(inspired by fate/stay night and my love for self-insert) we wanted a perfect world. this is not the world we had in mind. the year is 2020, the Earth is facing an outbreak crisis that has impacted the world many people are fighting for survival against the virus while others. are ignoring and fighting the government for freedom and change. as for me. I just wish I was in another world where it is peaceful. or so I thought. my name is Aden. and this is my story.
3:00 pm
rin's house
the afternoon sun was now starting to set as I was going up the stairs and entering rin's room to see what she wanted from me.
and in my mind. I could tell that this will be related to some magic she wanted to try on me. since I know what it can do to people when in contact with the spell.
Aden: 'hey rin I am here. because you said you wanted to see me in your room.' i said as she had a smile on her face. one that was giving off warning signals that would be the death of me.
rin: 'yes. I wanted to check your immune system and your bones ever since you were at home and staying inside.' she said as I knew this could be some sort of healing magic thing she had since I was at home in my world.
Aden: 'ah sure.' i nodded as I walked to her and sat down with my shirt off as she put her cold hands on my warm back witch made me jump and shiver.
rin: 'ok Aden. now hold still so I can begin the reconstruction. by the way, your skin is warm when my cold fingers make contact with your back..' she said as I nodded and held still as she made her magic do the work and I had closed my eyes.
a few minutes later
rin: 'ok Aden. all done now.' she said as I stretched my bones into place and smiled at her with a look of thanks.
Aden: 'that felt nice thank you.' i said as she blushed and nodded as I and her had the decision to talk about what has been going down since I was here.
and so began my friendship with rin, her servant, and her friends.
2nd update on new story's:
hey guys I want to update you all on the new story's
to put it short. I will start working on them next year.
dat's all I can say