
Fate: Faithful Knight.

A human from modern Earth was transmigrated to Chaldea. Unsure of his surroundings yet determined to unravel mysteries, Ian relied on his Simulation System. With this, Ian can leave his mark through history. *Britain will be the first simulation, Morgan's knight. -------------- Story not mine, just translating it.

CountHeim · Tranh châm biếm
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51 Chs

50. Possessions of possessions are still possessions

  [The knights wake up one after another. ]

  [They greeted you. ]

  [You responded to them one by one, but what you were thinking about was another thing. ]

  [You find that Artolis' kiss causes some kind of throbbing in your heart. ]

  [You realize this is the wrong emotion. ]

  [You decide to hide it in your heart and never show it to anyone. ]

  [Kay finally agreed that you are a good person. ]

  [He gave you the horse he had raised for a long time as a reward for giving East Stallion to Artolis. ]

  [Before you left, Kay apologized to you very seriously. ]

  [He hopes you can forget all the unpleasant things that happened before. ]

  [The way you looked at him felt a little funny - because you didn't take him seriously at all. ]

  [But you also realize that this is a brother's concern for his sister. ]

  [You continue your hypocrisy and show him in a gentle manner that you don't mind these things at all. ]

  [This makes him feel that you are a generous person, and he feels a little more guilty for his previous doubts. ]

  [Artolis did not come out to see you off. ]

  [But you know she was just shy from the previous kiss. ]

  [As expected, you soon found her hiding behind the tree and watching you. ]

  [She also realized that you discovered her. ]

  [You looked at each other and smiled, saying nothing more. ]

  [You left the village with these knights who returned from the front line in a farewell voice. ]

  [You are far away from the village. ]

  [You have arrived in front of a forest - this does not seem to be a forest that is often visited by people. ]

  [In the forest, you stopped. ]

  "Master Ian, what's wrong?"

  The knights looked at Ian who stopped and were a little confused.

  Ian turned around and put a hand on the sword blade on his waist.


  "I just want to ask you a favor."

  "What's up?"

  "That is--"

  Ian pulled out the sword blade from his waist and pointed it at the injured knights in front of him.

  "Please can you die here peacefully?"


  [You will kill all the knights accompanying you. ]

  [This is not a difficult problem for you - after all, these are injured knights. They did not take action before because they were afraid that other defeated knights would see them. ]

  [But in this forest, there is no need to worry about this problem. ]

  [The reason why you do this is also very simple. ]

  [You are not sure whether Morgan's magic can affect this group of "latecomers". Instead of taking the risk of letting them return to the capital to witness everything that you and Morgan have forged, it is better to kill these people before then. here. ]

  [It's all for Morgan, but at the same time, it's all for yourself. ]

  Ian bent down, pulled out the sword blade from the chest of the last knight, and then dragged the bloody corpse aside to hide it.

  He has done this kind of thing many times, and the edges and corners in his heart have long been worn away, leaving no trace left.

  But to say that he doesn't feel guilty at all would be a pure lie.

He was injured and fled thousands of miles, but died at the hands of his companions in the end.

  This ending is indeed a bit cruel.

  But Ian had to do it.

  "If you want to seek revenge after death, come to me."

  Ian wiped the blood off his face and put the sword blade back into its sheath.

  "None of this has anything to do with the Queen."

  "I am willing to take corresponding responsibility for all my actions - but at least I can't let you break it now."

  Horse hooves rise and fall.

  Ian once again embarked on a journey alone.

  [You left the forest where the knight's bones were buried. ]

  [You continue to ride towards the royal capital. ]

  [This is a lonely journey, with only the cold wind and the sun accompanying you. ]

  [You spent a day and night just by yourself. ]

  [But you don't care about all this, after all, you have tasted a much longer painful time than this. ]

  [One morning, you climbed over a mountain. ]

  [You are very happy, because you know that if you walk a little further, you will be able to see Camelot. ]

  [But you didn't expect that you would see something unexpected at the foot of the mountain. ]

  It's a wheat field.

  Ian had not expected to see a wheat field here at all—at least, he had never seen it here when he followed this road out of Camelot.

  "Lord Ian!"

  Such shouts came from the wheat field.

  Immediately afterwards, a group of figures poured out from all directions and approached him.

  "You are finally back!"


  Ian's eyes swept over the people in front of him. After seeing some slightly familiar faces, he realized that these were the refugees who had followed him.

  "Why are you here? Who asked you to come here?"

  "It was the Queen who asked us to cultivate land here!" the refugees replied in unison.

  "My Lady?" Ian was a little confused.

  "Yeah...is it weird?"

  An elegant figure walked out of the wheat field - that was Morgan.

  "My husband is away on business. As a wife, isn't it reasonable for me to take care of this on my behalf?"

  "My lady..."

  When the words came to his lips, Ian swallowed them back hard.

  As the King of Lot in name, it was indeed inappropriate for him to address Morgan as "My Lady" in public.

  However, Morgan herself solved this problem very cleverly.

  "Ian, my husband, now I'm tired, please take me back to the city."

  "I see."

  [You put Morgan on the horse. ]

  [As the refugees bid farewell, you and she rode horses slowly towards the direction of Camelot. ]

  [The horse's hooves rise and fall on the field ridge, leaving a trail of footprints. ]

  [You saw the ears of wheat blooming on both sides. ]

  [You realize that Morgan has done a lot during this time. ]

  "My Lady."

  Ian held on to the horse rope, looked at the rice ears on both sides, and asked with some sigh to Morgan in his arms.

  "Did you make all these wheat fields?"

  Morgan did not answer the question directly, but instead said something that didn't seem very relevant.

  "Ian, I thought I said you were mine?"

  "Yes, My Lady, you said so."


  "Since you are already my property, everything you do with your property is still my property."

  Morgan's fingers gently caressed the back of Ian's hand.

  "Isn't it only reasonable to take care of my belongings?"

  "And Ian, don't you think it would be smart to compliment me properly at this time?"

  Ian smiled and shook his head.

  "No, my lady, there is nothing praiseworthy about this."

  "Because in my heart, this kind of thing is just a piece of cake for you."

  "If I had to praise you for everything you've done, I'd probably be hoarse because of it."

  "Your sweet talk is still as powerful as ever."


  Morgan's fingers gently pinched a small piece of skin on the back of Ian's hand, and then pinched it up.

  "I hope you'd better explain something now."

  "Which wild woman who wants to die dares to leave a kiss on your face?"


If you want to read more.

Visit my p@treon account.

There are 20 chapters ahead there~
