
Fate oF Brieana

++++WARNING ADULT CONTENT PRESENT +++A cruel succubus yet hot and irresistable ends up getting trapped on earth while she was tormenting her favorite victim and finding romance while getting entangled in a family drama between her mother and sister over her found lover, neglecting the evil lurking in the heart of her lover's butler.

Chichii_8810 · Kỳ huyễn
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24 Chs

Chapter 2 LONELY Dazeliel

He always stays at work knowing he has no friends or a lover to go home to after a long day.Dazeliel is just done with everything he has to do when his phone starts to ring .Dazeliel: hello …woman: where are you.I need your help with the preparations for my party and I thought we discussed this .you make me talk a hundred times more. he rolls his eyes as she continues to express her frustration. Hey are you listening she continues .my dress seems too tight I need you to take it to my designer for a quick loose and then pick up the extra champagne glasses I ordered but the delivery seems to be running late . And then I need you to quickly come and get yourself ready for the event.I expect you to look as handsome as ever. Okay Mom but why can't you let the butler do all this work? I just closed and I'm pretty exhausted says Dazeliel. His mom replied, no more complaints dear …come quickly. Your butler is here with me and he's overwhelmed by the work here let alone me adding those errands to his to-do list. She hangs up the call.

The young doctor stands in the parking lot feeling uneasy as he gets into his car. he hardly comes home in the afternoon. It's mostly late at night after staying at the hospital and working extra hours. he starts the car and speeds off. Upon his arrival, he meets his butler called Sam at the gate. Great I'm glad I met you here, please quickly pick up Mom's dress for me. I'm quite in a hurry. he turns the car around and waits in front of the gate for the butler. After about 10 minutes he gets impatient and starts honking….heyyyy I don't have all day you know,he shouts .sorry young master but your mother asked me to tell you to come inside to change your clothes says the butler .oh that's just great Dazeliel muttered as he gets down and enters the house.Hi mom he yells,his mom quickly turns with a warm smile. she is a beautiful 58year old woman with hazel eyes and a youthful glow .hi my dear,how was your day? I can tell from your dark circles and messy hair that you are not getting enough rest and taking care of your skin too she says.he quickly replied, and I can see that your skin is looking like a baby's bum.he says and smiles as he leans to give her a hug and they both laughed.

Dazeliel loves his mom so much .she is literally the only person in his life and he cherishes her and finds that her disturbances actually make him happy .he'd do anything in his power to make his mother very happy, he literally can't say no to her and that is why he agreed to run her errands in the first place .my day was fine at least no one died and I felt grateful for that .now can you allow me to change so that I can get your clothes to your designer on time?. By the time he was done with that sentence, he was already halfway up the stairs and didn't stop. Naomi (his mom)turned her attention to a maid passing and goes like…get my bath ready. Yes ma'am the maid responded.