
Fate Of Her Path Series

Jana always had issue's with men especially the way they treated her like she is meat until she met Angel one evening and chemistry went through the chart. They met in Michigan when Jana went on a date with some guy name Gunther well he didn't like her fun adventure's and that is when Angel came to her rescue. Angel's mother had abandoned her as soon as she kissed her long time girlfriend Scarlett Thomas unfortunately several years down the road her grandmother had passed away not to long after so she had to start life in Michigan that was when she met the most beautiful woman named Jana after her horrible date with some guy treating her like she was just a materialistic doctor. Jana is still a straight woman with struggling with the fact that she could never make love to her girlfriend Angel it had been a challenge as far as they have gotten is kissing and holding hands. Angel has helped her come a long way since they hooked up randomly but with the conflicts of men from her past popping in and out of her life has made it challenging for sure. Angel still had issue's with Scarlett coming around and trying to claim her from Jana though the battle have constantly been going since high school and she has made sure that Jana isn't apart of her life. Angel had came close to being raped by Scarlett one night but that was when Jana decided to move so they could be together and help work at the bookstore/cafe called Windsong. Windsong had been a hit for years with the additional coffee's,latte's,mocha's and many new books that come in each year. Angel had started the bookstore/cafe from scratch have made it amazing since then until they saved up enough money to move to Kansas which had made dreams a reality. Could Jana and Angel be together again? Or will Scarlett keep her Annabel? Read on to find out more... (It is a Trilogy)

LesbianJuliet88 · LGBT+
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Chapter 29

Jana seem to have everything settle with removing anything involving Angel from changing color of the room,bed sheets,removing photo's,clothes,nick knacks,specialty items,books and much more just to clear up space. Martha and the children had helped along too with just selling everything as it came out. Jana had finally come to terms that Angel was never returning to her no matter the reason of falling in love with Scarlett has done to her.

Martha smiled at Jana saying,

"Well babe, we've made off quite a bit with most of the stuff. We will have enough for another garage sale tomorrow. Even your mom stopped by and checked it out."

Jana nodded feeling saddened to see the stuff go but it had to for the better the picture's were tossed out for good though no more picture's of the good life. Jana replied,

"Thanks for the help sweetheart, I think now would be a good time for me to just take a step back and breath after everything today, I never realized how much she had built up within several years of us being together."

Martha sat down next to Jana holding her hands responding,

"It is a surprise of what you find though I doubt you have found much history on her and Scarlett by any chance?"

Jana shook her head no replying,

"Unfortunately Angel never packed her yearbooks or any of those assets most of it was her grandmother's which I kept so we could put in storage they are in our closet until Angel comes back for them, I know she loved her grandma dearly for keeping her away from Scarlett."

Martha sighed responding,

"Well since I have left over money I'll take her stuff to a storage unit and I'll pay it, it can't be that much stuff from her grandmother."

Jana laughed replying,

"Hold on to that money this will have to come out of our checks from the bakery at this point because trust me her grandmother gave her a lot being the only grandchild."

Martha shook her head in disbelief that a grown woman would keep so much of her grandmother's stuff as she responded,

"So where is the rest of it?"

Jana grabbed Martha by the wrists all the way up to the attic as she opened the attic door and turning on the light she finally replied,

"Here in this attic and it is covered from front to back of boxes that had all her grandmother's stuff in it."

Martha couldn't believe it, it made it all the way to Kansas and now in a attic that will never be touched for many years of Angel's grandmother's stuff that is probably irreplaceable. They both got out of the attic and headed downstairs to see what the kids were up to since they were both very silent.

Jonathan was talking on the phone he had since started dating at his age 13 hard to believe though she isn't sure if he is straight or gay he never had shown any interested in anyone in particular. Jonathan smiled at Jana saying,

"Hey mom, on Friday can I go stay with Nathan and his family we are going to shoot some hoops than have dinner on Sunday for just a family get together. I hope you and Martha can come, please you'll like his family?"

Jana looked at Martha as she gave double thumbs up and then replied to Jonathan,

"You can go over I'll write you a bus note, come talk to me when you're done."

Jonathan nodded closing the door then she went over standing beside Martha to see that Avery is passed out in her room with dolls in her hands it was so cute so Jana lifted her up putting her into bed to make sure she was comfortable instead of the floor. That is when Jana heard Jonathan come out of his room saying,

"Okay mom, I'm ready to go talk by the way you never answered if you guys will be coming over to Nathan's family dinner?"

Jana placed her hand on his upper back guiding him to her room then closing the door leaving Martha out in the living room to watch television as she said,

"Jonathan, me, Martha and Avery plan on coming Friday but that's not what this is about as your parent, I am concerned about your sexuality because when I was around your Momma Angel I was straight until I came out as lesbian a year later before your Momma left with Scarlett, so I'm wanting to know are you dating Nathan?"

Jonathan felt his privacy being invaded but he couldn't hide from his mom because Jana knew everything well before he did including when it came to dating so he sighed heavily replying,

"Mom, I know Momma would have been proud to see her son being gay with his best friend but Nathan doesn't feel that way no matter how much me and him hang out, I have tried everything to tell him it is okay to be in love with his best friend but Nathan says he's straight and never liked guys that way though we flirt and have kissed a few times. Mom, I am gay and I really,really love Nathan, I am only thirteen just I know I am I'm head over heels for him."

Jana hugged Jonathan replying,

"You can't force him to be in love with you but going closer together at everything will improve just never give up on spending time with him."

Jonathan nodded hugging his mom again then letting her go as he left the room without another word. Jana heard Jonathan closed his bedroom door and going doing the steps as Jana sighed heavily knowing Jonathan was gay but her son in love with a straight guy is more complicated.