
The Base of Operation

I still didn't know what happened. Did I just get a job? In Hogwart no less and the worst of it is I become DADA Professor, the cursed position in Hogwart. Before I could think about it, I felt His hand tugging my hand, so I looked at her and said.

"What is it, Ophis?"


"Ahh, yes. Excuse me, Tom."

Hearing me calling him, Tom, the Barkeeper, looks at me and says.

"What is it, Gudako, or should I say Ritsuka?"

"Both of those are fine. Also, can you give my sister something to eat? I still need to think about my acceptance to Hogwart as its Professor."

"Hahahaha, You are from the Chaldea Academy. Of course, you will get accepted. Chaldea Academy is the number one Magic School in the world after all."

What? Number one Magic School in the world? Does my phone change the world of Harry Potter so that I can easily blend in with the locals? In DxD, I got a mystic code, and here I got some background identity? I'm not complaining, but man, that is weird.

While thinking about the new job, I get called by Emiya.

'Master, I found someplace that is suitable for our base.'

'Good, Please come to my location before we go to our future base. I need to tell you guys something.'


After doing that, I walked to the bar counter where Ophis stuffed her face with the food that Tom cooked, or at least his House Elf cooked for him.

"How is it, Ophis? Is it delicious?"


"Valerie? How is it?"

"It's Okay…"

I sit next to Valerie and take some of the food and eat it. I must say that the food is okay, but I guess it's just my taste buds that get used to Mama Emiya cooking. While I was eating the food, Emiya called me via our mental link.

'Master, I have arrived outside the pub named Leaky Cauldron.'

'Go inside the Pub I'm inside with Ophis and Valerie'


A few seconds later, I see Cu Chulainn and Emiya walk inside Leaky Cauldron and look at me and say.


"Yo, Archer Lancer"

I then look at Tom, who gives another food to Ophis and says.

"Tom, do you have some room that is big enough for people to do some meetings in here?"

"I do, Do you want to rent it?"


"Very Well"

Tom then takes a key from the drawer and places it in front of me.

"Here is the key. The room is on the Second Floor, The third room from the Stairs."

"Thank you, Also let Ophis eat whatever she wants. Don't worry. I will pay for all her food and this room."

We then walked toward the room that Tom informed us and opened the door revealing a room that was much bigger on the inside than the outside.


"Aye, This should be impossible with modern Magecraft."

After looking around, I then ordered my servant to materialize and sit in the chair that was already prepared by Tom, the Barkeeper.

"Alright guys, First thing first, what do you think about this world magi?"



Without hesitation, all my servants answered my question immediately. I know this world does not have the same firepower as the Nasuverse, but man, I never thought this world was that bad.

"Alright, Asia and Custer, I need to ask your opinion about this world magic system."

"Hmmm, I can't say for sure master because I don't see this world Magic in my own eyes, but the thing I can say is that this world magic almost has the same quantity as the previous world."

"Yes, A-and this world didn't have some invisible shackles that the Gods place like in the previous world."

"DxD world magic is restrained by the Gods?"

"Ummm Yes, Because the Gods didn't want a normal human to have magic in their blood."

"I see, So that is why this world has Squib."

"Do you mean Squid master?"

"No, Its Squib Asia"

"What is a Squib Master?"

"Squib is this world Magician calls for the people that can't use magic but still have magic lingering inside their body or the people from a family of magicians that have magic but can't use it. "

"I see."

The room then becomes silent before Emiya asks me something.

"So what should we do, Master?"

"I don't know, I have a guess about the holy grail and how they hold it, but I don't know its exact location."

"I see."

"Yes, So I think we should do some Information gathering around the world."

"Where should we start?"

"Emiya and Asia will go to Japan. The Duo Cu Chulainn will go to Ireland, also bring George with you guys. Artoria, Lily, Valerie, Ophis, and Valerie will stay in here with me."



I nodded at them

"Good, Now the other reason for me to call you guys here is that I get 'accepted' to become a professor in the local Magic School."

"Huh? You become a professor?"

"Yes, Archer, and don't look at me like that. I was surprised too by the news that I got a job as a professor."

"Emmm, I guess it was a good thing, right? With this, Fujimaru is able to have a stable income for our stay in this Universe."

"Thank you, Lily. Also, with this job, I can gather some information in Hogwart about the Holy Grail."

"That's good news and all master, but please don't forget your training. I don't want Shishou to come to this Universe so she can beat you if you stop training."

When Cu Chulainn finishes saying it, I have a sudden chill on my back as I remember the punishment Scathach gave me when I stopped training when she was not looking.

"Yeah I will remember that"

We then go downstairs and see Ophis still stuffing her face with food. I could see Tom has a shocked expression seeing Ophis eat so much food even though she has a tiny body.

"Hello Tom, So how much for all of this food."

"Errr, The total of the food is 27 Galleons and for room 1 Galleon. So for all of them, there are 28 Galleons."

"Here you go."

I then take the exact amount of Galleon from my phone and give it to Tom.

"Thank you, and please come again."

We then go to the back room where the entrance to Diagon Alley is located and teleport to the location Emiya and Cu Chulainn are coming from, The place where I can summon our base.

A second later, we arrived inside some forest, and the place we were standing was the only place that didn't have any trees all around us. Seeing the location, I know that this is the perfect place to summon our base.

I take out a card from my phone that shows a photo of a temple. This is Ryuudou Temple, where Medea uses it as her base when she participates in Holy Grail War. I then throw the card to the ground, and from it appears a massive looking building.

"Master this is…"

"This will be our base from now on."

"The Ryuudou Temple"

The advance chapter can be found here:


Or if you want to give me some coffee


LuxVonDeuxcreators' thoughts