
The Beast II



When Asia activated the barrier, I felt a massive chunk of mana leaving my body. I then look around and see a semi-transparent barrier appear around my servant and I. I then look at Asia outside the barrier with her staff pointed at the barrier. I'm guessing that she will maintain the barrier from the outside.

"Now, we can go all out."

I then order my servant to go all out but don't use their Noble Phantasm recklessly. I then look at the Primate Murder, who is still struggling against my Incinerate Anthem. However, I realize that Primate Murder slowly gaining more power so it can stand against my Incinerate Anthem.

When I was thinking about giving my Incinerate Anthem more mana, I hear another roar, but this time it was not coming from the Primate Murder but Ophis. I then look at my Daughter that transforms into her Dragonic form, which is a Giant Dragon much bigger than the Primate Murder with a Purple and Black color.

After transforming to her Dragon form, Ophis then began to attack the Primate Murder with her power of Infinity. I look at the Primate Murder body that full of scar and burn marks because of my Incinerate Anthem and the last attack from Ophis.

Before I can release a relief breath, Primate Murder began to howl once more, but this time I see its body began to become bigger and bigger until its body can match Ophis Dragonic form. Not only it becomes bigger, but the primate murder strength is also increasing by a significant margin. If Primate Murder can't overpower my Incinerate Anthem before, now it can take two of my summon with ease.

I look at Ophis slowly gathering her power from the Dimension Gap. Still, it will take so much time that the Primate Murder will be finished gathering all the strength it needs to overpower my servant and me before Ophis able to reach her peak power.

I then pump my mana toward Incinerate Anthem once more and make the summon even bigger than before. I look at Ophis, who summons a tentacle made of Power of Infinity and bind the Primate Murder.

I also see Ophis began to release her snake that bites the Primate Murder and then began to absorb the Primate Murder power little by little. I know about it because I feel the snake started to releasing the same aura the Primate Murder releasing. The difference is the snake not keeping the power for itself but releasing the power that Primate Murder has.

I just hope that it will be enough to defeat the Primate Murder because we can't continue to fight like this. The Primate Murder will become stronger and stronger every second from now on. I need a new plan, but what?


Dumbledore looked at the monstrosity in front of him. His main goal is to resurrect his sister, but instead, he summons a monster that kills many people in a flick of its paw. Dumbledore looks at his employer. Professor Ritsuka fights the beast with her servant. He wants to ask her so many questions about the creature. How did she know something that he, Dumbledore didn't know? What is Beast IV? How can the little girl become a giant Dragon? Which spell did she use to control that Purple Flame? Dumbledore wants to brand her a Dark Witch, but he knows that the one responsible for this Disaster is him, Albus Dumbledore.

"I'm just a coward."

Yes, that is the right word for Albus Dumbledore, a coward. He didn't want to break up with his lover, Gellert Grindelwald, so he made a pact with him, which cost him, Arianna, his sister. He is a coward for not comforting the little Tom Riddle when Tom was asking him to stay in the Hogwart, which resulted in Voldemort. Now he is too afraid to accept reality and try something that was resulting in him summoning a Beast of Disaster if he hears the man in red is right.

Dumbledore, the so-called 'Professor,' is too cowardly to accept that he is a human being that can be wrong. Albus Dumbledore, the most powerful wizard after Merlin, is too afraid to admit that he is not as powerful as people think he was.

Because of his cowardness, a young woman must fight in his place against the monstrosity in front of him. The same young woman should have a bright future, but because of his cowardliness, she needs to stain her hand with blood. A pure being that teaches her student with a smile and kindness, but it was destroyed because she was forced to kill the Death Eater and protect the innocent. All of this is because he is a coward that is too proud to accept he was a flawed human being.

"Then, it's time to be brave."

Dumbledore then stood up from the ground and stood tall. This is not Dumbledore the Professor, This is not Dumbledore the Headmaster of Hogwarts, but this is Dumbledore the Sorcerer. He then looks at his Familiar Fawkes the Phoenix.

"Fawkes, will you stay with me?"


"Even though I'm a coward."


"Thank you, old friend."


"Then, as the head of Dumbledore House, I call the pack."


"I know my friend, but this is something that I must do."


This is bad, really bad. I look at the Primate Murder that is slowly gaining more power, and slowly my Incinerate Anthem is getting overpowered by the Primate Murder. Its flame is also getting hotter by a second to the point it melts the stone barrier that I created earlier. I even didn't know how long the barrier can hold the Primate Murder. The last thing is my mana is getting low, and I only have a quarter of my mana left. I am still able to support all my servant Noble Phantasm if they want to, but they can only be doing it once.

When I about to order my servant to unleash their Noble Phantasm toward the Primate Murder, I see a ball of flame appear next to me and from the fire coming out Dumbledore and Fawkes.

"What are you doing here?!?"

"To do what is right and not what is easy."

Dumbledore raises his hand, and suddenly, there are many balls of flame appear near the Primate Murder. From the ball of flame emerge, many phoenixes that began to create a circle of fire around the Primate Murder.

"What are you doing?"

"Just like I always do to people, giving them a second chance."


Dumbledore suddenly engulfed in fire and disappeared from my sight. I look at the Primate Murder and see that Dumbledore is on the top of Primate Murder's head, standing there with his arm touching the head of Primate Murder.

"Life and Death"

"The Beginning and The End"

"With sacrifice, there will be a new Life."

"I offer my life so you can be reborn."

"Through the cycle of life, I see you as Cath Palug, the beast that feeds upon Humanity, Greed, and Envy. With my Death, I offer you a chance to enjoy the kindness of Humanity."

"With my Death, I free you from the Darkness of Humanity and set you free."

"So be REBORN"

I then the phoenix that appears inside the barrier began to sing as the Primate Murder engulfed in the same fire Dumbledore have around his body.

After a minute, I see the Primate Murder began to shrink in size, and after the fire vanishes, I don't see a Primate Murder; instead, the one I see is Fou the earlier form of the Primate Murder. However, there is a difference between both of them. Primate Murder has an aura of Death and the smell of blood, but Fou has the aura of pureness and the scent of the morning breeze.

I then look at Dumbledore's body that becomes transparent and slowly fading.


"Because I'm a coward."


"Hahaha, Yes, I'm a coward. Haaaaa, I'm sorry Minerva looks like I can't keep my promise to do the Paperwork this time. Hahaha"

After laughing for a few seconds Dumbledore looks at me and says.

"Please take care of the puppy, okay? Please show him the Kindness of Humanity. Cath Palug already has enough Darkness in its lifetime."

Slowly Dumbledore vanishes into a mote of light, leaving nothing behind. I slowly walk toward Fou, who is sleeping and pick him up.

"Let's go home, Fou."

The advance chapter can be found here:


Or if you want to give me some coffee


LuxVonDeuxcreators' thoughts