

I don't know where I was, Everything that I could see is a small hill of white sand and around them is black key. My feet take me to the mountain, surrounded by many black keys on its own. After arriving at the peak of the hill, I hear my voice resounding around the place.

"I'm the bone of my salt."

Oh no...

"Black key is my body."

"Sodium is my blood."

No No No No

"I have created over a thousand rolls."




I then open my eyes and look around me and confirm that I'm in the real world and not in that nightmare. I look at Lily and Valerie, sleeping on my bed peacefully and smile at their expression.

I then slowly get up and go to the bathroom to take a bath while thinking about the nightmare I just had a while ago.

Is that my future? A lonely figure stood there in the hill of salt and surrounded by Black Key. No, I will not become the figure in the mountain of salt. I will break the curse of Gacha... I think... Maybe... Probably...

Anyway, After taking a bath, I walk to the dining room and see Kokabiel have a friendly conversation with Saint George about a photograph. After taking Kokabiel to Azazel, He got a punishment which is banishment for an unknown time and after he takes the punishment Kokabiel immediately goes to our Mansion and request to stay with us.

So from there on Kokabiel stay inside our Mansion. Anyway, Kokabiel immediately becomes friends with George even though George is a Saint, but both of them are friends and develop the same hobby of Photographing. Kokabiel also helps me in training my body as he says after the first time he sees my training with Emiya.

"Fujimura, You have a body that is more durable than some High-Class Devil I encounter, and also you have mana pool so big that make an Ultimate Devil envy at your mana pool. Your talent is wasted if you train under someone that didn't have a specialty in sword style, I don't say that Emiya-Kun here didn't have any talent, but you need to have the sword style that is suitable for you."

After that, I began training myself in the art of sword with Kokabiel and let me tell you, Kokabiel is a great teacher. Every lesson is easy to grasp, and every movement he teaches me is perfect for my body.

When we are having dinner, The bounded field informs us that Azazel, Issei, and Asia arrive at the Mansion, and sure enough, they are in front of our gate. I then invite them inside the Mansion to have dinner with us.

Kokabiel, who sees his brother coming to the dining room, notices the condition he has and asks.

"Azazel, what happened to your arm?"

"Oh, this? hahaha, it's nothing, Katerea Leviathan tries to use a suicidal attack by grabbing my arm, but before she can do the spell, I cut my arm, hahaha."

"You are a moron Azazel."

"Ma, it is just an Arm, so it's okay."

"Very well, So what happens to the other kid?"

"Oh, Vali? Well, look like he betrays me and joins the Chaos Brigade."

"So that's why the Red Dragon Emperor is looking so bitter."


Azazel and Kokabiel's conversation gets interrupted by Mama Emiya, who is bringing the rest of the food to the table.

"Stop talking, or you will not get any food."

Hearing it, Azazel and Kokabiel began to shut up and eat the food in front of them. Heh, Even Fallen Angel, can be tamed by the power of Mama Emiya cooking.

After I finished eating the food, Lily then asked me something.

"So Fujimaru, What will do next?

"Well, we will go on vacation."


"Yes, I want to see Kyoto."

Muramasa, who stays silent the whole time, has a longing expression on his face before saying.

"Ahhh, Kyoto. It's been a long time."

"Oh, Muramasa, you have been in Kyoto before?"

"Yes, I always go to Kyoto if I want a short vacation. A nice place to relax and clear your mind."

As I want to say something, Issei interrupted me by saying.

"Wait a minute, Did you say Muramasa? is he a descendant of Sengo Muramasa?"

All my servants look at me, and I can see in their place that they didn't want to explain the situation.

"Alright guys, Kokabiel already knows our secret, so I will tell you guys what we are..."

I then began explaining our situation to Azazel, Issei, and Asia.

"And that is all of them."

"I see."

"Now, Let me introduce you who my servant is"

I then point my finger toward Cuchulain Lancer and Caster.

"Those two are Cuchulain, the one on the left is Cuchulain with his spear while the one on the right is the one that becomes the Sage of the Forest. You could say that Caster is Lancer Alter-Ego if he chooses to become a sage of the forest."

I then point my finger toward Emiya.

"That one is EMIYA. It was not my place to talk about his story. Sorry."

I look at lily.

"Next to me is Arturia Pendragon before she becomes the king of Britannia, so she didn't have Excalibur and only had Caliburn on her possession."

I look toward George.

"Opposite of her is Saint George, Yes that Saint George"

I can see Asia's eyes began to lit up in excitement, seeing the real figure of the church.

"Next to George is Asia Argento. Yes, she is this Asia Alter Ego that didn't join either Church, Gregori, and Devil Peerage but a magician that even created her faction."

I can see both Issei and Asia have an amazement expression while Aster is embarrassed at the compliment.

"You already know, the man that sits near Issei is Sengo Muramasa, The most famous Blacksmith in Japan."

I then order Berserker to materialize Berserker materialize behind me.

"And lastly, this is Berserker or known as Hercules."

"You know that if Greek Faction knows about Heracles's existence here, They will attack this place with all the force they got, right?"


"Yeah, They are headstrong people, especially Zeus, and seeing that his favorite son is still alive..."

"I see, then I will be more careful from now on."


"But what about the other faction?"

"Well, the church will try to claim Saint George here, and the Pendragon family will deny young Arturia here and says that she is not from Pendragon Family."

"How about the Celt Faction?"

"Well, Celt Faction is a chill people, surprisingly."


"Yeah, When they are not at war, they are pretty chill people, not kind my you."

"So, should we go there and explain our situation?"

"No, I think just wait if they notice that Cuchulain is alive because all Cuchulain descendants in this world have already been wiped out."

"I see."

"Yup, and Gudako, can you come with me to the meeting between the Bible faction and Norse faction?"

"So, the three factions have already become allies?"

"Yes, So can you come with me?"

"I can, but as you know, I want to have some vacation."

"Well, the meeting is next week, so you can have a vacation for a week and go to the meeting with Issei, Asia and me."

"Yeah, Sure"


Azazel and his subordinates then leave the mansion when the clock shows it is already 11 PM. I then go to my bedroom, followed by my lover (?) Lily and Valerie behind me, and after changing our clothes, we then go to sleep.


The next morning, I woke up and began to prepare my clothes and an item that I need to take for Vacation. We decided to take the Shinkansen or known as the bullet train to Kyoto.

I then look at my servant and Guest (Kokabiel) already in their casual clothes and ready to go.

"Let us go to Kyoto."

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