
Fate: I Will Eventually Become the Hero of Justice

What would you do If you were suddenly transported to the Nasuverse just before the Fourth Holy Grail War as a young Shirou with no access to a Magic Crest, Magecraft, or OP Servant? ... Note: This fanfic translation features transmigration, where the protagonist is thrown into the body of Shirou, rather than reincarnation.

DaoistOneTouch · Tranh châm biếm
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483 Chs


After a few days, Merlin got in touch with Shirou, mentioning that Zelretch was currently at the Clock Tower in London. This news prompted Shirou to decide on taking a trip to the Clock Tower himself.

The Clock Tower, being the epicenter of the modern Mage's Association, was rife with various factions and intricate power struggles, akin to a palace drama. Shirou knew that if he were to enter casually, he would likely draw the attention of troublesome people. Hence, he devised a plan to reach out to an old acquaintance first and make some necessary arrangements.

"Alright, this should be his number," Shirou muttered as he dialed the contact information. It had been nine years since they last spoke, and he wasn't entirely sure if he would still be able to reach him.

"Hello, this is Archibald. May I ask who's calling?"

As the call connected, he heard a female voice speak up.

"I'm looking for Kayneth Archibald El-Melloi,"

"Huh? Uncle? Judging by this number, it seems to be his personal contact. Just give me a moment, I'll patch you through."

After a brief busy tone, that familiar yet somewhat sharp voice came through. "Who is it?"

"It's Fujimaru Shirou,"

"Caster... Weren't you supposed to be dead nine years ago?" Kayneth asked, sounding genuinely surprised.

"I was just missing, that's all. I'm back now. I'm actually planning to visit the Clock Tower in a few days, and I was hoping to get your help in making the necessary arrangements, Kayneth."

"Why should I help you?" Kayneth scoffed in response.

"You owe me a life. Unless you want me to come and collect it."

"Tsk," Kayneth clicked his tongue in clear dissatisfaction before abruptly ending the call.

Nevertheless, Shirou felt that the matter was already settled. Nine years ago, Kayneth was already a Lord, and considering the passage of time, his position may have risen even further. With Kayneth taking charge of the arrangements, Shirou could at least have a relatively comfortable trip to the Clock Tower.

Nine years ago, during the Holy Grail War, Kayneth went after him relentlessly in his role as Caster. However, in a surprising turn of events, he decided to spare Kayneth and Sola. Later on, they joined forces with Waver and a few others to create an elaborate spectacle, making it seem like the Savior of Light had descended, effectively covering up the entire Holy Grail War.

As the reports were submitted to the Mage's Association, Shirou's involvement was carefully concealed, and he was assigned a private contact number. And that's how their unique relationship began.

Once Shirou had taken care of his responsibilities at the company and delegated most of his workload to the secretary, he went ahead and requested a leave of absence from school.

The trip to London was absolutely necessary. The Class Card had a direct connection to the parallel world of Ainsworth, and if things played out as he had anticipated, it would undoubtedly disrupt the peacefulness of Fuyuki City and put countless innocent citizens in danger.

In fact, when he obtained the Archer Class Card, if he hadn't acted swiftly and used the black mud to shield those two drunk office workers, Fuyuki City would have likely faced another notorious serial killer case, leading to widespread panic.

Moreover, the incident involving the Class Cards was deeply connected with the parallel world. The only person capable of intervening in this parallel world was Zelretch. Hence, it was absolutely crucial for him to meet with him.

However, this journey held another significance—it was also a reunion with an old friend. After all, over 1,500 years ago, he and Zelretch had joined forces to kill the physical body of Crimson Moon, forging a bond that spanned centuries.

Shirou's decision to take a leave of absence didn't create much of a stir in his class. His small group of friends carried on with their usual fun.

With the exception of Issei, who had a friendly relationship with him, not many others paid him much mind. In the eyes of his classmates, Shirou remained somewhat enigmatic and hard to approach, making it easier for them to overlook his absence.

Before heading to the Clock Tower, Shirou made a stop at the Emiya household. It had undergone quite a transformation from the grand castle in the suburban forest to a humble two-story residence.

The Emiya family, consisting of Kiritsugu, Irisviel, and their child, shared the house with two Einzbern homunculi maids, Sella and Leysritt. Maiya Hisau, on the other hand, seemed to have taken on the role of a housekeeper for the Emiya family.

He didn't particularly care about the dynamics within the Emiya household, so he didn't give them much thought.

Shirou's arrival at the Emiya household was met with warmth by Kiritsugu and Irisviel. They truly appreciated Shirou's help, as it was thanks to him that their family could now enjoy a harmonious and ordinary life.

During the Holy Grail War nine years ago, he resolved the issues surrounding the Black Grail and completely dismantled the Greater Grail. He shattered Kiritsugu's illusionary pursuit of justice, which paved the way for their family to live a normal existence. He also played a crucial role in Illya's successful reincarnation.

Due to these significant contributions, the Emiya family held deep gratitude towards Shirou and treated him with great kindness.

However, despite Kiritsugu and Irisviel's warm reception, Illya appeared somewhat apprehensive around Shirou. She hesitated to approach him or engage in conversation.

Irisviel discreetly pulled Illya aside and spoke softly, "Illya, why are you so afraid of Shirou?"

Illya replied in a hushed voice, "Because... because... he doesn't seem like someone easy to get along with."

Gently patting Illya's head, Irisviel smiled and reassured her, "Well, even though he has changed a lot, deep down, he's still someone who's easy to get along with."

"Changed a lot?" she looked at her mother, curious, and asked, "Mom, what was he like before?"

"Um..." Irisviel pondered for a moment, a smile gracing her face, "He was a cheerful child, very handsome, and always showed concern for others."

"But I feel like this Shirou is very serious and doesn't smile much. It's like... it's like..." she hesitated.

"Like what?"

"Like the early stages of Vegeta, I'm a bit scared to approach him."


Irisviel had a perplexed expression on her face. Who is Vegeta?

Meanwhile, at the dining table, Shirou and Kiritsugu enjoyed their meal while engaging in a discussion about the anomaly.

"Class Cards, huh..." Kiritsugu furrowed his brow, deep in thought.

Shirou nodded and added, "Keep a close eye on your daughter. If anything strange happens, like some strange artifact becoming entangled with her, make sure to get rid of it immediately."

"I understand," Kiritsugu nodded in agreement. He then expressed his gratitude to him, saying, "Although I'm not entirely sure of what you've discovered, thank you, Shirou, for bringing Illya's situation to my attention."

"It's not just about Illya specifically. I simply don't want any children to be exposed to unnecessary dangers."

"I see..." Kiritsugu nodded.

He packed his things and said his goodbyes to Kiritsugu.

As he walked past the stairs, Irisviel stood behind Illya, placing her hands on Illya's shoulders, wearing a smile and waving at him. Illya, feeling a bit scared, said, "Um...brother, take care."

Shirou gave a slight nod and turned to leave.

He had already booked his ticket to London, but Ritsuka insisted on joining him.

If it was just for sightseeing and having fun, he would have gladly taken her along. However, this trip was for business, involving dealings with unpredictable magi, so he couldn't bring her with him.

"Hmph! So stingy!" she huffed, crossing her arms and turning her head away in dissatisfaction.

Seated on the wooden floor near the entrance, Shirou had his shoes on, paying no attention to her. Instead, he looked at Sakura and said, "Sakura, take care of Ritsuka while I'm gone. There are certain things you shouldn't let her get involved in."

He hinted at something, and Sakura, being quick on the uptake, nodded and replied, "I understand, brother."

Keeping his eyes on the sulking Ritsuka, he curled his fingers and beckoned, "Ritsuka, come here."

With a pout, she hesitated for a moment but reluctantly approached, asking, "What is it?"

He reached out and ruffled her hair, "Next time, I promise to take you out to play."

"Really?" Ritsuka's eyes lit up with excitement.

He nodded slightly.

"Then it's a deal!" she finally broke into a smile.

"Okay, I'm heading out." Shirou adjusted his backpack and opened the front door.

"Take care, brother," Sakura said, giving Ritsuka's shoulder a reassuring squeeze.

With a wave of his hand, he disappeared from the doorway, closing the door behind him.

Shirou arrived at the airport lounge and plopped down casually on a chair, settling in for the wait before his flight.

Out of the blue, a rather peculiar person plopped down next to him.

Sporting a thick winter coat despite the spring weather, a blue cotton hat perched on her head, black sunglasses shielding her eyes, and a snugly wrapped blue scarf concealing most of her face.

It was pretty obvious that this person was quite suspicious.

Observing this weird person, people at the airport couldn't help but keep their distance.

Shirou stole a quick glance at the figure before returning his focus to awaiting his flight.

"Shirou... Shirou..." A soft, barely audible voice reached his ears from the person beside him.

"Hmm?" he quirked an eyebrow and turned his gaze toward the woman. "Who are you?"

"Me? I am none other than the mighty True Ancestor, the invincible legend, Arcueid!" she whispered into his ear, her crimson eyes peering intently through the sunglasses, as if she were a secret agent conveying covert messages.

"What's the deal with your outfit?" he couldn't help but let his surprise show.

"Hehehe... Caught you off guard, didn't I? Impressed, aren't ya? This is my flawless disguise!" she declared with a touch of pride.

Shirou: "..."

"No, seriously, why are you here?"

"Is it not obvious? I'm on the run from my editor, that's why!" she shamelessly confessed. "That dimwit Kariya will never suspect that I've broken free from my confinement! This time, I'll flee abroad, and he won't be able to catch me!"

Shirou: "..."

"If you didn't want to write so badly, why did you become a light novel author in the first place?"

"Do you even need to ask? Of course, it was fun at first! But now it's not fun anymore, so of course I want to escape!"

Shirou: "..."

What a perfect reason!

"And where exactly do you plan on escaping to?"

She smirked. "Well, since you're headed to Britain, I thought I might as well tag along. Look, I even bought my ticket... What's with that weird expression on your face?"

He let out a weary sigh. "Oh, it's nothing... I just got a sudden cramps."