
Fate: I Will Eventually Become the Hero of Justice

What would you do If you were suddenly transported to the Nasuverse just before the Fourth Holy Grail War as a young Shirou with no access to a Magic Crest, Magecraft, or OP Servant? ... Note: This fanfic translation features transmigration, where the protagonist is thrown into the body of Shirou, rather than reincarnation.

DaoistOneTouch · Tranh châm biếm
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478 Chs


The news of the King's passing spread like wildfire throughout the realm.

This was the King, renowned for his triumph over the treacherous Vortigern, his fearless battles against monstrous creatures, and his tireless efforts to unite the divided land of Britain. Now, his formidable presence was forever lost.

The King had been a beacon of prosperity, instilling hope and inspiration in the hearts of his people. His wisdom was unparalleled, guiding the kingdom through times of hardship and turmoil. Alas, he has departed from this world, leaving behind a heavy burden of sorrow.

It was the injuries sustained during the dangerous expedition in Roman Empire that ultimately claimed the King's life. The wounds proved to be fatal, leading to his untimely demise.

The first person to discover the King's departure was Merlin, the trusted advisor and confidant of the King.

It was whispered among the people that as the King left this mortal realm, a serene smile graced his features. Some even speculated that in his final moments, he offered a prayer for the welfare and prosperity of his beloved subjects.

Mourning flags, draped in black, were promptly hoisted throughout the kingdom, symbolizing the deep sorrow that had engulfed the land. The air resonated with the cries of grief-stricken individuals, their sorrow echoing far and wide.

Word of the King's passing also reached the neighboring realms, which had experienced the profound impact of his rule. Sympathetic and deeply moved, they sent heartfelt condolences and expressions of mourning for the departure of the Eternal King.

The King's mortal remains remained veiled from sight, shielded by a shroud of secrecy. Only a select few trusted knights and loyal companions had the solemn privilege of preparing his body for its final voyage. A meticulously crafted coffin awaited, ready to cradle the King's earthly form as it embarked on its journey to the eternal rest, upon the vast expanse of the sea.

As tears cascaded down her cheeks, Morgan, the chosen successor to the throne, led a procession of knights and citizens. Together, they formed a solemn escort, accompanying the King's coffin on its journey toward the coast.

The carriage came to a halt, and the coffin was gently lowered to the ground. A gathering of somber clergy members stood in attendance, their voices resonating with mournful recitations and prayers, as if attempting to encapsulate the profound loss that had befallen the kingdom.

In the wake of this solemn moment, countless individuals took solace in fondly reminiscing about the King's storied past. Tales of valor, wisdom, and benevolence echoed through the hearts and minds of those who had been touched by his radiant presence. Alas, that light had now faded into the annals of history.

As the mourners bid their final farewells, the coffin was tenderly lifted and carried towards the vast expanse of the ocean. A vibrant tapestry of flowers adorned the vessel, as if nature itself had conspired to honor the departed King. Slowly, it set sail upon the waves, drifting steadily toward the distant horizon.

"Mother? Mother?" Agravain's voice broke through Morgan's reverie, pulling her back to the present.

Startled, Morgan blinked away her thoughts, her exquisite face marred by tears that had unknowingly dampened her dress.

"It's time for the elegy," he gently reminded her.

"Oh... Oh..." Morgan shook her head, attempting to gather her emotions, and began reciting the elegy that had been painstakingly prepared. Her gaze appeared vacant, as if her mind and heart were elsewhere.

The King has not passed away; he has simply fulfilled his mission and returned to his home.

She had been aware of this truth from the very start. Yet, despite her knowledge, why does her heart now ache and suffocate, torn apart by agony?

"Oh my goodness! What on earth is that?"

"What is it...?"

People gazed at the coffin and exclaimed in awe.

In the far-off ocean, a mystical realm unfolded before their eyes.

Verdant mountains, pristine waters, and extraordinary creatures adorned the scene. The water was so crystal clear that the reflections of the mountains blended with the colors of the water.

Fairies gracefully danced in the sky, showering the coffin with a rain of flowers.

A majestic dragon bellowed from above, causing the sea to surge with its mighty presence.

All manner of blessings seemed to be bestowed upon it.

People wept. The King had reached his final destination.

"The King has not passed away; he has merely entered a deep slumber. Resting in the mystical land of Avalon. The King is not gone! One day, the King shall awaken from the valleys of Avalon and grace our world once again!"

It remained uncertain who uttered those words initially. However, like a spark that ignites a roaring fire, it stirred the emotions of all those in attendance.

They strongly believed that the King had not died.

The King was merely in a deep slumber, resting within Avalon. Whenever Camelot faced a crisis or imminent danger, the King would awaken from his slumber and return from Avalon.

He is the Eternal King!


On the hills of Cornwall, there stretched a vast plain.

Shirou gripped the scabbard tightly as he made his way towards the predetermined location.

Arcueid, like a spirited wildcat, darted after butterflies, radiating the allure of youthful beauty.

Beside Shirou, Merlin, Artoria, and Kay took measured steps.

From the beginning, it had been the three of them, and in the end, it remained so.

A smile adorned Shirou's face, though no one could fathom the emotions he harbored within.

A bitter tang of sorrow and pain, that's the emotional essence of parting, an experience one must encounter on the journey of life.

"We've arrived," Shirou said, gently placing Avalon on the ground, its power radiating around them.

In an instant, Avalon burst into countless fragments. The fairy inscriptions etched on it promised the ultimate protection, shielding the bearer from any interference, even the potent forces of the Five Great Magics.

Yet, due to the meddling of the future Merlin and Shirou's unique existence, the connection through the scabbard allowed them to transcend the constraints of time and space. It forged a one-way gateway to the future, untouched by external influences.

In that very moment, an unexpected hand emerged from behind Shirou, firmly clutching his neck.

Unfazed, Shirou maintained his smile and calmly addressed his friend, "Kay, let go. It's difficult for me when you do this."

Similar to their encounter at the Ector Estate seven years ago, Shirou's demeanor remained unchanged.

Kay questioned, "I didn't respond this time, so how can you be so certain it's me?"

"Because out of everyone who accompanied me, you're the only one who would pull a stunt like this. Merlin would only attempt to irritate me with his words," he explained, a smile adorning his face.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Merlin interjected, protesting vehemently. "What do you mean I only irritate you with my words? That's taking it too far!"

Shirou chuckled softly, releasing Kay's hand and pivoting to meet his gaze. He looked directly at Kay and spoke, "Farewell, my good brother."

"Farewell, my King... No, Guinevere," Kay responded, his voice filled with a mix of emotions.

Right then, Arcueid waved her hand and called out, "Shirou, everyone, I won't bid you farewell. I'll go ahead, okay!"

"Okay! You go ahead," Shirou nodded.

In response, everyone waved back at Arcueid, their gestures expressing their silent goodbyes.

Arcueid returned the gesture with a smile, though a tinge of sorrow lingered on her face as she turned away, starting to walk. Farewells were not her favorite, and neither were the words that accompanied them. Therefore, she made the decision to go ahead without bidding formal farewells.

Shirou gazed at Artoria and confessed, "Actually, I've always wanted to do something to you, but I was afraid you'd get angry, so I never did it."

Curiosity sparked in her eyes as she tilted her head, "What is it?" she asked, her blue orbs fixed on him.

Shirou extended his hand and grasped the ahoge atop Artoria's head, giving it a gentle tug.

[Ahoge - Fandom slang. An exaggerated cowlick (lock of hair)]

"Ouch!" she instinctively shut her eyes, her face contorting with a pained expression.

"Are you upset?"

"No..." she shook her head, her gaze lowered, yet to his surprise, a golden ahoge mysteriously sprang back up on her head.

This unexpected turn of events startled Shirou, causing him to burst into laughter. "How did you do that? Um... if there's an opportunity, could you teach me the secret? I'd love to give it a try as well."

Upon hearing his request, Artoria gritted her teeth, mustering her courage as she looked up at Shirou. Her voice trembled as she asked, "My king... Guinevere, can I... can I... hug you?"

"Of course," Shirou opened his arms.

She approached him and wrapped her arms around him, squeezing tightly. The embrace was so tight that he winced, feeling a twinge of pain.

"Please... have a safe journey!" she whispered, finally releasing her grip.

"You too. Remember to tie up your hair. Leaving it loose on the battlefield can be a fatal weakness," he said with a smile.

"I understand," she nodded firmly, determination in her voice. "I will protect this kingdom without fail!"

"Don't burden yourself too much. Actually... forget what I was about to say. Good luck," he extended his hand, gently patting Artoria's head. He then turned around, waved to the others, and strolled down the path with a carefree expression.

"Goodbye, everyone."

Those were his parting words before he vanished from sight. Overwhelmed by her emotions, Artoria's tears flowed uncontrollably.

Kay placed a comforting hand on her shoulder before walking away.

Merlin let out a sigh and turned around, "Lily, it's time to go."

Through tear-streaked eyes, she nodded, "Yes—!"