
Chapter 6

Dungeon Break.

It was a theoretical phenomenon in which monsters leave the lower floors and ascend the Dungeon. Granted, most monsters would not simply leave their preferred hunting grounds, but stronger monsters were those that did not stand to be interpreted by human measures. Already, there were known cases of stronger monsters moving to higher floors, and in the case of leaving the Dungeon itself, a precedent had already been set.

The One-Eyed Black Dragon was one such example, but ordinary monsters from the weaker floors leaving had never been observed before.

The Guild at Babel reacted immediately. It was already a suspicious point that they'd lost contact with Rivira, but the sudden surge of monsters rising up from the Dungeon validated the suspicion.

A defensive line was hurriedly organized by the Adventurer's Guild that effectively created a manageable blockade at the entrance of the Dungeon. Formed of available Adventurers and headed by Finn and Riveria from the Loki Familia, the defensive line proved stable.

The weaker monsters of the upper floors that could be defeated by beginner Adventurer's made the initial wave simple enough to suppress, but no relief could be seen on anyone's faces. More and more monsters were coming from lower and lower floors of the Dungeon.

None of this was making sense.

However, the situation was still controllable enough to suppress the news from spreading throughout Babel and alerting Orario. Often, it was mass panic and fear that caused the most damage, and more specifically; Orario was a bustling trading hub and city whose reputation spurred many merchants and travellers to its lands. Economically, and politically, news of a theoretical Dungeon Break would destabilize the current economic, political, and perspective view point of Orario.

The situation could be handled.

Both Chief Executives of the Loki Familia were present, and the Guild was certain that the Freya Familia would also show support in a time of crises.


A woman called out to an older man whose appearance looked no different from a young and blond pretty boy with baby blue eyes. Compared to the woman, he was practically half the size. A long spear was held in Finn's hands, and he was overlooking the situation with a hand nestled under his chin in deep thought. He wore light armour made of leathers and pauldron strapped over his chest.

The woman's name was Riveria, one of two of the Loki Familia's Chief Executives and Captains. She was an elf with long green hair that fell past her shoulders, and she wore a linen cloak that hid much of the armour worn beneath.

"Finn," Riveria called out again.

"I know." Finn muttered, still lost in thought, but done brooding to himself. "I don't like it. It's just off."

The monsters looked as if they were fleeing the Dungeon out of desperation rather than bloodlust or malicious intent. This was most apparent on the expressions of Kobolds and Goblins who were humanoid in stature and primarily occupied the higher floors. They were of low intelligence and followed instinct before anything else

Regardless of Finn and Riveria's doubts, it didn't change what had to be done.

"We have to drive them back," Riveria said, using a finger to push up her square-frame glasses. "Like planned, I've asked Ais to lead the Second-String members to hunt the monsters that made it through the initial blockade."

"Meanwhile, we will lead the remaining Executive members along with Guild personnel to drive the monsters back into the Dungeon." Finn nodded to himself. "We have Ishtar, Apollo, and Lower-String Freya Familia members present along with other Familia, but its hard to blindly trust them with our backs."

If either Finn or Riveria were to meet with an accident, the political scales in both power and influence would skew within the Loki Familia. Vultures and jackals that would have been vying for an opportunity to compete for Orario's central powers would surely be quick to action.

"Gather Tione, Tiona, and Bete," Finn muttered while shaking his head of idle thoughts. It would only impair judgment in battle. "It's time to push the monsters back and advance the defensive line."


"Bete, on your left!"

Finn shouted a warning to his fellow Familia while weaving through the attacks of several monsters, his spear knocking aside the blows he couldn't evade.

"Tch." Bete clicked his tongue. "You don't need to tell me. I saw it!"

Bete, a werewolf with silver hair and blue lightning-shaped markings down his left eye grew flustered and spurted excuses. He was an Executive member of the Loki Familia whose current level was only a single point beneath Finn and Riveria's. Nevertheless, he took Finn's warning and dodged before retaliating with a clawed fist at his assailant. The chest was gouged before the monster dropped dead.

"See, I got it!" Bete wiped the sweat off his brow.

The surge of monsters was of lower level but the quantity was exhausting.

"He was just trying to help," a tan-skinned and buxom girl muttered distastefully.

The girl's name was Tione, an Amazoness with straight long hair that formed a bowl out of her braided bangs, and a waterfall down her back. She wore a red bandeau that supported her breasts, and a matching garter belt with stockings beneath a waist cloth around her hips. Her navel was exposed, and a silver circlet was worn around her neck.

"I don't need it!" Bete grimaced at Tione, expression flushed while Tione glared back and menacingly waved her Zolas at him.

"Haaaaa," a sigh escaped the lips of Tione's twin sister, Tiona.

Aside from the shorter hair and bangs woven by golden bands, Tiona looked like Tione. Well, there were other differences too, but the main one was evident. Rather than a bandeau, Tiona wore a tube-top due to her lacking chest.

"Why pay attention to him now when you know Bete's personality?" Tiona said in exasperation while swinging her double-sided Urga.

No, Tiona didn't even have to hear her sister's answer.

It was because the matter had to do with Finn, and Tione had a massive crush on Finn. Enough said.

"Focus, all of you." Riveria funneled her magic and formed a wall of wind that blasted away several monsters at once. "We're pulling ahead."

Bete, Tione, and Tiona all fell silent and nodded while Riveria and Finn led them forward, and away from the gradually advancing defensive line.

They were acting as the spearhead to divert the flow of monsters and ease the tension on the defensive line by eliminating the higher profile targets. For the most part, it was going exceedingly well.

Riveria used her magic as a cohesive force that covered any blind spots of her teammates while Bete, Finn, Tione, and Tiona focused on taking down War Shadows and Killer Ants that could wreak havoc on the defensive line.

Comparatively by level, Finn and the others possessed an overwhelming advantage, but the frown on Finn's face never left.

Finn narrowed his eyes while killing a Dungeon Lizard that generally preferred to hunt on walls and ambush its pray.

It spoke volumes to Finn that a monster that was specialized in surprise attacks was out here in a stampede of monsters.

Finn glanced down at his hands where they gripped tightly onto his spear. His palms were clammy from what he realized was unease.

When everything is going well, normally it was right to feel relieved. At the rate things were going, the situation would soon be suppressed with the Loki Familia occupying the top levels of contribution.

Riveria's versatility with her magic was practically a death sentence for the weaker monsters of the upper floor.

Soon enough, everyone's efforts managed to push the monsters back to the very entrance of the Dungeon.

When the defence line eventually reaches the Dungeon entrance, the Guild representatives will immediately erect and supply the materials to create a sturdy wall.

In the meantime, Riveria and the others who arrived first had to secure the entrance.

Finn's eyes dilated at that moment when Riveria was chanting to-.


Finn acted without any thought, dashing towards his colleague and a monster that rapidly approached through the Dungeon's entrance.

"Finn?" Riveria only had a moment to mumble Finn's name as he pulled her by the arm.

Right there and then, everything went wrong.

Blood splattered over Riveria's face; a blur of movement unable to be perceived by Riveria's eyes passing next to her.

One moment Finn had pulled her back and taken her place, and in the next, he was gone.

A guttural roaring sound echoed by the entrance of the Dungeon, a pair of gleaming red eyes peeking through the dim halls before the monster stepped into view.

Its body was a gleaming grey reminiscent of steel. Its very appearance, that of a skeletal dragon with sharp jutting bones down its spine and tail. Razor claws able to cut through magic were attached on the digits of all four limbs.

The area fell into muted silence, even the monsters whimpering as they escaped.


A monster born from the defensive mechanisms of the Dungeon itself after excessive damage. In Caster's terms, it would be what was known as an immune response.

It's strength, speed, and potential were determinant on the floor in which it emerged. The lower the floor, the greater the threat.

Juggernaut's bones and outer shell were imbued with anti-magic, and its durability could shrug off even an Amazoness's attack without flinching.

Judging from how a single strike tore through Finn's defenses and eviscerated him with enough force to dismember him, the Juggernaut would have spawned from the Deep Floors and worked its way up. Caster and Archer were to blame at the furthest known depths, but such thoughts and considerations were beyond the current situation.

Riveria's mind blanched. The smarter the individual, the longer it took to work through shock.

Pupils dilating, Riveria couldn't understand it and stood frozen.

"Finn! No!"

A scream entered Riveria's pointed ears. From the voice, Tione?


"Tione, wait dammit!"

This time, Tiona's voice, panicked and anxious.

Riveria glanced up to see Tione running towards what was left of Finn's body on the off chance he may still be breathing.

Tiona was chasing after her sister, Tione, who didn't register a blurred movement aimed at her neck.

Why was this happening?

Riveria's breath hitched.

Blood spurted as Tione's head rolled across the floor, eyes still set with concern and fury. Her headless body slumped forward and sprawled over the ground, twitching.

What sort of damage had the Dungeon sustained?

"A..aaa…AAAAAAHHH!" Tiona fell on her butt and retched, then clutching at her head, she began screaming.

Only mere seconds had passed since Finn had saved Riveria.

"T-This this basard." Bete whispered slowly, teeth gnashing before rage consumed him. "You piece of shit!"

No, you fool!

Riveria couldn't take it anymore and finally snapped out of her daze. Pulling Tiona to safety with her magic, she focused on Bete recklessly charging forward. If Finn could hardly react, then what more could Bete do on his own?!

Bete smashed a fist onto the Juggernaut's head, the monster reacting by tilting its head as if confused at Bete's attacks.

More blood spilled as a sharpened tail swipe abruptly severed one of Bete's arms at the elbow.


Bete bit back a scream of agony before he was suddenly pulled away as a claw stabbed the area he'd once been standing.

A crack formed on the ground and rapidly spread to the walls.

The sheer power of the Juggernaut's strike shattered a portion of Babel's underground foundation and tilted Babel on its side. The booming creak of the massive tower's movement echoed throughout the entirety of Orario.

Riveria panted for breath in exhaustion, Bete and Tiona kept on either side of her.

"I won't be able to save you both a second time!" Riveria staggered.

Bete went mute, staring at his lost forearm then at the stump at his elbow. Shakily, he nodded, rationality returning through the stabbing pain.

How could they win when they couldn't even react to the thing's movements?

The answer was that they couldn't.

"Run!" Riveria had no choice but to order, signaling to everyone including those at the defensive line.

As it stood, they lacked the power to defeat it as it was. They're only hope was to pray that it would run out of energy and dissipate on its own.

More importantly, Riveria had to warn Ais and the others of the danger.

At Riveria's single word, the entire coalition that comprised the defensive line fell apart and into chaos when Juggernaut leapt at them.

Swallowing, Riveria felt her nerves fraying but managed to focus by channelling her concern on her remining Familia.

Riveria pulled Tiona along with a gust of wind, but Tiona was noticeably dragging her pace.

"Tiona, get yourself together!"

"But, but-"

"Don't look back!"

They needed to regroup, not gather their dead. It was the logical approach but Riveria was dying inside…!

Finn had saved her life at the cost of his own, causing Tiona to grow reckless and die for nothing.

Tears dripped down Tiona's reddened eyes while Rivera's ever calm expression cracked miserably.

"FUUUUUCK!" Bete howled into the air, hobbling forward even with a torn arm.

The Guild's defensive line was utterly broken.

The Dungeon Break could no longer be contained.


The arrival of Juggernaut and the defeat of the Guild's initiative to suppress the Dungeon Break led to nothing but disaster. The defensive line broke, and there was no word about what had happened to cause it.

All that mattered was that monsters began to spill out of the Dungeon and into the district zones surrounding the tower of Babel.

Tension was fraught in the air, but in one part of the city, it was closer to describe it as anxiety.

"Bell! Bell!" Hestia kept bounding forward and calling Bell's name to no avail.

Her hands were cupping her mouth, and her eyes kept darting back and forth for any signs of white hair.

While everyone was running from the direction of Babel, Hestia was running towards it in the opposite direction of the crowd, and butted shoulders numerous times with panicked residents.

"He's not here! He's not here!"

Hestia kept running, looking behind broken buildings and shattered windows. She was filled with regret. For the sake of surprising Bell with a gift, she'd sent him out only for a disaster to happen on the same day.

"Ugh, why are monsters escaping the Dungeon?!" Hestia sniffled in depression before glancing back behind her towards her current companions. "Yell with me! Three voices are greater than one!" She insisted.

Shirou made a face, but it wasn't as if he was against yelling out for Bell. Rather, it was more the futility of it that had him less enthused.

"Our voices are only drowned in the chaos," Archer said bluntly, causing Hestia's eye to twitch. "Too many people are screaming, buildings crumbling, and monsters roaring. Our voices will not echo far. We're better off thinking of an alternative."

"Something visual may be better," Shirou suggested.

Archer nodded.

Meanwhile, Hestia was puffing her cheeks. Somehow, she felt like her actions were indirectly being called stupid or airheaded.

Caster didn't participate in the commotion, but then again, he was never really combat oriented anyway.

This was more of a job for Shirou and Archer than the good doctor's concern.

Far as Caster cared, Archer could take care of it like he always did.

"What do you suggest we use as a visual?" Hestia got over her personal indignation and got to the point.

Shirou fell silent before something else drew his attention away.

Pleas for help and loud banging noises beneath piles of debris were keenly heard.

"There are people buried in the rubble," Shirou said, his steps slowing to a crawl while glancing at the collapsed buildings around them.

Once there was a time where he walked by and did nothing amidst a scorching fire. This time would be different.

"What about Bell?" Hestia was too hyper-focused and anxious.

"If we leave these people, they'll die," Archer said, blunt as always, snapping Hestia out of blind daze.

"...Uwu." Hestia wilted, but didn't raise a protest. She was too kind-hearted.

"Archer," Shirou said while hurriedly moving to a collapsed structure.

For a moment, Hestia was confused as she thought Shirou was asking Archer to aid him, but that went out the window when Archer moved to an entirely different building and gripped its fallen side wall.

Hestia just stared, almost stunned at the natural strength Archer wielded to lift the entire wall with a single hand. Then there was Shirou who was managing a similar feat through Reinforcement magecraft except he was hoisting up a balance beam.


That was the word flickering across Hestia's mind while staring. Half man, half God, and with a natural body born able to harness a God's Divinity unlike the fragile vessels the Gods inhabited in the lower world.

Perhaps the Gods being unable to have children with mortals was less a work of nature, but more of a restriction.

There was a distinct impression that even without a Falna, the base stats of a Demi-God were at least equivalent to or more than a Level 5's.

Hestia soon shook her head and refocused on what mattered rather that how the impossible became possible.

This wasn't just an idle walk across Orario, but a danger zone.

She was best Aunty, and best Goddess. She would live up to her titles!

"Monsters!" She warned Shirou and Archer in advance before abruptly trailing off. "They're com…in.g…huh?"

A Crest that hummed with the energy to fuel Shirou and Seven Heroic Spirits subtly flashed over Shirou's back.

Swords formed in the air accompanied by a wave of heat and magic energy.

A wall of steel forged to protect those rescued from the rubble.

A man stirred from the inn he and his Familia were temporarily residing within. It was a quaint place, and nowhere near as reputable as the Hostess of Fertility, but those days were gone.

The man and his Familia had to be discreet, as things weren't the same as they were before when the Zeus and Hera Familia were the central power of Orario.

Grunting, the man brushed back his messy green hair and scratched at his scruffy beard before he stepped out of bed.

The floorboards creaked, but the inn he was staying at wasn't made for luxury anyway. Rather, it was just a place to sleep with no breakfast or food services offered.

You sleep, wake, and then leave. That was it.

The man did just that and after freshening up, he exited the inn to meet with his Familia members who were already waiting for him outside. The return to Orario was too abrupt to bring many, but it wasn't as if they could take the entire Familia with them either as they had to remain inconspicuous.

As it stood, including the man, there were only two others. Another man and a woman.

"Finally got up, Captain?"

The man was greeted with a warm reception, but all he could do was groan from the knowing look in the eyes of his companions.

"Lovesick? You and Thetis have never acted so awkward."

"Shut up," The man grumbled, his thoughts stewing in his head. "She said to trust her. She'll tell me what's wrong eventually."

He was Peleus, the Top Executive and Captain of the Thetis Familia who sailed upon the Argo on the Great Quest to slay Leviathan.

If his Familia's Goddess made an odd request to return to Orario without warning, then all Peleus had to do was listen. Thetis wasn't the smartest or the most calculative, but she was sincere and wouldn't do things without reason.

At least that's what Peleus reminded himself after recalling how Thetis could no longer look him in the eyes, or used a plethora of excuses to avoid staying in the same room as him. Her sudden embarrassment and flushed expression throughout their journey continued to play in Peleus's mind.

Had he done something wrong?

Even now, she'd separated from them to 'hang out' with the Goddess Iris and still hadn't returned or said a word.

Peleus shook his head before his eyes abruptly widened at the sound of screaming.

"What is-?"

Peleus barely even got the words out before a loud booming noise revealed the tower of Babel precariously tilting on its side.


Expression hardening, Peleus donned his armour, his shield, and his sword as a clear shout echoed through the air.

"Go," Peleus said to his comrades.

He didn't know what was going on, but he was the only level 6 in the Thetis Familia. The other two's levels were relatively low and had come along more for logistics than combat power. To begin with, Peleus was Thetis's main combat power and protection.

"But Peleus."

"Don't make me repeat myself," Peleus hardened his tone. "Don't feel useless. Find Thetis. We don't know where she could be right now."


Peleus watched his fellow Familia members uneasily take off, but if there was one thing Peleus was certain of, it was that Thetis was still alive. He could feel it from his Falna.

That was his greatest relief.

Taking a breath, Peleus focused his gaze in the direction of Babel where a cloud of smoke and dust was rapidly descending over the vicinity.

Vision grew obscured, but Peleus's trained eyes could see something moving within the haze.

In his mind, he could already theorize that the situation may have something to do with the Dungeon beneath Babel.

What was the Loki and Freya Familia doing for things to get so bad?

Buildings crumbled as an agile but large figure darted through the smoke. The echoing screams were abruptly cut off, replaced by whimpering and the overwhelming noise of snapping timbers used as support beams in the nearby structures.

Narrowing his eyes, Peleus dashed ahead.

He too was an Adventurer, a Hero who fought alongside the subjugation of Leviathan.

People were scrambling everywhere, trying to reach safety.

Behind them, Peleus could see monsters that should have been within the Dungeon mixed in. If it were just that, how did the situation get so out of hand?

"That way! Go that way!" He began yelling out instructions.

People didn't think when they were panicking.

"Avoid the buildings. They may crumble! Stay on the roads!"

Lunging towards the monsters, Peleus dealt with them as best as he could while focusing more of his attention on the people. Although Orario was the Dungeon city, not everyone were Adventurers. Many were merchants or just ordinary people.

How did things come to this?

The scent of blood wafted through the smoke.

Peleus tightened his grip on his shield and sword before abruptly stiffening when the shadow he'd seen drifting in the dust prior covered his form and revealed itself.


One look, and all resistance seemed utterly futile.

Thetis, I'm sorry.

Peleus raised his sword and shield.


Near Babel, a portal opened through the mist before Thetis, Iris, and Ryuu hurriedly spilled out and froze at the sight of the wreckage.

Their eyes stung from the dust and acrid smog that wafted in the air.

Thetis squinted her eyes to peer through the haze, but only ended up choking back a cough from smoke filling her lungs. She quickly covered her mouth, Ryuu and Iris doing the same while trying to get a handle on the situation. Well, at least Ryuu and Iris were doing so.

Thetis ran in the direction of the inn her Familia had been staying at, only to find it in ruins. Her feet stopped her right then and there, her expression fixed into an anxious panic. Her lips warbled, her breaths growing erratic.

"Thetis," Iris called to deaf ears.

Thetis shuddered before hurriedly abandoning the idea of searching through the wreckage and hurrying elsewhere while Iris and Ryuu chased after her. Focusing on the Falna Thetis had given to her Familia, so zeroed in on the weakest one. It wasn't a sure-fire method, but if she was close enough, there would have been a react- ah…

Thetis swallowed before something crashed into the remnants of the ruined inn she'd just left. The body shook and squelched as it tumbled and smashed its back on a structure that finally killed the momentum.

"Gha, ack!" A blunted scream escaped bruised lips.

Wood splintered, and the sound of nails snapping echoed further as the figure of a man was imprinted and folded over a broken support beam. The armour was in ruins, torn cleanly open. The shield was shattered, and the sword broken by the hilt.

Fringes of green hair were matted with blood, and the light once shining from eyes bathed in warm amber hues had dimmed. Blood spilled profusely from a cut across the stomach that had the guts nearly spilling out if not for the straps of what was left of the armour keeping them in place.

Thetis's pupils dilated. She was hyperventilating.

Logically though, if the man had been thrown with such force in the direction of the inn, then the adversary would be on the opposite side.

Neck turning stiffly, Iris trembled when she caught sight of the adversary.

Ryuu was worse.

"No. I-It can't be…" Ryuu murmured in a daze. Hers was a psychological trauma. "J-Juggernaut."

It would surely move to finish off its prey.

Movement snapped Iris back to attention immediately.

"Thetis you idiot, don't!" Iris screamed anxiously, trying to grab at Thetis, but missing her as Thetis dodged. "You'll die!"

Thetis didn't care. She didn't even react to the words and was making a beeline towards the inn.

From the very beginning, she was a Goddess with an overflowing affection.

Those who cared too much were the ones who always despaired in parting.

Thetis could not imagine a world without those she loved which was why she'd go to any lengths to keep them safe.

'I'm sorry mother…'

A bitter vision flashed in Thetis's mind.

The fleeting life of a Hero whose father died young, and a desperate Goddess who did everything in her power to keep her boy alive.

In the end: Failure and crippling solitude.

Thetis violently shook her head.

'Go away! GO AWAY!'

She clenched her teeth and banished the images in her mind, unwilling to dwell over the suffocating sense of depression they invoked.

There was no way she was willing to lose anything!

"Peleus!" She screamed, knowing full well that danger was looming overhead.

She dropped to her knees and scrambled to pull the debris off of her Familia. Her nails broke as she clawed at pieces of gravel and chunks of splintered wood, but she didn't even flinch. Her cheeks were flushed, her hands were getting scratched, and her eyes misted over before she finally reached Peleus and the beam pinning him in place.

Peleus's cloudy eyes widened at the sight of her.

"T-Thetis, you, you stupid- why?!" He snapped to temporary awareness before groaning from stabbing pain.

"Shut up, and help me, help you!" Thetis propped herself by the collapsed beam and tried to shove it off. She failed, but kept trying until she went as far as pushing with her back and shoulders. "C'mon, I won't leave you here, so don't give up on me!"

Peleus grew oddly quiet, his eyes focusing on Thetis despite the growing vibrations in the ground, signaling the enemy's approach.

"Thetis…I can feel it. I'm-"

"No." Thetis choked back a whimper. "Don't say it."

Peleus's expression hardened his Falna representing a star and dolphin flaring. His tired arms mustered strength and lifted to help push the debris off of him, but his legs were unresponsive. To make matters worse, he was growing anemic. As resignation set in, Peleus's thoughts went away from himself, and towards the woman still desperately trying to save him. Even desperate, she was beautiful.

"Stop. You need to go. I don't even have legs anymore."

Thetis's eyes grew bloodshot, teeth biting into her cheeks.

"I am a God. I fear not this beast!"

Power welled within her, gathering and coursing through her veins. The ground cracked and funneled into a crater at the release of her divinity at the cost of banishment from the lower world. Her navy-blue hair flickered back as glowing water condensed and precipitated into a torrent around her-


Peleus grabbed Thetis by the wrist and glared with all his strength. "You'll have nothing if you release your Arcanum here for a man who's dying! LEAVE!"

The growing waters fell to the ground all at once, Thetis flinching. She blinked back tears and just helplessly stared at him. If he wouldn't even let her use her Arcanum, then how was she any different from a weak armed woman?!

"…N-No. I won't leave. I won't." She stammered.

It was not the response Peleus was looking for, a hollow laugh escaping his lips.

"Y-You stubborn Goddess- You can't even run anymore."

A shadow now loomed over them, a shiver traveling down Thetis's spine as Iris's distant screaming became white noise.

Thetis turned around and stared at the visage before her.

A stuttering gasp escaped her mouth as wind pressure and a chilling foreboding swallowed all else.

An attack.

One Thetis could clearly see coming, but a strike her weakened vessel of the Lower World could not react against.

Time slowed, her perception heightening from a sudden feeling of resonance and urging.

A soft glow drew Thetis's attention to the inconspicuous shield strapped around her waist.

A power stored within was echoing half of her very own Divinity.

In that split second between life and death, her fingers brushed against the straps of the shield, and it was as if lightning had struck down upon her from up high.

('My whole life was a shooting star.')


Thetis chocked back tears.

It was there all along.

A mirror that was calling out to her.

A vision witnessed within her mind reflected upon reality.

-You need only call out its name.

"Akhilleus Kosmos!"


In life, the story of a mother who gave her world for the well being of her only child.

In death, a son whose world itself would become an unbreakable shield.

The Legend of Achilles.