
Fate/Marvel: The Arcane Daemon

Strange had once believed in second chances... But not anymore. Not after what he had done. After resigning himself to an eternity spent watching over the Infinity Stones, a second chance abruptly reveals itself in the form of an Earth Goddess. Now in a new world, Strange have to try once more and maybe this time, bring a little light to the World.

vtorx_0867 · Tranh châm biếm
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3 Chs

Time Later On…

2 years, later.

You've heard of the saying; 'look before you leap', right? If yes; good for you. If no; then welcome to the club... With the Enforcer named, Bazzet Fraga McRemitz – because, she has unfortunately never heard of it...

The Enforcer wouldn't have ended up in this spectacular mess if she had –and now it could cost the Enforcer her life.

Huffing, Bazzet sped through the thick forest in superhuman speeds. The winds whooshed and the scenery blurred by the Enforcer who didn't stop circulating her mana through the runes on her gloves and boots, while her eyes darted around in alert.

If a person isn't vigilant in circumstances of this nature, such a person could easily lose their life faster than they could blink. The Enforcer has seen it happen too many times for her to not take heed.

[Please, respond... Fuck! If there's anyone still out there, please respond!]

Pressing her earpiece, Bazzet calmly responded while keeping pace. "This is Bazzet of Group 4B, I can still hear you. What's the situation over there?"

[Oh... OOOhh! Thank goodness there's someone still out there, alive. I was desperate, I-I thought that I was the only one that survived that hell—!]

"Please." Bazzet curtly interrupted the man's emotional spiel. "The situation."

Despite the fact that Bazzet could somewhat sympathize with the man's gratitude that she is still alive –she too is just as thankful- the Enforcer would prefer that he go into details to shed more light on the case.

Concerning the state of affairs, Bazzet already had her suspicions on 'Who' or rather, 'What' could be responsible... Only that she is too afraid to voice it out.

[Ah-Ahh… You're right... I shouldn't allow myself to act in such a shameful manner.] The man on the other side of earphone seemed to have regained his voice. [This is Nicheal from Group A7.]

Bazzet's brows shot up at the new information.

'So he's from the main attack Group.'

This had been a 20 man-cell suppression mission that required participants from both the freelance mercenaries and the Mage Association's Enforcers –the later which she is a part of.

The contents of the mission was the immediate suppression of one Triabilo Presscot; a professor from the Zoology Department.

The Clock Tower had deemed Triabilo Presscot guilty of infringing the rules of Misappropriation of Magecraft and Concealment of Mystics. The Tower explained that his works were heretical, and it endangered the Concealment of the Association.

Of course, Bazzet could smell the 'bullshit' from miles away.

Mages weren't a good bunch –sure there may be odd ducklings here and there, but they're generally nasty folks. The Enforcer knew she had no moral grounds to say anything about what the Clock Tower do, considering that she too has committed acts that disgusts her very being on behalf of the Mage Association.

Then again, it had to be done for there to be any defined form of order in the moonlit world... Just the thought of mages being given free reign over what they can or cannot do is enough to give her the shivers.

Anyways, back to the mission. Due to Triabilo Presscot's infamy on his use of artificial chimeras and their estimated combat power, the Clock Tower had decided to amalgamate with outside forces for an effective cleanup –it goes without saying that the forces to be utilized had to be malleable.

Bazzet as part of the 20 man-cell was assigned to be the vice-leader of Group B, (the support group) much to her chagrin.

The Group was to ensure that the main attack Group would have their support when needed, and to take care of any stragglers that could make it pass the attack Group.

There was also a secret directive by the Association to keep an eye on the freelancers. Mostly to ensure that if there were any discovered benefits, the Association 'should' have the first claim –a typical mage greed at its finest.

But regardless of Bazzet's feelings on the matter. A mission had been given to her and she had accepted it, wholeheartedly…That is until everything went to hell.

[Everything about this mission is wrong.] Nicheal's voice began in a deranged whisper. [The contents, the parameters, fuck! Even the type of personnel needed! The Association informed us that the mission was the suppression of the mage, Triabilo Presscot. But that's a lie! What we met inside that cave hadn't been a mage… Not anymore.]

The side of Bazzet's eyes scrunched in resignation. Her worst fears had been all but confirmed.

[It was a Dead Apostle!]

They were crudely referred to as Vampires. Dead Apostles are beings whose very nature goes against the natural principles of the planet –particularly the concepts of mortality and blood drinking.

These abominable creatures are made either through the aid of magecraft or are 'sired' by another Vampire. Dead Apostles were among the worst bunch of inhuman creatures that still roamed the planet.

'It's the worst scenario.' Bazzet thought with a grimace.

For as much as Bazzet is confident of her combat capabilities –she is among the top combatants in the Enforcer's division. She still didn't fancy her chance against a Dead Apostle. Especially one whose nature is unknown to her and to make things worse, Bazzet had no sacred armament on her person.

Kirei would be so disappointed with her...

"Just in case, are you sure what you saw is indeed a Dead Apostle?" Bazzet inquired.

Nicheal wheezed out a painful chuckle.

[Believe me. Even now, I wish what I'd seen had been wrong. But no. Triabilo Presscot's presence, his unexplainable specs... Not to mention how he gurgled on the blood of my team members. He's definitely a Dead Apostle.]

Bazzet clicked her tongue to that.

Now that she thought about it, Bazzet could passingly recall the news of bloodied disappearances around the area. Normally, that should have been enough to initiate investigations from the Church's hounds, not from the Mage Association, much less the Clock Tower... Although that Bartholomew woman would have definitely involved herself.

Missions of this nature has always been dealt with by either the White Queen or the Church, not by Enforcers — unless of course, it had been intentional...

This mission itself is a hogwash. It has been clear to Bazzet that the details for this mission had been curtailed, despite that complicit agreement between the Mage Association and the Enforcers agency not to sabotage themselves…

Then again, Bazzet wasn't so naïve as to think that the Mage Association and the Enforcers agency would agree to that.

'The question now is what do the Mage Association. No, the Clock Tower stand to gain from this..."

[My thoughts exactly.]

It took Bazzet only a few seconds to realize to her horror that she had been speaking out loud.

"I-I didn't mean anything—!"

[Please, no. You're actually onto something.] Nicheal interrupted her. [… To tell you the truth, this mission had another directive. One that had be issued to only a specified number of us from both the attack and support Group.]

"And what would that be?" Bazzet tersely asked.

[… …Have you heard of the one people call the 'Wandering Sorcerer'?]

Bazzet has indeed heard of the name, or rather, the rumors surrounding the name. It had been almost 1 and the half years ago since the man(?) mysteriously popped up, and rumors about him has been the topic on everyone's lips ever since.

Once, there had been a war between two prominent magic cabals in the North African continent for over five years. Due to certain special circumstances, the Mage Association had no means or say over the said war.

The causalities hadn't been small. It was estimated that over 357,560 lives had been lost to the mage's war –it had been an affirmation on Bazzet's feelings that there has to be order among the mages for there to be peace.

But like a storm the Wandering Sorcerer appeared.

Some say it took only one night, others say it took only an hour. None has been proven to be correct. Nevertheless within a short span, the Wandering Sorcerer had ended the war by defeating the 2000 mages within the cabals –among their numbers included, Ratma Katz, a famed conjurer even within the Mage Association.

To makes matters even more shocking about the cabal's defeat, none of the mages had died to the ensuing Sorcerer's attacks.

That wasn't all.

Before the week ended, all the causalities of the war –both injured persons and destroyed properties- had been miraculously restored... Some even said he had resurrected those who had died on the war back to life!

It was a feat possible only through the use of True Magic. The Wandering Sorcerer is a true Magic user!

There was also another sighting of the Wandering Sorcerer in Iceland. No one knows the definitive story, but investigations showed that he had gotten into a fight with a slumbering Phantasmal creature from the Age of the Gods that had been awakened due to some ritual by an archaic sect.

In the end, maps around the area had to be redrawn –because a whole mountain range had vanished leaving behind a deep gorge of scorched earth.

If that wasn't a show of power from the Wandering Sorcerer, Bazzet would eat her gloves.

Anyways, the Enforcer heard that the Wandering Sorcerer doesn't like to stay around in one particular spot like the Blue Magician. He's always found in one part of the world or the other, always trying to play hero -you heard that right.

There was also the tidbit that the Wandering Sorcerer is always seen with an otherworldly woman not far behind. But Bazzet reckons that to just be an embellishment or something of that sort.

No one knows where he had come from or what he fundamentally is. Only that his actions had started a wildfire in the moonlit world.

"The Wandering Sorcerer, I've heard of him." Bazzet replied with furrowed brows. "But what would concern the—wait! Nicheal, do you mean...?"

[Yes, that's right. They told us that it was from a certified source... The Wandering Sorcerer himself is coming here.]

Bazzet had to slow down her pace to prevent herself from missing her foot and tripping in shock.

"Bu-Bu-But why? Is it because of the Dead Apostle?"

[I have no clue. Only that when he comes, we are to extend an invitation to the Sorcerer to pay the Mage Association a visit.]

Forcefully if possible was left unsaid. Though considering that it was a Sorcerer that they were dealing it, putting it as an invitation was the only safest way they could have done it.

"Damn it all… So this mission is a hoax from the beginning. It's all to provide an opportunity for the Association to talk to the Sorcerer."

Mages weren't good folks, Bazzet understood that much. But it was times like this that propensity of mages strikes once again.

Bazzet understood that getting angry solves nothing —especially as the Enforcer is in the forest with a Dark Apostle and his chimeras... Chimeras that had just decimated her team.

The red damp at the side of her suit brought about a wave of pain that threatened the Fraga to her knees. She had been injured –serious or not was the question she didn't want answered at the moment.

But she wouldn't go down like this. Before being an Enforcer, Bazzet Fraga McRemitz was a warrior. Steeling her spirit, the world blurred as Bazzet rushed ahead with renewed adrenaline.

"Tell me where you are, I'm coming over. Let's get out of this forest. It's obvious that whosoever told the Association that the Wandering Sorcerer is coming has lied, and as much as I would like to deal with the Dead Apostle... Fighting one without any form of preparation is the same as committing suicide."

[... Alright, I'm at—wait, what the… Hiiiii!]

Nicheal was cut off by a guttural growl which belied such a powerful presence that the Fraga who wasn't even there instantly entered a combat stance.

From the receiver, Bazzet could hear the sound of Nicheal's footsteps rapidly thumping the ground in retreat and a ravenous howl following right behind.

Thankfully, she could now pinpoint where the roar had been coming from.

"Hold on, I'm coming!" The Enforcer said, heading towards where Nicheal presumably is. Though in her heart, Bazzet knew she wouldn't be fast enough… She was proven right.

[Fuck! ßðñæ... έφϋώϞ… Hit, damn you… No, no, no… Aaaaaagghhh!]

The sound of flesh being ravenously torn apart brought the Enforcer to a halt. Nicheal was dead. For as much as Bazzet would want to mourn his death, she knew this was neither the time nor place to do.

Besides, death isn't something to be of any surprise considering their line of work...

Whirling around, the earth beneath Bazzet cracked as she bolted away. Weaving pass trees and large roots, the Enforcer only focused on absconding from the death forest… Until her instincts blared at her to jump away from her position.


Boy had she been lucky to have done just that.

A moment later, a large shadow crashed on Bazzet's last spot. With her hand holding a tree branch, the Enforcer groaned from both pain and frustration as the dust produced from the crash dispersed with a roar, revealing the car-sized creature that was an amalgamation of a human, goat, and lion.

It was the chimera...

Runes glowing, Bazzet shot forward like a bullet and buried a fist within the chimera's ribs pushing it back. The chimera being here meant that soon enough, more of its brethren would be arriving. She had to finish it fast...

Without waiting for the chimera to stabilize itself, Bazzet rushed forward in a blur. An angled kick shattered the chimera's hind leg taking away its mobility. Vaulting away from an enrage swipe, the Enforcer was thankful that monstrous beast was only what it had presented itself as –there was no poisonous snake to compliment the image- though given the beast explosive strikes, the snake was sure to be an overkill.

'It's not the same type as the one that attacked my team.'

That one had been much faster, tougher, sneakier, and more powerful.

Her fists clamped together and runes glowed as Bazzet batted away an incoming paw, mangling it. Taking a moment to focus as the chimera growled in pain, Bazzet took in a deep breath and dashed towards the beast.

Utilizing a special kind of unarmed technique she had devised from her family's combat style, the wind coiled around her fists and the hardening runes on them glowed even brighter. When she arrived at the beast's jaw... She unleashed a barrage of punches.


Each blows sounded like an onslaught from a barrage of canons, the chimera's jaw had been crushed beyond recognition but Bazzet wasn't through yet.

Her fight against the chimera that had decimated her team had told her of a chimera's regenerative powers –it was almost like a Dead Apostle's own. So in order to make sure it sticks, Bazzet would have to blow the entire head off.

Committing her all in one explosive punch, Bazzet ignored the sudden spurting of her injury and connected her rune right fist against chimera's face. It would been described as comical if it weren't for the situation at hand. With the sound of a bomb being discharged, the car-sized chimera flipped and flew away with its head being blown right off.

Breathing raggedly, Bazzet huffed as she straightened her suit and continued her sprint for the forest entrance.

Her view blurred from the vertigo that claimed her sight, while her legs occasionally missed a step as the pain from overexertion was becoming too much to ignore.

Sporadically, the Enforcer could hear the growls coming from behind. This time she didn't stop. Bazzet wasn't sure if she could take on another chimera with her present stamina.

Unfortunately, the world doesn't work the way she tells it to.

The same instinct that warned her of the chimera's pounce blared once again, this time it was coming from the front. But with her present condition, Bazzet had been a tad slow in dodging the paw that slammed against her face.

The numbing pain and smacking of her back against a tree threatened Bazzet with unconsciousness. But she bit her tongue till she drew blood to stay awake. She would rather go down fighting than die while being unconscious...

That sounded much cooler.

"Two, no, three cracked ribs, torn muscles, and a puncture that hopefully hasn't gotten my lungs..." Bazzet mumbled, taking stock of the precarious state of affairs.

The chimera that struck her appeared to be a bit slimmer than the one she had killed, though that didn't diminish its lethality. The sadistic intelligence in its eyes belied any notions of weakness... It was the same chimera that had slaughtered the members of her Group.

To make matters even worse, the shadows around Bazzet dimmed as with predatory growls, more chimeras began to reveal themselves and slowly enclosed her.

Shaking her head with a laugh, Bazzet struggled to her feet and ignited her runes.

"To be surrounded by such a number. I can't say if it's an honor or a shame that I couldn't get to the Dead Apostle, instead..."

Punching her gloved fist together, Bazzet smirked at the challenge set before her.

"Whoever wants to be the first to die should come right up!"

The intelligent chimera –yes she'll be calling it that- grunted with its eyes creasing in amusement. With its lion's facet opening with a growl, the intelligent chimera spurred the chimeras who all started for the Enforcer.

"Tch! That's fine by me!"

But just as Bazzet took the first painful step towards what would be the toughest and possibly the last fight of her life—the world began to tremble.


Bazzet couldn't exactly describe what just happened.

One second, all the chimeras simultaneously pounced on her, the next, they were suddenly enveloped in a reddish outline that obscured their forms. What fell down when the light died down weren't the chimeras... Humans, lions, and goats, all the ingredients of the monstrous beasts.

The chimeras had been reverted back to what they originally were.


Bazzet gasped as she stood surrounded by unconscious but definitely alive people and animals.

"How is this possible?"

Fundamentally, the requirements for the creation of artificial chimeras were the alignment of multiple souls and bodies –which in this case had been the lion, goat, and man. It doesn't have to be perfect, just combining a number of souls and bodies means one has created a chimera.

Triabilo Presscot's chimeras were a cut above the rest –at least from what Bazzet had seen. In other words, the alignments had been done, perfectly. It is practically impossible to split the amalgamation, particularly the soul.

Doing so would mean the utilization of the Third Magic.

So what has been performed before the Enforcer could only be described as an act of Miracle...

"The Wandering Sorcerer..." Bazzet muttered in realization. "He's here."

From the trees, 'He' came out.

To someone without any gift in the magecraft, 'He' would have appeared as a presumably middle-aged man outfitted in a robe of black and gold and covered with an ash hooded cloak that obscured his face.

In other words... A weirdo.

However, Bazzet who could generously call herself a spellcaster, sensed more than that.

Ever since her official entry into the moonlit world. Bazzet had seen and faced all sorts of things; wraiths, rogue fairies, monstrous creatures... Even Dead Apostles.

The Enforcer thought she knew power, had understood the breadth in which the world in the Age of Man stood in comparison to those from the Age of Gods... Bazzet thought she could at least, comprehend the power of the supernatural.

But she was wrong. Bazzet Fraga McRemitz was so, so wrong.

The presence the Wandering Sorcerer emanated was too domineering to be described as human... Or inhuman for that matter.

If she were to describe the Wandering Sorcerer, the only word that would be produced from her lips would be 'Magic'. It was truly a simple answer, but it was one that had grave significances attached to it.

Bazzet was vaguely aware that she shouldn't be conscious at the moment. But the Enforcer's body and soul knew that if she falls unconscious before the Wandering Sorcerer, something very, very, bad would happen. For her safety, Bazzet would rather remain awake.

The Wandering Sorcerer tilted his head as if bemused—before suddenly slapping his forehead in comprehension.

"Ah~ so that's why you're like that. Sorry about my aura. I'm still kinda new to things like this..."

Like a flicked switch, the domineering presence abruptly vanished.

At that moment a wave of exhaustion assailed Bazzet whose body couldn't support itself any longer and she fell like a puppet whose strings had been cut.

To the Enforcer's bafflement, what she heard before Mobius laid claim on her was the famed Magician chiding himself.

"Dammit, Strange. This is why you should always learn to control your emotions..."



A hand lightly pushed her shoulders.

"Wake up, Bazzet."

The words '5 more minutes' hung at the tip of Bazzet's tongue, but something told her if she had spoken that out loud her reputation would be ruined.

Groaning, Bazzet opened her eyes to see a dark-skin man dressed in a tattered brown long coat stretch a hand in gesture while wearing a tired smile. Confused, she warily accepted the hand and rose up to her feet.

"Sorry, but who're you?" Bazzet asked.

Sighing, the man scratched the back of his head awkwardly.

"Maybe it's because my voice had been scratchy last when we'd both talked... Or is that you don't recognize my voice now that I'm not screaming my ass out."

"What are you talking abou—" In Bazzet's mind, something clicked and the puzzles arranged themselves. "Wait. Nicheal?!"

Nicheal laughed and gestured around. "And it's not just me."

Bazzet's breath seized as she finally realized where she was. It was a small elevated grassland outside that forest of death and most surprisingly, the Enforcer wasn't alone.

Just some feet away, she could spot her supposed deceased teammates looking at themselves in shock, there were also her other colleagues who had been assigned to the attack Group staring at each other pointing fingers. Not like Bazzet could blame them.

With a suspicious expression, Bazzet asked. "Are you sure that we're not dead?"

"I've already performed all the anti-perception spell counters I know. Even slapped myself a few times to be sure. We're not dead, Bazzet."

Bazzet took a moment to comprehend the news and pinched her brows in mental exhaustion –to her surprise the injuries sustained from the chimeras had gone... The chimeras.

"What about the chimeras and Triabilo Presscot?"

"Both gone with half the forest."

Bazzet regarded the said forest that had a visible mass of it missing –it had been burned to cinders. Logically, she should have noticed it. The carbonic scent in the air was obvious. But the surprise at the resurrection of her teammates and Nicheal, as well as her surprisingly healthy state had clouded her mind.

There was also the Wandering Sorcerer.

"I saw him, you know." Nicheal said with a solemn look.

"I remember that chimera jumping on me and the agonizing pain and then... Darkness, then light. I remember the Wandering Sorcerer asking me if I wanted to live... Of course I said yes. Hahaha... I still have many things I want to do… I've got to do. And being dead just won't cut it. So what of you, Bazzet. Did you meet him?"

The unspoken question was; did you also die?

Breaking into a sigh, Bazzet sat on the grassy earth.

"Yeah I did, only it wasn't in any white room. But a few minutes later would have been a different story… Nicheal. Do you think the Mage Association has what it takes to tangle with this kind of power?" Bazzet said pointing towards smoldering forest mass.

"He can resurrect the dead, combat abilities that could raze an entire mountain range. Isn't that basically the realm of Heroic Spirits?! Heck, I'm not even sure if the Wandering Sorcerer is human. He could be the same kind of being as Kaleidoscope. Should the Clock Tower really be messing with such a person?"

"Why're you asking me? I'm not those elusive Tower Lords." Nicheal replied with a shrug. "All I know is that after I've gotten my pay, I'm booking it. This mission has just shown me how close I'd been to losing my life all for someone's machinations. I'm not risking it, again."

Bazzet would also like to say the same, but unfortunately, the Enforcer knew where and what she stood for. To run away from this would be an insult to her ideals as well as the Fraga name… Though she wishes that she never ends up in this kind of situation again.

"It's much too close for comfort."

Though she'll be using part of this mission's payment to buy some Anti-Dead Magic Codes... For precaution sake.


"Alright, I'll now begin giving the leg a few light stretches. Tell me how it feels, ok?" Strange gently said, while holding an 8 years old girl's leg.

"Ok~" The girl chirped in reply and held her breath, waiting for the expected wave of pain.

By the side, the girl's mother smiled.

"You're a real miracle worker, Dr. Strange. All the hospitals I've been to tell me that her bone fractures would only led to having an amputation. Who would've thought that an unknown hospital could have done it better without all the amputating fuss? Really, I don't know what to say."

"It's really nothing for the doctor." The beautiful green haired woman, Gaea preened. "He can do just about anything."

"No need to start advertising it out, Gaea." Coming from the backdoor, another otherworldly beautiful woman with a neck-length jet black hair and bright golden eyes chided. "The last time you started, you held the patient for almost an entire day."

"But Alaya~" Gaea pouted. "Is it bad to talk about the doctor's greatness?"

"When you start sounding like a cultist, yes."

"Ugh... I can see that you've gotten quite the big mouth these days."

"Well, you both are to blame for influencing my 'sphere' of work." Alaya then gave a light smile. "Even though I can now see that it isn't a bad thing."

"Aw~" Gaea cooed. "Love you, sis~!"

"Go die in a well."

"You're quite merciless today, little sis." Gaea whirled to Strange. "Doctor, I require help!"

Strange threw the green hair beauty a dry look. "And as you can perfectly see, I'm busy."

"Even you too, doctor. This is the worse." Gaea slouched. "Hah… I wonder if I should just end the world today."

"If you do that I'll slap you." Alaya immediately chimed in.

Meanwhile, the girl giggled. "Dr. Strange, your nurses talk funny."

Strange chuckled, raising a hand to rustle the girl's hair. "I know, right. Their comedy is pure classic."


After waving the little girl and profusely thankful mother away, Strange sighed and reclined against his couch. As he was wondering what he would prepare for today's dinner—a dark envelope was dropped on his face.

"This is?" The eldritch chimera asked.

"What you have been looking for." Alaya replied. "A Rail Zeppelin ticket."

"Oh, thanks Alaya."

The being revered as the Totality of Humanity blushed. "It's my pleasure."

"Hmph!" Gaea puffed her cheeks. "With your present Authorities, you could have just asked and I would have personally arranged for it."

The World's Consciousness was right to say that. Ever since he had decided to enter a Master-Familiar relationship with the Planet's consciousness, the gifts or rather, Authorities bequeathed to Strange had been outright terrifying.

Not once has Strange utilized the Infinity Stones since landing in this reality. He is, to put it mildly, already powerful to the point that the Stones were overkill.

"But even so," Strange said, while stroking Gaea's hair who leaned to his touch. "I still like having to undergo the process rather than just have the end result being presented to me."

"Well, if that's what you want." Gaea said with a broody drawl. "So when are we setting out."

"Hmm, let's see…" Checking the envelope, Strange replied. "Tomorrow, we're heading for Rail Zeppelin, tomorrow."