
chapter 5

Astolfo completed the outfit with translucent black pantyhose that showed off his legs and a pair of purple and white high tops. He looked too damn cute.

There had been some incidents as well such as when Taiga had questioned the presence of Astolfo and had been skeptical that he was an acquaintance of Kiritsugu, but had given in when assaulted by the Servant's adorable pout. Another time Astolfo deided to stretch his legs out under the table and his feet landed firmly in Shirou's lap. Shirou had tried to ignore the warmth in his lap until he couldn't anymore and found an excuse to get up and walk away. Perhaps most embarrassing of all was when he was doing laundry and took a sniff of his Servant's panties.

"Enjoying my scent, Master?", Spoke the pink haired Servant to Shirou's utter embarrassment.

Later on Astolfo actually proposed to Shirou that they fool around a bit. "No! I mean no matter how cute you are you're still a guy!" declared Shirou. "Love knows no boundaries Master, if you find me attractive then surely it's fine to act on it? We could re-enact whatever you were imagining when you sniffed my panties." Shirou of course declined to do so, after all he wasn't into guys. When they both went to their respective rooms to sleep Shirou couldn't help but let his thoughts drift to Astolfo and his long slender legs or how his ass looked in that bikini until he decided on something. Fuck it he was going in there dick or no dick. When he went into Astolfo's room he saw that he had already taken off his jacket.

"So, you thought it over Master?"

Shirou answered his Servant grabbing onto him and laying him down and locking his lips with the effeminate man. Their tongues began flicking at each other immediately. As Shirou kissed the Servant he ran his hand down his smooth, hose clad legs eliciting a purr from the pinkette. Shirou started fondling the Servant's nether regions even as he tried not to think about them too much as his partner hardened. Astolfo began to fondle his master's crotch through his pants. Shirou began to harden quite quickly from that action.