

During the final battle between the Quincy and the Soul Society, Friedrich Braun, a simple soldat of the Wandenreich, is teleported into the void before succumbing to Yhwach's Auswählen and ends up by chance in the first singularity of Fate/Grand Order. What will result from this encounter between two different universes?

QuincyEcht · Tranh châm biếm
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29 Chs

The Hotheaded, The Machine And The Spearman

In the range of mountains, a towering pillar of blue reishi erupted, and from it emerged three figures dressed in pristine white attire, their forms shrouded, with the Quincy Symbol proudly displayed on the back.

The man at the forefront initiated the conversation with the individual to his left.

"BG9, are your scanners picking up anything?"

BG9 replied with his mechanical voice, "I'm detecting numerous life signatures at the base of the mountain we're on. Some are intermittently disappearing, which leads me to speculate that a battle is occurring below."

"What should be our course of action now?" the leader inquired of the man to his right.

The man to his right met the leader's gaze and replied, "I believe we should proceed with BG9 as our scout. His Majesty's orders are clear: retrieve the Grail. Engaging in combat is not the solution. We can wait for the ongoing battles to conclude and then seize the Grail."

The group swiftly descended the mountain, utilizing their movement techniques to glide down from the peak. As they approached the ground, they gradually reduced their speed. Upon reaching lower altitudes. In front of them lay a battlefield, where two opposing armies clashed in a clearing. Lifeless bodies littered the ground, and the blood spilled formed a gruesome crimson carpet that stretched across the battleground.

"I detect the presence of servants nearby," BG9 announced in his mechanical voice. "The presence of the Chaldean is also confirmed. They are aligned with the armies of Rome. My database indicates that the army on the right belongs to the Roman Empire, based on their banners. However, the other army remains unidentified to me."

"I see," Friedrich acknowledged, then inquired further, "BG9, are there any other servants you recognize among them?"

BG9 responded, "I can only detect the presence of the young girl, Mash, as a known servant. However, one of them possesses a signature similar to Jeanne d'Arc, but more potent. It leads me to deduce that Jeanne d'Arc is also present, likely summoned by the boy Ritsuka."

"BG9, are there any other servants here?" Cang Du asked, his eyes fixed on the battlefield. Friedrich could sense that he was eager for a battle.

"Indeed," BG9 replied, "There are three servants among the Chaldeans present here. I sense an immense level of 'mana,' as they call it here, at the edge of the battlefield, engaged in combat against another servant."

Friedrich was puzzled by BG9's seemingly precise analysis in such a short time. He inquired, "How can you discern this level of detail with such precision?"

BG9 explained, "My Schrift is the 'K,' which stands for Knowledge. It grants me the ability to have constant knowledge about everything in my immediate vicinity. This is how I can store and provide accurate information from my database."

"I see," Friedrich acknowledged. He contemplated the situation for a moment before suggesting, "We are too distant to observe them effectively. We should get closer, remaining above them. I don't believe they would be able to detect our presence as I will shield us from their sigh with my Schrift"

The group swiftly utilized their speed and stealth to position themselves just above the battlefield, much closer to the Chaldeans. They observed the situation for a moment until BG9 issued a warning.

"I detected two more servant signatures on a nearby hill," he informed them. "It appears they are aware of our presence, and an attack seems to be in preparation."

"What ?! "Friedrich exclaimed, surprised by the fact that a servant could detect them, totally invisible to the naked eye and not emitting any kind of energy

In an instant an arrow came for them, Friedrich's Schrift deflecting the arrow toward the ground, exploding a group of soldier of the unknown army

Friedrich took his spear and unleashed three reishi's arrows toward the hill, making it explode, two figures escaping from the dust.

"I propose a swift counterattack," Cang Du recommended before flexing his legs and dashing towards the two retreating figures, exposing his position to everyone in doing this, with his immense speed, he blitzed through the entire battlefield in less than a breath, but as he closed on the two runaway, he was stopped by a knight, his armor adorned of two horns and red lightning flashing around him.

"You think I'll let you have our Archers ? " the knight said to the martial artist with a modified voice

Cang Du pondered for a moment before vanishing once more using Hirenkyaku, making his way back towards BG9 and Friedrich.

"Heh ?" said the knight, surprised by this action "You think I'll let you escape ??" she exploded as red lightning exploded and she dashed toward the runaway.

"Chiron ! " exclaimed the knight, "Nail him down so that I can kill him"

At this demand, three arrows were fired from the two previous runaway, but before they could hit Cang Du, the arrows were pulverized by three blue beam

"Where do these beams come from ? " questioned the knight still following Cang Du, puzzled as the cover of Friedrich and BG9 was constantly changing as they moved around.

In an instant a strange occurrence appeared on the battlefield,The knight, still in pursuit of Cang Du, suddenly felt something descending from above. Instinctively, he leaped backward, narrowly avoiding a direct hit from Friedrich's spear. The moment the spear struck the ground, a colossal explosion erupted, creating a thick dust cloud that provided cover for Cang Du and the knight to vanish from sight using Hirenkyaku and Friedrich's Schrift.

"This was a mistake, Cang Du!" Friedrich exclaimed as the trio retreated from the battlefield. "We could have simply used my Schrift to vanish again; the archer who spotted us wasn't a significant threat."

Cang Du gazed at Friedrich for a moment, contemplating his reply.

"I apologize," he conceded. "I was overjoyed to engage in battle on the battlefield once more. I won't make the same mistake again, well it wasn't a disaster, The knight used the name Chiron for the Archer, he is quite renowned"

"Indeed," BG9 concurred, "but the information we gained doesn't justify the risk you exposed us to. We are not equipped to face more than ten servants simultaneously, and one of them possesses a weapon that stores an incomprehensible amount of energy."

Friedrich looked at the sky, a faint smile on his lips

'So you're here too Jeanne ? Let's see who take the Grail this time ' Friedrich thought before they arrived at their starting point

"My sensors indicate that the Knight, the Archer, and the individual with an immense amount of energy stored in their sword are rapidly approaching our position," BG9 warned the group.

"We'll confront them," Friedrich ordered. "BG9, you focus on the Archer. Cang Du, handle the Knight, and I'll do my best against the more powerful opponent."

With his command given, the trio promptly vanished, using their speed to close the gap between themselves and their respective adversaries.

Artoria POV:

After being summoned by Fujimaru Ritsuka, I sensed the familiar presence of Mordred within the walls of Chaldea. We crossed paths and I agreed to his request for a duel after the conclusion of this Singularity.

Once again, I found myself on a battlefield. Emperor Nero granted us three legions to match the strength of the united Roman Empire in the mountains, while the rest of the legions, along with Nero's servants, could confront the core of the enemy's army.

I wasn't in command this time, but rather on the front lines, engaged in combat. I fought relentlessly, leaving a trail of carnage. Eventually, the enemy commander emerged, none other than Leonidas, the King of Sparta. He was formidable, but I emerged victorious in the end.

Returning to the main battlefield, my "son" crashed down in front of me, frustrated that someone had attempted to ambush Chiron. After their failed attack, the assailants had fled into the mountains. Ritsuka urged us to pursue them, as they might pose a threat.

We followed my instincts, which led us to a trio of white-clad individuals. The first was a man donning a white helmet and a high-collared white cloak. The second was an Asian man in a white cloak with metal claws affixed to his hands. The one before me was a young man with fiery red hair, armed with a silver spear bearing the same symbol as all the cloaks they wore.

"Identify yourselves !" I commanded to them, pointing the red haired man with Excalibur

"Who we are doesn't concern you, young girl" said the asian man, at this commentary, I sensed my temper flare for a bit, but before I could retort I heard Mordred's angry voice

"Who the hell are you calling a little girl, How dare you insult my Father like that ! " he exclaimed before rushing for the clawed man

Aware of his explosive temper, I knew it would be futile to attempt to restrain him. I turned my attention to the spear-wielding opponent and assumed an offensive stance.

"Surrender, and you'll be spared. We'll take you back to our encampment as prisoners," I offered to the young man facing me, my eyes closely tracking his every move.

He regarded me with a puzzled expression, taking a moment to contemplate before replying, "Do you take me for a traitor? Our king has given us our orders, and as knights, we are duty-bound to carry them out without fail."

So they were knights I smiled hearing his response, then I shall treat him as a knight

"If only every knight could be as devoted as you," I sighted in a low voice. "However, I have my orders to follow, and I must dispose of you as my Master commanded."

"My name is Artoria Pendragon, King of Knights, as a king I don't kill nameless foes, can you at least give me your name ?" I asked him, as I prepared to rush him

"My name is Friedrich Braun, Stern Ritter W, It is an honor to fight against the legendary king of Knights" He responded, smiling, waiting a bit, I dashed toward him using mana burst, he appeared surprised by my speed.

His spear clashed with my blade in a rapid exchange of blows. It became evident that he was still a novice with the spear, but the force behind each strike was enormous, forcing me to retreat with each encounter.

However, what struck me as peculiar was that the spear's weight shouldn't have allowed for such agility.

'Oh!' I realized, 'His spear's weight is shifting at the last moment.'

It was an intriguing power, and while I wasn't a specialist in such matters, I couldn't recall any magecraft in my era capable of such a feat.

Suddenly, Mordred was hurled toward me. I used one arm to deflect his body away, but this distraction provided the perfect opportunity for my opponent to lunge and thrust his spear at me. I managed to parry the spear, but the sheer force behind the strike sent me hurtling backward.

I collided with a group of trees before crashing to the ground.

I witnessed Chiron struggling against his opponent, blood oozing from what appeared to be bullet wounds. At that moment, I heard Chiron's voice in my head.

"Artoria, I understand that as a knight, you do not typically retreat, as it is considered improper. But I have asked Master to recall us using a command seal."

Mordred's voice rang in my head in response to Chiron, "I can still fight!"

Chiron replied, "Indeed, but the energy consumption for our Master, should we use our Noble Phantasms, would be excessive."

Understanding that in war, stubbornness could sometimes be detrimental, I began to be teleported back to Ritsuka. Before disappearing, I addressed my opponent.

"Our duel will be postponed for now, as my Master is recalling us. However, your attack earlier was not befitting of a knight."

"We have our orders," he retorted. "If you stand in our way, I will strike you down by any means necessary."

Just as the helmet-wearing man unleashed a barrage of blue bullets upon us, we disappeared before they could hit their mark.


Little chapter, our quincy group is not totally operational as a team, but they'll be improving

For the fights, I think that servants are not that strong without their noble phantasm bare a few so I think that Friedrich can offer a good fight with Artoria for a bit, but he is of course outclassed when the noble phantasm is used

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