

Roman of House Trambelio, or Roman Trambelio for conventional reasons happens to be the object of disdain for many a people and rightfully so, born into a major magus family with a partially defunct leg and lacking one eye, Roman would no doubt be disdained by the mostly elitist and aristocratic Magi. Maybe even thought of as a breeding mare. The fact that he was engaged already spoke volumes upon volumes regarding that. But, It wasn't as if all hope was lost. Yes he was slightly crippled and no type of healing worked but, had anyone sought to understand why it was so? If they did, did they ever succeed? The truth of it was, they didn't. Roman had died before and reincarnated, passed through the origin of all creation, the Root, retaining a self. Some part of his soul was sapped hence the dysfunctions but he'd gained much for it, a power that may shake the very world given time to truly manifest. Question was, what would he do with it? === You can find up to 7 chapters ahead at, patre0n.com/stoned_face

Dreizehnn · Tranh châm biếm
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93 Chs

What Have You Done?!

London, England,

Trambelio Subsidiary Mansion,

"Oooh, that feels nice.."

Roman closed his eyes, stretching his arms with a slight grunt. He stared at his own pale hand for a moment and then waved it in front of his eyes, "Yeah, still gone." Changing bodies didn't give him his eye back, as expected.. The physical body was moulded to one's soul so it made sense considering his soul was still not whole... not that that hindered or weakened him.

He looked at the rubble all around him, slightly smiling. The roof had caved in and the floor had quite literally evaporated underneath, the walls were in no better state, moments away from toppling over...

"M-Master..... cover yourse-"

Before Tamamo no Mae could finish her words, Roman manifested fitting pants and a grey shirt over himself, he had weird hobbies but voyeurism was most definitely not among them, "Pervert." He huffed, noticing the deep blush on the pinkett's cheeks.

"W-Wha.... Blushes can be from embarrassment too!" Tamamo tried to prove Roman wrong, she was no pervert, just a pure hearted maiden!

"Heh." Kagetora's smug grin didn't help.... at all, "Though..." She turned towards her Master with an appraising gaze, folding her arms over her chest, "I can't say I approve of this... change." Frankly put, she didn't like this weak, thin, feminine stature at all... His previous one was far better.

"Preach." Roman held up a hand in agreement, even as the curse marks of Ahriman once more appeared all over his body... They granted a sort of invulnerability, or rather, took away the ability to truly die among a plethora of other effects.

Sighing, the Magician ran a hand over his own body, releasing a blinding mist that then cleared away to reveal the Trambelio in all his former glory. A tall, broad stature, well built muscles visible even through the shirt, a gold-red eye, the other covered by an eyepatch and short black hair.... He was a Trambelio after all and the passing of genes was more prominent in magi than normal people.

"Hm Hm, that's way better." Kagetora nodded in appreciation, a hand on her chin, she definitely preferred this, seeing it just reaffirmed her thoughts on the matter... It was to be expected, she was a Warlord in the end, one with a thing for brute forcing most matters.

"Master, do you mind if I attack you?"

".....?" Roman tilted his head, a bit confused before slowly nodding, mostly curious about why Tamamo of all people would ask such a thing.

The fox-eared Caster closed her eyes, whispering something before pointing her finger at the Magician.. With a fluctuation in prana, a swirling stream of hot red flames shot at his figure, only to collide and be dispelled instantly, "It is as I thought then.... I truly am sorry.." Tamamo respectfully bowed her head, regretful over how she had no other way of truly confirming with how well concealed Roman's divinity was.

"You have become a true God." She affirmed, raising her head back up and smiling.

"And attacking related to that h-.... Oh." Roman managed to figure it out, mostly because he'd made no actual effort to block the incoming attack.

"Yes, to attack a God in the flesh with conventional means is futile... Gods are after all, fundamentally different from other beings..." Tamamo felt conflicted, wanting to praise but also admonish her Master, deities mostly existed on a different plane of being entirely... To face one would be akin to facing an enemy that was simply beyond, one that played by it's own rules, always.

Real Deities each had their own authorities, each nearing an act to the building of a World and the Authority of All The World's Evil was rather broad.....

Bluntly put, humanity would need a Deity of their own to stop Roman.

She sighed in relief when the realisation that Roman bore no hate or dislike for humanity hit her, things would go horribly wrong if that weren't the case.

"You wanna bet on how long she'll be spaced out for?" Roman sat on one of the bigger pieces of rubble, staring at Tamamo in amusement.

"Two bottles of your finest alcohol."

"You two! Don't you realise what this could mean?!.... Are... Are you really betting?"

In response, the master servant duo shrugged in sync, not altogether bothered about her thoughts on the matter.

Roman only smiled wider, "An authority is realising something just cause I have the right to." He then tilted his head and put on a deadpan expression, "You do realise this stuff is instinct? And then you get upset when I call you retarded." Vanishing, the Trambelio appeared behind the Caster and ruffled her hair, "Don't worry about it." He gave her a thumbs up, grinning, "I won't not use it to mess with people."

"That aside, what do you say to reincarnating?" With a fully functioning high-end Divine Core, there was nothing he really couldn't accomplish.. The amount of magical energy it held and produced each passing second was enough to knock out everything in the vicinity from sheer volume.

"I'm all for it." Kagetora looked at the ceiling, sitting near Roman, "It would be a shame to not witness someone as amusing as you." For a moment, her gaze turned sick when the thought of him not being so amuse anymore crossed her mind... Oh well, that was a problem for future her to solve.

"Before that...I.. have a request." Tamamo no Mae clenched her fists and averted her gaze, not confident enough to look Roman in the eyes.

"Awful cheeky aren't you?"

That's precisely why she couldn't meet his gaze! Tamamo felt she'd been given too much, to ask for more on top was too much even according to her! But she had to... she had to ask this one... It was the last request she had!

In response, the Magician put his hand against the ground, red glowing cracks slowly spread all over it and it started crumbling..

"M-Master?" Tamamo worriedly looked up, thinking that perhaps her selfishness had finally upset him.

"Oh yeah, ask away." Roman retracted his hand, he'd just been curious about whether or not his corruption could work in a more physical way, more along the lines of actually decaying things.

"I want master to.." The Caster dropped her usual cutesy way of talking, "I know it's selfish but I want you to... sever our contract and send me back to the throne of heroes.."

"You got bored of me?" The Magician spoke sarcastically, knowing that there was no way that could possibly be the case.

"W..Never!" Tamamo shook her head quickly, trying to prevent a misunderstanding, "You can do it, if it's Master it's possible... With your magic, I would like for you to augment the data that will be sent to my original self... I want to remember this whenever I'm summoned..." Perhaps some would underestimate the woman's devotion, but they didn't understand just how hard she fell once she did, even going so far as to suggest something so... insane all to ensure she loved him truly.

"I want Master to corrupt me! My real self!"

"..." Roman short-circuited for a moment.... The fuck was wrong with her? "The fuck is wrong with you?"

"Sheesh." Kagetora couldn't help but whistle in awe, even she was taken aback by this.... Was this what they called love? She didn't understand it sure but she was sure as hell this was way beyond that, the fuck was wrong with this fox?

Pinching the bridge of his nose, Roman released a sigh, "I guess I am that attractive."


"You weren't supposed to agree with that." He sighed again, he didn't mind doing it... But did SHE understand the implications? The Throne of Heroes was independent of time and space, and once the self 'stored' there was augmented to have the memories from now, all timelines greatly influenced by her infatuation with someone other than him would be... well, he didn't know..

And to be honest... The fact that she'd proposed this... It shocked him.. Truly, it did.., "Do you have something to gain from this?" There was no other way right? Only, he knew that she didn't... It was a testament to her loyalty.

"Why so far?"

"Master should know.." Tamamo averted her gaze, did he really need to be shoved in his face before he understood? "It's because Tamamo truly lo-"

"Stop." Roman cut her off, "I get it." He'd do it then, not like he stood to lose something from this, she did... Sure it would sap away much of his magical energy but that would come back with time.

"I feel sooo out of place here." Kagetora chugged down the beer she had just for times like these.

"Very well." Really, he lost magical energy and gained the eternal loyalty of a divine spirit from the Sun Goddess Amaterasu, the benefits truly did outweigh the downsides here.

Cupping the pinkett's face in his hands, the Magician smiled with his one eye closed, "I'll summon you right back." From this day onwards, every version of Tamamo ever summoned would be his version of Tamamo no Mae.

The Caster smiled in response, "I'm grateful, dear." She congratulated herself for finally being able to call him how she wanted to.... Smiling, she faded away into nothingness. Why go so far? Well, who knew better than her how easily infatuated she was? She didn't want there to be a chance of even unknowingly betraying Roman.

"A good feat to establish my Godhood." Roman grinned widely, positively jovial about the trouble headed his way for doing this.... Overconfident? Sure, but that was what he was.. Augmenting the very Throne of Heroes (even if only one entry) was a feat few could hope to accomplish and who knew how many had just been fucked over through that.

But then again, he was a God of Evil and corruption... was his Divine Right.

The doors to the destroyed room blew open and Zelretch rushed in, "Young man, what have you just done?!"


Share thoughts mfs.


Nobody tell Roman about the EXTRA timelines.

Anyone realise just how much actually got fucked over cause of what the two just did? And remember, Tamamo was the one who asked for it.

The Throne of Heroes being independent of space-time means any major changes there would simultaneously affect all events even remotely related to it.

Oh yeah, augmenting the throne of heroes IS within the realm of possibility considering Solomon removed himself from it too. Though he did it in a place outside of time and space so the time paradox part got nulled.

Question is, is it Roman's fault if people die from that?

A fun fact some may have missed in this chapter is that Roman stopped her from saying she loves him solely because no one's ever said it to him before. Man's has legit never head the words, "I love you." ever in his life.


I've recently gotten a few comments hating Roman for being too lax, and my only response is, bitch what?


Oh yeah, there was that one guy who said that at this point he thinks I might have a cripple fetish and .... You can't stop me.


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You can find up to 7 chapters ahead at patre0n.com/stoned_face