
chapter 4

Shirou was having a very bad day. It started off normally enough until much later in the evening. Then a muscular man in blue spandex started thrusting his long spear at him. After being stabbed and awakening in a confused state he soon found that the blue man with the lance was after him once again. After retreating into his shed he was on the ground and at the mercy of the strange man once again. That was when a light appeared in the shed and a figure appeared.

Shirou saw the form as it appeared and was immediately drawn to the beautiful face of the figure. The face was innocent and energetic looking and was framed by a light pink locks with a dash of white. Her hair came into a fairly long braid and looked soft to the touch. She wore what appeared to be some kind of black tunic with a cloak over her shoulders and armor on her arms. Shirou's gaze was transfixed by the barest glimpse of creamy thighs between the hem of the tunic and the top of the black thigh high stockings that covered her shapely legs.

"So can I assume that you're my Master?"

Before any explanation was given the Servant immediately went to defending its Master. After the blue man was driven off the Servant introduced herself as Astolfo one of the Paladins of Charlemagne. Though Shirou was a bit confused on that bit.

"So were the legends wrong about your being a man then?"

"Oh no Master, they were correct on that account."

Oh. Oh dear. Suddenly Shirou felt a bit awkward about the leering he had given the man. He wasn't sure how to take this now. He supposed that he would just deal with it in stride. It wasn't as if he had been looking too closely at the Servant's toned legs or the slight swaying of his hips as he walked. Really, hardly any attention paid at all.A couple of days had passed by since then and things had been going by slowly until the night time when battles took place. When Shirou and Astolfo first went looking for clothes Shirou had tried to direct him towards at least wearing pants but Astolfo would have none of it. The Servant forced Shirou to look at all the outfits that he had chosen out including some very short sundresses and a micro bikini that made Shirou wonder if his Servant actually shaved down there. Eventually Shirou managed to find some civilian clothes for Astolfo to wear the he actually agreed to be seen in that didn't make Shirou question his sexuality too terribly much. Even so Shirou could not help but be a bit distracted by the sight of his Servant in the new clothes. They consisted of a sleeveless purple and white shirt with a thin, light purple hoodie and a short purple skirt.