
The Beast


The Beast that appears in front of me is not Goetia but something else entirely. In front of me with its Giant Body that wants to escape the portal that Rizevim created with the power of Holy Grail. The Beast is named Tiamat, the mother of many Gods and Goddesses and The Beast II of the Nasuverse. One of the seven Evils of Man, the Beast that carries the principle of 'Regression.'


Somehow and Someway, Rizevim can summon Tiamat. I just hope that Tiamat is not in her real body because if he does, then this world is over.

I need to search for a way to prevent Tiamat from ever getting out from the portal, or the world will be destroyed. I suddenly realize that the Grail is the one that creates the portal. I look at the location of the Grail, and to my delight, the Grail is still in the same position.

"All of you, I need you guys to destroy the Grail Immediately. We cannot let Tiamat get out from the portal."


I then see my servant begin to run toward the Grail, but they get stopped by Tiamat, who begins to shout once more, but this time it creates a massive shockwave.


I began to use my magic not to get blown away by the shockwave Tiamat just created. I then see Tiamat shout once more, but this time a black mud coming from the portal and coming toward them at a fast pace.


The people that were near Tiamat began to retreat, but I can see some of the army getting absorbed by the Mud. When I successfully retreat to save distance with my servant, Sirzechs comes to me and says.

"Fujimaru, What is that?"

"That is Tiamat"

"What? Tiamat? But I know Tiamat myself."

"Not, Not Tiamat the Dragon but Tiamat the Earth Mother Goddess from Mesopotamian Mythology/Sumerian Mythology. A branch of Çatalhöyük's forgotten Goddess."

Before Sirzechs responds to my answer, Amaterasu comes to me and says.

"But it was impossible, Mesopotamian Pantheon had already gone extinct."

"Not, Tiamat. She is sealed by her Children, The Gods. They seal her into the World of Imaginary Numbers."

"What World of Imaginary Number?"

"World of Imaginary Number is an imaginary space that has no life and is not even a Parallel World."



Before Amatereasu can react, we get attacked by something. I then looked at our attacker and was shocked as the being in front of us is a monster created from the Mud of Holy Grail or Chaos Tide as Goetia called it. The Beast didn't have any eyes or nose but only had a mouth that was full of teeth. The monster in front of me is Lahmu, the child of Tiamat that comes from the Mud of Holy Grail or Chaos Tide as Goetia called it.


Before Lahmu can move, it gets killed by a red spear that Scathach uses as her weapon.

"What is this thing? They have the speed of Ultimate Class being."

"That is Lahmu. The child of Tiamat that was created by the Mud of Holy Grail. They are also created from the people that come in contact with the Mud. That is why I order my servant to retreat from there as the Mud will make them Tiamat 'Children'."

"I see, It was fortunate Beelzebub was able to create a seal around Tiamat and stop the Mud from going any further."

"Yes, that is one thing that I am really happy about because if we didn't have Ajuka, then we would be facing more than 100 million enemies."


"Yes, Look at that"

I look at Tiamat standing in the middle of the Mud, and I also see Lahmu flying around her as if a baby bird just learned to fly and celebrate with their mother.

"We also need to prevent any Lahmu from getting out of this area. Thanks to the Sirzechs for choosing this place because this place is very far away from any civilization."

I then look at Ajuka Beelzebub and say.

"Ajuka-san, I need you to create a barrier around the area to prevent any Lahmu from escaping because if they reach any civilization, then they can create another Lahmu from the people they killed."

"But, it will also imprison the people inside the barrier, including you."

"It doesn't matter because I need to stop Tiamat. If you guys didn't want to, then I will not force you to do that, You can go back to your loved one. I will not be joking about this one. Tiamat over there cannot be killed because as long as life in the world, then she cannot be killed by any means. She was born without the concept of death."

After saying that, I can see they got shocked by the information. I know that in the game, Tiamat brought her to the UnderworldUnderworld to weaken her. I only hope that this Underworld is the same as the Underworld from the game.

"Then, we only need to destroy the thing that brings her into this world, Right?"

I looked at Susanoo and nodded.

"Yes, We need to destroy the Grail and push Tiamat into the portal."

"Then, I'm in. You guys help my people when they are under attack by Rizevim men. Now it's our time to help you guys dealing with this Beast. Isn't that right, sis?"

"You are right, brother. I'm the Goddess of the Sun and will lend my strength to you, Fujimaru Ritsuka."

I then saw both Yasaka and Nurarihyon nod their heads at me.

"Ara, Guda-chan, did you forget about us? We are the Maou of the Underworld, you know? How can we run away and leave our people in the hands of strangers? No, We have our pride and duty as Maou, so of course, we will fight until the bitter end. Except for Ajuka-chan, of course."


"Ajuka, I need you to hold the barrier from the other side for us."

"But Sirzechs…"

"No, I need you to prevent Lahmu from getting out of the barrier. Please do this for us."


"Very well, but don't ever think of dying in there."

"Heh, Don't worry. My friend, we will be okay."

"Then, Fujimaru Ritsuka. I will leave my friend Life in your hand."

I nodded at Ajuka, who looked at me, and a second later, he's gone. Then a huge Magic Formula appeared all around us like a cage but made by a Kankara Formula.

"Shishou? You are still in here?"

"Hmph, As if I will run away from my enemy."

"That's right, Setanta. We will not run away from our enemy, that is our way of life, right?"

"Hah, that's right."

I look at my servant, who takes out their weapon and prepares themself. I want to say that they can run from here but before I can say it. Lily touches my cheek and says.

"Master, We will not be running away while you are fighting here. We will always be by your side until death tears us apart."

"Heh, Where did you hear that? the Internet?"

"S-Shut up."

I chuckle a little at Lily's behavior before looking at Tiamat and saying.

"Operation: Stop the MILF is a go."

The advance chapter can be found here:


Or if you want to give me some coffee


LuxVonDeuxcreators' thoughts