
Fate x Danmachi: The Sword Prince (eng)

Orario, the city of adventurers' paradise. Everyone who comes there has their own ambitions. Some want to become strong, some dream of restoring the pride of their race, and others aspire to become rich and famous. Among them are those who can be considered naive or foolish—those who wish to become Heroes. Of course, Emiya Shirou is one of the foolish ones.

Sikul_ · Tranh châm biếm
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35 Chs

Chapter 31

AN: The illustration is on the way and will be released on Saturday.

After discussing his intention to help during his holiday, Shirou went straight to see Mama Mia in the kitchen of the Hostess of Fertility. Mama Mia, with her large figure and stern yet kind personality, was inspecting the ingredients for that evening's meal when Shirou entered.

"Mama Mia, may I help in the kitchen during my holiday?" Shirou asked respectfully, though his voice carried enthusiasm. "I have some free time, and I'd like to cook here again."

Mama Mia eyed Shirou with her sharp gaze, but there was a smile behind her tough expression. "Hmm, it's been a while since you helped out, boy," she said in her deep voice, though warmth was present. "If you're serious, I won't refuse your help. This place can get pretty busy, and extra hands in the kitchen are always welcome."

Shirou smiled in relief and nodded. "Thank you, Mama Mia. I'll do my best."

Mama Mia gave him a brief nod before returning to her tasks, granting Shirou permission to start whenever he was ready.

Not long after, Syr approached Shirou with a measuring tape in hand. Shirou glanced at the tool with mild confusion and turned to Syr. "Eh, what's the measuring tape for, Syr?" he asked curiously.

Syr smiled gently, her eyes sparkling with her usual mischievousness. "Oh, this? It's for your uniform, of course," she replied cheerfully. "You've become an unofficial member of the Hostess of Fertility, so it's about time you got a waiter uniform too."

Shirou instantly felt his face heat up, blushing with embarrassment. "A-a waiter uniform?" He couldn't picture himself wearing the same outfit as the waitresses. On top of that, Syr was standing close to him, carefully measuring his shoulders, making him feel even more flustered. The familiar scent of winter flowers that always accompanied Syr, mixed with a subtle divine aura he had long suspected, filled the air.

"You'll look great in that uniform, Shirou," Syr teased, though her expression remained calm and focused as she jotted down his measurements.

Just then, Anya joined them, her usual energetic smile lighting up her face. "Haha! I can already imagine Shirou in that uniform. You'll totally rock it!" she said, making Shirou feel even more nervous.

He responded with a small laugh, though his face remained slightly red. "I'm not sure that's a good idea...," he muttered shyly.

Even Ryuu, usually more composed, agreed with Anya, smiling softly. "Indeed, Shirou. I think you'd look quite nice in the uniform," she said gently, her calm tone making Shirou even more uneasy.

Internally, Shirou couldn't shake his embarrassment and confusion. "Do I really have to wear a waiter uniform...?" he thought, but seeing Syr's soft smile and the support from Anya and Ryuu, he felt it would be impossible to refuse.

The soothing winter fragrance from Syr and the warmth of his friends at the Hostess of Fertility made Shirou feel more at ease, despite the odd situation. "Alright...," Shirou finally said with a small smile. "I'll wear the uniform if I have to. Just don't laugh at me when I put it on."

Laughter filled the room, and Shirou realized that while this wasn't the kind of holiday he had imagined, being here with them made him feel comfortable and accepted.

After a busy day helping in the kitchen at the Hostess of Fertility, Shirou decided to return to Twilight Manor. The night air in Orario was cool as he walked through the now-quiet streets of the city. Fatigue slowly crept over him, but he felt content after spending his time productively in the kitchen with his friends.

When Shirou arrived at Twilight Manor, the place was already calm. Most of the Loki Familia members who lived in the manor had gone to bed, resting after a long day. As Shirou walked through the dark halls towards his own room, he noticed a bright light coming from one of the rooms along the corridor.

It was Finn's office. Shirou paused in front of the slightly open door and peeked inside. The soft glow from an oil lamp on the desk illuminated the room, which was cluttered with scattered documents and maps. Amidst the chaos, Finn Deimne, their captain, who was usually full of energy and leadership, was fast asleep in his chair, his head resting on the desk with a document stuck to his cheek.

Shirou smiled slightly at the sight. Despite Finn's strong and unyielding demeanor in front of the Familia, it was clear he worked tirelessly behind the scenes. Shirou understood the heavy burden Finn carried as their captain, and this moment reminded him that even someone as strong as Finn needed rest.

Without making a sound, Shirou raised his hand and quietly projected a warm blanket. It materialized in his hand, light and soft. Carefully, Shirou draped the blanket over Finn's sleeping form, gently covering him to ensure the captain wouldn't catch a chill while he slept in his office.

"Thank you for your hard work, Finn," Shirou whispered softly, his voice barely audible in the quiet night. Even though Finn couldn't hear him, Shirou felt it was important to express his gratitude to the captain who always tried to protect them all.

After making sure Finn was comfortably covered, Shirou stepped back, making sure not to make any noise that could wake him from his peaceful sleep. Silently, he closed the door, leaving the dim light inside.

Shirou continued his way to his room, a sense of calm washing over him. Even though today hadn't involved a dangerous adventure or dungeon exploration, he felt satisfied having helped his friends, both at the Hostess of Fertility and here at Twilight Manor. As he laid down in his bed, Shirou knew that tomorrow would bring new challenges and adventures. But for tonight, he could sleep peacefully, feeling content.

The mornings at Twilight Manor always started quietly and orderly, but in the kitchen, Shirou was already busy at dawn. As usual, he woke up early to prepare breakfast for the remaining members of the Loki Familia in the manor. His hands worked swiftly, preparing various dishes—toast, warm soup, roasted meat, and fresh fruits—ensuring that everyone who came to the dining table that morning would enjoy a healthy and delicious meal.

One by one, Familia members began to fill the dining hall, including Gareth, who sat at the table with a satisfied smile on his face. As usual, Gareth ate heartily, enjoying every bite of Shirou's cooking.

"You always make great food, Shirou," Gareth said with gratitude in his voice as he chewed. After a few more bites, he looked at Shirou with curiosity. "So, what are you doing during this holiday? You're not going to the Dungeon, right?"

Shirou, who was preparing additional dishes in the kitchen, turned and smiled. "No, I'm not going to the Dungeon," he replied, bringing a plate of roasted meat to the table. "I've been spending my time helping out at the Hostess of Fertility. I've been cooking there almost every day."

Hearing that, Gareth burst out laughing, nearly choking on his food. "Hah! I should've guessed. You really can't stay away from work, can you? Even during your holiday, you find excuses to keep working. You're a real workaholic, Shirou!"

Shirou just smiled sheepishly, scratching his head. "I don't feel like that. I just... enjoy cooking, and spending time there with them is fun. Besides, it's better than just sitting around."

Finn, who had finished his breakfast, listened to the conversation and chuckled. "In that case, how about we visit the Hostess of Fertility tonight? We could be your customers, and you can show off your cooking skills." Finn smiled, clearly pleased with the idea.

Bete, who was lounging in his chair with a smirk on his face, couldn't resist teasing. "Hmph, if that's the case, Shirou, you'll be serving me tonight. Make sure you're ready, because I'll give you plenty of orders!"

Shirou chuckled at Bete's joke but responded confidently. "I'll be ready. Order whatever you want, and I'll make it."

Gareth, still chuckling, slapped the table. "This'll be fun. We're all coming tonight. You've made a promise, Shirou. Don't let us down."

Shirou nodded, his eyes shining with excitement. "I'll be waiting for you all there. Make sure you come hungry because I'll be preparing some delicious dishes for everyone."

The dining room filled with laughter and banter about how they would "test" Shirou later that night. Shirou was delighted to see how enthusiastic they were. Even though it was just simple kitchen work, for him, making others happy through his cooking was something he always cherished.

With that, Shirou continued his work, preparing the rest of the breakfast for everyone while looking forward to the evening at the Hostess of Fertility with his Familia friends.

After finishing breakfast at Twilight Manor, Shirou bid farewell to the Familia members who remained there and then headed towards the Hostess of Fertility. The morning air in Orario was still fresh, and the sunlight slowly warmed the city streets. Shirou enjoyed the peace as he walked, ready to help at the restaurant once again.

Upon arriving at the Hostess of Fertility, Shirou found that, as usual, Ryuu had arrived earlier. The elf girl always came in ahead of the others to ensure that all the preparations were smoothly handled before the restaurant opened. When Shirou entered, he saw Ryuu sweeping the floor with quick but methodical movements.

"Morning, Ryuu," greeted Shirou with a smile.

Ryuu turned and gave a brief nod. "Morning, Shirou. I'm glad you're here early as usual." Though her voice was flat, Shirou knew it was her way of expressing appreciation.

Without saying much more, Shirou quickly joined Ryuu in tidying up the restaurant. He started by arranging the tables, ensuring the chairs were neatly placed, and then cleaning up the kitchen area to prepare the ingredients that would be used later. Together, they worked in comfortable silence, appreciating each other's work rhythm.

Before long, the other servers began to arrive one by one. Anya showed up, jogging energetically as always, followed by Chloe, who came in with a more relaxed but enthusiastic step. They both immediately joined in to help organize the restaurant, adding to the bustling atmosphere that was gradually forming.

"Shirou! Ryuu! Ready for tonight?" Anya shouted with a bright smile. "I heard we're expecting some special customers!"

Shirou chuckled and nodded. "Yes, members of the Loki Familia will be dining here tonight, so we have to prepare the best dishes."

However, unusually, Syr was later than usual. When she finally arrived, everyone noticed right away because she was carrying a small bag. Syr smiled meaningfully as she approached Shirou with the bag in her hand.

"Sorry, I'm a bit late," Syr said in a relaxed tone, her eyes sparkling mischievously. "But I have a good reason this time."

Shirou looked at the small bag Syr was holding with curiosity. "What's that?" he asked.

Syr grinned wider and handed him the bag. "It's your uniform. The one I took measurements for yesterday. Now you're officially part of the Hostess of Fertility, Shirou."

Shirou was surprised, feeling his face heat up a little as he accepted the bag. He opened it to find a new server uniform tailored to his size. Although he had suspected this would happen, actually seeing the uniform in his hands made him a bit nervous. However, he couldn't help but let a small smile cross his face.

"Thanks, Syr," Shirou replied politely. "I'll go change now."

Syr nodded, smiling excitedly. "You can change in the upstairs room. It'll fit you perfectly."

Shirou then went upstairs to the small room he had been using as his temporary living space when he first arrived in Orario. The room wasn't large—just a small bed, a simple table, and an old wardrobe—but it always made him feel comfortable. Seeing the room again, Shirou felt a wave of nostalgia wash over him. He remembered how much Syr had helped him in the beginning, even providing him with a place to stay when he had no idea where to go.

"Syr really helped me a lot when I first got here," Shirou thought with a small smile, recalling how lost he had been when he first arrived in Orario. The Hostess of Fertility had become his refuge, and now, this small room—though simple—made him feel at home.

After a moment of reflection, Shirou changed into the new server uniform Syr had given him. Although it felt a bit awkward at first, he eventually got comfortable in it. "Not bad," he muttered softly, looking at his reflection in the small mirror in the room. "I thought this would feel stranger."

With a smile on his face, Shirou went back downstairs, ready to start his day in his new role as a server at the Hostess of Fertility.

Shirou descended the stairs from the upper floor, wearing his new green server uniform. As soon as he reached the bottom, he immediately noticed that all the other servers—Anya, Chloe, Ryuu, and Syr—were trying to stifle their laughter, their wide smiles and gazes fixed on him.

Seeing their reactions, Shirou felt a bit awkward. Hesitantly, he asked, "Do... I look weird?"

Syr, standing closest to him, giggled softly, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "Not weird, Shirou... but that green uniform really contrasts with your red hair. You look... unique." Syr's face lit up as she said this, while the other servers found it harder to contain their laughter.

Shirou blushed at the comment, unsure of what to say. He stood awkwardly in the middle of the room, feeling like the center of attention, which he didn't want.

Anya, always full of energy, suddenly came up from behind with an apron. In a quick motion, she tied the apron around Shirou's waist. "There, now you're complete!" she exclaimed cheerfully. Then, with a sly smile, she patted Shirou on the back and said, "Now, try saying this: 'Welcome, esteemed customer!' with enthusiasm!"

Shirou frowned slightly, feeling very awkward about the request. However, he knew they wouldn't stop until he did it. In a quiet voice and somewhat stiff tone, Shirou tried, "W-Welcome, esteemed customer…"

The reaction from the other servers was immediate. Chloe burst into laughter, while Anya laughed so hard she nearly fell over. Even Ryuu, who was usually calm and composed, smiled gently, chuckling softly at how stiff and awkward Shirou sounded as he tried to say the line.

Seeing everyone laugh, Shirou could only scratch his head in embarrassment. "I think I'm better suited to the kitchen. Lucky for me, I don't have to serve customers directly," he mumbled with a small smile, trying to ease his own awkwardness.

But Ryuu, with her soft smile, said, "If you want to learn how to be a server, maybe Syr can be a good example." Ryuu glanced toward Syr, who immediately put on a proud expression.

Hearing the challenge, Syr puffed out her chest and raised her chin confidently. "Of course! I can teach you how to be the perfect server. Just watch how I do it every day! You'll be a pro in no time, Shirou!" she said with enthusiasm.

Shirou could only give a small smile, feeling even more awkward with all the sudden attention. "I think I'll need a lot of practice to get to your level, Syr," he replied, trying to go along with the lighthearted atmosphere they had created.

Anya, still laughing, patted Shirou's shoulder firmly. "Don't worry, Shirou! You may be stiff now, but we'll get you used to it. Who knows, one day you might be the most famous server here!"

Shirou could only smile and shake his head, feeling that they were all just teasing him. However, despite feeling a little embarrassed, he also felt a warmth in his heart from sharing such light moments with his fellow servers. Though being a server might not be his natural talent, Shirou felt fortunate to have friends who supported and cheered him on every step of the way.

Shirou worked tirelessly in the kitchen of the Hostess of Fertility as night fell. The restaurant was filled with the sound of chatter and laughter from customers enjoying their food and drinks, while in the kitchen, Shirou continued preparing dish after dish with care. The warmth of the stove and the fragrant aroma of cooking filled the air, and for Shirou, this was where he felt at ease, even amidst the busyness.

While Shirou was checking the boiling pot of soup, Syr suddenly appeared in the kitchen with news that instantly made Shirou alert. "Shirou, your friends from the Loki Familia have arrived. They're sitting at the front table," Syr said, smiling meaningfully.

Shirou took a deep breath. He had expected them to come, but the thought of serving them in this green uniform still felt awkward. "Alright, I'll head out there," Shirou replied, though he felt a little nervous.

As he stepped out of the kitchen, he saw Finn, Gareth, Bete, and Raul sitting together at one of the tables. They looked relaxed, but as soon as they saw Shirou approaching, all eyes were on him.

Mama Mia, watching from the kitchen corner, laughed heartily. "Ha! You're going to serve them yourself, right? I'll handle the cooking, Shirou. You go to their table and serve them. This is your chance!"

Shirou had no choice. Swallowing his awkwardness, he walked over to the table. When he arrived in front of them, he repeated the phrase he had practiced so hard, though his voice was stiff and a little shaky. "W-Welcome, esteemed customers."

The reaction from the four members of the Loki Familia was immediate. Finn smiled broadly, while Gareth burst into loud laughter. Raul covered his mouth with his hand, trying to stifle his laughter but failing. The loudest laugh came from Bete, who nearly choked on his drink when he saw Shirou in the bright green uniform and apron, awkwardly delivering the greeting.

"Hahaha! Oh man, you really did it!" Bete exclaimed, still laughing heartily. "Who would've thought you'd end up as a server here?!"

Finn wiped away tears from the corner of his eyes, still laughing. "You look great, Shirou. That uniform suits you, but... your delivery was pretty stiff. You need more practice."

Shirou could only smile sheepishly, though he felt a bit more at ease after seeing them all laugh. The atmosphere became much more relaxed, and he started feeling more comfortable being around them, even in that uniform.

Suddenly, with his trademark grin, Bete patted the bench next to him. "Come on, sit here, Shirou. Don't just serve us—join us for food and drinks!"

Shirou hesitated for a moment, but eventually agreed. He sat down beside Bete as the other servers started bringing food and drinks to their table. The atmosphere grew more lively as they began enjoying their meal together, sharing jokes and drinking. Shirou himself didn't usually drink much alcohol, but this time he joined in, though without any intention of getting drunk.

As the night wore on, Finn, Gareth, Bete, and Raul began to show signs of getting drunk. Their laughter became louder, their conversations looser, and they started talking more freely about various topics. Shirou, who due to Avalon—the relic within him—could never really get drunk since his body automatically purified the toxins from the alcohol, remained alert and clear-headed. He listened attentively to their conversation, though he was sometimes surprised by what they said.

"You know, Shirou," Gareth said, his voice heavy with alcohol, "you're really part of us now. We all rely on you, and you're always reliable."

Shirou smiled warmly at the words. "Thank you, Gareth. I just do what I can to help."

Finn, smiling with a slightly flushed face from the alcohol, added, "You should know, Shirou. We all appreciate what you've done. Not just in battle, but also in moments like these. You're important to us."

The night passed with laughter, light conversations, and a warm sense of camaraderie. Even though Shirou didn't get drunk like the others, he still felt happy to spend time with his friends. Although he was a newer member of the Loki Familia, moments like these made him feel fully accepted within the Familia.

As the night deepened, the atmosphere at the table grew rowdier, especially as most of the Loki Familia members—except for Shirou—had gotten quite drunk. Empty glasses littered the table, and loud laughter echoed through their conversations. Although Shirou remained unaffected by the alcohol thanks to Avalon, he still enjoyed the lighthearted atmosphere, listening closely to their talk.

Over time, the conversation shifted. After discussing adventures and battles, they moved on to more personal topics—like women.

"So, Finn," Gareth suddenly asked, his voice slurred from alcohol, "what's your plan? You're a Pallum hero, you must have thought about marrying a Pallum, right?"

Finn, who was already a bit tipsy, gave a faint smile. "Marriage, huh?" he muttered, staring into his glass. "I'm still looking for the right woman. Haven't found anyone that truly convinces me yet."

Bete, who had been laughing and making sarcastic remarks all along, grinned widely. "Oh yeah? So you're saying that Tione, who's had a crush on you for a long time, isn't a good match? She'll be so 'happy' to hear that."

Finn let out a long sigh. "That's not the issue. I'm a hero for my people—the pallum—who have been in decline for a long time. If I marry someone, I want to make sure she's a pallum too. Not just to protect my image, but also to ensure my child continues the pallum bloodline and keeps the hope of our race alive."

Gareth listened seriously, despite being a little drunk. But then Finn turned his attention to Raul, who was sitting awkwardly in the corner of the table.

"What about you, Raul? You and Aki seem close. Do you have feelings for her?" Finn asked, with a slightly teasing tone.

Raul jolted in surprise, his face turning red. He stammered, trying to explain. "M-Me? No, we're just friends. Nothing more than that!" he replied, flustered.

Gareth laughed loudly, pounding the table. "Hahaha! You always say that, Raul. But you and Aki have been friends for a long time, haven't you? Your relationship doesn't seem to be progressing. Maybe you should start being bolder!"

Raul could only laugh awkwardly, desperately trying to steer the attention away from himself. He glanced at Bete, attempting to change the subject. "What about you, Bete? You've liked Aiz for a long time. How's that going?"

Bete, already somewhat drunk, grinned arrogantly. "Hah, you think I'm interested in just any girl? I only like strong women. Like Aiz," he replied confidently.

Finn smiled faintly, looking at Bete with a teasing glint in his eye. "Oh, didn't she already reject you?" he said playfully.

Gareth laughed again, clearly enjoying the moment. "Yeah, Bete! You were flat-out rejected by Aiz!"

Bete snorted, leaning back in his chair. "Tch. Aiz is an amazing woman, but I don't have time for silly things like that."

Gareth, still keen on teasing Bete, then said, "Well, what about Line? I've noticed she often looks at you. It seems like she likes you."

At the mention of Line, Bete snorted even louder. "Line? I'm not interested in weaklings. I like strong women, ones who can defend themselves. So no, I'm not interested."

The conversation about love and relationships continued, filled with jokes and teasing. Shirou, who wasn't drunk, just smiled softly as he listened, enjoying the banter between them. He knew that even though they teased each other often, there was a deep sense of respect and friendship beneath it all.

Shirou sat quietly, savoring the lively atmosphere around the table. The laughter and chatter of his friends echoed through the room, while he felt at peace in the simplicity of the moment. For Shirou, tonight was a rare chance to truly relax, far from the pressures of battle or the heavy responsibilities he usually faced.

However, amidst his quietness, Bete—half-drunk—glanced at Shirou with a mischievous grin. "Hey, Shirou," Bete said with a raspy voice from the alcohol, "you look so calm. Have you fallen in love with someone from the Loki Familia?"

The question caught Shirou off guard. He coughed slightly, almost choking on the drink he had just taken. His face flushed as he tried to answer, "W-Well? I… I haven't fallen in love… but maybe… I have a little crush."

Hearing this, Gareth—already intrigued by the topic—raised his eyebrows in curiosity. "Oh, so who is it? Lefiya or Aiz? You seem pretty close to them."

Shirou smiled awkwardly, unsure of how to respond. But before he could think any further, Finn joined the conversation with a teasing look. "Or maybe it's not someone in the Familia? How about one of your coworkers at the Hostess of Fertility?" Finn teased with a meaningful smile, though he was holding back from mentioning Riveria, not wanting to expose her feelings in public.

Several faces flashed in Shirou's mind. Lefiya, with her kindness and patience, had always helped him adapt when he first joined the Loki Familia. She was always calm and understanding, making Shirou feel at ease. Then there was Aiz, her face illuminated by the moonlight that night, a mysterious yet powerful figure. Riveria also came to mind, especially when he remembered how embarrassed she had been when he accidentally touched her ear during their Magecraft training. Even Syr, with her gentle smile, who had always been there for him when he first arrived in Orario, welcoming him into this new world with open arms.

After thinking through all of this, Shirou let out a soft sigh and said, "If I'm being honest, I do have a small crush… but it might be on more than one person."

That statement immediately set the table into a burst of laughter. Gareth pounded the table, nearly spilling his drink from laughing too hard. Bete laughed loudly, his eyes gleaming mischievously. Finn also chuckled, enjoying the rare moment where Shirou was caught in such an awkward situation.

"Hah! Shirou, turns out you're a guy with a broad taste!" Bete teased, laughing boisterously. "How many girls do you like, huh?"

Shirou could only smile awkwardly, feeling cornered by all the questions. But before the laughter could die down, Finn suddenly looked at him seriously, though still smiling. "So, Shirou… if one day, a few of them confess their feelings to you… who would you choose?"

The question left Shirou silent. He didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings, especially not those he respected and cared for. Choosing one meant disappointing the others, and just the thought of it weighed heavily on his heart.

After a few moments of contemplation, Shirou answered softly but resolutely, "If that happens… I'll accept the one who confesses their feelings to me first."

The laughter at the table grew even louder. Gareth clapped Finn on the back, while Raul and Bete nearly fell off their chairs from laughing too much. "Hahaha! That's such a safe answer, Shirou! So cowardly!" Bete exclaimed, still laughing. "You don't want to break anyone's heart, so you just go with the first one! What a coward!"

Even though they were teasing him, Shirou knew this was the best way to diffuse the situation without hurting anyone's feelings. He smiled faintly, though his heart was still filled with uncertainty about the future and the growing complexities of his emotions. For now, he could enjoy this moment with his friends, without having to worry about the matters of the heart that might come later.

I need more voters for the next illustration. You can support me by joining at patreo n com/rayish.