
Chapter 34

It's my fault. I did this to myself. I screwed myself over. I tempted Murphy, and this is my punishment.

"This is certainly a surprising situation wouldn't you agree"

"Fou foufou fou"

Standing in front of me is a little girl a bit older then me she looks a slightly similar to Arcueid, if someone told me they were related I would believe them, same blond hair and red eyes, other then the slight resemblance they still look very different. With her is a small cute little squirrel like creature.

Under normal circumstances this would be a perfectly harmless situation, just a cute little girl and her cute pet. Unfortunately this in not an ordinary situation.

This girl Infront of me is Altrouge Brunestud and the little squirrel like creature is Fou, also knows as Cath Palug also known as Primate Murder. Fucking Murphy. That's it, I'm never tempting Murphy again. Let's just hope the situation doesn't get any worse then this.

I hate myself sometimes.

"Altrouge. What the hell are you doing here. Forget that I'm gonna get you back for stealing my hair "

"As if, besides you seem fine to me, also how did you even recover your hair in the first place, yesterday it just disappeared"

"Wouldn't you like to know"

Seeing as the two of them are just arguing about stuff, it doesn't seem like a fight will break out. While I watch the two Dead Apostle True Ancestors argue, I feel something at my leg. Looking down I see Fou rubbing his head on my leg, looking and me with this adorable innocent look. If I didn't already know that he's a beast of Gaia and the embodiment of human slaughter, I would think he's just as innocent as he's pretending to be.

Human murder machine or not, he's still adorable. Seeing how he's acting, I bent down and par him. As expected of a beast of Gaia, his fur is ridiculously soft and fluffy.


"Who's a cute little murder machine, you are, you are"


Yep, it's amazing how cute he can be, and because of my connection to the planet, I have probably taken number one or two on his favourite people list.

Jumping of the ground he climbed onto my shoulder. While the two girls are engrossed in there argument I continue to pat Fou. Yep I'm calling him Fou, it's cute.

"Fou, wanna come with me for a pit will I pick up something"

"Fou foufou fou"

"Okay then, let's go"

With that I start walking, completely ignoring the two vampires behind me while I caress Fou on my shoulder.

About ten minutes into the trip and about five minutes from my destination the two vampires finally make their return.

"Hay Nicholas, why did you leave"

"How dare you take PM from me like that"

"Oh, are you two done. Don't fight in the city, especially in the middle of the day"

They both seemed offended by my words, if their expression is anything to go by.

"How dare you assume we would do something like that. Where not monsters, why would we drag civilians into out fight. They would just get in the way"

"She's right, that is very rude, were not animals"

"Fine I'm sorry"

"Hay PM why are you one his shoulder, I never thought you would get close to a human like that"

"Foufou fou foufoufou fou"

"Really, why would the planet care for him. He's a human the planet should hate him not love him"


"Really, well that's interesting"

"Yes, very interesting, I didn't know Nicholas was so special"


"OK I gotta know, can you two really understand what he's saying or are you three just messing with me"

At my question all three of them look at me with a blank expression before smiling and saying at the same time.


"Whatever. So, why are you two not killing each other, from what I know, don't you two hate each other"

"It's less we hate each other and more like rivals. Even the whole hair thing was just my victory over her, whether she got it back or not. it didn't bother me"

"As Altrouge said, to put into a mundane situation, were both owners of rival company's, the others presence interferes with our own business, we can tolerate each other other but will always clash for minor victory's"

"I honestly wonder how the moonlit world will react if they heard that you compared your rivalry with mundane business's. It would probably be funny"


After a few more minutes we arrive at the Tohno mansion, arriving at the gate I ring the doorbell.

'Ding dong'

Shortly after a maid comes out of the mansion.

"Hello, What is the purpose of your visit today"

"My name is Nicholas Emiya. I'm here on behalf of Kiritsugu Emiya to pick up a package of some kind"

"I see. Wait here for a moment"

The Maid then went back into the mansion only to come back out about a minute later. She opened the gate and beckoned us to follow her inside. Following her through the mansion I take in the scenery.

Arriving into what appears to be a meeting room the three of us sit down while the made move behind the woman in front of us.

"Greetings, my name is Tohno Akiha. I am the current head of the Tohno household, You must be Emiya Nicholas. Your first name and appearance don't appear to be Japanese"

"No, I'm adopted, based on my fragmented memory's and a DNA test, I originate from Europe, more specifically Sicily, down south of Italy. I was adopted by my current family years ago"

"I see. Forgive me for my confusion"

"Nothing to forgive"

"Now as far as I was aware this meeting was just going to be the two of us, I wasn't expecting additional guests"

"Nether was I. Shortly after I arrived yesterday, I decided to explore the city. During my trip I found her on the ground, cut into seventeen pieces, in a puddle of blood"

"Oh my"

"However Arcueid is a True Ancestor. A bit of magic and she was as good as new. She's been following me since. As for the other woman, we bumped in to Altrouge on the

walk here and she followed"

"Arcueid and Altrouge. Forgive me if I'm wrong but, you don't mean Arcueid Brunestud and Altrouge Brunestud, the Dead Apostle True Ancestor's"

"Yes that's them"

"But don't they hate each other. Why would you bring them here"

"Could you two stop talking like we're not here"

"Yes that is very rude"

"Don't worry they are fine, from what they said, there more like rivals. It seem like their subordinates hate them more then they do"

"Ha. Excuse me, this has just been a big shock, I have already sent a maid to retrieve the item for you"

"Understandable and thank you"

Right on cue another maid enters the room with a briefcase. Right behind her is a high-school student, must me her brother. The moment he looks at us he seems confused.

Understandable if random people were in the living room with my sister, I'd be confused to.

This however quickly changes to shock and fear as he sees Arcueid. He starts backing away and pointing while he has a panic attack. Before screaming, something about here not being real and a dream. This however causes Arcueid to point at him and talk.

"Hay, Your the one who killed me yesterday"