
Fate of Asertia

Synopsis: A world called Asertia was terrorized by an unknown entity. Gods and Goddesses created immortal beings to protect Asertia, but after they found the truth behind that entity, everything is changed! 15 years old Val Belliot with his dream to be the greatest adventurer start his journey and an unexpected encounter with a mysterious guy made his whole life change completely!

Iqfauli · Kỳ huyễn
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212 Chs

Worse than Impurity Blessing.

The beautiful woman is pulling her hand out from the giant monster's chest and a huge beating heart is on her hand and then she glares at me from the corner of her eyes. She crushes the heart and a black mist comes out from the heart and is surrounding the woman.

Alicia stands up.

"She's a demon! How is she in Asertia?!"

Alicia readies her halberd and stances.


All the Archknights are readying themselves immediately and waiting for the next order from Alicia. The demon woman is walking towards us so slowly and the wyvern is following her from behind while glaring and grinning at us sinisterly. I don't think that everyone in here can handle here not even in a hundred years.

Brie is slowly walking toward Alicia.

"My lady. My gut is telling me that the wyvern behind her is not just any normal wyverns that we have encountered before. I even have a feeling that the wyvern behind her is not less strong than Acxacious..."