
Fate Love Game

Okita Tatsuya, a soon-to-be freshman. He decided to live with his Aunt as fate guides him to his new life, a life where he will experience various things. From that point, Mother Fate who seems to be always playing with him will give him a chance to overcome the obstacle that has been tormenting his life ever since. In a game of love and hate, the only game where he can only have one chance to change it all. But in a twist of fate—"Do you believe in fate?", the girl said, He met a girl who will join his journey as he conquest this so-called game, created by Mother Fate. Will he overcome his past? Will he live a peaceful life? Will he turn the odds against him? Follow his journey as he plays the game of love, hate, and despair. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ [Discord Server Link!] -https://discord.gg/3SJ6CX4RXC If you want to support me and get early access to chapters: https://www.patreon.com/Xeoz I do not own the artwork, if you are the illustrator just let me know if you want me to remove it. (Only using it temporarily) MORE TAGS: Stalkers, Past Trauma, Nobles, Polygamy. DISCLAIMER Work of fiction. All the names, places, and events are all purely based on the author's imagination. Any resemblance to an actual person or event is purely coincidental. The main characters are 18 above.

Xeoz · Hiện thực
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161 Chs


After the dinner yesterday, someone contacted me. It was my online friend Zeno-chanღ, I met this guy at an RPG game called Runic Chronicles, an open-world fantasy game. It's one of the first RPG games I played. And, the first I met there was Zeno-chanღ, we met at the Town of Beginning. We were only newbies at the time, but I only met him when one of my main quest required to have 1 or more parties. So, I invited a random person and that guy was Zeno-chanღ. We became friends, well I could say close friends since he's the only one I talk to, the most.

He became one of the people, I could say I trust, even though personally haven't met each other. At the times, I felt lonely he'll always be there. I've been isolated from society for a year the only ones I could talk to, are only my parents and my younger sister. At those times, I can only rely on them. Nevertheless, I'm so grateful for them during the time I'm having my therapies. They pushed me to persevere when I needed it the most. And Zeno-chanღ was one of them, even though he doesn't know my circumstances, and just being friends and able to chat with him is enough for me.

Right now, I'm currently at the shopping district. I went here to get a new keyboard and mouse for the event later. It's now 11:32 am, I've got like an hour and a half before the event. I passed by all the stores and went to the store that I needed to go to, after getting the stuff I needed, I quickly prompted out to get something to eat.

I went to a fast-food restaurant and got myself something to eat, after getting my food. I went to look for something to seat on, and at the corner, I saw a suspicious hooded person eating alone. I ignored the person and ate.

After a while, I finished eating and went my way outside. Since I got like 15ish minutes left to spare, I took a stroll.

And then I saw the suspicious person earlier at the fast-food restaurant.

The guy is being towered by three dudes who seem to be delinquents. But, what's with the hairstyle? The dude at the center was tall skinny and have goofy-ass hair and matching it with his face shaped he looked like a strawberry, bald at the sides, and his hair at the top is so few that I could compare it with the size of a ramekin bowl. And then on his right, a fat guy with a pineapple haircut... Now, for the last guy on the left, I could say the most decent one. Not tall and skinny or fat, not like the other two he's more on the average side. At least, his haircut is not ridiculous like the two of his companion. They're all wearing leather jackets and all in different colors... The tall guy had the blue and the fat one was yellow, then the last guy was green... Are they part of a circus or something? I thought to myself.

Then I saw them dragged the guy in an alleyway, I decided not to probe into their business, but I can't just turn blind-eye into that. I'll just go if things go south. I know that it's part of my rules not to probes into other's business and go against troublesome people. But, my moral standard can't allow it.

I gritted my teeth and followed them.

I watched them and heard the tall guy speaking.

"Oi, you need to compensate us, you bumped us."

"Yeah!!", the fat pineapple guy added.

"You better pay or else.", the mohawk guy said with a grin on his face.

"...", the hooded person didn't answer them.

"OI!, Aniki is talking to you!", the tall guy shouted.

"Yeah!", the fat pineapple guy added.


So the fat is the yeah man on their group, what a cliche group.

"Oi, are you deaf or something? I told you, pay or else", the mohawk guy said then he pushed the hood guy.

When he pushed the guy, the hood came off. And, I saw a silvery long hair matching with her beautiful face and clear white skin as if a goddess transcended from heaven.

The three delinquents suddenly stopped they were enchanted by her beauty.

"Oho~ Didn't expect a beauty underneath the hood, how about play with us~", the mohawk guy said in a lustful tone.

The tall skinny and fat guy became excited and showed a face full of lust. But, when the mohawk guy was about to touch the girl. The girl grabs his arm and twisted it until the arm got dislocated, making the guy scream in pain. "Argg——ggh!!!!!".

At that time, I was about to charge in, but I stopped when I saw the girl dislocating the mohawk guy's arm.

The two guys behind the tall and fat guy got shooked.

"A—Aniki!", the two exclaimed.

The tall guy charged when he was about to throw a punch, the girl accelerated and punched his guts. Making the tall guy fall to his knees while holding his stomach, the girl suddenly threw a knee kick to the tall guy's face and made a crunch sound. I saw the guy's teeth fall off. Then suddenly, the fat guy charged and was about to tackle the girl but the girl took a step and dodge while leaving her other feet and making the fat guy fall over.

The mohawk was still screaming, so the girl went to the mohawk guy and punched his face making him blackout.

When the fat guy was about to stand up, the girl lifted her whole leg and smashed the fat guy's face through the ground.

With all of that happened in front of my eyes, I was left flabbergasted. She took the three guys down so quick.

Then suddenly, she looked at me and started walking towards me. I shuddered and my body became stiff.

I readied my body in case something happens. But, as soon she stopped in front of me, she only smiled.

Making me confused. But, then suddenly...

"Hi~", the girl waved at me with an angelic smile on her face. My whole body shuddered again, raising my guard again.

"I didn't expect to see you here~ Sorry for the unsightly view.", still keeping her smile.

I furrowed my eyebrows. I don't know why, but the voice was familiar...

Then I shouted, "Wait! You're the weird fate girl from the other day!".

"Hey, I'm not weird. Only befriending someone~", the girl said.

"Huh?", I said confusingly.

But, when I was about to ask her name. We saw some policemen coming towards our way.

"Hey! You two! Stop!", the policemen shouted at us.

"Oh my~ Better get going, we'll meet again, Tatsuya-kun~", the girl said and ran towards the opposite direction of the police.

I was confused about how she knew my name, but more importantly, I need to run too.

So put on my hood and ran in her direction, but she disappeared completely leaving me here with cops still chasing after me.

After getting out of the alleyway, I ran at full speed through the crowds making the cops behind me disappear.

I ran until I got outside of the shopping district when I saw that there are no police following, I let out a heavy sigh, "Haa—aa..."

I have a ton of questions for that silver-haired girl earlier, but as soon I was about to ask her the police came. Furthermore, I almost got myself arrested for not doing anything, even if I say that to them I'm pretty sure they wouldn't believe me. What do I tell them? that the three dudes got beaten up by a silver-haired girl? I just hope they didn't saw my face, plus they're still far when I started running.

What a day, I thought to myself.

With all of that, I decided to went home.

✯ ✯ ✯

I'm now standing at the front door when I opened the door, I saw Aunt Ayaka watching the television in the living room.

When she saw me, she greeted, "Oh, Tatsuya, you're home, but why do you look so tired?"

"Nothing Auntie, I just went for jogging."

"At 1:10 pm?", she asked.


"Oh, okay then."

"I'll go to my room then Auntie."

"Okay.", she replied.

After getting in my room, I laid down on my bed.

I feel like I forgot something, I thought to myself

With all the stuff that happened earlier, I feel so tired more than usual, even though I'm used to running, maybe I'm mentally tired.

I decided to sleep.

I feel like wanting to rewrite this.

Xeozcreators' thoughts