
Fate: Faithful Knight.

A human from modern Earth was transmigrated to Chaldea. Unsure of his surroundings yet determined to unravel mysteries, Ian relied on his Simulation System. With this, Ian can leave his mark through history. *Britain will be the first simulation, Morgan's knight. -------------- Story not mine, just translating it.

CountHeim · Tranh châm biếm
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51 Chs

51. She has a guilty conscience, but I am upright.

  [You didn't expect Morgan to mention such a thing. ]

  [After all, a second ago, she was talking about the wheat field with you. ]

  [And more importantly - Artolis has been kissing himself for some time. ]

  [How did Morgan find out? ]

  [You feel like something is a little bit wrong. ]

  "My Lady, things may be a little different from what you think. I..."

  "Shut up."

  Before Ian could finish speaking, Morgan pressed his lips with her slender fingers.

  "Let's talk about it when we get back."

  "My foolish knight—"

  Morgan remained calm and calm on the surface.

  But Ian could feel her exerting more force on the back of his hand.


  It is estimated that there will be another wave of bloodshed.

  [You drive Morgan towards Camelot. ]

  [She didn't tell you about the wheat fields like she did just now. ]

  [You have returned to the royal capital. ]

  [You walked into the royal court under the envious eyes of the people, and no one noticed that something was wrong. ]

  [You are back in the room. ]

  [All the furnishings are the same as before you left, as if they have never changed. ]

  There was a snap.

  The room door is closed.

  Morgan pushed Ian directly onto the bed.

  She didn't even take off the elegant robe she was wearing, and just flew directly above Ian.

  Her hands were placed beside Ian's ears, and two depressions were made in the soft bed.

  The beautiful long silver hair fell from his shoulders and hung on the knight's face like a willow branch.

  The proud breasts were wrapped in the front by the robe, outlining a soft and eye-catching curve.

  The waist stood above Ian's waist like a pontoon, and the hips were slightly raised, allowing the robe to slide down like a waterfall and rest on the edge of the bed.

The knee of his left foot is supported on the outer sheet of Ian's thigh, and the knee of his right foot is leaning forward. Some of them landed in more threatening places.

  "Tell me, who is that wild woman?"

  Morgan's fingers lightly traced Ian's lips, leaving shallow marks.

  "Say it earlier and let me kill her."

  "My Lady, please listen to me first..."

  "I don't want to hear it." Morgan put a little more force on his right knee.

  "Ian, I just want you to answer my current question."




  "Okay, okay!" Ian raised his hands above his head, "Your Majesty, I'll say it, and I will say it now."

  "It's Artolis."

  Morgan's eyes widened a bit in an instant, and those deep pupils seemed to be able to swallow Ian up.

  She used a bit of force on her knees at very threatening places, and her whole body became a lot more impatient, losing her former coolness.

  "Why this name again!"

  "Didn't you promise to kill her the next time we meet?!"



  "Ian, why don't you speak?" Morgan glared at the knight beneath him.

  "Don't you feel any pain?"

  "My Lady, of course I will feel the pain." Ian's face tightened, "But My Lady, if this method can make you calm down a little, it's not a bad idea."

  [Morgan heard what you said. ]

  [She realized that she was a little overwhelmed with emotions. ]

  [She loosens her knees momentarily. ]

  [She looks at you. ]

  "Well, I'm calming down now."

  Morgan slightly adjusted her sitting posture to make herself look less aggressive.

  But when she looked at the knight beneath her, there was still uncontrollable emotion in her eyes.

  "If you have anything to say, just say it now."

  "I understand, my lady."

  Ian was not afraid of Morgan's eyes.

  "My Lady, you are indeed right."

  "According to your order, I should indeed kill Artolis when I see him."

  "But in fact, I can't do that - she has powerful magic protecting her."

  Ian took Morgan's hand.

  "My Lady, I saw the same petals as before. Maybe the magician was causing trouble again."

  [Morgan does not doubt your words. ]

  [Because from the previous contacts, she did feel the power of the magician she had never met before. ]

  [Her attitude softened slightly. ]

  "Ian, you're not lying to me, are you?"

  "My Lady, if I want to lie to you, this excuse would be too lame."

  Ian, who was pressed on the bed, answered Morgan's questions without changing his expression.

  "It's obviously a better choice for me to tell you directly that I have never met Artolis."

  Holding Ian's hand, Morgan turned her face away slightly - this was a sign that she knew she had made a mistake.

  But she always corrects her mistakes when she realizes them, but never admits them.

  "Then why did he leave hickeys on your face?"

  "My Lady, I think I have to confess something to you - Artolis is actually a woman affected by magic, and she seems to have special feelings for me."

  Ian spoke very bluntly, but in exchange for Morgan's silence.

  After a while, she spoke again with some hesitation:

  "So... it was because of this special feeling that you took the initiative to let her kiss you?"

  "No." Ian shook his head.

  "Although you may not believe it, My Lady, this is what she did when I was not prepared."


  Morgan breathed a secret sigh of relief.

  "I knew you didn't have the guts - that woman, sooner or later I had to figure everything out and kill her!"

  "My Lady, may I ask you a question?"

  "Just ask."

  "You actually don't know that someone left a kiss on my face, right?"

  If it was Morgan's fraudulent question, then everything would be explained.

  Morgan sneered.

  "What? You don't allow me to question you about these things as your wife?"

  "No." Ian shook his head, "That's not what I meant."

  "I just thought we could trust each other more."


  Morgan bent down and leaned in front of Ian.

  "Where did that wild woman Artolis kiss you?"

  "Probably here..."

  Ian held a place on his cheek - even though there were no traces on it, he still remembered this location.

  "Ha." Morgan's eyes showed disdain.

  "It seems like this wild woman still knows how to be a thief with a guilty conscience——"

  "But I am upright."

  After Morgan said this, she lowered his head, held Ian's cheek, and kissed his lips.

  The two of them are getting closer and closer to each other mentally and physically.

  On the floor of the room were the princess's robes and the knight's casual clothes.

  The long-lost desire was rekindled in the room.

  This is Morgan's leisurely song before he prepares to announce something.

  But she enjoyed it and couldn't help herself.


If you want to read more.

Visit my p@treon account.

There are 20 chapters ahead there~
