
The Beast


As my servant and I finished our business with Voldemort and his Death Eater, I suddenly felt a heavy presence coming from the Knockturn alley. I look up and see a huge creature with the shape of a wolf, and the beast has white fur. The wolf also has a blue aura around it that looks like a flame that is ready to kill any humans nearby.


Before I can finish my sentences, Emiya says.

"Primate Murder, The first of the Twenty-seven Dead Apostle Ancestor. The White Beast, The Murderers of Primate and The Breed of Calamity."

"Have you met the Primate Murder?"

"Yes, When the White Beast tries to kill all humanity with the order of Gaia, we need the entire Counter Guardian and 7 Guardian of Humanity to banish The Primate Murder to the other side of the world."

"... I see, is there anything that we can do?"

"Luckily, the White Beast is not summoned correctly. It didn't have the same power as the one I fought before."

"Then whoever summons it doesn't have enough Mana but summons it anyway."

"Yes, but we must hurry as the Primate Murder will feed upon humanity Envy and Greed and make itself more powerful."

"I see."

I look at the Primate Murder, who began to rise fire with dark red color around the Knockturn Alley, killing anyone inside it.

"Benienma, I need you to search the area near the White Beast and see if you can find the Grail."


"Bring Assassin and Jacky with you. You guys are one of the fastest servants I have, and your mission is to find the Grail and Bring it to us so we can destroy it."



"Yes, Mommy"

"Good. Now go. We will distract the Beast."

I then see my three servants disappear from my sight, and I look up to the Beast that began rampaging toward Diagon Alley.

"Asia, Can you make the barrier like Ajuka made to protect the underworld?"

"Umm, Yes… But it was not the same… It was fairy magic of old…"

"Do it."

"But, master, it will drain your mana very fast."

"Do it."

"... Yes"

While waiting for Asia to finish her chant, I summon my Incinerate Anthem and push it to the limit. I then see a Dragon, a Demon Boar, a Twin Bull, Curruid Coinchenn, and a Yaga. This is my result of training; all my summons can burn an ultimate being in the DxD world with ease.


The Incinerate Anthem didn't need much mana if I used only my Dragon, but this summons required at least a quarter of my mana. I then look at my servant, who is ready to fight and says.

"Go, Kill the beast before it can kill the Humanity in this world."

When I say that, My Servant disappears from their position and appears near the Beast and begins to bombard it with their attack. I also see my Incinerate Anthem holding the Primate Murder movement. Still, there is one thing that I know is that the Primate Murder wound is closing very fast after it receives it from my servant and my Incinerate Anthem.

'Lord Mage, We found the Holy Grail'

'Good, if you can, please destroy it.'

'How about the wand inside the Grail?'

'A wand?'

'Yes, The wand has an aura of Death around it.'

Elder Wand? I see, so it was Dumbledore all along.

'Bring the Wand to me.'


I then look at the Primate Murder that slowly holds its ground against my servant and Incinerate Anthem.


'What is it, master? I'm a little bit busy right now.'

'I know, but I need to know, is there anything we could do against the Primate Murder?'

'... I don't know, master. Primate Murder is an existence that cannot be harm by anything that has a connection to humanity.'


'Primate Murder has the same concept as Nemean Lion that reject the Human Civilization. The difference is the Primate Murder can't be harm by anything that has a connection to human is because The Beast power source is from humanity itself. The only thing that can make it weaker or at least killable is to kill all humanity.'

I see, so that is the reason why only my Incinerate Anthem able to hurt the Primate Murder. I then see that my servant is aiming for the wound in the Primate Murder body that caused by my Incinerate Anthem.

Lily and Artoria should be able to do some damage with their Excalibur and Rhongomyniad because that weapon is a Divine Construct. I, however, didn't know if Excalibur can do damage against the Primate Murder because, in the end, Excalibur is created because of the wish of humankind.

The other one that able to do damage against the Primate Murder is Benienma and maybe Hassan. Benienma able to hurt the Primate Murder because her nature as Oni and Hassan can hurt the Primate Murder if he uses his Noble Phantasm, but Hassan Noble Phantasm is rather useless in this situation.

I think Custer should be able to use the Ochd Deug Odin because it was the Original rune created by Odin himself. Lancer also should be able to hurt the Primate Murder with Gae Bolg because Gae Bolg is created with the remain of Curruid's skull. I don't know if Emiya has a weapon that able to hurt Primate Murder, but seeing that he fight the Primate Murder once, I guess he has the weapon inside his Reality Marble.

The Duo Berserkers also can do some damage toward the Primate Murder. Heracles with his King Orders and Lancelot with Arondight. And I know Asia can cast some spell that originated from the fairy race.

The only one that can't hurt the Primate Murder is George and Jacky. However, it was just theory, and by seeing that my servant is not doing much damage against the Primate Murder, then I know that their weapon is not enough. If they are using their Noble Phantasm, then maybe they can hurt the Primate Murder, but seeing that I don't have an infinite supply of Mana, I can't make my servant spam their Noble Phantasm.

I need some solution fast. When I about to order my Incinerate Anthem to hold Primate Murder, I hear a shout from my back.


I look behind and see the current Prime Minister of magic appear near me, and with her is many Auror pointing their wand toward the Primate Murder.


My shout, however, cut short as Primate Murder wave its paw toward the Auror and with it appear a flame that burns almost all the Auror to ashes leaving only the minister and two Auror alive.


Upon hearing me, the surviving Auror and Minister, didn't think twice and activated their emergency Portkey and went from our location. Seeing that the annoying people are gone, I began to pump more mana to my Incinerate Anthem, making my summon started to rise in size and began to overpower Primate Murder once more.

While concentrating my mana to Incinerate Anthem, I hear Asia's voice in my head.

'Master, the spell is ready.'

'Then do it.'


I then hear Asia shout the name of the Spell.


The advance chapter can be found here:


Or if you want to give me some coffee


LuxVonDeuxcreators' thoughts