
Fate Grand Order: Corruption

The lives of two siblings are interrupted when something happens to their Grand Order games. Zelretch presents them with a once in a lifetime opportunity: to become masters of Chaldea. Now they must travel through the singularities to rescue the servants who have been corrupted for a strange reason and continue the story. Can they do it?

I_Am_Not_A_Writer · Tranh châm biếm
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9 Chs

The first battle!

Haji and Rika could only watch as the blades of both sabers clashed with Mash's shield, seeking to protect them. The shielder pushed them away to put distance.

"Masters, don't walk away from me!" She announced as she continued her sights on both blondes.

"Nii-san... this looks bad... it's the first time we're involved in a fight between Servants..."

"That's right, we also didn't go through the typical tutorial, we must give orders without pressing cards."

"There's no other choice right?" Rika closed her eyes, at that moment she was nervous, they were two against one, a big disadvantage. "Mash-chan, don't lose for anything in the world!"

"Understood master." She announced seriously. She started her attack towards Artoria first, she observed Mash wanting to perform a blow with the side of her shield, it wasn't difficult enough for her to dodge. Lily took her place by swinging Caliburn with a lunge to the front, the redhead was able to cover herself in time to avoid being damaged. Now again Artoria attacked with multiple blows wanting to get her to retreat, due to her strength, it was difficult for Mash to maintain her defensive stance.

"Nii-san, we can't just stand by and watch while she does everything." Rika was really worried.

"I know... but you know, we are only masters, we don't have magic as such to support and we can only command..." Haji tried to think of something, it was then that he remembered that detail. -

That's right, the skills of the uniform.

The black-haired man quickly took out his cell phone, opening the application that Zelretch had installed for them. Once he did so, a screen with the Chaldea logo was shown first, and then a main menu opened, indicating that a battle was taking place between Servants. He opened that screen observing the details, it showed the name of both sabers, their class and a life bar similar to the one in the game.

"It seems that with this we can see how far we can defeat her." Now he took the opportunity to check another place, a button marked "mystic code" was in a corner, Haji opened it to see, it contained just the three skills provided by the uniform: The first to revitalize a servant's energy, the second to give an attack boost and the third to provide a dodge opportunity. "Here they are..."

"Look Nii-san." They watched Mash, she was already starting to have trouble with both Artorias, she lost strength in her arms to drop her shield, a moment that both sabers took advantage of to attack the shielder, performing slashes on the sides of her body, causing her to fall to the ground. "Mash-chan!"

Mash could feel the blood coming right out of her abdomen, holding herself there and trying to get up with her shield, still watching her two opponents.

"You're weak, you were just born as a servant, you can't do anything against us." Artoria commented, ready to strike the final blow. Rika looked at the battle screen, it was showing red numbers as she saw how Mash was in danger of being defeated.

"I can't allow that!" She quickly opened her mystic code menu, pressing the first skill and pointing it at Mash. "Pull yourself together Mash-chan!"

A glow began to surround the Shielder, she felt her strength recover a little, equally the cuts she had closed. She reacted just in time, holding her shield to block the attack.

"How" Artoria looked surprised, being pushed away by Mash, Lily again went on the attack. Now it was Haji who had her menu open.

"Mash, block and counterattack!" Using the ability to grant strength, the shielder felt an increase in her power, now with renewed energy she went to attack, Lily was the closest, starting to receive the attacks of the shield of the redhead, even though she tried to block, the speed of Mash was greater at that moment.

"Damn..." the small Artoria gritted her teeth while trying to block the attacks with her sword. The older one arrived to provide support from Mash's back.

"Watch out!" Rika warned, the shielder turned around just in time to block the attack, at which point she jumped to kick her in the face and push her away. "How are the bars coming?"

"They're coming down." Haji was checking the life bars of both sabers. "Lily is already about to be defeated."

"Understood." Rika nodded. "Come on Mash-chan, you're already about to win!"

The shielder began to roar as she continued her attacks on Lily, the little blonde felt how her strength was starting to disappear with every hit she received. In the end she couldn't resist any longer, releasing her sword, moment that Mash took advantage of to throw a big blow to the little girl's abdomen.

"Aaaah!" Lily fell to the ground holding herself in pain. "No... it can't be... why do I have to be weak..."

At that moment an alarm sounded on both siblings' cell phones. A screen with a warning symbol was displayed.

"A servant has been detected ready to be captured. Looks like we can already get Lily." Haji commented, Rika smiled in a confident manner.

"Let me have her Nii-san, she was the first servant I promoted in full. "She pointed her phone to where Lily was, still in pain. "Alright Lily... you'd better accept me as your new master... Perform capture!"

A beam of light shot out from Rika's phone, aimed directly at Lily, the beam hit her, causing her to start screaming from the pain, the black aura that was surrounding her started to disappear.

"No... I don't want to disappear... please... help me... Merlin..." Finally all the aura vanished from Lily, the little blonde quickly disappeared. Already then a deafening noise came out of Rika's cell phone.

"Capture successful, Arturia Lily is your new servant"

"I did it!" Rika began to celebrate having her first servant.

"Good for you... but don't forget that we are missing someone else." They looked at Arturia, she stood up, clenching her sword tightly and growling.

"Damn you... I won't allow defeat, I swear by my people." The saber was totally angry, running straight towards both brothers. They had no chance to protect themselves at that moment.

"You won't hurt my Senpais!" Mash arrived just in time to block Arturia's attack, tackling her away.

"Mash-chan!" Rika was happy for their arrival. She turned to look at them with a smile.

"I did it in time... now, I have to defeat this enemy."

"Understood, go."

"As you command." Mash began her attack towards Arturia. She wasn't going to give her a chance to counterattack again so she started throwing consecutive blows to prevent another attack from the saber. Haji and Rika continued to watch the application on their cell phones, despite everything, Arturia was still half alive.

"At this point, it will be difficult to defeat her as such, although it seems that class weaknesses don't affect her at all." Rika commented.

"I had noticed that, if everyone is equally strong, it's an advantage we can take advantage of..." She checked, pressing Mash's icon on the screen, opening the list of skills she has. "Here they are, her skills."

"She only has the first one, just like in the game... but we can take advantage of it." Rika smiled. Arturia finally started her counterattack, seeing that she used one of her skills "ManaBurst" to give herself a boost in her attack strength. The red-haired pressed the skill button to confirm its use. "Mash-chan, protect yourself with everything!"

"Got it!" The glow surrounded Mash, affirming that her skill was activated, placing her shield in front of her, she began to resist the saber's powerful attacks, she was firmly planted on the ground, not moving an inch. Once Arturia stopped attacking, it was the moment she took the opportunity to hit her, a powerful blow in the abdomen caused the saber to fly a few meters.

"Way to go!" Both brothers celebrated, Haji could confirm that that attack brought her down a considerable amount, she was about to be defeated. Mash stood firm, even though she was sweating, she didn't want to retreat, otherwise, her masters would be in danger.

"That's it... I can't take it anymore..." Finally Arturia materialized her sword, a beautiful golden blade with blue motifs formed in her hand. She squeezed Excaliburm tightly as a glow began to surround it. That caused both brothers to swallow saliva.

"Nii-san, she's going to use his Noble Phantasm."

"Mash won't be able to resist a direct hit." The black-haired man gritted his teeth, plus Mash had been reset from scratch, which caused her to be unable to use her NP to protect herself. "We must use the other ability." Rika nodded.


The powerful beam shot out, Mash stood there motionless not knowing what to do. Haji reacted in time, activating the third skill of his Mystic Code, the glow began to surround the Shielder as the lightning struck her squarely, raising a large cloud of dust and, incidentally, destroying a nearby building, which fell completely in pieces. Artoria began to breathe heavily from the heavy use of prana in her NP. Already then the dust dispersed, the blonde's eyes opened wide as she saw that Mashse was still alive.

"No... it can't be..."

"I won't fall... Thank you very much masters!" Mash was already able to attack, Artoria was totally exhausted so she didn't have the strength to defend herself, starting to receive multiple hits with the demiservant's shield.

"She's doing it... Mash-chan is doing it." Gleams emerged from Rika's eyes as she saw how she was winning the battle, Haji smiled half-sideways.

"Really... this doesn't compare to anything like it is in the game... Servants' battles... they're amazing."

Arturia could barely stand up, slumped to her knee, only having the strength to look the shielder in the face.

"You... you weren't supposed to be so strong... How?"

"... I'm not alone, compared to you, I count on the support of my Senpais... as long as I'm with them, I'll be strong."

"I understand..." She smiled a little smile. "I've made the same mistake of fighting alone..."

Mash launched her final blow, with all her strength she hit Artoria in the face, which flew several meters, hitting against the debris of a nearby building, at the end she fell on her face, she couldn't get up. The alarm began to resound.

"All right, you already got your servant, it's my turn. "Haji started walking to approach the defeated Arturia, Mash was next to her. "Arturia... I know all that you have suffered, you have worked so hard for your people, so much that a cruel destiny fell upon you, maybe you have regrets, but I will carry them with you... you can count on my help... as your master... Perform capture!"

The beam shot until it hit the saber which began to writhe, the same procedure as with Lily, the black aura began to leave her body.

"... I... failed again... I'm sorry..." Finally her body disappeared. Appearing the successful capture message on Haji's cell phone.