said, "In that case, you can go now, Shirou. Don't worry about the work here. We'll take care of everything."

Syr, standing nearby, stepped forward with a gentle smile on her face. "Shirou, whenever you want to come back and work here, the door's always open for you," she said sincerely. Her eyes shone with warmth, as usual, though there was a hint of concern behind her words, as if she knew Shirou's journey to Melen might not be easy.

Anya, overhearing the conversation, couldn't contain her laughter. "Haha! Syr's just happy because her workload gets lighter when you're around, Shirou!" she said with a wide grin, trying to lighten the slightly tense atmosphere with her usual jokes.

Chloe and Ryuu, who were tidying up tables, waved their hands. "Take care, Shirou," Ryuu said with a soft yet warm smile.

Chloe, with her usual mischievous look, added, "Don't forget to bring back souvenirs!"

Shirou couldn't help but smile at the jokes and support from the waitstaff. Even though he had only worked with them for a few days, he already felt very close to the atmosphere at the Hostess of Fertility. "I'll be back as soon as I can," he replied, bidding farewell to them.

After saying his goodbyes to everyone in the restaurant, Shirou quickly put on his coat and prepared to return to Twilight Manor. As he walked out, he felt a heaviness in his heart, leaving a place that had become like a second home to him. But he knew that the mission in Melen was a priority, and the Loki Familia needed his help. With a final smile to those still inside, Shirou stepped out of the Hostess of Fertility and headed toward Twilight Manor, ready to pack and face the challenges that lay ahead.

The next day, before they set off for Melen, Finn gathered all the male members of the Loki Familia who would be joining the mission. They assembled in the strategy room at Twilight Manor, and the tension in the air was palpable. Everyone looked serious, aware that this mission was no ordinary task. Shirou, Gareth, Bete, and the others waited for further instructions from Finn, who was reading a letter of importance.

Finn lifted his gaze from the letter and began to speak. "I've just received news from Loki through this letter," Finn said in a firm yet calm tone, holding the letter in his hand. All eyes were on him, waiting for further explanation. "It's regarding the situation in Melen, where our female members are currently stationed."

Shirou, standing among the others, listened intently to Finn. There was a growing sense of worry within him, especially knowing that Aiz, Tiona, Tione, and the other female members of the Loki Familia were there without them.

"According to the report Loki received, the women of the Loki Familia have discovered something unexpected beneath the sea around Melen," Finn continued, his voice clear in the otherwise silent room. "They've found the presence of Viola monsters swimming under the sea. This is highly unusual, as Violas shouldn't be in the ocean, let alone swimming."

Upon hearing that, several of the male members exchanged anxious glances. Violas were man-eating plant monsters, typically found in dungeons, not open waters. Their presence in the sea could spell serious trouble.

"But that's not all," Finn continued, his tone becoming more serious. "There has been a confrontation between members of the Loki Familia and the Kali Familia. As some of you may know, Kali Familia is a group of adventurers led by Kali, a war goddess. They are notorious for their brutal strength, and the information we've received indicates that Kali Familia has two level 6 fighters."

Shirou felt the tension in the room rise. A level 6 fighter was no ordinary opponent. They were among the elite, extremely dangerous, and facing two of them in a single conflict could mean a very difficult battle.

"The two level 6 fighters from Kali Familia are Argana and Bache, twin Amazons known for their cruelty and combat prowess. They've been causing significant trouble for our female members over there, and Loki is requesting our assistance to strengthen the defenses in Melen and ensure the situation doesn't escalate further." Finn closed the letter and looked at everyone in the room. "This won't be an easy mission. You must be prepared to face monsters under the sea and a potential confrontation with the Kali Familia."

The atmosphere grew even more tense, but there was a sense of resolve and determination radiating from each member of the Loki Familia. They all knew they had to protect their female comrades in Melen and ensure the situation didn't spiral out of control.

Gareth, always calm under pressure, let out a heavy sigh. "Violas under the sea… and the Kali Familia? This won't be easy."

Bete, though appearing relaxed, nodded in agreement. "Hmph, sounds more interesting. I've been itching for a fight with those Kali Familia guys for a while now." There was a spark of excitement in his eyes, even though the situation was quite serious.

Shirou, on the other hand, reflected for a moment. He felt the tension from the news about the Violas and the Kali Familia, but he also felt confident that they wouldn't let this situation drag on. After all, he and the others were there to support, and he would do whatever it took to protect his friends.

"Alright," Finn finally said, "we will depart as soon as everyone is ready. Make sure to bring all the supplies and weapons you need. We must be prepared for whatever awaits us in Melen."

With that command, all the members of the Loki Familia present quickly began moving to prepare themselves. Shirou excused himself to return to his room, gathering the weapons and equipment he would need for the journey. In his heart, he felt a deep sense of responsibility to ensure the safety of his friends in Melen, especially after hearing about the dangers that awaited them.

Once all preparations were completed and supplies were neatly organized, the group of male members from the Loki Familia, including Shirou, Finn, Gareth, and Bete, set off for Melen by horse-drawn carriage. The journey would take several hours, and they needed to move quickly as the situation in Melen was becoming more urgent.

The carriage clattered along the cobblestone roads outside of Orario, passing through the now peaceful countryside. The cool morning air gradually warmed as the sun rose, but the adventurers inside the carriage remained focused, their minds filled with thoughts of the challenges awaiting them.

Shirou sat in the carriage, gazing out the window, lost in thought. Around him, there was light conversation among his comrades, though most of them seemed just as tense as Shirou. Finn, seated across from him, was busy checking the map and occasionally talking with Gareth about their plan once they arrived in Melen.

"Violas under the sea…," Gareth muttered, frowning. "It doesn't make any sense. Have they evolved, or is something luring them out of the dungeon?"

Finn nodded, his expression serious. "That's what we're going to investigate. And on top of that, we can't underestimate the threat posed by the Kali Familia."

On the other side of the carriage, Bete sat with a relaxed posture in the corner, impatiently kicking the seat in front of him. "I hope we can start fighting as soon as we arrive. I'm sick of sitting around," he said sharply, his eyes narrowing with anticipation.

Though Shirou was still somewhat worried, he felt calmer hearing the conversation among his comrades. He realized that they had faced many dangerous situations before, and this time would be no different. Even though the threats posed by the Violas and the Kali Familia were serious, he knew they would face them with courage and the right strategy.

During the journey, the scenery gradually shifted from sprawling green fields to a more hilly terrain, indicating that they were nearing the coast of Melen. A cool sea breeze began to brush their faces through the carriage windows. The sky slowly turned a golden orange as the sun began to set on the western horizon.

By late afternoon, they finally arrived in Melen. The port city looked beautiful from a distance, surrounded by calm blue waters. Across the harbor, they could see large ships docked and smaller boats sailing back and forth, carrying seafood and goods. However, beneath the tranquility, there was a sense that something unusual was happening.

As soon as the carriage stopped, Finn was the first to step out, followed by the other members. Shirou exited the carriage and took a deep breath of the salty sea air. The setting sun cast a golden-orange hue on the surface of the water, creating a stunning reflection that enveloped the port city. Though it appeared peaceful on the surface, Shirou could feel the tension in the air.

"We've arrived," Finn said, surveying the area. "We don't have much time. We need to meet with the other members of the Loki Familia and assess the situation."

Shirou nodded, and they began walking towards the city center, where they would meet the female members of the Loki Familia. Although they had arrived in Melen, the real challenge was just about to begin. Shirou knew that the underwater battle, the Violas monsters, and the confrontation with the Kali Familia would be a difficult test for them all. But with his comrades by his side, Shirou was ready to face whatever lay ahead.

With a sharp and determined gaze, Finn led the group to a strategic position. Upon reaching Melen, after evaluating the situation and the location of the ongoing battle, he quickly ordered the male members of the Loki Familia to gather on the rooftop of one of the tallest buildings in the city, a place that offered a wide view of the battlefield below.

"We'll take over from here," Finn commanded as Gareth unfurled the flag bearing the jester symbol, representing the Loki Familia. The flag would signify their presence in this battle, boosting the morale of their comrades already engaged in the fight. The male members quickly gathered, weapons ready, prepared for combat.

From the rooftop, Shirou, Gareth, Bete, and the others had a clear view of the situation below. The Loki Familia seemed to be surrounded by a large number of opponents, most of whom were Amazons—fierce fighters from the Kali Familia. They fought with brutal force, relentlessly attacking, forcing the female members of the Loki Familia to defend with all their might.

Finn observed the scene closely. He spotted Riveria, encircled by a group of Amazons trying to overwhelm her. Without hesitation, Finn gave a loud command. "Attack! Let's help them now!"

At his order, the male members of the Loki Familia leaped from the rooftop with incredible speed and precision. Bete moved at lightning speed, immediately engaging the nearest enemy. Meanwhile, Finn himself targeted the group of Amazons surrounding Riveria. He sprinted towards her, spear in hand, ready to strike.

Although cornered, Riveria remained calm. However, the overwhelming number of enemies made it difficult for her to focus her magical powers. When Finn arrived, he struck down the Amazons with deadly precision. With a single sweep of his spear, Finn knocked several fighters unconscious in an instant. "Are you alright, Riveria?" he asked, his voice steady despite the chaos around them.

Riveria nodded, her breathing still controlled, though she looked tired. "I'm fine. But Lefiya… she's been taken to a cave near the edge of the city by the Amazons."

Hearing this, Finn immediately took action. "Gareth! Shirou! Head to the cave and find Lefiya! Make sure she's safe!" Finn ordered, his tone firm but confident.

Gareth, always ready for swift action, nodded without hesitation. "Let's go, Shirou! We need to move quickly!" With determined steps, Gareth and Shirou hurried in the direction Riveria had indicated, making their way through the battlefield still raging around them. Shirou felt the pressure mounting, but his determination to save Lefiya kept him focused.

Along the way, they encountered several enemies trying to block their path, but with Gareth's immense strength and Shirou's agility, they managed to push back their attackers with little difficulty. Shirou knew that time was of the essence. Lefiya might be in danger, and he wouldn't let his comrade suffer because of their delay.

When they reached the location, Gareth didn't hesitate to act. With one powerful blow, he smashed through the roof of the cave, creating a large hole big enough for him to leap through. Rocks scattered as Gareth landed in the middle of the cave with a loud crash, standing tall like an unmovable stone pillar. Around him, the Amazons guarding Lefiya were startled by his sudden appearance.

"Come on, who dares face me?!" Gareth's voice echoed throughout the cave, filled with confidence. Without waiting for a response, a few bold Amazons rushed at him, but Gareth easily fended them off one by one. With fists as hard as steel and impenetrable defense, Gareth blocked their attacks like they were nothing more than a gentle breeze. One by one, the Amazons fell, unable to withstand the strength of the legendary dwarf.

While Gareth dealt with the enemies, Shirou moved swiftly and quietly around the cave. In a dark corner, he spotted Lefiya, tied up and cornered, a worried expression on her face. Seeing an opening, Shirou snuck up behind the remaining Amazons, approaching Lefiya without drawing attention. Quickly, he began untying the ropes binding her hands and feet.

As soon as she was free, Lefiya looked up at Shirou, her eyes filled with relief. "Shirou!" she exclaimed, her voice full of gratitude and joy. "You came to save me!"

Shirou smiled, looking gently at Lefiya. "Of course, I wouldn't leave a princess in danger," he replied lightly, trying to brighten the mood despite the tense situation. He glanced over at Gareth, who was still easily handling the Amazons. Every attack from the enemy seemed ineffective against the large and powerful dwarf.

Seeing how relaxed Gareth was while handling the horde, Shirou turned back to Lefiya with a slight smile. "While Gareth's enjoying the fight, I guess I'll be the one rescuing the princess this time," he joked, though there was a seriousness beneath his words.

Lefiya blushed immediately at Shirou's words, her face flushing even in the dim light of the cave. Although embarrassed, she felt a warmth in her heart, and without saying much, she let Shirou carry her. Shirou lifted her effortlessly in a princess carry, causing Lefiya's heartbeat to quicken.

As she held onto Shirou's chest, Lefiya felt safe and protected. "Thank you... Shirou," she whispered softly, her voice filled with meaning.

Shirou gave a warm smile, looking at Lefiya gently. "Don't worry, Lefiya. I'll get you out of here," he said calmly, though he knew they needed to hurry before the Amazons regrouped and launched another attack.

With Lefiya in his arms, Shirou carefully but quickly made his way out of the cave, remaining alert as they moved. In the background, Gareth's laughter could be heard as he continued fighting the enemies. Despite the ongoing danger, Shirou felt reassured knowing that Gareth's strength was buying them enough time to get Lefiya to safety.

As they emerged from the cave and distanced themselves from the battle, Lefiya continued holding onto Shirou tightly, feeling calm despite the intensity of the fight they had just escaped. Shirou knew they still had many challenges ahead, but for now, the priority was ensuring Lefiya's safety.

Once they were safely outside, Shirou gently set Lefiya down. He released her softly, and Lefiya stood beside him, her face still flushed with embarrassment. Despite her shyness, a gentle smile remained on her lips. The atmosphere around them was calmer now, though there was still tension in the distance where the battle raged on.

"Are you alright?" Shirou asked, making sure Lefiya was truly safe.

Lefiya nodded slowly. "Yes, thank you, Shirou." Though her voice was quiet, there was warmth in her words, as if she had just gone through something deeply meaningful.

Shirou then glanced towards the beach that stretched out in front of them. "How about we walk along the shore while checking the surroundings?" he suggested, feeling that they still needed to stay alert even though the situation seemed to be settling.

Lefiya nodded in agreement. "That sounds like a good idea." She began walking beside Shirou, her steps soft and calm. Together, they strolled along, slowly moving away from the cave they had just left.

The beach that night was stunning. The full moon's light reflected off the calm sea, creating a peaceful scene. The waves gently lapped at the shore, bringing a sense of calm after the earlier tension. The white sand sparkled under the moonlight, and the cool night breeze brushed against their faces softly.

As they continued walking, Shirou glanced towards the ocean and noticed something that caught his attention. In the distance, above the water, was a long, shimmering path—an icy bridge that seemed to stretch from the shore to a ship at sea. "That's Riveria's ice magic, isn't it?" Shirou murmured, impressed by such powerful magic.

Lefiya looked in the direction Shirou pointed and nodded. "Yes, that's Riveria's magic. She created an ice path over the sea." She gazed at the ship in the distance, her eyes observing something closely. "Tione is probably fighting Argana on that ship," Lefiya added, her voice filled with concern as she thought of the ongoing battle between their comrades and the Kali Familia.

Hearing this, Shirou immediately prepared to go and help. "In that case, I need to head there and assist them," he said firmly, his fists clenched as he readied himself for action.

But before Shirou could move, he felt a gentle touch on his hand. Lefiya had softly grasped his hand, stopping him in his tracks. "Wait, Shirou," she said in a soft but confident voice.

Shirou looked at Lefiya, confused, but when he followed her gaze, he understood. Finn, their sharp and calculated captain, was running across the ice path Riveria had created, quickly making his way to the ship. It seemed Finn was already ready to assist Tione against Argana, and with his bravery and intelligence, Shirou knew Finn would be able to handle the situation.

"He's already on the move," Lefiya said calmly, her eyes still focused on Finn's figure in the distance. "There's no need to worry. Finn will take care of the fight."

Shirou exhaled in relief, his tense shoulders relaxing slightly. "You're right. Finn's already there," he said, realizing there was no need to rush to the ship.

With the tension easing, Shirou turned back to Lefiya. "So, what should we do now?" he asked, though in his heart, he felt more at ease with Lefiya by his side.

Lefiya smiled gently, a faint blush still coloring her cheeks. "We could continue walking along the beach. Maybe enjoy some peace before we return," she suggested softly. It seemed she was cherishing this moment, wanting to prolong the time she spent with Shirou.

Shirou smiled warmly and nodded. "Alright. Let's keep walking."

The two of them continued along the beach, accompanied by the gentle sound of the waves and the moonlight illuminating the night. Despite the great battle taking place, for a moment, they felt a rare sense of peace amidst the chaos.

They walked side by side along the shore, with the soft sound of the waves breaking at the edge and the moonlight shimmering on the water's surface. In the peaceful silence, Shirou glanced at Lefiya, smiling slightly before gently asking, "So, Lefiya, are you enjoying the walk in Melen?"

Lefiya turned to him, a sweet smile on her face. "Melen is truly beautiful," she said softly. "Earlier, we had a swim in the ocean before all this chaos started." Her expression shifted slightly as she recalled something, and she added with amusement, "Oh, and you know what? It turns out Aiz can't swim at all."

Shirou raised his eyebrows, a bit surprised. "Really? Aiz can't swim?"

Lefiya giggled, continuing her story. "Yeah, it was so funny. Apparently, she has a childhood trauma. Riveria once dropped her into a pool because Aiz called her an 'old witch.' Since then, she's been afraid of water." Lefiya laughed at the memory, her smile growing even brighter.

Shirou listened intently, grinning. The image of Aiz, so strong in battle but helpless in the water, left him intrigued. "I never would've guessed Aiz had a weakness like that," he said, shaking his head with a small smile.

Lefiya's eyes sparkled as she continued, "Oh, and when we were swimming earlier, we were all wearing bikinis. Aiz was in a white bikini that suited her perfectly. She looked so beautiful." Lefiya's voice was filled with admiration as she praised Aiz, as if she was sharing something truly special.

Hearing that, Shirou grinned mischievously, and before he fully realized what he was saying, the words slipped out of his mouth. "Well then, I bet Lefiya looked just as beautiful in a bikini."

Lefiya, initially shocked by Shirou's comment, immediately turned bright red. Her face flushed deeply, and without thinking twice, she shouted, "Shirou! You pervert!" Her eyes glared at him, though she couldn't hide the small smile behind her mock anger.

Shirou, realizing what he had just said, froze, unable to respond. His face turned red, and he felt awkward, unsure of how to fix the situation. "I-I didn't mean it like that... I just meant to..." he stammered, trying to explain but only digging himself deeper into embarrassment.

Lefiya, who had been pretending to be angry, suddenly burst out laughing at Shirou's panicked and awkward expression. "Hahaha! You're so funny, Shirou!" she said, laughing while covering her mouth to hold it back. "Don't worry, I was only joking."

Shirou, still feeling embarrassed, managed a small smile, relieved that Lefiya wasn't truly offended.

After Lefiya's laughter died down, she gently took Shirou's hand. "Come on, let's explore the city further. There's still so much to see in Melen tonight." Her voice was soft and warm again, with a bright smile returning to her face.

Shirou, still a bit flustered, nodded and followed Lefiya's lead. They walked together along the beach and headed towards the part of the city still glowing with twinkling lights. The night felt so peaceful, as if for a moment, they could forget all the tension and danger they had just faced.

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