
Fate/Stay Night: The Epic of Gilgamesh

The chaotic Fifth Holy Grail War. The one summoned by Emiya Shirou was not a golden-haired, emerald -eyed girl knight, but the Golden King of Heroes—Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh "The Golden hero king" and friendship woven by the weakest Master and the strongest Heroic Spirit. It is another "The Epic of Gilgamesh" untold in history. Gilgamesh "Fate/Prototype"

Kudou_taiki · Tranh châm biếm
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22 Chs

The shadows have begun to move

...Furthermore, I am dreaming.

I realized it was a dream because I have never seen this landscape before. I don't remember ever coming to such a large city. Occasionally, noise mixes into my field of vision, as if I am watching an old television screen.

Amidst that, I recognized the figure standing in front of me. With golden hair standing on end and eyes the color of blood, Archer, who appears slightly younger than his real form, strolled confidently along the street.

The temperature must be high because everyone else in unfamiliar attire is lightly dressed. Similarly, Archer only wears golden armor on his lower body, exposing his upper body freely adorned with a pattern resembling a crimson lightning bolt.

In modern times, his appearance would undoubtedly attract questioning, but the people in this world are indifferent to it. No, that's not it. People deliberately avoid Archer as much as possible. Their expressions were filled with equal parts fear and dread. As if disaster had arrived, the masses made way for the golden man. It was somewhat comical to see a crowd of people fearing a single man.

Without sparing a glance at such an abnormal sight, Archer continued along the road. His expression did not reveal anything, and it was impossible to discern what he was thinking.

"There he is, the... king."

Voices filled with fear and reverence from the crowd. I couldn't imagine what he had done to elicit such a reaction from people.

Eventually, we passed through a street that seemed like a main road and arrived at a large square-like place. On the opposite side of the square stood a massive building that looked like a temple.

Upon seeing that building, Archer stopped in his tracks. He glanced around lightly, and the people who had gathered in the square hurriedly moved away, avoiding his gaze.

"...ha, ...ha?"

Archer muttered something in a low voice. I couldn't make out what he said clearly because of the constant noise mixed into the scenery. But his tone seemed to contain a considerable amount of scorn.

Archer resumed walking. His gaze was directed towards the temple-like structure. Although the distance was quite far, separated by a large square, he showed no concern and continued forward.

As people dispersed from the square like waves, Archer walked alone with an air of composure. It was an eerie scene, as if he were witnessing the miracle of the legendary Moses.


Silence fell. Archer's footsteps, cloaked in the aura of a king, suddenly came to a halt. In the vast square where only a few people remained... a figure appeared out of nowhere, blocking Archer's path. The abnormality of this scene prompted the few remaining individuals in the square to hastily depart.


No one was left in the vast space. With only the king and the intruder standing there, Archer raised the corners of his mouth, forming a smile. It seemed to contain a surprising level of interest or perhaps anger towards the intruder's insolence. At this moment, at least, it appeared that the former outweighed the latter.


Archer spoke. Although I couldn't hear the words clearly due to the noise, he probably uttered a question or a challenge. In response, the enigmatic figure, now gradually discarding the fabric-like material that concealed its appearance, opened its mouth.

"...G... King?"


Archer faintly smiled, and the expressionless figure, in its medieval-like voice, nodded. In the midst of their exchange, I could observe Archer's expression transitioning from a smile to anger, almost like a stop-motion animation. Their conversation was beyond my comprehension, but it must have touched a nerve with the golden man. Now, Archer, still expressionless, emanated an intense fury towards the enigmatic figure.

Archer stomped the ground with his right foot as if he could no longer contain his anger. The earth trembled—or rather, cracks appeared on the ground, revealing the extraordinary power and rage of the man.

"So, you dare to admonish me?"

Suddenly, the voice became clearly audible. Archer's anger had escalated to the point of murderous intent as he stared piercingly at the disrespectful intruder.

"Yes, I will correct your arrogance with my own hands."

Unfazed by the storm of murderous intent, the puppet-like intruder, in its medieval-like voice, nodded. Upon hearing this response, Archer's expression shifted to a mocking smile—and at that moment, the battle began.

As soon as he reached behind his back, Archer's hand held the golden sword once again. Swift as the wind, the blade of judgment was directed toward the intruder's neck.


Archer muttered something. His face was filled with confidence and disdain—but in an instant, surprise and anger replaced his expression.

Immediately after the swing of the golden sword, the intruder's right hand, emerging from under the fabric-like material, transformed into a sword and intercepted Archer's strike.


Without pausing, the sword that deflected Archer's attack swung back. This time, Archer was the one who had to defend.

The battle intensified rapidly. Archer retrieved various weapons from the ripple-like distortions in space, launching attacks against his opponent. The other figure transformed its hands and feet into weapons such as swords and spears or into armor, countering Archer's attacks and launching sharp counterattacks. Neither of them seemed human, and their fighting style was far from ordinary.

"You... pathetic excuse for earth! Do you think you can match me?"

When Archer threw a spear, the other figure transformed its body into mud, enveloping the spear. And when the mysterious figure threw the spear back, Archer summoned a large shield from the space behind him to block it.

When the enigmatic figure swung its transformed left hand, now a giant hammer, Archer swiftly severed it with a scythe. The severed left hand transformed back into a shape resembling mud and returned to its owner. Taking advantage of that brief opening, Archer's firearm erupted in flames, causing the other figure's body to change into a membrane-like substance and deflect the bullets.

Both sides constantly unleashed extraordinary weapons and transformed their bodies into bizarre shapes. The battlefield became more and more intense. The ground in the square upheaved, and massive pillars of fire rose into the sky.

Gradually, the noise that had mixed into the scenery became more severe. Perhaps due to the tremendous impact of the battle, not only the noise but also my field of vision gradually became blurry. I couldn't see what happened to the two combatants in the end.


The one standing in the way. The sudden battle. The swelling anger and murderous intent. They seemed to foretell the future of Shinnji and me.


"Ah, huh...?"

When I opened my eyes, the first thing I felt was the heat. That discomfort made me realize that I had woken up from a dream.

Due to yesterday's training with Tohsaka, my body feels hot all over. It's not the fatigue and lethargy of a cold or flu, but something different. It seems that what happened yesterday had quite an impact on my body.

Last night, I started by demonstrating reinforcement magic in front of Tohsaka... Regardless of the success or failure, it seems I made various mistakes from the beginning. Even the act of generating magical energy within my own body was already strange, so it's understandable why Tohsaka was bewildered.

Ordinary magicians first create their magic circuits. Once that is done, they only need to activate those circuits. Tohsaka compared it to flipping a switch.

However, I was trying to create the magic circuits from scratch every time, risking my life in the process. Apparently, it's not only dangerous but also an incredibly wasteful act.

So, first, I underwent adjustments to switch the magic circuit on and off, but it was quite challenging. After all, I was trying to immediately correct years' worth of mistakes, so it's only natural that it would put a strain on my body... In the end, the magic training yesterday ended with just that.

"A strange dream... and an unlucky day."

Lately, I've been feeling resentful of my luck. I've started having strange dreams, and I can't even find peace while sleeping.

"Damn, what time is it now...?"

Muttering curses, I turned my gaze to the clock in the corner of the room... It's already past 7:15. Oh no, I overslept completely.

I switched my thoughts. There's something more important to prioritize now than magic training.

"I need to prepare breakfast... or Fujimura-sensei will go on a rampage."

Hastily changing out of my pajamas, I started feeling uneasy, imagining the hellish situation that awaits me. It's obvious what would happen if a hungry beast like Fujimura-sensei doesn't get fed. It's clearer than daylight.

Moreover, I'm not the only one at home. If it's known that I overslept and skipped breakfast, what will Tohsaka and Archer say... It can't be helped if I have to cut corners; preparing breakfast as soon as possible takes precedence.

I finished changing hastily, washed my face in a rush, and dashed toward the kitchen. Calculating the contents of the refrigerator, the remaining time, and the possible menu under those conditions in my mind, I rushed into the living room... Right before I was about to rush into the kitchen, I noticed something strange.

"Eh, is breakfast already ready? Why?"

In front of me in the living room was a neatly arranged breakfast on the table. Toast, fried eggs, lettuce salad, sausages, and even milk were prepared. It was exactly the menu I was planning to make with the remaining time. I couldn't process the situation, and I stood there dumbfounded.

"You're so slow! How long are you going to sleep, Shirou?"

Munching on lettuce, Fujimura-sensei waved a fork with her right hand, becoming visibly agitated. That's not how you play with tableware.

"Sorry, I overslept... Wait, could it be that Fujimura-sensei cooked this? Or did Sakura make it again?"

"How rude! Even I can make breakfast if I put my mind to it, you know?... Ah, by the way, Sakura-chan is off today. She contacted me earlier, saying she wasn't feeling well."

Sakura's feeling unwell...?

As I worried about Sakura, thoughts of the Holy Grail War crossed my mind. Could it be that she couldn't come here because of Shinji's instructions? She must be stressed from the incident with Mitsuzuri, and it's not impossible that her health has deteriorated... No, I'll discuss it with Tohsaka and the others later.

For now, I need to make sure Sakura is okay. If something happened to her, breakfast would be the least of our concerns.

"So, is Sakura alright?"

"Well, she's been through a lot recently, so maybe she's just exhausted. I understand that you're worried about Sakura, but there's no need to look so serious, Shirou."

"It's alright, it's alright," Fujimura-sensei said, smiling. Apparently, my face showed clear signs of concern.

Speaking calmly, when I think about it rationally, with Tohsaka and Saber sitting calmly at the table, it's evident that it's not a situation where I should panic right away. I seem to have lost my composure over a sudden topic. Taking a deep breath, I need to calm down for a moment.

...Wait a minute. I can see Fujimura-sensei, Tohsaka, and Saber, but where is the last person?

"...Sleeping even later than me, you mongrel. Truly, your impoliteness is astonishing."

With those words, the last person, whose figure couldn't be seen, appeared from the kitchen, holding a plate of salad.


Surprised, I stood frozen in place as Archer passed by me and placed the plate on the table. He took a seat next to it. Since the seat next to him was empty, it seemed natural for me to sit there as well.

"W-Wait, did Archer make breakfast? I mean, can he even cook?"

I couldn't help but speak in a hushed voice, facing a scene even more surreal than the dream I had seen earlier. Of all people, this man, who seems to exist solely to walk around wearing clothes, making food with his own hands is unthinkable. It's more fitting for him to order someone else to bring him a lavish meal. It's true that it's a recipe that requires minimal effort, but even so, it would be more realistic if Fujimura-sensei made it.

Archer, who was met with my suspicious gaze, snorted discontentedly and answered.

"Hmph, I had no intention of doing so. I went to the kitchen to get some alcohol, but my body moved on its own."

"That... could it be that your memories are coming back?"

My body moved naturally. There are various reasons for that, such as mere reflexes or ingrained habits, but in this case, the former is impossible. If so, it would mean that Archer has a habit of cooking... but it still doesn't make sense. It not only contradicts Archer's own personality but also goes against the idea that a Servant would be able to cook.

I don't know what kind of hero this man is, but judging from that anachronistic armor and sword, he seems to be from a much earlier time. Naturally, cooking methods from ancient times and modern times are drastically different, and even if the Holy Grail is powerful, it's hard to believe that it would support him in making breakfast.

Even if Archer possesses an extraordinary intellect, cooking is different from playing chess or shogi. I know this because I cook every day, and even making a simple fried egg can show a clear difference between amateurs and veterans. It's a skill that relies on intuition and experience. However, the fried eggs in front of me are perfectly cooked, with just the right amount of runny yolk.

An ancient hero has mastered modern cooking methods to the point where it has become a habit. I thought that this contradiction might hold the key to Archer's true identity...

"No, I can't think of anything. Well, trivial matters are irrelevant. I merely decided to treat you with my own cooking. Be grateful for this overwhelming favor, mongrel. Normally, one would be moved to tears and prostrate in gratitude."

...And this is his attitude. I can't shake off the uneasiness about this man's ability to cook breakfast, but at least his arrogant demeanor is still intact. It would have been nice if his personality had changed as well.

"I was certainly surprised. I never expected Archer to have such a skill... It seems that humans can possess more than one talent."

Sabre, who seemed to have caught the content of our conversation, casually remarked in response to Archer's king-like statement. Well, from Sabre's perspective, it's understandable that she wouldn't have a good impression of Archer. But even Tohsaka, who is sitting next to her, is nodding along. Is that really appropriate?

"Hmm, but it's bothering me. This taste feels like I've had it somewhere before..."

While eating a salad dressed with a Japanese-style seasoning, Tohsaka tilts her head with a subtle expression. It's true that the dressing isn't the store-bought one she had stocked, but rather a seasoning that seems to have been prepared from scratch. It's indeed sophisticated, but has Tohsaka really had this kind of salad before? I always thought she was more suited for hearty Chinese cuisine.

"Oh, I almost forgot! There's a staff meeting today."

As I was thinking about that, Fujimura-sensei suddenly blurts out, paying no mind to our secret conversation.

"You should remember that kind of thing earlier, Fujimura. Isn't it almost time?"

"It's fine. Breakfast is more important than a meeting."

"Even so, you're a teacher... Anyway, eat quickly so you won't be late for the meeting. By the way, doesn't it seem like we're having more staff meetings recently? I feel like we used to have them once a month."

"That's right. Fuyuki has become more dangerous lately, and with Mitsuzuri-san's incident the day before yesterday, students skipping classes without permission, problems keep arising. It's been about ten years since Fuyuki was this noisy."

Ten years. My body instinctively reacts to those words.

The Holy Grail War is something that should generally be kept confidential. However, if it causes a situation that can be named a war, its effects are bound to be felt in this place. Even now, people have been involved in incidents such as unexplained gas leaks, and rumors of increasing disappearances. It seems that even the school is holding staff meetings... The distortion caused by the war is undoubtedly affecting this city and the lives of its inhabitants.

The culmination of this was the great fire ten years ago. It was more than just a major inconvenience. If they want to kill each other so badly, they should do it in the mountains where no one's bothered.

"Well then, I'll be going ahead today as well. Be careful on your way to school."

Fujimura-sensei energetically stands up, without caring about my state of mind, and runs towards the entrance at full speed while munching on a sausage. Normally, such vigorous movement immediately after a meal would upset the stomach, but human common sense doesn't apply to tigers.

With a loud bang as the front door closes, I can hear strange cries and fading footsteps from the living room. That's definitely causing a disturbance in the neighborhood...

"...Is Fujimura-sensei always like that?"

"She's always like that."

I nodded solemnly and let out a sigh, as if exhausted. It's certainly not easy to keep up with her in that mood. Even serious conversations don't last long with her.

I learned this recently, but Tohsaka is extremely weak in the morning. Today, I've only seen her in a normal state because I overslept, but yesterday morning was terrible. She approached with a zombie-like face and unsteady steps, and for a moment, I thought she was a new Servant and tensed up.

Because of that, I can understand that it must be tiring for Tohsaka, who is always forced to adjust to Fujimura-sensei's pace. However, it's typical of Tohsaka to not show it on the surface.

"Well, never mind that. Now that we have the usual group gathered, shall we discuss our plans for the future?"

"I agree. Rin, there have been reports that Sakura's not feeling well. What do you think?"

Sabre immediately brings up the topic. Tohsaka, who was asked for her opinion, puts her hand to her chin and makes a troubled face, lost in thought.

Whether Sakura is really unwell or if she's unable to come here due to Shinji's instructions... If it's the latter, it means that Shinji has some intention behind it.

"Well... he knew about our situation here before we did, so if he didn't want Sakura to come here, he could have done it earlier. But instead, he chose this timing to give Sakura a rest. Shinji didn't come to school yesterday either... If Sakura's not really unwell, he might be planning something today."

Planning something... in other words--

"The other mongrels have finally decided to fight, huh? I do enjoy strategies, but a drama is not worth watching without a climax. Be prepared, at the very least."

"In other words, it's unpleasant, but you're right. ...Sabre, just to be safe, could you follow us and wait in an inconspicuous place near the school?"

"I understand. However, in case of emergency, we can use Command Seals for summoning. While you can sense nearby Servants, if other Servants are summoned using Noble Phantasms or Command Seals, it would be different."

There is a limited number, but by consuming a Command Seal, it is possible to bring about extraordinary miracles such as a Servant's spatial jump. As Saber said, it might be wise for me to consider the use of Command Seals if the need arises.

"Archer. You and Saber--"

I was about to continue with "nearby," but I changed my words, realizing something about the combination of Saber and Archer.

"--No. Can you wait in a high place where you can overlook the school grounds, preferably in a location separate from Saber?"

"Oh? It seems you used your head, mongrel. Very well, I shall follow your instructions."

Archer, who accurately understood my intentions, nods casually with his arms crossed. While Saber usually patrols near the school, she will be waiting nearby today. Naturally, the presence of a Servant would be detected by Shinji or other Masters with their Servants, so this serves as both our protection and a deterrent to any enemies attempting to make a move.

And Archer, on the other hand, will keep watch over the entire school... in other words, he will check for any suspicious individuals entering or exiting the school from outside the range of other Masters' reconnaissance. If it were simply being close to the school, it would be discovered by other Masters as well. However, there are a few buildings that are a moderate distance away from the school and offer a view of most of the premises. If necessary, he can snipe the enemy from that position.

Roles assigned based on the characteristics of the Servants. Thanks to the shogi analogy I heard from Archer and Saber earlier, I was able to come up with this plan on the spot.

"Agreed. Although I don't feel great about being used as bait, if they're looking for a fight, we'll give them a high-priced one."

Declaring so, Tohsaka confidently averts her gaze. ...She's definitely the type to bully others.

Now then... whether it will truly turn into a battle or not is uncertain, but at least we are mentally prepared. All that's left is to stay focused and spend the day without letting our guard down.


Until after school, nothing eventful happened today after all.

The school's boundary field still felt uncomfortable, but there were no noticeable abnormalities, and there were no signs of any Servants either. Apart from the absence of the Matou siblings, everything seemed just as usual.

It's unlikely that anyone would be foolish enough to initiate a fight during school hours... But still, I remained cautious, attending classes, having lunch, and subtly observing the surroundings. Naturally, I couldn't retain much of what was taught in class.

After bidding farewell to classmates who called out to me, I pretended to sleep at my desk and waited for the crowd to thin out. Thanks to the complete ban on club activities, the school quickly emptied out after classes. This meant that I didn't have to keep up the act of sleeping for an extended period, but just to be safe, I remained hunched over my desk for a while.

As I did so, I heard footsteps echoing through the corridor. Could it be...? I thought, increasing my vigilance as I peeked out from behind my arm, only to relax as soon as I recognized the familiar red outfit.

"Emiya-kun, are you alright?"

Tohsaka, still wearing her cat-like disguise, spoke elegantly to me, pretending to be asleep on my desk. As always, her choice of words made it hard to detect her true nature.

"Yeah... and by the way, you don't have to force yourself to wear that cat disguise. There's no one else here anyway."

"In that case, let's proceed as planned. Although I don't sense the presence of any Masters for now, if they plan to attack, it will be from now on."

Completely ignoring my comment about the cat disguise, Tohsaka turned around gracefully. I also stood up and took the metal rod I had prepared from my locker, following her lead. I believe it's the broken handle of an old broom, but it's better than nothing.

After our discussion this morning, Tohsaka came up with an additional plan while we were getting to school, and we had a briefing during lunch break. We decided to execute it immediately after school. Tohsaka had already informed Saber through mental communication, and I had made it clear to Archer that he should wait until we leave the premises. So, there was no need to worry too much.

Well, even though we call it a plan, it's not a big deal. We just have to interfere with the continually strengthening boundary by crushing the remaining Command Seals. However, this action itself is a strategy to draw out the enemy Masters.

The culprit who set up this boundary would undoubtedly have increased surveillance on the Command Seals due to our interference last time. Therefore, when we once again interfere with the Command Seals, there is a good chance that they will appear to hinder us. Whether the culprit is Shinji or another Master is unknown, but the plan is for both Saber and Archer to retaliate together when they show up.

Since we don't currently have any Servants with us, it will be immediately apparent if the enemy Master has a Servant. If the enemy Master becomes aware of that, they won't let such a perfect opportunity slip away.

"We will definitely defend against the initial attack. Once we overcome that, Saber will take care of the opponent. After that, we'll lure them to the schoolyard or somewhere similar, and it will be a joint effort between Archer and Saber to finish them off."

Tohsaka declares with confidence, relying on her own expertise as a top-tier magus. I don't have confidence that I could escape unharmed if attacked by a Servant, let alone a magus, so honestly, I'm counting on Tohsaka regarding this matter.

"Let's start with the rooftop. There might be more Command Seals, and we can rely on your intuition, Shirou."

"Yeah, I got it."

My role this time is to find the Command Seals, just as I did during the previous search. However, since the previous exploration, I haven't discovered any new points apart from the Command Seal in the archery dojo. If there are other Command Seals that I haven't found, hidden even more skillfully, then I'll be at a loss...

"Right, the only place left is over there. But that curse mark felt like it was a size bigger than the others..."

"Perhaps the practitioner cast a barrier centered around that area. In that case, Shinji becomes even more suspicious."

Indeed, based on the circumstantial evidence, it is highly likely that Shinji is the culprit who cast the barrier. The fact that he went to the archery dojo where the curse was set up that day makes him extremely suspicious.

However, I also have a feeling that my friend wouldn't do something so foolish. While it's true that he can be unpleasant and has engaged in violent acts towards his sister, this situation is on a different level. Besides, as far as I know, Shinji is a more thoughtful person.

Ignoring my silence, Tosaka heads towards the corridor, her left hand glowing with magic runes.

"Either way, if they were to set up something, it would be at that archery dojo. Let's go, Shirou. We can't let our guard down until the end..."

"Ah... Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!"

A piercing scream echoes through the school building, tearing through the air like silk. The unexpectedness of it freezes my whole body.

"A scream? Where did it come from..."

"It's from the first floor. Let's go ahead, Shirou!"

Pushing aside Tosaka, who is scanning the surroundings sharply, I rush out into the corridor and continue running. It's surprising that there are still students remaining, but the scream just now is far from ordinary.

"W-Wait a moment! What are you thinking, rushing ahead alone like that!"

Ignoring Tosaka's angry voice that lags behind for a moment, I sprint down the corridor and dash towards the stairs. Shortly after, as I hear the sound of my footsteps hitting the floor twice as fast, it seems that Tosaka is also following me.

I swiftly turn at the landing, almost slipping, and ignore the remaining stairs as I jump down to the first floor. As my gaze sweeps to the side, I catch sight of a collapsed student on the floor. That figure overlaps with my own, who was nearly killed just a few days ago.

"Damn it...!"

I rush to the side of the female student who is lying near the emergency exit, but fortunately, there doesn't seem to be any signs of bleeding. Just to be sure, I crouch down and check her pulse. It's beating properly.

While checking her pulse, I observe her pale face, unconscious and lifeless. I don't recognize her as someone from the same grade, perhaps she's a lowerclassman?

"Move aside. Honestly, it's dangerous for you to act on your own like this! You idiot!"

Tosaka, who ran up behind me, catches up. We change places, and she examines the girl while her expression grows increasingly serious.

"This is bad... Shirou, please keep watch. If we don't do something soon, this girl might die."

"Huh...? Isn't she just unconscious!?"

"Her blood has been completely drained. Most likely, her life force, in other words, her magical energy, was targeted. It was dangerous. If it were a bit more, I could have done something..."

Saying that, Tosaka takes out several gems from her pocket. Fortunately, she seems to know how to treat this girl. If it were me, I could have only called an ambulance at best.

It is said that humans die when they lose about two liters of blood. This girl, who has lost consciousness and is in danger, seems to have had a similar amount of blood taken from her.

...Wait a minute. Taken? By whom exactly?

Whether it's because Tosaka is in a desperate situation or not, the heat that had risen in my head quickly cools down as I look at her. Instead, a chilling sense of discomfort runs down my spine.

Something's not right. I've heard of a similar situation just a while ago. The coma incident involving Mitsuzuri Ayako. That's right, Tosaka was the one who mentioned it. Let me recall, what did she say...?

"I think she was attacked by a Servant who targeted her magical energy. She said there were no external injuries, but she didn't regain consciousness. That's a symptom unique to humans who have had their life force drained..."

"Attacked by a Servant..."

That's right. The one who attacked this girl was undoubtedly an enemy Servant. However, until we arrived here, we didn't cross paths with anyone. There are no signs of windows or walls being destroyed, and if the culprit had escaped, there is no other route except for the emergency exit over there.

No, wait a minute. If that Servant is still here and hasn't escaped yet...!?


In that instant, as I realize the possibility, a tremendous chill runs through me, and I throw myself to the ground. Together with Tosaka, who was caught up in my fall, I collapse onto the floor. And just as I do so, something sharp grazes my hair, slicing it.


Tosaka, her eyes rolling back, lets out a cute scream as I shield her and direct my gaze towards the emergency exit where the weapon flew from. Beyond the slightly open door, I sense the figure of someone running away.

Clicking my tongue, I help Tosaka, who had fallen, to her feet. Fortunately, neither she nor the female student are injured.

"Are you okay, Tosaka?"

"Y-Yes... I'm fine. But more importantly, what just happened...?"

"Yeah. It's probably the enemy Servant. They seem to have already escaped, though."

"No... I won't let them escape."

As soon as Tosaka hears the word "Servant," her eyes transform into those of a predatory bird.

The fleeting expression of a weak little girl she showed for a moment has long disappeared. The one standing here is undoubtedly Tosaka Rin, the mage and Master of the Holy Grail War. Watching me with surprise at her quick change, the witch smiles radiantly.

"When I heard the scream earlier, I felt something was off, so I contacted Saber with telepathy. They're probably..."

As Tosaka speaks, at that very moment, a high-pitched metallic sound resonates from the direction of the schoolyard. The sound echoes two, three times, carrying enough magical power to be felt even inside the school building.

The enemy Servant who fled and the Saber Tosaka had kept waiting for. In the form of a chance encounter, the battle between the two has begun. If that's the case...

"Tosaka, can I leave this girl to you?"

"Huh... Wait, what are you planning?"

"I'll assist Saber. That bastard... I won't be satisfied until I give them a blow."

"What? What are you thinking...!?"

Ignoring Tosaka's voice, I turn my back and kick the floor. In my right hand is the handle of a broom that I've been gripping tightly since the classroom.

"That damn bastard...!"

Swearing under my breath, I can't forgive what that Servant did.

At that moment, the enemy Servant targeted Tosaka. The space that weapon gouged out was exactly where Tosaka's face was just a moment ago.

It's not a coincidence. That enemy aimed carefully and struck at the perfect timing. If I hadn't noticed, I can't even imagine what would have happened to Tosaka. Just thinking about it makes my blood boil.

If they aimed for us, then the enemy probably laid an ambush for us from the beginning. That female student was cleverly used as a trap to ensnare us.

Kicking open the emergency exit door, I step outside. Momentarily blinded by the remaining light of the setting sun, I instinctively shade my eyes. And within my narrowed field of vision, an unexpected sight comes into view.

"A woman...!?"

Purple and blue. Two colors fly through the schoolyard like bullets.

The identity of the blue is Saber, clad in a suit of magical armor. Swinging her invisible sword forcefully and radiating immense magical power, she overwhelms and scatters the purple figure, which moves nimbly in all directions.

And on the other side... the one being overwhelmed by Saber is undoubtedly also a Servant.

Purple long hair that seems to reach not only the waist but even the legs. A slender and elegant figure that could be mistaken for a goddess with its beauty. However, the abnormally revealing black outfit and the eyepatch covering both eyes transform that atmosphere into something enchanting.

Not Berserker nor Lancer. That person must be Assassin, Rider, or perhaps Caster.


With determination, Saber strikes down from above. The mysterious Servant, armed with a nail-like weapon, takes the blow but fails to completely neutralize its power, stumbling backward. Dodging the follow-up attack by a hair's breadth, the woman creates distance between herself and Saber.

Even to an amateur observer, the difference in power is evident. In just a few exchanges, it is safe to say that the outcome is already decided. That Servant is no match for Saber. With that kind of momentum, my assistance is unnecessary. I would only get in the way.

The amount of magical energy, precision of movement, and sheer strength—all of them favor Saber over the woman in black. Though she barely surpasses Saber in reach and agility, no matter how she tries to exploit blind spots, everything is crushed by Saber's preemptive anticipation and reaction speed. If things continue like this, Saber's victory will be sealed in less than a minute. However...

"...Where is the Master?"

Looking around anxiously, the woman searches for any sign of their presence. Despite being fully prepared to settle the battle at any moment, Saber's hesitation must be because of that reason. While that Servant is no match for Saber, it would be a different story if their Master is lurking somewhere.

Taking my eyes off the fight between Saber and the enemy Servant, I scan the schoolyard thoroughly. With the sun setting, the schoolyard is empty and dark. If they are hiding using magic or some other means, Saber would have noticed, and there aren't many places to hide besides that thicket...


Wait, did something just move over there...?


Grabbing the broom handle, I run straight into the thicket without hesitation. If the one hiding there is their Master, they must have given instructions to the woman in black and set up the trap targeting Tohsaka and me.

"Connection Tracing, engage."

As I learned from Tohsaka yesterday... rather than creating a magical circuit, I move the already existing one in my body and infuse magic into the broom. Perhaps due to increased focus during actual combat, the strengthening magic that used to fail easily now activates effortlessly.

Without slowing down, I rush through the thicket. Following the presence I felt deep inside, I push forward, knocking aside branches that block my way, and finally reach an open area.


Surrounded by trees that have likely aged over the years, it's a natural clearing. Engulfed in the darkness of the night, it's already becoming dark, and the only thing here is a pile of fallen leaves.

However, I sense a presence. Hindered by darkness and vegetation, I can't confirm it directly, but there is definitely a gaze fixed on me from somewhere. Even if they hide their form, they can't erase that unnatural hostility.

Just like during training with Saber, I hold the broom firmly and sharpen my senses. I can hear the distant sounds of Saber's battle with the enemy Servant, but for now, I ignore it.

...Where are you?

It's not behind me. Left, center, or right. The opponent is hiding somewhere among those directions.

Concentrating, I slowly move my gaze. Missing even the slightest movement could mean death. Since the enemy chose to intercept instead of escaping, they must also be observing for my opening.

Ignoring the sweat trickling down my neck, despite it being winter, I focus sharply while glaring ahead with trembling legs. I won't lose in this contest of endurance, and I grip the broom tightly, renewing my determination.

...A black blade-like object, three of them, are coming towards me at once.


Surprised for a moment, I evade the blades converging from left, center, and right, rolling to the side. The casually twirling shoelaces indirectly indicate what would have happened if I couldn't avoid them.

That was close. If their reach had been a little longer, not only my shoes but even my legs would have been cut off.

"Damn it, you bastard hiding and attacking from the shadows...!"

Cursing under my breath, I stand up. Knowing it's pointless, I reposition the broom to intimidate and... from behind the thickets, something resembling laughter resonates.

"Heh, hahaha... To charge in alone like that, you truly are a fool. You."

A figure appears waveringly. That familiar form... for a brief moment, my mind goes numb.

A mocking smile adorned by bluish hair. His left hand resting confidently on his hip. There's no mistaking it after all the time I've seen it. I don't want to believe it, but the rational part of me accepts that this is reality.

My legs waver. Despite accepting the truth and preparing myself mentally... it's just a superficial front. Seeing the fact I already knew being displayed before me, I couldn't hide my agitation.

...Shirou Emiya. The person standing before me is supposed to be my friend.


Several kilometers away from the school, on the rooftop of a high-rise building, there stood a figure. With his hair fluttering in the wind, he stood alone.

"...So, he fell for the bait."

Speaking to himself with apparent disinterest, Archer's crimson eyes clearly projected the battle between Saber and the mysterious Servant, even in the fading daylight.

According to Archer's observation, the opponent Servant is Rider. If it were Assassin, they wouldn't have sensed their presence in the first place, and if it were Caster, they would have relied on magic and strategy to fight.

However, even though Archer quickly saw through the enemy's class, he couldn't bring himself to be interested in that Servant. This man's interests lie in pleasure, and he couldn't find any entertainment value in a one-sided development that couldn't even be called a real fight. They might have Noble Phantasms or hidden cards, but being overwhelmed to that extent would leave no time to use them.

It would take effort to deal with that Master... Archer muttered, lazily turning on his heel. In order to descend the building, he headed towards the rooftop staircase, but... suddenly, his steps came to a halt.

"Good day, irregular Servant... No, should I call you Archer?"

In the sky, as the sun set and darkness engulfed the surroundings, a figure cloaked in purple robes floated. On closer inspection, it revealed itself to be a person with an otherworldly presence, accentuated by a mysterious staff and the floating posture. The atmosphere exuded a magus-like aura.

Casually ringing the bell attached to the staff, the peculiar-looking woman looked down at Archer with a serene smile.

"Magus Caster, huh? It's quite surprising that a mere rat hiding and lurking around managed to reveal itself."

Facing her gaze head-on, the man showed no signs of agitation despite the unexpected situation. Displeasure was evident in Archer's expression. Though it was probably some form of spatial teleportation, the appearance of an enemy Servant was a trivial matter. Being looked down upon by others was the ultimate humiliation for this proud Heroic Spirit. His absolute zero eyes gradually began to harbor a sense of condemnation.

"Quite the greeting. You, who aren't even a regular Servant, dare to speak so arrogantly."

The mocking words from Caster made Archer's eyebrows twitch slightly. The way she spoke seemed as though she had knowledge of Archer's abnormality...?

"─Mongrel. I don't think you'll get away with all the disrespect you've shown me."

However, for this golden Servant, his anger towards the insolent individual who looked down upon him outweighed any interest in Caster's words.

That was the essence of Archer being Archer. His pride that transcended any other being paid no mind to his own abnormalities and instead sentenced the magus Heroic Spirit to death.

A dazzling light enveloped Archer's entire body... and in an instant, the Rider suit that had covered him transformed into golden armor. There were no traces of damage left by Lancer, likely due to some form of self-repair ability.

Resonating metallic sounds, Archer assumed a stance with his golden twin swords. The sharp blades aimed for Caster's neck hidden beneath her hood. Although she was floating, with a Servant's agility, he could easily strike her down with a single slash.

"Too bad. It is you who will disappear, Archer."

Unmoved by the intense killing intent, Caster swung her right hand as if dancing. Immediately after, massive energy projectiles appeared, surrounding her form in mid-air.

Each of these energy masses, each the size of a watermelon, formed a total of eight of them. They began to rotate around Caster like satellites. Even if they were Servants, no one would emerge unscathed from being struck by energy spheres comparable to artillery shells.

With his twin swords gripped tightly, assuming a jumping posture, Archer and Caster faced each other, their gazes crossing as they assessed each other's condition... and Caster moved first.


Perhaps it was an incantation of some sort. As a single word was murmured, eight energy projectiles were rapidly released. Anticipating this, Archer lightly leaped to the left, allowing four of the projectiles to embed themselves into the concrete floor while effortlessly cutting down the remaining four with his swords. The shining energy spheres were extinguished by the mystical power of Archer's swinging swords, dispersing like an illusion.


Having easily defended against the attack, Archer glanced disdainfully at the robed woman. His gaze contained not only hostility and killing intent but also a contemptuous look as if regarding something filthy.

"What's the matter? You, who can only sniff around, chose to challenge me head-on. Have you prepared ten or twenty strategies?"

"Oh? If it's just you, I can go easy. I don't want to waste unnecessary effort on a prelude."

"Well said. Your reward for daring to speak big words against me will be execution by burning at the stake, following the traditional witch-hunting method."

With each insult, Archer's eyes filled with fury. For a lowly Servant to become conceited was deserving of death itself. While he could overlook minor rudeness with a smile, being underestimated and even referred to as a prelude pushed him to the point where he couldn't be satisfied without twisting, subduing, and crushing the person himself.

However, Caster remained composed even when faced with the immense killing intent emanating from the golden Servant. She had ample composure despite the terrifying hostility that could cause shock death in an ordinary person. She laughed merrily.

"Well, even if you were in perfect condition, what can you do against someone like me? And as for being burned at the stake, don't expect to die so easily for calling me a witch."

In an instant, a murderous intent filled the eyes of the female magus. In sync with it, an enormous amount of magical energy gathered around Caster from the surrounding atmosphere. The ability to concentrate such a vast amount of magical energy in just a few seconds was a testament to her formidable power, far beyond the capabilities of an ordinary mage.

Gazing up at her with fiery eyes, Archer noticed the attack approaching and deflected it with his twin swords. He swiftly changed his position. However, after taking three steps, his movements came to an abrupt halt... His feet were frozen, as if they were stuck. In the blink of an eye, a lightning spear grazed the tip of his toes, blasting the concrete away.

Realizing that he couldn't evade them all, Archer, while defending against the attacks with his twin swords and armor, calmly analyzed the situation and clicked his tongue in annoyance.

"It's unfavorable."

Normally, an archer Servant would possess a high anti-magic capability. However, due to the consequences of his irregular summoning or perhaps the influence of his incarnation, Archer's anti-magic ability was extremely low.

Furthermore, the footing was terrible. While Caster, who could freely fly in the air and attack from above, had the entire rooftop as her battlefield, Archer was confined to the narrow space of the rooftop. Against an opponent who could move freely in three-dimensional space while having his aerial advantage taken away and being limited to two-dimensional movements, the conditions were severely unfavorable.

Moreover, the range and reach of their attacks were completely different. Archer, who couldn't even switch his swords to a bow, stood no chance against Caster, who bombarded him with various long-range magics.

As the rooftop, on the verge of collapsing from the ruthless bombardment, was surveyed, Archer firmly decided on a retreat. Though his anger towards the cunning magus churned inside him, the golden hero was far from a fool who would make a reckless charge.

As he deflected the laser-like magic attacks and swiftly changed his stance, Archer planned his retreat. However, after moving three steps... his feet, as if sewn in place, became immobilized.


No matter how much he concentrated his strength into his legs, they wouldn't move. Not only his legs, but his waist, arms, and his entire body were frozen stiff. Caster looked down at him, wearing a triumphant smile as she observed his statue-like figure.

"Fu fu fu. To be able to move just your head is quite something. When you're bound by space itself, there's no way you can move."

Confident of her victory, Caster turned her gaze towards the pitiful prey. Now that her plan had succeeded completely, there was no way the situation would be overturned.

The barrage of attacks that had assaulted like an arrow shower was nothing more than a flashy deception. The rooftop, which should have collapsed with a few strikes, still retained its original form, proving that Caster's attacks were not serious, even though each strike could have been lethal.

While diverting attention to the flashy attacks, Caster secretly weaved the deadly magic of spatial immobilization. Archer, unable to move a single finger, was now nothing more than a puppet.

"I don't know which hero you were, but you should be more cautious at your feet next time... It's over."

With a cold murmur, Caster's staff was aimed at Archer. What shone at its tip was a mass of magical power that far surpassed what had been seen before. This time, Caster was determined to make Archer vanish completely.

A vast amount of magical energy converged, forming a massive magic circle. The immense magic was shaking even the space itself. Facing this, Archer showed a dripping smile, as if nothing foreboding could affect him.

Frowning at the ominous expression, Caster felt a slight irritation, and just as her magical aurora was about to engulf the sky...

...the golden armor burst open from the inside.


Caster opened her eyes wide in surprise. The armor, which had been disassembled into several pieces, turned into iron bullets and struck her all over her body. Caster immediately hardened her defenses, but she couldn't completely withstand the impact.


Momentary disorientation caused by the unexpected counterattack. Although it may have lasted less than three seconds in terms of time, for a golden Servant like Archer, it was more than enough.

Caster shook her head to catch sight of the lost enemy. Immediately after, Archer appeared in her field of view... at the edge of the rooftop, wielding a golden bow.


Reflexively, Caster slammed the mass of magical energy she had just gathered. It was a desperate move, but even so, Archer's arrow and the released magical energy attacked simultaneously.

The arrow that pierced through space and the magical energy that was expelled as a whirlwind of light. The former was blocked by Caster's defense, causing only a minor injury, and the latter caused the space where Archer was to disappear, along with a corner of the rooftop.

Confirming the sight, Caster let out a sigh of relief. It was a close call... Even though she was confident that she had taken the initiative, she had almost been on the receiving end of a fatal blow. If the surprise attack had undone her offensive magic or if the defense magic she had prepared in advance had not been strong enough... the one in trouble would have been the mage.

"That was dangerous..."

She said to herself, and Caster descended to the rooftop, which was riddled with holes and cracks. The floor, which should have been covered with sturdy concrete, was on the verge of collapse, but she had already confirmed that there was no one on the upper floors of the building from the beginning. It was not desirable to sacrifice unnecessary lives and unnecessarily increase the number of enemies, and, moreover, the concealment of mysteries was something that a mage should absolutely adhere to.

Walking as if gliding over the rooftop, she peered into the completely evaporated corner. There was no trace left of the Servant called Archer, who had existed in that spot where destruction had gone beyond the stage of destruction.

Utilizing the characteristic of being composed of magical energy, the strategy of using the disassembled armor as bullets and propelling them in all directions with magical energy was unexpected. However, it was nothing more than an improvised tactic in the end. It would take time to return the scattered armor to magical energy and reconstruct it, and it would be impossible to withstand Caster's magic without any defensive capabilities. Being hit by a single blow that easily reached A-rank firepower was impossible to survive.

A sound of wind cutting through the air was heard.


A foolish voice. It came from a small head that had been separated from the body. The body, having lost its head, lost its strength and was thrown into the air.

...And on top of that, a golden sword that beheaded Caster's head was spinning.

"Fool. It is you who should pay attention to your feet, mongrel."

While grabbing the returning sword that was spinning, Archer hung from the ledge of a window in the middle of the building and spat out. His appearance was the same as before the battle, wearing a black Rider suit, without a single scratch.

That was only natural. The flow of events up until now had all gone according to Archer's plan.

Caster's magical cannon was a distraction, and it was known from the beginning that she had some hidden trump cards. While not expecting her to solidify space itself, Archer had prepared countermeasures against Caster's tactics. If retreat was impossible, he would immediately come up with another course of action. It was a unique ability of Archer, who possessed an exceptionally brilliant intellect.

The surprise attack coordinated with the armor that served as a blinding tactic. If that was prevented, a surprise attack pretending to be killed would follow. It was a tactic that took advantage of the fact that he had a physical body and could be less easily detected as a Servant without emitting magical power.

If the opponent were a seasoned warrior, it would have been easier to sense a physical body rather than a spiritual body. But it was fortunate that the opponent was a Servant of "Mage" rather than a "Warrior."

Caster's figure disappeared into the darkness as she followed Archer's order, and a fissure-like hole appeared in the empty sky. In it, unbelievably, an unharmed Caster appeared.

"Heh. Puppets are truly skilled at self-preservation... but that's only natural. Your aim was to buy time from the beginning."

"You're quite sharp. I actually wanted to kill you here... but as you said, my goal was to buy time. I've accomplished my objective, so I'll withdraw for now."


Archer made the twin swords disappear as if his interest had been dampened. Now that it was clear that all the provocations had been part of Caster's plan to buy time, he had no intention of playing along with her.

Although his killing intent towards the insolent one had only increased, even if he were to kill the woman in front of him, it was clear as day that she was a puppet or an illusion. The main body was probably manipulating a substitute that could be replaced from somewhere far away.

As long as the Holy Grail War continued, there would likely be another opportunity to encounter Caster. He decided to leave the judgment for that time and turned his back on Caster.

The problem was why Caster had been buying time. The purpose was still unclear, but if Caster had appeared to prevent the joining of Saber and the others, they needed to move as soon as possible.

"Until we meet again, Archer. Next time, I'll treat you as a worthy guest."

Leaving those words behind, Caster disappeared into the darkness as if blending in with it.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Kudou_taikicreators' thoughts