
Daily Grinding and Gacha TIME!

The next day I wake up and feel that my mana are back to full, or should I say Od? Because sometimes I get confused by the term Nasuverse using. Anyway, after getting up from my bed very slowly so I don't wake up my bed partners (Lily, Valerie, and Ophis) and then take a bath before walking to the dining room where Emiya already cooked some breakfast.

"Good morning, Master."

"Morning, Archer"

"Master, Can I ask you something?"

"What is it?"

"The reason you fell asleep last night is that your mana pool is as almost empty, isn't it?"

I look at Emiya, who still cooks some food while asking me without looking at me.

"Yes, I overestimate my mana pool, So yeah, I guess I still need to train and increase my Mana Pool."

"That's good to learn from your experience, but next time, please tell us when you feel your mana is almost empty so we can be careful using our Noble Phantasm."

"Yes Yes"

I smile a little because Emiya worries about me. By the end of the day, EMIYA is still Shirou Emiya, the kind boy who wants to help the other in need and worry about the other as well just like a mother hen.

"Oh yeah, Master."


"Here is the money, Azazel promise."

Archer passed me a check with a value of 22 million yen on top of the table.

"You just give it to me?"

"Yes, We still have a huge amount of money from dealing with Kokabiel the other day, so I guess, Happy Gacha day for you?"

"Thanks, I guess, So where is Azazel?"

"He says that he has some business, so he leaves after giving me the check, and also, he brings Kokabiel with him."

"I see."

I then take the check and place it on top of My phone, and suddenly the check gets absorbed by my phone, and a notification pops up saying that I just got 22 million in my account. That is a feature of my phone. It will automatically add any money that I place near the phone, and it also works with Check, but it only works if it was a genuine Check that worth something.

Anyway, after absorbing the Check that Azazel gives, I then immediately use the money to buy some Quartz. I purchased a total of 3360 Quartz with the price of Two Million Yen. If I were still in my previous world, I would be the wealthiest person in the world willing to pay two million yen for a Mobile Game.

When I finish buying some Quartz, Emiya arrives, bringing some food for me. I then place my phone on the table and then eat the food in front of me that Emiya cook. As I eat, Ophis arrive at the dining room and sit on my lap then look at me in expectation. I smiled at her and began to feed her while also eating the food myself.

As I ate and fed Ophis, my servant also came to the dining room and began to eat as well. My servant and I eat our food and also have a little conversation with each other while sometimes my servant says that I should not force myself and says if my mana is low because of their Noble Phantasm. I only nod at them and continue to eat my food.

Anyway, after eating, all my servants (In their spirit form) and I walked around the outskirts of Kuoh town while searching for some dungeon where we can have some grinding. We found one dungeon that drops Berserker pieces and items for ascension. Basically, I just found the Mad Training Field not too far away from my Mansion.

We do the grinding for the rest of the day, and I successfully make Heracles and Lancelot ascended into Level 3 ascension by the end of the day. Just one more Ascension, and I will get myself a fully Ascension servant.

Heracles got himself a boost in his stat, making him more powerful. Previously he got A in almost all of his parameters, but now his STR is in A++, END A+, AGI A+, Mana A+, Luck A, and NP A+. The reason his NP raised is that he got Nine Lives after ascended for the first time, and with his new stat, his Nine Lives rank up as well, making it Rank A Noble Phantasm.

As for Lancelot, he also gained a rank up in his parameter. His STR becomes A+, END A+, AGI A++, Mana B, Luck A, and NP A+. He also got himself Arondight, but if he uses Arondight, then his Knight of Owner will be sealed momentarily and will once more active if Lancelot puts away his Arondight.

After we finished grinding, we went back to the mansion and had some dinner. When we finished eating, I prepared myself to go to my room, but before I was able to get up, Lily stopped me from leaving.

"Fujimaru, Where are you going?"

"Errr, I want to go to my room."

"And do some Gacha?"

"How did you… I mean, no?"

"I know you, Fujimaru, and You have this weird smile on your face earlier."


"Yeah, So if you want to do some Gacha, you will do it in the living room with the rest of us."


"No, but"

I then wait for the rest of my servant to walk to the living room. I can see all my servants ready to stop me if I step into madness. I am grateful for your kindness, but do you guys need to bring out your weapon?

Anyway, As I walked to the middle of the room, I pressed the summon button, and I can see that my Saint Quartz is reduced by 30.

Roll… Roll… Roll…

The first roll all of them is Craft essence. I press the summon button once more.

Roll… Roll… Roll…

Another Craft Essence and almost all of them are Steel Training, and the rest of them is Before Awakening. All of them have Kirei's face on it… Curse you, Kirei!!!


What do I do to you, Kirei? Is this the way you fill your emptiness in your heart? By making me always get your face in my summon?!? WHY?!?

After cursing the Fake Priest, I press the summon button again and wait for some miracle. This is already my 40th roll, and all of them are Craft Essence, well I summon some servants, but it was a Duplicate of my other servant that had already been summoned.

Roll… Roll… Roll…

Another Craft Essence… Summon…

Roll… Roll… Roll…

Duplicate… Mapo Tofu… Black Keys… Kotomine Kirei…


This is my 70th rollout of 112 rolls, and all I got is Craft Essence and Duplicate… WHY?!?

Anyway, after sighed for the 25th time, I pressed another summon button and hoped for a miracle to happen.


Mapo Tofu appear


Steel Training



Suddenly a bright light appeared in the living room, surprising my servant and me. After a second passing, a Servant appeared in front of me.

"Assassin - Jack the Ripper. Please take care of me, Mommy."

I immediately run toward my new servant, Jack the Ripper, and hug her tightly with both arms.

"Yes, I'm your mommy."

Finally, my salvation has arrived…

"Mommy, warm…"

I then take Assassin away from the magic circle where I summon my servant, but Jacky decided to stay with me by holding my left hand tightly. I then tell her that I need to summon another servant, and reluctantly Jacky releases my hand.

When I want to press another summon button, I just realize that the summoning still goes on.

Roll… Roll…

Another Craft Essence… Welp, I guess there goes my luck for the rest of the Week…


I looked at the summoning circle surprised because I just got another 4★ or 5★ cards or servant, but I doubt it was servant because I just got Jack the Ripper earlier.

When the light vanished, I couldn't help but gape at the turn of events in front of me.

"I respond to your summons. I am your Servant, Lancer. With my spear of the farthest reaches of the world, I will become your power."

Another servant has appeared.