
Fate/Grand Gamer [FGO]

A man transmigrated to the F/GO world, with a system... as a gamer... enjoy.

ArgosBestDoggo · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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For all its worth, real life has always been a boring cycle that goes on and on, always doing the same things over and over again…every single day. I thought by choosing this kind of job, life would somehow change and bring forth some excitement once and for all. I thought that by enlisting in the army would bring me that thrill of adventure, but it didn't.

At first, I admit that the sufferings at trainings, the combat encounters with some bad guys, and the thrill of some secret operations did bring excitement to the once dull colored life that was reality. But once again, the fun was gone. At the young age of 22, due to my experiences and expertise as a combat operator, I've been promoted as a captain and has been assigned as a leader of an elite team of young and promising team of prodigies, all of them no older than 18, child soldiers trained since they were but a child.

Our job was to handle task that were to be wrap under the tables, at that time I knew this was a real bad idea but the me that was searching for something that would bring amusement in my life; I've accepted the job without much of a thought. I never knew that would be the downfall for my greed to find the only goal in my life.

For three years I've led my team and did every mission without failing a single one of them. The higher ups that make use of our business were of course thrilled by our performances, which led to some corrupt officials to use us and sold our services to illegal dealings. My team and I followed our orders, we were soldiers, we follow orders no question asked. But as the saying goes, what's done in the dark will always come to the light.

I've come to care for my team, that's why even if I knew we were doing some bad things I couldn't leave them. If I did, my team would surely receive the consequences, with me going rogue they'll be hound without its head; they'll be disposed of like some stray dogs on the streets. They've tried other more experienced and more older officers to lead them before me, all of them either gave up or was forced to give up. For some reasons they've come to follow someone like me, I don't exactly know the reasons why, but they just did after I've beaten their asses black and blue after not following my orders on our first operation. Ever since then they'll always follow me like chicks to their mother hens.

On those three years that we've been as a team it was not me that took care of them, in fact it was the opposite. The me who've only goal was to find what could bring me excitement never knew how to live life normally. They've taught me excitement can't just be find on the battlefield, on our free time they've forced me to have drinks and party with them in the city, played video games, watched movies, read books, all the stuffs they deemed normal humans do to be happy. Surprisingly I've come to enjoy using the smartphone, reading books and playing games in them.

But the fun stuffs didn't last, some information has been leaked to the public about our team and some of our illegal operations. Things at the headquarters where filled with tensions as to how this happened, of course they didn't catch the real culprit, but I knew this was the thing I've been fearing ever since. Those bastards from the higher ups decided to let things cool down and had us hide in the meantime, separately, no communications and interactions to them or our team. The pack has been divided, and all hell broke loose.

_ _ _

It was one that one night that I've decided to visit one of my team members that was closest to my location despite the strict orders not to. That night I've had a real bad feeling that I wasn't able to sleep, so I've decided to find the brats after hacking through the headquarters, I found out their locations and decided to pay the closest one a visit.

I knew something really bad happened upon arriving at the empty apartment, not a single person on the streets, not even one house with lights on. I hurried my steps as it turned to a sprint upon seeing a dead person with a hole through his head in the hallways, the bodies where increasing as I got nearer my teammate's apartment room. Broken windows and bullet holes filled the outside of the room apartment, the doors where blasted through by a forced breaching.

The foreboding increased when I only felt a single person alive inside, his breathe was heavy and the sound of a person laboriously dragged his body in his pool of blood. Standing frozen in front the door, I closed my eyes as feelings of anger and despair filled my whole being.

"…come in… s-sir… *cough* *cough* all enemies…. *cough* eliminated…" His voice where hoarse as he kept coughing up with blood.

I walked inside without saying a word, the room was a real mess, several bodies were littered across the room, on a tore down couch filled with holes sat upon my youngest teammate. At the age of 21 he sat there his whole body filled with wounds from bullets and knives, his face getting paling every second as he greeted me with his ever-cheerful smile.

"…sorry for the mess…sir *cough* *cough* *cough*" He had a coughing fit as blood seeps out his mouth and wounds.

"Shh… stay still, don't speak anymore, it'll just hurt more." My face was void with emotion as I knelt in front of his dying body.

"*cough* ...hahaha…good to see you too, captain" I just smiled lightly at his statement, but stayed silent as I stood up and took my gun out.

"…ahh… I'm sorry to have you do this captain." He and I knew his body doesn't have hope any longer, he just smiled in appreciation at me for doing this favor. "…take care captain… I think the others have already meet the same fate as me. You don't have to avenge us; you've done more done enough, just live… and be free."

I didn't reply and just looked at him silently, there's no way I wouldn't avenge them, never! I did all I can to make sure you lot won't be disposed of, I've committed unforgivable sins just for the sake of keeping you guys alive, and now that the darkness has been brought to light; those bastards from above would just dispose of us.

"…no reply huh?... insufferable even in my last breath, hahaha… ohh one last favor, sir…" He reached out for his pocket with his trembling hands as he took out a shattered phone.

"dang… this one's no good. Ahh well, I have it in my secret account in the headquarters database, just hack through it… you'll find it there, my last present to you… take care of it for me." He's face was filled with mischievous but pained printed face as he told me his last request.

I nodded my head firmly to his request. He warmly smiled at my response and nodded at me, no words were needed as I pointed the gun to his head and ended his suffering. That night I visited the location of my teammates… It was a slaughter on both sides, the kill team that was sent to kill every single one of his teammates were dead… as well as all my teammates, none were left alive.

I didn't return to my place that night and went to my private hideout. The next three days, news of killings of high-ranking officials filled the news. Soon after I went incognito and disappeared from the world.

_ _ _

For two years I went in hiding, and living my life as a normal person in a city countryside. I've found the gift that youngest told me he left for me. I laughed when I saw what it was and remembered his mischievous face back then. It was a code and a pass for a game we've enjoyed on our past time in our phones back then, Fate/Grand Order. He always mocked me for having the worst luck at that game, although he mentioned it was a game for the lucky ones only and a gacha hell for those who are not, and so I quitted when I didn't get not a single 5 star when on the other hand that youngest brat got them with just a ticket.

The gift was that brat's own account, I've decided to return and play the game with his account, it was after all; his final gift to me.

It was supposed to be a normal day as it has always been as I was walking the sidewalk; I held my phone with anxiousness painting my face. I was on the last 30 saint quartz for my Skadi summon, I've already squeezed dry my budget this month just to get this ultimate waifu, the FGO community has already tainted me with their poisons when I delved deeper into the game, sue me.

I've come to stop as I waited for the streetlights signal to cross the streets. A woman was talking loudly on her phone by my side, a young adorable girl was angrily tugging the shirt of the woman, her mother perhaps. The young girl turned to look at me as she noticed me staring at her, her eyes on the verge of tears as her mother won't pay attention to her. I smiled lightly at her at turned my eyes away from her and returned my attention to my phone, children where always something I'm not good at, so instead I prayed to the rng gods with my last saint quartz as I stood there.

With my focus not on my surroundings I didn't payed attention to the angrily screaming child as she made a fuss while screaming at her mother. The woman got angry and told her child to wait as was talking to the phone. The young girl seemingly got surprised by her angry mother, as cried loudly and run through the highway while the street lights signal was still green. Her loud cry brought me back to reality to see that young girl run through the highway, a loud horn of a truck was heard as a speeding truck tried to halt his momentum, the mother of the child screamed her child's name with horror.

I didn't know what came to my me when I started running and pulled the child out of harm's way, my body just move on its own. My instinct from my experiences knew that it was the only way to save the child, and doing this bravado would surely kill me.

I felt my body crushed by the speeding truck as it blasted me through the air, strangely my gripped my phone didn't falter and held it tightly in my hands as my body crashed and rolled several times before stopping.

I felt half of my body's bones and organs crushed, my only remaining working eye stared at the sky, no sense of accomplishment or relief came to me despite saving the child, or a sense of regret for my bravado and dying just like this. Maybe it was due to my well-built body that I managed crawl to the sidewalk by a street light to sit up. Bunch of people where surrounding me shouting for help while panicking, I saw the mother and child by the side being comforted by other concerned citizens, I felt a bit relief upon seeing the child safe.

As my dying body lay there sitting by a street light waiting for my death, I saw from the corner of my eye the flickering shattered screen of my phone that was held tightly on my right arm. I internally laughed as I realized I managed to save the phone despite that huge truck pulverizing half my body. Remembering that I still had my last saint quartz waiting for my last roll, I put all my strength on my hand to move it and lay put the phone to my lap.

With my last remaining strength, I sluggishly tap that 10x summon button. I put all my will to that last roll, putting all my will, my existence in that one last roll, as I waited eagerly for the loading to finish. The last thing that I saw as my vision started to fade was the rainbow spark from the summoning circle, and a golden Caster card. <A/N: You thought it's Skadi-sama? But it was Scheherazade!... Just kidding, I got Skadi-sama btw in NA!>

_ _ _

_ _ _















_ _ _

"Fou!? Kyuu… Kyuu?" I heard a weird animal noise beside me and felt a furry thing repeatedly hitting my temple, while feeling a small tongue licking my cheeks.

Ahh… Seriously those injuries haven't killed me? What's with my luck, assuming I'm not basically a cripple, what's the deal of living with that kind of body?

"Fou! Fou…Fou!"

…Ahh! Something's licking my cheek! What's the deal? I opened my eyes and surprisingly sat right up, my body not hurting all over in any way.

That shouldn't be possible! I was sure those injuries couldn't have healed. In fact, that should have really killed me, no question asked. I constantly cupped my whole body feeling each part of it still not believing this bizarre situation.


I felt someone staring at me as I turned towards that direction, and saw a teenage girl looking questionably at me. Her hair was surprisingly lilac and she has an unnatural lavender eye, she wore a familiar uniform with a hoodie covering it. I fell like I know this girl.

"…Umm. Since it's neither morning nor night, please wake up, Senpai." I feel something really familiar with this situation, hearing her call me senpai send chills down my spine.

"Who are you?" I asked the bizarrely familiar girl that I'm sure I've never met before. Those features are something that I've never seen before even after travelling a lot of countries, especially they seem like they were natural and not some artificial wig or contact lenses.

"That's a hard question to answer suddenly. Maybe I'm not important enough for you to know my name?" She looked worried as she tried to explain, I was worried that I offended her so I stood up and patted myself as I apologetically look at her.

I tried to apologize as I was about to bow but froze when I saw a floating text above her head.

<Lvl 11 Mash Kyrielight>

"No, I do have a name. I have a proper name."

No, that's not right! You have a name! It's practically written above your head, no, no, no … this isn't right. That shouldn't be possible, that's a name of a game character.

"But I never had the chance to use it… I'm afraid I don't leave a good first impression…"

No, no, no! I'm dead and I must only be dreaming. That's right, this is me dreaming about the game I've been obsessed for quite a while before dying. Right? I pinched my arm forcefully to the extent of drawing blood. Opposite of my expectation I only hurt myself that I knew this was not some kind of dream or illusion.

"…Ahem. Anyway, can I ask you a question, Senpai?"

I'm the one full of questions here! How the hell am I here, I'm supposed to be dead and now I'm inside a freaking game? What kind of joke is this?!






Eyyy! I dedicate this for getting Scatchach-Skadi Sama in NA. Plss leave a comment and review if you like this story!

ArgosBestDoggocreators' thoughts