
FATE: My Mother is King Arthur

Artoria: Artorius, my beloved son, the pride of all Britain. As the Prince, you are meant to inherit everything from me. My throne, my possessions, my holy lance and holy sword, the noble warhorses in the royal stables, and all the treasures in the treasury, including but not limited to the Knights of the Round Table. Mordred: Mother, Mother, what about me then? Ah, I see. Brother inherits everything from you, and then I inherit from brother. That's a happy ending, right? So, Mother, when are you going to abdicate? How many tables should we set for the wedding? Can I turn your scabbard into a surfboard? Reincarnated into the TYPE-MOON World as the son of the legendary King of Knights, Artorius was well aware of the 'history' of this world. In an age filled with chaos and war, where the Age of Gods was about to end, he decided to embark on a path opposite to that of his 'Father'—no, his 'Mother'. Follow his journey as he seeks to save his dear mother and his country from downfall by choosing the path of a conqueror. Just take it as AU. MC is a schemer/manipulative. === This is a translation. I'm translating as I read and making some modifications to the story if needed. The cover image is not mine. Original: https://www.trxs.cc/tongren/7918.html === Support and read advanced chapters at: patreon.com/VALRRR

VALRRR · Tranh châm biếm
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213 Chs

Kiritsugu's Worries

Even though he hadn't read many books, especially in sociology, humanities, history, politics, philosophy, and so on, there was no denying that Emiya Kiritsugu's ultimate wish was genuinely for humanity, and he genuinely wanted to redeem them, for justice.

With such a desire in mind, he joined the Holy Grail War, viewing miracles and magic as the last resort.

Perhaps this was the ordinary person's ultimate hope for the future of humanity.

As the infamous 'Mage Killer', he had a rather poor compatibility with the legendary King of Knights.

After all, his methods of combat were quite 'unorthodox.'

If given the choice, he would rather summon an Assassin than the most powerful class, Saber.

Coincidentally, Artorius was summoned as an Assassin.

"Artorius Pendragon..."

Whispering the name, the mage killer couldn't help but feel worried.

This figure left countless legends, becoming the bread and butter for historians, novelists, and historical fiction writers. To this day, he undeniably holds the number one spot for his influence on this world.

The Dragon Emperor, with his undeniable strength, posed a problem. However, was strength alone enough to guarantee victory?

Given the choice between a nuclear bomb and a machine gun, Kiritsugu would undoubtedly choose the latter.

Though the former might be more potent, it was entirely beyond his control.

What suited him best was, in fact, the latter—a weapon he could control.

But these worries found no sympathy within the Einzbern.

He believed that even if he were to speak these concerns to his wife, who appeared to be on his side, he would only receive Iri's perplexed inquiry like—"Why do you wish to control my ancestor?"

From the standpoint of the Einzbern, they were descendants of Artorius and subjects of the Dragon Emperor. They should be the ones serving and pleasing the other, not the other way around—even if he was a Servant summoned by them.

'This is getting complicated...'

Kiritsugu couldn't help but feel a headache coming on and was reminded of what had happened during the summoning ritual.

In order to ensure victory, just like in previous Holy Grail Wars, the Einzbern had used some tricks. They had summoned their Servant ahead of time.

Several hours ago...

"Is this the right place?"

"Ouch... Artorius, really..."

"Shut up!"

After the strange mist dissipated, what appeared in the center of the summoning circle wasn't the King of Knights donning splendid armor as Kiritsugu imagined, but a stylish young girl with a baseball cap and a man clad in frost silver armor...




In that moment of seeing the gorgeous man, the entire Einzbern descended into chaos and madness.

The homunculus maids, who were previously believed by Kiritsugu to lack any emotions, screamed in excitement like fervent fans meeting their idol, then rushed forward, engulfing Artorius in a sea of bosoms and hips.

"Lord Ancestor, is it really you?"

"Ahhh, the long-cherished wish of our Einzbern has come true!"

"Lord Ancestor, I am your devoted follower!"

"Lord Ancestor, I want to bear your child."

The maids, speaking shamelessly, pushed aside Kiritsugu and even X, who cried out, "What are you doing?! What will you do to my Artorius?!"

They tightly embraced Artorius, causing concern that the Emperor might suffocate.

Kiritsugu: "..."

He stared in disbelief with wide eyes at this scene and instinctively turned to look at his wife as fast as he could. Only after confirming that Iri was simply overwhelmed with emotion and teary-eyed did he breathe a sigh of relief. He was glad she didn't react like those maids.

From that day on, Kiritsugu's status and existence within the Einzbern family visibly declined at a rapid pace.

The entire Einzbern swiftly switched from preparing for the Holy Grail War to a mode of 'serving the ancestor' as if Jusbstacheit had foretold. They no longer cared about the Holy Grail War, as if they had already fulfilled their wishes.

But damn it, his wish hadn't been fulfilled yet!

He still wanted to use the Holy Grail to save the world!

What on earth was the Einzbern playing at?!

Thinking about this, Kiritsugu felt a headache coming on. He finally decided.

'I have to rely on myself after all. No matter what happens, the Holy Grail War must go on, even without the Emperor.'


At the same time.

"Pathetic weaklings dare to confront this Emperor."

In the most luxurious and grandiose chamber of the hastily reconstructed Einzbern residence.

On the most magnificent and conspicuous bed in the center of the chamber.

Artorius looked down on the fallen maids with disdain and spoke thus.

Despite being the ones who had actively seduced him, dragged him to the sleeping chamber, and given him the flirtatious big-sister-playing-with-a-little-boy look, what were the results?


Based on their hair and eye colors, as well as their legends and soul resonance, Artorius had already confirmed that these Einzbern people were descendants of homunculi crafted according to Vivian's appearance.

But looking at their current state...

Did these people only Vivian in appearance but actually Morgan inside?

They were all just talk, just like Morgan, that's for sure.

Seriously, all talk.

The maid who screamed the loudest about bearing his child lasted a mere three minutes before surrendering to the awe-inspiring presence of his 'Dragon Spear'. On average, the Einzbern maids lasted about four and a half minutes, with the strongest lasting no more than six minutes before tearfully begging for mercy. It left Artorius feeling slightly unsatisfied.

Tch, did these people really think they could toy with him just because he had a cute face? How naive!

'Perhaps these homunculi aren't physically strong enough yet? Though they are much stronger than those from the original story. At least I don't have to worry about their lifespans.'

Feeling a bit frustrated, Artorius mused, 'With Strength and Endurance both at EX and Agility at A++, having such exceptional parameters can be a disadvantage at times... in the future, I should focus on not just increasing the number of my harem but also their quality.'

With that thought, Artorius naturally turned his attention to the question—"Where can I find high-quality members for my harem?"

Just then, a dumb voice of the self-proclaimed mother called out from outside the room.

"Artorius~ Are you being a good boy~"

Completely carefree and treating herself as his mother without reservations, X simply pushed open the door without any regard for the lock.

And then, she was hit in the face by the room full of pheromones and instantly fell down.


Author's Note:

In this Holy Grail War, Artorius's class is Assassin, though this doesn't hold much significance for him.

Additionally, Artorius as a Servant gains a new skill—Dragon Emperor Privilege EX. The skill's effects are similar to those of Imperial Privilege.

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